Jan 6 Committee's Real Purpose: Imprison Trump, Destroy Electoral College, Nationalize Voting Systems

Lock them up too for all I care...

But Rump is going down... as are his minions... and his dupes who assaulted the Congress of the United States... damn them all-to-hell...
No one's assaulted the Congress, dumbass.

If they had, you wouldn't be sitting here spewing your BS right now

You fucktard lefties are such whining little hypocrites it boggles the mind.

ALL SUMMER LONG you cretins were encouraging racial riots brought to us by COMMUNIST agitators.

And now you get four hours of that in DC and suddenly it's OMG the horror.

You fuckers ASSAULTED CHILDREN, asshole. That is a DIRECT ATTACK ON THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, on families and their children. Not to mention all the small businesses you fucktards destroyed.

FUCK you. Fuck you big time. Try that again and the whole lot of you disastrous progtard fucks will be in big heapum trouble.
No one's assaulted the Congress, dumbass.
FUCK you. Fuck you big time. Try that again and the whole lot of you disastrous progtard fucks will be in big heapum trouble.
A Trump Supporter reinforcing the cliché about Trump Supporters?
It seems so.
Some, it is sad to say, simply cannot use our language or complete a thought without hitching them....to an f-bomb screeching.

I honestly don't know why they cannot. After all, America has reportedly an adequate educational system for most folks. One where most parents likely believe that rampant 'f-bombing' by their kids is a poor reflection on the quality of their parenting .....rather than inadequate schooling.
So it must be sad for those parents.

And it makes America look bad to those countries and nationalities that don't experience such rampant and crass vulgarity. Perhaps those other countries have better schools, better parents, or simply more bright kids.
But I honestly don't know for sure.
A Trump Supporter reinforcing the cliché about Trump Supporters?
It seems so.
Some, it is sad to say, simply cannot use our language or complete a thought without hitching them....to an f-bomb screeching.

I honestly don't know why they cannot. After all, America has reportedly an adequate educational system for most folks. One where most parents likely believe that rampant 'f-bombing' by their kids is a poor reflection on the quality of their parenting .....rather than inadequate schooling.
So it must be sad for those parents.

And it makes America look bad to those countries and nationalities that don't experience such rampant and crass vulgarity. Perhaps those other countries have better schools, better parents, or simply more bright kids.
But I honestly don't know for sure.
I'm not a Trump supporter, dumbass.

But guess what - THIS IS AMERICA. I don't stand for people getting railroaded by fucktard politics.

The miserable progtard cretins are trying to spin YET ANOTHER yarn.

First it was Russia Russia, then it was tearing up the State of the Union, then it was two bogus impeachments, and AFTER ALL THAT FAILED THE MISERABLE PROGTARD FUCKS DECIDED THEY HAD TO RIOT.

And now they're trying to distract attention from a WHOLE SUMMER of leftist assaults on government, AND families, AND businesses, both large and small.

Lefties are MISERABLE HUMAN BEINGS, and their leadership is full of psychopaths.

That's what psychopaths DO. Look it up. They try to gaslight others. ALL THE TIME

And that's what the progtards do too. ALL THE TIME


(ps....they make it too easy ;) )
You're being a complete, total moron.

You have truly been brainwashed.

I'm a libertarian, dumbass. I don't like Republicans. They're too authoritarian. The last bunch of miserable Republicans were the Neo-Con-tards, and I'm on record all over the internet as far back as 2003, railing against what a miserable bunch of assholes they were. For which I was accused of hating America, and all kinds of other wonderful stuff.

Now YOU (you yourself, you personally) are doing the EXACT SAME THING those fucktard Neo-Cons did.

And I:m going to speak out against YOU, just like I spoke out against them
I'm not a Trump supporter, dumbass.

But guess what - THIS IS AMERICA. I don't stand for people getting railroaded by fucktard politics.

The miserable progtard cretins are trying to spin YET ANOTHER yarn.

First it was Russia Russia, then it was tearing up the State of the Union, then it was two bogus impeachments, and AFTER ALL THAT FAILED THE MISERABLE PROGTARD FUCKS DECIDED THEY HAD TO RIOT.

And now they're trying to distract attention from a WHOLE SUMMER of leftist assaults on government, AND families, AND businesses, both large and small.

Lefties are MISERABLE HUMAN BEINGS, and their leadership is full of psychopaths.

That's what psychopaths DO. Look it up. They try to gaslight others. ALL THE TIME

And that's what the progtards do too. ALL THE TIME
These are words straight from the Bizarro World of Donald Drumph. Just take the truth and simply swap the two main characters. Claim that all of those things apply to Democrats and are not the deeds of Trumpism. Feel bad about lying? Don't worry, just do as Trump does and repeat and repeat and repeat til even you start to believe it. And if you say it loud enough, any claim, no matter how obvious it was as it was happening, can become what You and Trump say it is. Feel the power that you now have. You can make lies the truth and truth lies. It's really quite amazing. And Trump has shown us that there is no limit to the number of times you can employ that tactic. And because the fact that these claims are so obviously bullshit, you will instantly realize a massive following from anyone who is dumber than even you are. And to maintain the effectiveness of this switcheroo, tune into Fox and Fiends and take notes. Soon, lying, even under oath will become as automatic and natural as breathing. Congrats dear Trumper, you've done it!! Now simply cut a check in the amount of a single monthly rent payment and send to: Ivanka Kushner, The New and Improved Trump University. 600 Pennsylvania Ave. RNC room, Washington D.C. 34245 Attention: Devin Nunes. be sure to check the box that says: I authorize this recurring monthly payment.
These are words straight from the Bizarro World of Donald Drumph. Just take the truth and simply swap the two main characters. Claim that all of those things apply to Democrats and are not the deeds of Trumpism. Feel bad about lying? Don't worry, just do as Trump does and repeat and repeat and repeat til even you start to believe it. And if you say it loud enough, any claim, no matter how obvious it was as it was happening, can become what You and Trump say it is. Feel the power that you now have. You can make lies the truth and truth lies. It's really quite amazing. And Trump has shown us that there is no limit to the number of times you can employ that tactic. And because the fact that these claims are so obviously bullshit, you will instantly realize a massive following from anyone who is dumber than even you are. And to maintain the effectiveness of this switcheroo, tune into Fox and Fiends and take notes. Soon, lying, even under oath will become as automatic and natural as breathing. Congrats dear Trumper, you've done it!! Now simply cut a check in the amount of a single monthly rent payment and send to: Ivanka Kushner, The New and Improved Trump University. 600 Pennsylvania Ave. RNC room, Washington D.C. 34245 Attention: Devin Nunes. be sure to check the box that says: I authorize this recurring monthly payment.
Lots of words to say nothing.

Another dumbass libtard. ^^^

How did we get so many of these assholes?

Public school education? :p
Lots of words to say nothing.

Another dumbass libtard. ^^^

How did we get so many of these assholes?

Public school education? :p
You too could learn to read. Words you thought meant nothing will suddenly become clear to you. Hell, you may even come to understand how to recognize multiple words strung together to form a sentence. Even someone as Astonishingly vapid as Donald Trump has learned to sound out many words and may soon understand what many of them mean. And being a public educational institution, you can avoid the embarrassment of having to explain why you remain an imbecile despite sometimes attending an Ivy League school. You will learn words like Anonymous and not Anomynous. You will understand that words learned in those expensive schools sometime make little sense despite the high cost of enrollment. Words like Covfefe for instance. So don't delay! In just 3 lessons you can boast to your friends that you are now smarter than the former President of the United States. Yes, Scruffy, even someone like you can combine toilet training and English grammar to become semi literate and not as full of shit as you have previously been!
No one's assaulted the Congress, dumbass.

If they had, you wouldn't be sitting here spewing your BS right now

You fucktard lefties are such whining little hypocrites it boggles the mind.

ALL SUMMER LONG you cretins were encouraging racial riots brought to us by COMMUNIST agitators.

And now you get four hours of that in DC and suddenly it's OMG the horror.

You fuckers ASSAULTED CHILDREN, asshole. That is a DIRECT ATTACK ON THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, on families and their children. Not to mention all the small businesses you fucktards destroyed.

FUCK you. Fuck you big time. Try that again and the whole lot of you disastrous progtard fucks will be in big heapum trouble.
We may have assaulted children but wasn't the pizza first rate?? Fuckin clowns!

Jan 6 committee hires tv exec to "produce" the hearing like a documentary. What could possibly be the purpose behind this? Why do they need to sensationalize it and make a big production out of it, as opposed to just having the hearings, as usual?
No one's assaulted the Congress, dumbass.
Incorrect. Trump's supporters assaulted Congress on January 6, 2021, at Trump's incitement. And the bill is now coming due.
If they had, you wouldn't be sitting here spewing your BS right now
Your problem is that the assault failed in its objective to overturn the general election of November 3, 2020, in favor of your Biggest Loser.
You fucktard lefties are such whining little hypocrites it boggles the mind.
Phukk you, Loser.
ALL SUMMER LONG you cretins were encouraging racial riots brought to us by COMMUNIST agitators.
For all I care you could have machine-gunned the little bastards... means nothing to me.
And now you get four hours of that in DC and suddenly it's OMG the horror.
It's not the duration at-issue here, twit... it's what was attempted DURING those four hours.

You phukks chose to abandon 200+ years of the sacred American tradition of a Peaceful Transfer of Power of the leadership of our beloved Republic...

And now you're going to pay for it...

En garde...

You fuckers ASSAULTED CHILDREN, asshole.
What are you babbling-about here, Loser?
That is a DIRECT ATTACK ON THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, on families and their children.
What are you babbling-about here, Loser?
Not to mention all the small businesses you fucktards destroyed.
Awwwww... I don't think you like Pandemic Shutdowns... isn't that precious?... :laugh:
FUCK you. Fuck you big time. Try that again and the whole lot of you disastrous progtard fucks will be in big heapum trouble.
Oooooohhh... look, Mumsy... an angry little Internet warrior-princess... it's a cute little critter, isn't it? Can I have one, Mumsy? I'll take good care of it... please?


NONE of your excuse-making for your outrageous, traitorous behaviors on January 6, 2021 is going to signify in the slightest... Loser-Weenie... :fu:
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The #1 purpose has always been to 'get Trump' and those close to him, revenge for 2 exposed seditious / treasonous Hillary-Ibama Russian scandals and 2 failed criminal Impeachment attempts.

The Democrats - in a never-ending attempt to stay in power forever, are trying to sell / push through the idea that another '6 Jan' will not happen again if they abolish the Electoral College and nationalize all the states' elections / election systems.

Obama already tried to do this right before Trump defeated Hillary. Barry & his DHS were caught trying to hack state election systems and exposed for trying to do so.

Obama declared US elections were vulnerable to foreign hacking, so he wanted to hack several states' election systems, prove it could be done, then nationalize all state elections so the federal government could 'protect the integrity of elections and safeguard them from external manipulation'....

...but who would have protected the them from manipulation by a President and government that were seditious, treasonous co-conspirators in the largest criminal political scandal in US history?

Had Obama nationalized elections mail-in ballots, drop boxes, ballot harvesting, extending voting hours in blue districts, etc... would not have been needed.

Do Pelosi and her seditious, treasonous political hit squad, the 'Blue Shirts', seek to correct their past failures: Finally 'get Trump', destroy the Electoral College, and nationalize elections, allowing them to rule forever.

Their plan to let millions of Latinos into the US illegally and have them vote Democrat has blown up in their faces, as Latinos are running from Democrats ...and if they let too many illegals into the US, one of these days they will get tired of lily white, criminal elites and replace them with Latinos

Democrats never do anything by chance or accident. 6 Jan was planned, attempting to label Conservatives as domestic terrorists was planned, the collaboration between WH-DOJ-FBI to label parents opposed to CRT/LGBT+ GROOMING etc...as 'terrorists' was planned, and the 6 Jan Committee was planned with very specific goals:

Get Trump
Desttoy the Electoral College
Nationalize elections

"The House’s Jan. 6 committee has split behind the scenes over what actions to take after the public hearings: Some members want big changes on voting rights — and even to abolish the Electoral College"
Pure power grab all the way. After Republicans take or the whole govt (Exec, Leg, & Supreme Court) in 2024, how many of these traitors should be imprisoned or executed ? They dont know it but they're hanging themselves.
Pure power grab all the way. After Republicans take or the whole govt (Exec, Leg, & Supreme Court) in 2024, how many of these traitors should be imprisoned or executed ? They dont know it but they're hanging themselves.
If Wimpy McConnell and the other weak-kneed Washington Establishment will do anything about it.
The new phase of the committee's work started last night. With stunning clarity Liz Cheney announced the case the committee will lay out in order to show Trump's guilt in committing crimes against the American people.
One person who must have been listening with particular interest was Fani Willis. She's the Fulton County DA in GA investigating Trump's call to Raffensperger. Any pretense of Trump's ability to claim he made the call because he actually thought there was fraud was shattered last night. We learned numerous WH staffers, and even Billy the Bagman, told Trump point blank that he lost. Meaning Trump can't claim he made the call because he was suffering from a delusional episode during which he was temporarily detached from reality. He knew what he was doing was an illegal act in contradiction to the facts in order to steal the election.
The new phase of the committee's work started last night. With stunning clarity Liz Cheney announced the case the committee will lay out in order to show Trump's guilt in committing crimes against the American people.
One person who must have been listening with particular interest was Fani Willis. She's the Fulton County DA in GA investigating Trump's call to Raffensperger. Any pretense of Trump's ability to claim he made the call because he actually thought there was fraud was shattered last night. We learned numerous WH staffers, and even Billy the Bagman, told Trump point blank that he lost. Meaning Trump can't claim he made the call because he was suffering from a delusional episode during which he was temporarily detached from reality. He knew what he was doing was an illegal act in contradiction to the facts in order to steal the election.
Thank you for that emotional narrative, especially YOUR declaration of what Trump thought and knew.

Every time one of you 'scream at the sky' bedwetters claim Trump personally claim Trump called for an 'insurrection' (as Warren publicly did) I remind you to look up the thread I started a couple of weeks ago that contains several links and the actual transcript of what Trump said on 6 Jan.

President Trump asked the Americans there that day to 'PEACEFULLY WALK DOWN TO THE CAPITOL' and 'LET YIUR VOICES BE HEARD'.

He told them to NIT be violent, to obey the law, and to respect and listen to the Capitol Police.

Everything he said - HIS own words, not your BS TDS-suffering false accusations and traslations, prove you are a liar, just like Hillary.

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