James Fields, Nice Neo Nazi Boy

Count on a few things happening tonight and into the next few weeks.

First the messenger, CNN will be dismissed as "fake news". Then, after the resident USMB Right Wing Nutters realize that it was one of their own who committed this heinous crime, they will apply the 'Dylan Roof' defense. They will say that this criminal is a lone wolf, a psychiatric case with frazzled emotions and thinking. Not a White Supremacist at all, merely a person deserving pity for the fragile condition of his emotional misgivings. They will tip toe away from him shaking their heads in mock incredulity.

Nothing to see here folks! Move along!

You can read a racist's 'mind' like a book.

So all Conservatives are racist? Got it. Wow. You're like super smart and stuff!

Not all Conservatives are White Supremacists. But all White Supremacists are Comservatives.

Like all demcrats are not commies but all commies are demcrats????
Democrats are Democrats. Communists are Communists. And you have never seen the interior of a Politcal Science class.
Lewdog= Liar..........show proof by using the search feature or forever be labeled a blatant liar.

You know how to use it, no????

Dude... you talk about it all the time.

Then it should be EASILY provable, dipshit....now, get to it or have this rubbed in your face until you admit you are wrong.

There is nothing to prove. Anyone that reads your posts have seen it.

Search Results for Query: Jews | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Have at it, dipshit.......now find one or admit that you were speaking out of your ass.

Dude you talk all the time about the evil Zionist who are secretly pulling strings to ruin the world.

AGAIN you lie your ass off..............find some posts, dipshit.........stop digging that hole, idiot. BTW, you don't have to be Jewish to be a Zionist. Go find my posts where I disparage Jewish people, ass wipe or admit that you are wrong....do one of the two because I will hold this over your head until you do.
Dude... you talk about it all the time.

Then it should be EASILY provable, dipshit....now, get to it or have this rubbed in your face until you admit you are wrong.

There is nothing to prove. Anyone that reads your posts have seen it.

Search Results for Query: Jews | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Have at it, dipshit.......now find one or admit that you were speaking out of your ass.

Dude you talk all the time about the evil Zionist who are secretly pulling strings to ruin the world.

AGAIN you lie your ass off..............find some posts, dipshit.........stop digging that hole, idiot. BTW, you don't have to be Jewish to be a Zionist. Go find my posts where I disparage Jewish people, ass wipe or admit that you are wrong....do one of the two because I will hold this over your head until you do.

Count on a few things happening tonight and into the next few weeks.

First the messenger, CNN will be dismissed as "fake news". Then, after the resident USMB Right Wing Nutters realize that it was one of their own who committed this heinous crime, they will apply the 'Dylan Roof' defense. They will say that this criminal is a lone wolf, a psychiatric case with frazzled emotions and thinking. Not a White Supremacist at all, merely a person deserving pity for the fragile condition of his emotional misgivings. They will tip toe away from him shaking their heads in mock incredulity.

Nothing to see here folks! Move along!

You can read a racist's 'mind' like a book.

So all Conservatives are racist? Got it. Wow. You're like super smart and stuff!

Not all Conservatives are White Supremacists. But all White Supremacists are Comservatives.

Like all demcrats are not commies but all commies are demcrats????
Democrats are Democrats. Communists are Communists. And you have never seen the interior of a Politcal Science class.

But some conservatives are White supremacists....according to a dipshit like you. Why do so many demcrat politicians have ties to commie front groups??? Why does the commie party always endorse the demcrat candidate? Why is that???
Then it should be EASILY provable, dipshit....now, get to it or have this rubbed in your face until you admit you are wrong.

There is nothing to prove. Anyone that reads your posts have seen it.

Search Results for Query: Jews | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Have at it, dipshit.......now find one or admit that you were speaking out of your ass.

Dude you talk all the time about the evil Zionist who are secretly pulling strings to ruin the world.

AGAIN you lie your ass off..............find some posts, dipshit.........stop digging that hole, idiot. BTW, you don't have to be Jewish to be a Zionist. Go find my posts where I disparage Jewish people, ass wipe or admit that you are wrong....do one of the two because I will hold this over your head until you do.


Lewdog = Liar
There is nothing to prove. Anyone that reads your posts have seen it.

Search Results for Query: Jews | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Have at it, dipshit.......now find one or admit that you were speaking out of your ass.

Dude you talk all the time about the evil Zionist who are secretly pulling strings to ruin the world.

AGAIN you lie your ass off..............find some posts, dipshit.........stop digging that hole, idiot. BTW, you don't have to be Jewish to be a Zionist. Go find my posts where I disparage Jewish people, ass wipe or admit that you are wrong....do one of the two because I will hold this over your head until you do.


Lewdog = Liar

The Jesuits are the cause of misery in the world?

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Count on a few things happening tonight and into the next few weeks.

First the messenger, CNN will be dismissed as "fake news". Then, after the resident USMB Right Wing Nutters realize that it was one of their own who committed this heinous crime, they will apply the 'Dylan Roof' defense. They will say that this criminal is a lone wolf, a psychiatric case with frazzled emotions and thinking. Not a White Supremacist at all, merely a person deserving pity for the fragile condition of his emotional misgivings. They will tip toe away from him shaking their heads in mock incredulity.

Nothing to see here folks! Move along!

You can read a racist's 'mind' like a book.

So all Conservatives are racist? Got it. Wow. You're like super smart and stuff!

Not all Conservatives are White Supremacists. But all White Supremacists are Comservatives.

That is laughably easy to disprove.

White Supremacy is rooted in progressive liberalism. It is as far from "conservative" as you can get. Woodrow Wilson is one of the more famous racist progressives, but there are thousands of others. You're an ignorant jackass trying to paint an entire group of people with a very broad brush.

Remind you of anyone?

Right! White Supremacists just burn crosses, firebomb churches and then hold hands, kick off their Birkenstocks and sing Kumbya.
Search Results for Query: Jews | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Have at it, dipshit.......now find one or admit that you were speaking out of your ass.

Dude you talk all the time about the evil Zionist who are secretly pulling strings to ruin the world.

AGAIN you lie your ass off..............find some posts, dipshit.........stop digging that hole, idiot. BTW, you don't have to be Jewish to be a Zionist. Go find my posts where I disparage Jewish people, ass wipe or admit that you are wrong....do one of the two because I will hold this over your head until you do.


Lewdog = Liar

The Jesuits are the cause of misery in the world?

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You think Jesuits are of Jewish descent??????? HOLY fuck!!!!! How stupid ARE you????????
He should be treated and charged as a terrorist.

Do you have proof it was premeditated?

I'd love to see it.
There is tons of video of the guy purposefully hitting the gas and plowing through people, then fleeing the scene.

Seriously Zander, stop making excuses for this scumbag.

I think he's a despicable pile of garbage. But "terrorism" has a legal definition. He doesn't appear to meet it. Sorry.

Section 802 of the USA PATRIOT Act (Pub. L. No. 107-52) expanded the definition of terrorism to cover ""domestic,"" as opposed to international, terrorism. A person engages in domestic terrorism if they do an act ""dangerous to human life"" that is a violation of the criminal laws of a state or the United States, if the act appears to be intended to: (i) intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination or kidnapping. Additionally, the acts have to occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States and if they do not, may be regarded as international terrorism.
Dude you talk all the time about the evil Zionist who are secretly pulling strings to ruin the world.

AGAIN you lie your ass off..............find some posts, dipshit.........stop digging that hole, idiot. BTW, you don't have to be Jewish to be a Zionist. Go find my posts where I disparage Jewish people, ass wipe or admit that you are wrong....do one of the two because I will hold this over your head until you do.


Lewdog = Liar

The Jesuits are the cause of misery in the world?

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You think Jesuits are of Jewish descent??????? HOLY fuck!!!!! How stupid ARE you????????

That's just another sign of your hate... You said you didn't have anything against ANY people. I didn't say they were Jewish...

And by the way... a great amount of Zionist ARE Jewish.
You are an idiot if you think he is one of Zander's or mine. He is an extremist.
Denial shoog, one of yours, rejoice, his momma knows.


If you don't want to be identified with fascist nazis, stop laying down in the gutter with them.

Both of you do.

Every single day. Nothing but nasty hate and lies from you and you know it.

LMAO! Go fuck yourself, Luddy....no side has spewed more hate than the commie Fabian socialists while hiding behind the cloak of "racial equality". KISS my ass, you fucking fraud. All of this is being artificially orchestrated any way.

Nothing artificial about three dead people.

And you're one of the worst here for spewing hate and lies. Indeed, with all your wacko conspiracy theory crap, you post more lies than anyone.

Watch out for those chemtrails and stay in your mommy's basement on the 21st.

Bite me, Luddywink. You have NEVER attempted to debate me on ANYTHING you have taken umbrage with nor have you ever attempted to refute what I post. This racial divide is most definitely being manipulated by the powers that be.....

BTW, my mom has been dead for 17 years, dickhead.

No sane person will even consider trying to debate you. You're nuts, and it's impossible to debate someone who doesn't even share the same reality as the sane world.
You think Jesuits are of Jewish descent??????? HOLY fuck!!!!! How stupid ARE you????????
Here's what YOU posted:

Odium, the Rothschilds are Kharzarian "Jews" they are not the real deal. Like I said, you know a great deal but the real powers that have been behind all the human misery are actually the Jesuits and the Jesuit Order of the Illuminati...i.e "the brotherhood". They use Jewish people as a front and then push the narrative that it is Jewish people are the bane of society. The Elders Of Zion was created by the Jesuits. The history is long and when I have the time to write without worrying about being interrupted, I will shoot you a message. You are right about a lot of stuff and you are not far off.....trust me.
AGAIN you lie your ass off..............find some posts, dipshit.........stop digging that hole, idiot. BTW, you don't have to be Jewish to be a Zionist. Go find my posts where I disparage Jewish people, ass wipe or admit that you are wrong....do one of the two because I will hold this over your head until you do.


Lewdog = Liar

The Jesuits are the cause of misery in the world?

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You think Jesuits are of Jewish descent??????? HOLY fuck!!!!! How stupid ARE you????????

That's just another sign of your hate... You said you didn't have anything against ANY people. I didn't say they were Jewish...

And by the way... a great amount of Zionist ARE Jewish.

You are a fucking moron, seriously. You think the Jesuit order of the Catholic church is made up of Jews? A great amount of Zionists are not Jewish and most alleged Jewish "Zionists" do not have a drop of Hebrew blood in them. Once again you speak about shit you know nothing about. So find the posts where I bust on Jewish people, dumb ass.....
You think Jesuits are of Jewish descent??????? HOLY fuck!!!!! How stupid ARE you????????
Here's what YOU posted:

Odium, the Rothschilds are Kharzarian "Jews" they are not the real deal. Like I said, you know a great deal but the real powers that have been behind all the human misery are actually the Jesuits and the Jesuit Order of the Illuminati...i.e "the brotherhood". They use Jewish people as a front and then push the narrative that it is Jewish people are the bane of society. The Elders Of Zion was created by the Jesuits. The history is long and when I have the time to write without worrying about being interrupted, I will shoot you a message. You are right about a lot of stuff and you are not far off.....trust me.

Yep, and it has nothing to do with the Jewish race and the 12 Hebrew bloodlines.

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