James Comey’s Book

"Comey says that based on his years of experience in "the criminal investigation business," the fact that the prostitute story bothered Trump so much suggested that it was true.
"[Trump's] continuing focus on it surprised me," he said. "When someone constantly brings up to deny something you're not asking about, that's an interesting fact. I think I put in the book the proverb, 'Only the guilty flee where no man pursues.' And so that struck me."
1) Bringing up the prostitute story a handful of times hardly constitutes a neurotic fixation. CNN has brought it up 1,583,749,996 times. Trump has brought up the size of his inaugural crowd more frequently.
2) I don't find it particularly suspicious that someone would be obsessed with the one accusation that could do him the most damage. Name one other thing in the dossier that anyone knows about. The prostitutes peeing on the bed is the weirdest -- it stands out. I can see both a guilty man and an innocent man fixating on that story.
Comey only sees the guilty man.
Speaking of neurotic obsessions, I couldn't help but notice that Comey is obsessed with telling us how ethical he is. In the ABC interview alone, Comey used the word "truth" 42 times; "honest" 28 times, "ethical" 10 times -- "integrity," "principle" and "moral" at least five times apiece.
That’s more than I hear in church on Sunday and the preacher isn’t talking about himself.
Comey’s talking about himself. " - Wacky Ann Coulter
I’m going to get this book. I know Trumpnis a dictator wanna be. I want to know why Comey didn’t inform the country the orange ass was under a federal investigation before the election.
He’s going to make lots of $$$ off suckers like you. :laughing0301:
In his absorbing new book, “A Higher Loyalty,” the former F.B.I. director James B. Comey calls the Trump presidency a “forest fire” that is doing serious damage to the country’s norms and traditions.
“This president is unethical, and untethered to truth and institutional values,” Comey writes. “His leadership is transactional, ego driven and about personal loyalty.”

James Comey unleashed.
What Comey has stated has been repeated thousands of times by generals, ambassadors, former CIA operatives and even people working for him.

James Comey Has a Story to Tell. It’s Very Persuasive. — The New York Times
There is help for you people that obsess over Trump’s constitutionally democratic and fair victory in 2016.
Is there an obsessive psychosis? Aetiological and prognostic factors of an atypical form of obsessive-compulsive neurosis. - PubMed - NCBI

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