
I have used ivermectin on my dogs as a heart worm preventative. You have to be careful about the dosage and dilution. It has been used on people for treatment of specific parasites. The data on it’s effectiveness for viral infections like Covid is pretty sketchy and inconclusive. It isn’t very smart to go out to your nearby Tractor Supply store and pick up some meant for livestock and take it. Dosages are not only by weight but are species specific. People are so taken in by misinformation it is dangerous.

a recent report showed that 85% of all male patients treated in a particular centre with ivermectin in the recent past who went to the laboratory for routine tests were discovered to have developed various forms, grades and degrees of sperm dysfunctions including, low sperm counts, poor sperm morphologies (two heads, Tiny heads Double tails absence of tail’s, Albino sperm calls), azoospermia and poor sperm motility [6]. Several studies done on animals also showed similar findings [7, 8].
And their conclusion:
We observed significant reduction in the sperm counts and sperm motility of the patients tested. On the morphology there was significant increase in the number of abnormal sperm cells. This took the forms of two heads, double tails, white (albino) sperms and extraordinarily large heads. It is suspected that the above alterations in the already determined parameters of the patients’ sperm cells could only have occurred as a result of their treatment with ivermectin.
No more or less stupid than taking HCQ.
You're just fucking stupid. You know absolutely nothing about medicine or microbiology. You probably couldn't pass a high school chemistry test because of your low IQ.

You are afraid of HCQ for one reason only. It's because Donald Trump happened to mention it, you TDS afflicted moron. You really are that fucking stupid and mentally ill.
You're just fucking stupid. You know absolutely nothing about medicine or microbiology. You probably couldn't pass a high school chemistry test because of your low IQ.
None of that matters, crybaby. You were no less a moron for taking HCQ than he is for taking Ivermectin. And you were a fucking moron for exactly the same reasons.
None of that matters, crybaby. You were no less a moron for taking HCQ than he is for taking Ivermectin. And you were a fucking moron for exactly the same reasons.
I happen to know the mechanisms of action of how HCQ works against the virus on the cellular and molecular level. I know why and how it works. You do not. That's way beyond your ability to comprehend.

Your IQ is obviously lower that the average black person's IQ. Less than 85. I scored 158 on the Stanford-Binet. I was getting paid to tutor medical students when I was only 10 years old.

Compared to the average person, who has an IQ of 100, you're very stupid. Borderline retarded. Compared to me, you're like a fucking monkey.
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Ivermectin can be purchased at Tractor Supply in tubes like toothpaste. Caution: Treatment dosage is in accordance with weight of the horse so use an amount according to your weight. I have pills from a doctor and I don't know if Tractor Supply has pills or not.
I remember getting the ivermectin tubes and squeezing them into my horses' mouths. They used to curl their lips and with a few it was quite difficult to shoot it in their mouth. a few times I had to use a Twitch.

Doctors have successfully treated hundreds of thousands with HCQ with no ill effects.
But that does not argue in any way that it is an effective treatment for covid. The same could be said of treating them with whip cream, or Tylenol.
You didn't claim it cured 100s of 1000s. You are changing lanes. To a shitty claim you could never possibly support. Not so smart of you.
You could always prove me wrong. I didn't change shit. Hundreds of thousands across the country cured and one doctor in FLA with 3 clinics, 50,000. It's in the news.
You could always prove me wrong.
No, see, I can't, nor could anyone else. We can only make decisions on the evidence, and good evidence comes from controlled studies. If you treated them all with Tylenol, nobody could prove the Tylenol did not cure them. That's not how it works.
Not for COVID

Nothing has been approved for covid except some of the vaccines, but that is because no one has had time yet.
Does that mean we should not treat covid patients?
We know the only deaths are from an autoimmune over reaction by the immune system.
We have lots of immuno-suppressants.
No one should be dying from this very treatable condition.
No, see, I can't, nor could anyone else. We can only make decisions on the evidence, and good evidence comes from controlled studies. If you treated them all with Tylenol, nobody could prove the Tylenol did not cure them. That's not how it works.

Controlled studies have been done in places like India, Israel, etc., and they all say many things work.
Ivermectin has been prescribed to people for decades.
It has saved millions of lives.
Many counties are using it to treat the victims of Dr Fauci's Covid Pandemic with great success.
Unfortunately many Americans are needlessly dying because of the Backwards Left Wing Crackpots who run our CDC and FDA.

COVID deaths plunge after Mexico City introduces ivermectin

View attachment 536248
Jun 10, 2021 · Written by wnd.com. A citywide initiative in Mexico City to prescribe ivermectin to COVID-19 patients resulted in a plunge in hospitalizations and deaths, two studies found. Hospitalizations were down by as much as 76%, according to research by the Mexican Digital......



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