It's Trump's trial. What Hillary, or anybody else did doesn't matter.

It has become a Republican mantra that Hillary got away with something so therefore, it is unfair to charge Trump for what he did. I personally disagree that she got away with anything, but either way, trump's case is based on his actions, and anything Hillary did or didn't do does not matter. What Biden did or didn't do with documants doesn't matter. What Mike Pence, Obama, GW Bush, or anybody else did doesn't matter. Trump is charged with breaking laws, and his case will be determined on his actions alone. The Artificial Intellegence site ChatGPT seems to agree with me,

Introducing ChatGPT
As an AI language model, I can provide information on the topic, but it's important to note that I cannot provide real-time legal analysis or information. However, I can give you a general perspective on the matter.

The legal case against former President Donald Trump would typically be based on specific charges or allegations brought against him, and it would be determined by the relevant laws, evidence, and legal procedures. The legal process is typically focused on the specific case at hand and is not directly influenced by unrelated matters or individuals who may or may not have faced legal issues in the past.

Whether Hillary Clinton "got away with something" or not is a separate matter from any legal case involving Donald Trump. Each case is evaluated based on its own merits, evidence, and applicable laws. Previous legal matters or perceptions about other individuals do not automatically impact the outcome of a different case.

In the United States, the legal system operates on the principle of due process, which means that each person is entitled to a fair and impartial legal proceeding that considers the specific facts and circumstances of their case. Legal cases are typically judged on their individual merits and are not influenced by unrelated matters.

It's important to consult legal experts or stay updated on current news from reputable sources for accurate and timely information regarding specific legal cases or ongoing proceedings involving Donald Trump or any other individuals.
Wow - the lengths you will go to convince yourself.


Eight out of ten people on this board realize that this post is full of shit.

We just keep wondering when you are going to give up and find a friendlier place to spend your days.

Every single forum I have ever been on that develops a Trump following the Trumpsters attempt and usually succeed in running off every one else who might have a different opinion. I was wondering if it would happen here.
No prosecutor would take this case up against Hillary. (QUOTE is foggy)

Point is Comey used his PERSONAL JUDGMENT not the law when deciding to file charges or not. She CLEARLY broke the law.
ALL prosecutors, lawyers, and judges use personal judgement when deciding a case.

Trump Chose the Attorney Who Offered Hunter Biden Plea ...​

Newsweek › ... › Department of Justice

18 hours ago — However, U.S. Attorney David Weiss, who offered the agreement to Hunter Biden, was appointed to that position by Trump. Weiss, the U.S. attorney ...

Then there is this "Personal "JUDGEMENT".

Trump vows to go after 'entire Biden crime family' if ...​

Anadolu Agency › americas › trump-vows-to-go-...

7 days ago — "I will appoint a real special prosecutor to go after the most corrupt president in the history of the United States of America, Joe Biden, ...
Every single forum I have ever been on that develops a Trump following the Trumpsters attempt and usually succeed in running off every one else who might have a different opinion. I was wondering if it would happen here.
Teabaggers love their echo chamber.
It has become a Republican mantra that Hillary got away with something so therefore, it is unfair to charge Trump for what he did. I personally disagree that she got away with anything, but either way, trump's case is based on his actions, and anything Hillary did or didn't do does not matter. What Biden did or didn't do with documants doesn't matter. What Mike Pence, Obama, GW Bush, or anybody else did doesn't matter. Trump is charged with breaking laws, and his case will be determined on his actions alone. The Artificial Intellegence site ChatGPT seems to agree with me,

Introducing ChatGPT
As an AI language model, I can provide information on the topic, but it's important to note that I cannot provide real-time legal analysis or information. However, I can give you a general perspective on the matter.

The legal case against former President Donald Trump would typically be based on specific charges or allegations brought against him, and it would be determined by the relevant laws, evidence, and legal procedures. The legal process is typically focused on the specific case at hand and is not directly influenced by unrelated matters or individuals who may or may not have faced legal issues in the past.

Whether Hillary Clinton "got away with something" or not is a separate matter from any legal case involving Donald Trump. Each case is evaluated based on its own merits, evidence, and applicable laws. Previous legal matters or perceptions about other individuals do not automatically impact the outcome of a different case.

In the United States, the legal system operates on the principle of due process, which means that each person is entitled to a fair and impartial legal proceeding that considers the specific facts and circumstances of their case. Legal cases are typically judged on their individual merits and are not influenced by unrelated matters.

It's important to consult legal experts or stay updated on current news from reputable sources for accurate and timely information regarding specific legal cases or ongoing proceedings involving Donald Trump or any other individuals.

Gosh, all this spilled ink to convince us, all over the board.

Wouldn't work that way if you were winning. But you're not. And you know it.
Every single forum I have ever been on that develops a Trump following the Trumpsters attempt and usually succeed in running off every one else who might have a different opinion. I was wondering if it would happen here.
No one's trying to run you off. You're a great source of entertainment. We'd rather have you here than on the streets stealing Nike's and rioting.

(Oh excuse me, I meant peacefully protesting)
No one's trying to run you off. You're a great source of entertainment. We'd rather have you here than on the streets stealing Nike's and rioting.

(Oh excuse me, I meant peacefully protesting)
I am a 60+ pretty well off retired white guy. If I want Nikes I will just go buy them. You guys and your mindless stereotypes are stupid.

The rest of us :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Then why is the Trump cult sending death threats to judges, prosecutors, lawyers and politicians, even before a trial?
Insisting "Trump is innocent".
The Trump cult, doesn't want "LAWS" to come to fruition for their dear leader.

Did US attorney appointed by Trump, David Weiss, get ANY death threats when prosecuting Hunter Biden?

Guaranteed, he will be getting them now.
I am a 60+ pretty well off retired white guy. If I want Nikes I will just go buy them. You guys and your mindless stereotypes are stupid.
You're WHITE? (gasp) You must be a racist. You must be the problem. Go ask Super, he'll tell you. :p
Trump might have a case as it concerns the Equal Protection Clause given that the .gov is going after him while letting Hillary skate with the whole "no reasonable prosecutor" thing. ;)

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