Jan. 6 was About Saving America from the Democrats, not Overthrowing the Government

They already have the ideas. They're all waiting for someone else to act. It's the mark of a coward.
or intelligence... I don't believe in pushing them at all, just endlessly reminding them that everything they know is anti-american hateful divisive baloney from pure money grubbing idiot scumbags.... best of luck!
it happened all over the country from portland to dc…they were insurrections attempting to overthrow the Govt because you all couldn’t accept you lost in 2016
Jesus Christ, they were protesting the murder of George Floyd. They had nothing to do with the federal government. You fuckers don't care at all about truth, just what sticks!
Neither the violent summer 2020 riots nor the violent invasion of the Capitol were 'insurrections', if by that we mean an attempt to replace an existing state power with another.

What they were, were inchoate attempts, with violence, to force the existing government to behave the way the rioters wanted it to. (In the case of the summer riots, this desire was mixed with others -- on the part of anarchists, just to attack government; on the part of looters, just to snag a flat-screen TV.)

Insurrection is an art. As Karl Marx said, you do not play at insurrection.

Patriots who want to learn about a successful insurrection need to read about the Russian Revolution. Start with a book by a fellow who was there (who organized it, in fact): Leon Trotsky's History of the Russian Revolution, downloadable for free from
[ Marxists Internet Archive ] ... and then read about some failed insurrections, where the insurrectionists made the fatal error of not having the majority of the population not against them. (Sorry about the double negative ...parse it slowly and you'll see what I mean.) For the failures, go to [ Armed Insurrection - A. Neuberg (1928) ] and read the article about the book Armed Insurrection, written by Comintern leaders of same.

The first is how to do it, the second is how not to do it. Of course, so long as the US remains a democratic republic, we don't want to do it at all. But our Leftist friends won't be so scrupulous if they get the chance, so we must organize to defend the Republic if necessary.
Even the liberal author of the article below acknowledges what is patently obvious about J6, to wit: there was no “insurrection”. The fake insurrection narrative is a concoction of the left, to be used by them for political purposes. What’s worse is they are utilizing the means of governance (the J6 committee stunt; criminal prosecutions, etc…) to further their fake narrative and to punish people for their politics (in addition to some relatively minor misdemeanor charges that have kept some of them confined in jail for months). This is called ABUSE OF POWER. It is unethical, illegal, and violates the oath of office.

The left threw a bunch of shit up against the wall to see what would stick. This is self-evident. The entirety of the fake narrative is something like this: Trump summoned his standby troop of violent insurrectionists for J6. He ordered them to descend upon the Capital, armed to the teeth with guns and explosives, to take control of the building, execute traitors (Pence, all Democrats), and immediately install Trump as king for life. Trump ordered these verminous, backstabbing insurrectionists - Oh, did I mention that they are also committed, diehard whites supremacists? They are, BTW - to take all action necessary to seize control of the instruments of government, by any and all means necessary. He also commanded his terrorist, white supremacist MAGA Gestapo brown-shirted thugs to rape AOC and murder her like 10 times. However, they were unable to complete this last task because they could not find AOC that day. She was not there. The only threat to AOC that day was a policeman who gave her a “mean” look.

This was deemed an “insurrection”, and was deemed worse than Pearl Harbor, the Civil War, and 9/11 combined and then multiplied by infinity. For the first time in the sorry lives of these rotten Democrats, they purported to cloak themselves in the American flag (instead of burning it) and be defenders of democracy (or DuhMockReesie).

For decades Democrats have derided America, sided with communists and other fringe causes, and generally disrespected the constitution. At one time the left actually advocated a libertarian approach to individual civil rights and liberties. But those days are long gone. Today it is all about group rights and authoritarianism with the Democraps.

What a joke the Dems are! It is crystal clear to everyone (who is honest) that those J6 protesters are the salt of the earth Americans who join the military, fight wars, join the police force, fight fires, build our houses, pay their taxes, and are happy to say the pledge of allegiance daily. By contrast, those alleging insurrection are the creepy Dem politicians who piss away our money, fuck Chinese spies, are spending us into bankruptcy, and have never unequivocally stated they are proud to Americans (there always has to be qualification or caveat to dedication to America).

What happened at the Capital on J6 was unfortunate. But nobody there to demonstrate wanted to overthrow the government. Rather, their intent was to protect America from the Skeevy Democrats who have no use for, and no dedication to, the country except for what they can squeeze out of it. And to prove this point these people created this fake narrative about J6 and are subjecting these protesters to unfair prosecutions which undoubtedly are leading to job losses and personal bankruptcy for them and their families. That is some stone cold, brutal shit to do to fellow countrymen (especially the ones who keep our economy running).

Scrolling thru another crybaby victim post by a maga fuckup.
Jesus Christ, they were protesting the murder of George Floyd. They had nothing to do with the federal government. You fuckers don't care at all about truth, just what sticks!
There were people doing that sure...but the violence was from the demafascist brownshirts trying to over throw the Govt, by firebombing court houses, breaking into the Dept of Tres, and attempting to break in the White House, as well as burnging down churches and looting businesses....none of which had to do with with police department in Minn or the Govt of Minn.

You claiming otherwise, is well an insult to George Floyd.
There were people doing that sure...but the violence was from the demafascist brownshirts trying to over throw the Govt, by firebombing court houses, breaking into the Dept of Tres, and attempting to break in the White House, as well as burnging down churches and looting businesses....none of which had to do with with police department in Minn or the Govt of Minn.

You claiming otherwise, is well an insult to George Floyd.
I think there were MAGA plants, some even paid by the FBI, inciting ANTIFA to riot.
I think there were MAGA plants, some even paid by the FBI, inciting ANTIFA to riot.
that was the story from xiden who said antifa didn’t even exist…which is common for the demaklan leftist to claim their brownshirts don’t exist
nah xiden was claiming his brownshirts didn’t exist all throughout 2020, while they were burning churches, snd he was denouncing the vaccine
I am not sure there really is an ANTIFA, but I made up the part about MAGAts instigating the riot.
I am not sure there really is an ANTIFA, but I made up the part about MAGAts instigating the riot.
oh there certainly is a group of demafasict brownshirts that call themselves that
There were people doing that sure...but the violence was from the demafascist brownshirts trying to over throw the Govt, by firebombing court houses, breaking into the Dept of Tres, and attempting to break in the White House, as well as burnging down churches and looting businesses....none of which had to do with with police department in Minn or the Govt of Minn.

You claiming otherwise, is well an insult to George Floyd.
Hilarious fuckup
I am not sure there really is an ANTIFA, but I made up the part about MAGAts instigating the riot.
There is no organized group called 'AntiFa'. There is a loose 'movement' of violent radicals -- probably just a few tens of thousands at most -- who are sort-of 'anarchists' and who look for any excuse to riot, and to violently attack anyone on the Right -- up to and including cold-blooded murder.

If these people have a single website that expresses their worldview, it's this one:
[ https://itsgoingdown.org ]

Then there is a much larger milieu of college students, ex-students, soon-to-be-students, who believe that there is no right of free speech for those with whom they disagree. They're the ones who break up conservative attempts to hold meetings on campus. Most liberals approve of this, if only silently.

They believe all conservatives are 'fascists' and that 'fascists' should have no rights.

I believe every single Leftwinger on this forum agrees with them: conservatives have no right to speak in public, to demonstrate, to hold rallies. When they do, they should be violently attacked. Leftists can riot, maybe facing jail time, but if conservatives do, they should be shot dead. That's now the standard Leftist view. (Patriots ... have you woken up yet?)

The kids are their shock troops, even if the typical Leftist internet poster prudently stays at home during the action. (If I'm mischaracterizing the position of anyone on the Left here, please correct me. I know the Left, like the Right, is not monolithic: I'm talking about the dominant trend now.)

These are just manifestations of the shift of the Left -- historically in favor of Free Speech, at least the non-Stalinist Left was -- to a position of being for, effectively, a one-party state. They're not there yet, but the direction of motion is clear.

Now, what about rightwing provocateurs at leftist riots? It's impossible, of course, to prove there were none. But liberals are a bit embarrassed by pictures of blazing courthouses, weeping Asian small business owners standing in front of their looted shops ... so they invent this fantasy. "It's not us, it's Trump's evil supporters!"

Even if the Right were well organized enough to send provocateurs into leftist riots, which it's not ... why would we want to? Leftists riot perfectly well without any encouragement from us.

Here' is the tiny kernel of truth to this silly charge: there is a 'movement' -- I don't know how numerous, probably not large - of essentially a-political anti-police, pro-violence types called 'Boogaloo Bois'. Some of them were sympathetic to the George Lloyd rioters and took part in the riots. I doubt they're pro-civil rights though. Some of them have murdered policemen.

They're not really on the Right or the Left, not even in the sense that you can say that fascists are 'on the Right'. They're a symptom of a society in fairly rapid decline, where normal, traditional social attachments are vanishing.

Plus, they're no doubt influenced -- at a distance -- by glavset operators, Russian trolls trying to stir up violence in the US.

Are there scary people on the Right (and I don't mean the fascists, I mean the patriotic Right)? Yes, the 'militia movement' is an incubator for them. But this post is too long already -- we can talk about them in another thread, if anyone is interested.

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