It's Official ... US Commies Love Biden

Ii have this question. Do you want the candidate for president be held accountable for the ideology of those who endorse him?

Endorsements indicate agreement with the candidate on significant issues.
You re
Ii have this question. Do you want the candidate for president be held accountable for the ideology of those who endorse him?

Endorsements indicate agreement with the candidate on significant issues.
I don't think I agree with that. Sometimes an endorsement for a specific someone can be prompted by the idea that the Other guy would be even worse. Trump's support amongst the evangelicals springs to mind.

For the sake of argument let's say I accept your argument. Trump was endorsed in 2016 by this guy.
This guy who's doing it again now The Daily Stormer Endorses Donald Trump for President
This guy Vanguard News Network » Blog Archive » Why the GOP Desperately Needs Trump

Are you still sure you want to judge the candidate by the company they keep?

You can accept the argument, or not. It makes no difference. The Democrats have clearly and undeniably gone full blown Marxist as reflected by their own words and behavior.
I wonder why progressives that embrace Marxists are offended that the Communist party endorses them? You would think they would be flattered?
They aren't offended but rather defensive. The Dems love socialism but hate being called socialists.
If you enjoy any and all taxpayer financed services, you too are enjoying socialism.
Horse manure, Comrade 1%.

Public financed public services are not socialism. That's just plain STUPID commie crap yet sooo typical.

[ˈsōSHəˌlizəm] NOUN
  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    • (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.
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Ii have this question. Do you want the candidate for president be held accountable for the ideology of those who endorse him?

Endorsements indicate agreement with the candidate on significant issues.
You re
Ii have this question. Do you want the candidate for president be held accountable for the ideology of those who endorse him?

Endorsements indicate agreement with the candidate on significant issues.
I don't think I agree with that. Sometimes an endorsement for a specific someone can be prompted by the idea that the Other guy would be even worse. Trump's support amongst the evangelicals springs to mind.

For the sake of argument let's say I accept your argument. Trump was endorsed in 2016 by this guy.
This guy who's doing it again now The Daily Stormer Endorses Donald Trump for President
This guy Vanguard News Network » Blog Archive » Why the GOP Desperately Needs Trump

Are you still sure you want to judge the candidate by the company they keep?

You can accept the argument, or not. It makes no difference. The Democrats have clearly and undeniably gone full blown Marxist as reflected by their own words and behavior.
I wonder why progressives that embrace Marxists are offended that the Communist party endorses them? You would think they would be flattered?
They aren't offended but rather defensive. The Dems love socialism but hate being called socialists.
If you enjoy any and all taxpayer financed services, you too are enjoying socialism.

No. I am enjoying "general welfare" which serves all citizens, not just specifically-approved social groups.
Ii have this question. Do you want the candidate for president be held accountable for the ideology of those who endorse him?

Endorsements indicate agreement with the candidate on significant issues.
You re
Ii have this question. Do you want the candidate for president be held accountable for the ideology of those who endorse him?

Endorsements indicate agreement with the candidate on significant issues.
I don't think I agree with that. Sometimes an endorsement for a specific someone can be prompted by the idea that the Other guy would be even worse. Trump's support amongst the evangelicals springs to mind.

For the sake of argument let's say I accept your argument. Trump was endorsed in 2016 by this guy.
This guy who's doing it again now The Daily Stormer Endorses Donald Trump for President
This guy Vanguard News Network » Blog Archive » Why the GOP Desperately Needs Trump

Are you still sure you want to judge the candidate by the company they keep?

You can accept the argument, or not. It makes no difference. The Democrats have clearly and undeniably gone full blown Marxist as reflected by their own words and behavior.
I wonder why progressives that embrace Marxists are offended that the Communist party endorses them? You would think they would be flattered?
They aren't offended but rather defensive. The Dems love socialism but hate being called socialists.
If you enjoy any and all taxpayer financed services, you too are enjoying socialism.

No. I am enjoying "general welfare" which serves all citizens, not just specifically-approved social groups.
$20,000 refrigerators and $12/pt ice cream are only for the Pelosi's.

I don't believe Biden is a commie but the Democrat Socialist Party is full of 'em and Slo-Joe has no hope to fight them off. He's a Trojan Horse … a wooden stiff.

You better believe he is at the very least a Commie sympathizer
He's NOT the one married to a commie.

Is Melania a Communist?

How racist and bigoted.

You imply that if someone comes from a Communist country then they MUST be Communist?

They don't HAVE to be a communist any more than they HAVE to be a lesbian porn star. It just seems to work out that way.
hey - i don't HAVE to be a lesbian porn star.

but if it ever happens, it happens.

Melania didn't have to either, but everybody knew she would be.
Ii have this question. Do you want the candidate for president be held accountable for the ideology of those who endorse him?

Endorsements indicate agreement with the candidate on significant issues.
You re
Ii have this question. Do you want the candidate for president be held accountable for the ideology of those who endorse him?

Endorsements indicate agreement with the candidate on significant issues.
I don't think I agree with that. Sometimes an endorsement for a specific someone can be prompted by the idea that the Other guy would be even worse. Trump's support amongst the evangelicals springs to mind.

For the sake of argument let's say I accept your argument. Trump was endorsed in 2016 by this guy.
This guy who's doing it again now The Daily Stormer Endorses Donald Trump for President
This guy Vanguard News Network » Blog Archive » Why the GOP Desperately Needs Trump

Are you still sure you want to judge the candidate by the company they keep?

You can accept the argument, or not. It makes no difference. The Democrats have clearly and undeniably gone full blown Marxist as reflected by their own words and behavior.
Answer the question, please? Or are you unwilling to hold Trump to the standard you apparently hold Biden to?

Are you still sure you want to judge the candidate by the company they keep?

I have answered the question. Continued gaming of the subject is merely superfluous.
So your arguing that Trump is a Nazi because of his endorsements? I'll gladly take your assertion that Biden is a Communist if that's your position.
The thing that troubles me is, identifying with a Nazi ideology, or any support from people that are, is pure poison politically. However, those that identify as a Marxist, like those of Black Lives Matter, is politically OK in the US even though Marxism has historically murdered hundreds of millions more people. Would US corporations be lining up to throw millions at BLM if they had claimed to be Nazis? No, but they have their full support being openly Marxist.

So why is that do you think? And no, I'm not saying Nazism is better, I'm saying that Nazism = Marxism in terms of evil and should both equally be banished from the face of the Earth. But instead, Marxism continues to wreck havoc on mankind as it continues to be PC and flourish around the world.

And yes, Marxist ideology has infected both parties in the US in various ways, but the DNC more so. All you have to do is sit back and watch fools like Romney give BLM his full support.
Ii have this question. Do you want the candidate for president be held accountable for the ideology of those who endorse him?

Endorsements indicate agreement with the candidate on significant issues.
You re
Ii have this question. Do you want the candidate for president be held accountable for the ideology of those who endorse him?

Endorsements indicate agreement with the candidate on significant issues.
I don't think I agree with that. Sometimes an endorsement for a specific someone can be prompted by the idea that the Other guy would be even worse. Trump's support amongst the evangelicals springs to mind.

For the sake of argument let's say I accept your argument. Trump was endorsed in 2016 by this guy.
This guy who's doing it again now The Daily Stormer Endorses Donald Trump for President
This guy Vanguard News Network » Blog Archive » Why the GOP Desperately Needs Trump

Are you still sure you want to judge the candidate by the company they keep?

You can accept the argument, or not. It makes no difference. The Democrats have clearly and undeniably gone full blown Marxist as reflected by their own words and behavior.
I wonder why progressives that embrace Marxists are offended that the Communist party endorses them? You would think they would be flattered?
Are you making shit up again?
So they aren’t offended? Didn’t think so.
They who?
Ii have this question. Do you want the candidate for president be held accountable for the ideology of those who endorse him?

Endorsements indicate agreement with the candidate on significant issues.
You re
Ii have this question. Do you want the candidate for president be held accountable for the ideology of those who endorse him?

Endorsements indicate agreement with the candidate on significant issues.
I don't think I agree with that. Sometimes an endorsement for a specific someone can be prompted by the idea that the Other guy would be even worse. Trump's support amongst the evangelicals springs to mind.

For the sake of argument let's say I accept your argument. Trump was endorsed in 2016 by this guy.
This guy who's doing it again now The Daily Stormer Endorses Donald Trump for President
This guy Vanguard News Network » Blog Archive » Why the GOP Desperately Needs Trump

Are you still sure you want to judge the candidate by the company they keep?

You can accept the argument, or not. It makes no difference. The Democrats have clearly and undeniably gone full blown Marxist as reflected by their own words and behavior.
I wonder why progressives that embrace Marxists are offended that the Communist party endorses them? You would think they would be flattered?
They aren't offended but rather defensive. The Dems love socialism but hate being called socialists.
If you enjoy any and all taxpayer financed services, you too are enjoying socialism.
Horse manure, Comrade 1%.

Public financed public services are not socialism. That's just plain STUPID commie crap yet sooo typical.

[ˈsōSHəˌlizəm] NOUN
  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    • (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.
Putting money in a pot to pay for taxpayer services IS a form of socialism.
Ii have this question. Do you want the candidate for president be held accountable for the ideology of those who endorse him?

Endorsements indicate agreement with the candidate on significant issues.
You re
Ii have this question. Do you want the candidate for president be held accountable for the ideology of those who endorse him?

Endorsements indicate agreement with the candidate on significant issues.
I don't think I agree with that. Sometimes an endorsement for a specific someone can be prompted by the idea that the Other guy would be even worse. Trump's support amongst the evangelicals springs to mind.

For the sake of argument let's say I accept your argument. Trump was endorsed in 2016 by this guy.
This guy who's doing it again now The Daily Stormer Endorses Donald Trump for President
This guy Vanguard News Network » Blog Archive » Why the GOP Desperately Needs Trump

Are you still sure you want to judge the candidate by the company they keep?

You can accept the argument, or not. It makes no difference. The Democrats have clearly and undeniably gone full blown Marxist as reflected by their own words and behavior.
I wonder why progressives that embrace Marxists are offended that the Communist party endorses them? You would think they would be flattered?
They aren't offended but rather defensive. The Dems love socialism but hate being called socialists.
If you enjoy any and all taxpayer financed services, you too are enjoying socialism.

No. I am enjoying "general welfare" which serves all citizens, not just specifically-approved social groups.
By approved social groups you mean social security recipients and Corporate America?
Ii have this question. Do you want the candidate for president be held accountable for the ideology of those who endorse him?

Endorsements indicate agreement with the candidate on significant issues.
You re
Ii have this question. Do you want the candidate for president be held accountable for the ideology of those who endorse him?

Endorsements indicate agreement with the candidate on significant issues.
I don't think I agree with that. Sometimes an endorsement for a specific someone can be prompted by the idea that the Other guy would be even worse. Trump's support amongst the evangelicals springs to mind.

For the sake of argument let's say I accept your argument. Trump was endorsed in 2016 by this guy.
This guy who's doing it again now The Daily Stormer Endorses Donald Trump for President
This guy Vanguard News Network » Blog Archive » Why the GOP Desperately Needs Trump

Are you still sure you want to judge the candidate by the company they keep?

You can accept the argument, or not. It makes no difference. The Democrats have clearly and undeniably gone full blown Marxist as reflected by their own words and behavior.
I wonder why progressives that embrace Marxists are offended that the Communist party endorses them? You would think they would be flattered?
They aren't offended but rather defensive. The Dems love socialism but hate being called socialists.
If you enjoy any and all taxpayer financed services, you too are enjoying socialism.

No. I am enjoying "general welfare" which serves all citizens, not just specifically-approved social groups.
$20,000 refrigerators and $12/pt ice cream are only for the Pelosi's.

View attachment 371186
I have Sub-Zero and Viking appliances. None are $20K individually. Are you making shit up again?
Communist Party Leader Endorses Joe Biden

Communist Party leader Bob Avakian has announced his support for former Vice President Joe Biden in the upcoming presidential election.

Avakian, the founder and leader of the Revolutionary Communist Party USA, told his followers in a statement on Saturday that they should vote for Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election.

“At this critical hour, every appropriate means of non-violent action must be utilized to remove this regime from power,” said Avakian in his statement. “And if, in spite of mass protest demanding the removal of the Trump/Pence regime, this regime remains in power when it is time for voting, then — using all appropriate means to work for the removal of this regime must include voting against Trump.”

Avakian went on to clarify that he does not want his followers to vote for a third party candidate, and that their vote must be for Biden.

“To be clear, this means not a ‘protest vote’ for some candidate who has no chance of winning, but actually voting for the Democratic Party candidate, Biden, in order to effectively vote against Trump,” wrote the communist leader.

Avakian added that he still considers Biden and the Democrat Party “representatives and instruments of this exploitative, oppressive, and literally murderous system of capitalism-imperialism,” but that all of that needs to be disregarded for now, as ousting Trump is more important.

“But this election is different,” affirmed the communist leader.

“The question is not whether Biden and the Democrats represent something ‘good,'” Avakian continued. “Biden is not ‘better’ than Trump, in any meaningful way — except that he is not Trump and is not part of the move to consolidate and enforce fascist rule, with everything that means.”
Ii have this question. Do you want the candidate for president be held accountable for the ideology of those who endorse him?

Endorsements indicate agreement with the candidate on significant issues.
You re
Ii have this question. Do you want the candidate for president be held accountable for the ideology of those who endorse him?

Endorsements indicate agreement with the candidate on significant issues.
I don't think I agree with that. Sometimes an endorsement for a specific someone can be prompted by the idea that the Other guy would be even worse. Trump's support amongst the evangelicals springs to mind.

For the sake of argument let's say I accept your argument. Trump was endorsed in 2016 by this guy.
This guy who's doing it again now The Daily Stormer Endorses Donald Trump for President
This guy Vanguard News Network » Blog Archive » Why the GOP Desperately Needs Trump

Are you still sure you want to judge the candidate by the company they keep?

You can accept the argument, or not. It makes no difference. The Democrats have clearly and undeniably gone full blown Marxist as reflected by their own words and behavior.
I wonder why progressives that embrace Marxists are offended that the Communist party endorses them? You would think they would be flattered?
They aren't offended but rather defensive. The Dems love socialism but hate being called socialists.
If you enjoy any and all taxpayer financed services, you too are enjoying socialism.

No. I am enjoying "general welfare" which serves all citizens, not just specifically-approved social groups.
$20,000 refrigerators and $12/pt ice cream are only for the Pelosi's.

View attachment 371186
I have Sub-Zero and Viking appliances. None are $20K individually. Are you making shit up again?
No, you don't.
This one is no surprise.

Communist Party leader Bob Avakian has announced his support for former Vice President Joe Biden in the upcoming presidential election.

Communist Party Leader Endorses Joe Biden for President
Wait... you want to judge the candidate by the people who endorse him? Are you sure about that premise?

i thought that was the way it was done. all i have been hearing for years, is "ws love trump, so that means something".
This one is no surprise.Communist Party leader Bob Avakian has announced his support for former Vice President Joe Biden in the upcoming presidential election.
Communist Party Leader Endorses Joe Biden for President
So the communists are supporting the communists. Had to figure that one, right?
Dems/liberals aren't Communists. If you want to know what they believe, the Beatles couldn't have said it better.

The Beatles - Revolution

They are a bunch of goose-stepping twinkle toes and cocksucking communist motherfuckers. Anyone who doesn't know it is a mindless drone. Anyone who denies it is a lying motherfucker.

Which are you?
This one is no surprise.Communist Party leader Bob Avakian has announced his support for former Vice President Joe Biden in the upcoming presidential election.
Communist Party Leader Endorses Joe Biden for President
So the communists are supporting the communists. Had to figure that one, right?
Dems/liberals aren't Communists. If you want to know what they believe, the Beatles couldn't have said it better.

The Beatles - Revolution

They are a bunch of goose-stepping twinkle toes and cocksucking communist motherfuckers. Anyone who doesn't know it is a mindless drone. Anyone who denies it is a lying motherfucker.

Which are you?
LOL!!! You go by Bootney Lee Farnsworth and I'm the twinkle toes?!?!
Ii have this question. Do you want the candidate for president be held accountable for the ideology of those who endorse him?

Endorsements indicate agreement with the candidate on significant issues.
You re
Ii have this question. Do you want the candidate for president be held accountable for the ideology of those who endorse him?

Endorsements indicate agreement with the candidate on significant issues.
I don't think I agree with that. Sometimes an endorsement for a specific someone can be prompted by the idea that the Other guy would be even worse. Trump's support amongst the evangelicals springs to mind.

For the sake of argument let's say I accept your argument. Trump was endorsed in 2016 by this guy.
This guy who's doing it again now The Daily Stormer Endorses Donald Trump for President
This guy Vanguard News Network » Blog Archive » Why the GOP Desperately Needs Trump

Are you still sure you want to judge the candidate by the company they keep?

You can accept the argument, or not. It makes no difference. The Democrats have clearly and undeniably gone full blown Marxist as reflected by their own words and behavior.
I wonder why progressives that embrace Marxists are offended that the Communist party endorses them? You would think they would be flattered?
They aren't offended but rather defensive. The Dems love socialism but hate being called socialists.
If you enjoy any and all taxpayer financed services, you too are enjoying socialism.
and the communist tries to justify socialism .... make no mistake we must vote the communist traitor baby killing scum out of power !
This one is no surprise.Communist Party leader Bob Avakian has announced his support for former Vice President Joe Biden in the upcoming presidential election.
Communist Party Leader Endorses Joe Biden for President
So the communists are supporting the communists. Had to figure that one, right?
Dems/liberals aren't Communists. If you want to know what they believe, the Beatles couldn't have said it better.

The Beatles - Revolution

They are a bunch of goose-stepping twinkle toes and cocksucking communist motherfuckers. Anyone who doesn't know it is a mindless drone. Anyone who denies it is a lying motherfucker.

Which are you?
LOL!!! You go by Bootney Lee Farnsworth and I'm the twinkle toes?!?!

If the shoe fits...

You are no liberal. I am. One cannot embrace the Marxist horde in the Democrat party and called himself a liberal.

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