Jan 6: In one day rioters injured more than one hundred police officers, caused more than 2.9 million dollars in losses. Septic Installer Sentenced

Whatever dude.
You did vote for trump.
The absolute WORST POTUS of all-time.
History will outlive you cult members.
History will tell the truth, not deny the truth.
My history is not yours.

While you eagerly blast republicans, when do you intend to also blast Democrats?
I can name at least a dozen bad things done by Biden. Can you do that as well?
And still you try to deflect the democrats and Biden's train wreck/dumpster fire with Trump, Trump, Trump. Didn't you deny voting for Biden a few posts back. Sober up and come back Winnie. You are more entertaining when you aren't drunk.
You just can't stop, can you?
Didn't you deny voting for Biden a few posts back. Sober up and come back Winnie. You are more entertaining when you aren't drunk.
Nope, why do you LIE?
Why are you such an angry old man.
You're your family must HATE you.
I understand why.
You just can't stop, can you?
When you put the same attention to denounce the most obvious and illegal incompetence ever seen in government in this nation's history as you do to slander Trump, I might. But as long as you continue to push your partisan lies, not a chance.
Please, the idea that you can marginalize the facts of Trump's Cult-of-Personality, by insinuating others belong in a cult?

Grow up
/----/ It's not us who needs to grow up. Look in the mirror.
Crashing through a barricaded door, when warnings were given, by an armed LE Officer doing his duty to protect? ? Lives of elected officials in danger? Did she imagine she had higher orders?

That woman was a threat and she was neutralized.

para bellum called this Fake?


Because unarmed women are so less thought of by the tanscult democrats than unarmed black men with rap sheets longer than your arm.


Only one made bad choices leading to their deaths?


January 6 must not become a precedent for further violence against political opponents or governmental institutions,” Lamberth wrote. “This is not normal. This cannot become normal. We as a community, we as a society, we as a country cannot condone the normalization of the January 6 Capitol riot.*”

This almost sounds like part of his sentencing was based on “making an example” out of him to ward off future occurrences….is that lawful? Curious.
Hmm, sounds like what death penalty advocates use to push the laws they desire.
Because unarmed women are so less thought of by the tanscult democrats than unarmed black men with rap sheets longer than your arm.


Only one made bad choices leading to their deaths?

Unarmed? The LE had no way of knowing if she was armed. And even if that were true, that she was unarmed she posed a threat. A very serious threat. That LE officer is inside of a heavily barricaded door guarding the House Chamber and the lives of our elected representatives.
Unarmed? The LE had no way of knowing if she was armed. And even if that were true, that she was unarmed she posed a threat. A very serious threat. That LE officer is inside of a heavily barricaded door guarding the House Chamber and the lives of our elected representatives.
But George Floyd didn’t represent a threat to the kids he sold drugs to?

Woman hating democrats. Go figur.
Why would Democrats attack the US Capitol trying to stop the certification of electoral votes
I posed the actual problem that you validate for me.
Question: Who called it an attack? Protests regularly involve the police. That is pretty ordinary. Who has proved there was any attack?

If your evidence is the media, think about the motive of the media, taking into account how they keep talking about Trump. Why believe the words of the media who do not post claims by any of the protestors they came to overturn an election?
How would walking around the building, at times damaging the building, overturn any election? Is our process so insecure that by being on the grounds overturns elections? Was the election certified? We all know it was. Who decided to remove the Congress members? Why did they not rapidly finish the certification?
There were reports from the police commanders they had 200 police there and they testified they had plenty of cops there that day. Why if this is so well proved are they still arresting and prosecuting those they are jailing? It should cause you to keep asking questions and not making stuff up.
Does that legal right include assault and property destruction?
We have laws that deal with those issues. What bugs the shit out of me is this nation has treated that like one would expect a person like Hitler to treat this issue. Grab them, jail them, publish almost no articles and jail them for 22 years and while the Feds have billions to spend, they charge citizens who have very little to spend. We read of confessions at times. But what happens if they refuse to confess? The law tells them they will spend 20 years in prison or else. So they confess. This to me violates the rights of those who are persecuted.
We have laws that deal with those issues. What bugs the shit out of me is this nation has treated that like one would expect a person like Hitler to treat this issue. Grab them, jail them, publish almost no articles and jail them for 22 years and while the Feds have billions to spend, they charge citizens who have very little to spend. We read of confessions at times. But what happens if they refuse to confess? The law tells them they will spend 20 years in prison or else. So they confess. This to me violates the rights of those who are persecuted.
Those ARE the laws that ARE dealing with the issue. Most of your post is sheer hyperbole.

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