Jack Smith warns if Trump is re-elected he could use the State of the Union address to incite his supporters to Kill Opposing Politicians

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
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So Trump can’t say anything bad about Jack Smith, but Jack Smith can accuse Trump of inciting murders? Desperate Jack Smith officially needs to be removed and put in a padded room. He shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near a court unless as a defendant. The left have reached the point of insanity and very dangerous hysteria over Trump being reelected. Ten months to the election and this already?

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The stolen election makes any kind of revenge legal and deserved by the perpetrators.

Had Americans stood up with their guns to save their democracy from an illegitimate Biden government, all of this could have been avoided.

Now there is mass confusion over which side stole the election!
So Trump can’t say anything bad about Jack Smith, but Jack Smith can accuse Trump of inciting murders? Desperate Jack Smith officially needs to be removed and put in a padded room. He shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near a court unless as a defendant. The left have reached the point of insanity and very dangerous hysteria over Trump being reelected. Ten months to the election and this already?

Sounds good to me, then when those who kill the Communists, can get pardoned by the 47th President. Either we do it to them, or eventually they will do it to US, when the Marxists try to take our guns away...

So Trump can’t say anything bad about Jack Smith, but Jack Smith can accuse Trump of inciting murders? Desperate Jack Smith officially needs to be removed and put in a padded room. He shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near a court unless as a defendant. The left have reached the point of insanity and very dangerous hysteria over Trump being reelected. Ten months to the election and this already?

So Jack Smith says Trump COULD call for the killing of the opposition--which is GROSS speculation at best. Meanwhile, Piglosi and the democrats DID summarily execute an unarmed protestor on Jan. 6 with impunity. Hmmmm. Didn't Saul Alinsky allude to a similar tactic in his book?
Jack Smith is a psychocrat fear monger.
It's the Radical Left Democrats who are the dangerous ones.
They are the crackpot hivemind fanatics who would start killing people.
That guy has lost is freaking marbles. Imagine the SCOTUS considering what he just did. BLATANT bias and politicization, election interference. He just called into question every decision, charge and claim he's made and should resign.
The stolen election makes any kind of revenge legal and deserved by the perpetrators.

Had Americans stood up with their guns to save their democracy from an illegitimate Biden government, all of this could have been avoided.

Now there is mass confusion over which side stole the election!
The only people who are "confused" are idiot mouth breathing tards who swallow the MAL orange primate's bullshit.
Oh Liberals spent the last 6 years pooping and pissing on Trump every which way and NOW they are scared he will retaliate? :salute:
They are trying to distract from the fact that they did exactly what they are trying to convince everyone that Trump COULD do. Ashley Babbitt, an unarmed, conservative protestor was summarily executed, illegally, on Jan. 6 and NO ONE has been held accountable.
So Trump can’t say anything bad about Jack Smith, but Jack Smith can accuse Trump of inciting murders? Desperate Jack Smith officially needs to be removed and put in a padded room. He shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near a court unless as a defendant. The left have reached the point of insanity and very dangerous hysteria over Trump being reelected. Ten months to the election and this already?

Take a listen

So Trump can’t say anything bad about Jack Smith, but Jack Smith can accuse Trump of inciting murders? Desperate Jack Smith officially needs to be removed and put in a padded room. He shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near a court unless as a defendant. The left have reached the point of insanity and very dangerous hysteria over Trump being reelected. Ten months to the election and this already?

He could use the state of the union address to incite people to get naked and start throwing babies at each other too... "could" is such a word as to be meaningless.
So Trump can’t say anything bad about Jack Smith, but Jack Smith can accuse Trump of inciting murders? Desperate Jack Smith officially needs to be removed and put in a padded room. He shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near a court unless as a defendant. The left have reached the point of insanity and very dangerous hysteria over Trump being reelected. Ten months to the election and this already?

I agree Jack Smith is a severe danger to our country.

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