It's not Trump supporters that are attacking Asian-Americans.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
Anti-Asian violence can’t be blamed on Trump supporters (

"According to the Justice Department, 27.5% of all violent crimes against Asian Americans in 2018 were committed by black people. That’s over 50,000 incidents in a single year. White criminals and Asian criminals each accounted for 24.1% of all attacks on Asians."

White people comprise 72.4% of the population. African-Americans comprise 12.6%. Proportionately, African-Americans commit violent crimes against Asians at slightly over 6.5 times the rate white Americans do.

This is what our media and the left do. They sensationalize a tiny number of very carefully selected anecdotes and rationalize away the vast number of other instances that go against their narrative. They will craft an entire narrative around that tiny number of cherry-picked examples and scream about them endlessly. One white guy shot up three Asian massage parlors and suddenly there is a wave of hate crimes against Asian-Americans from Trump supporters. Also, forget the fact that the deranged lunatic drove to three different locations in two different cities in order to specifically target only massage parlors and targeted mostly women. We also have heard no indication from him as to what his political beliefs are. He tells the police he wanted to rid the world of sexual temptation, as he apparently believes illegal sex work must have been going on there. Whether or not anything illegal actually was happening there is not important. He apparently believes it was and somehow in his twisted mind, he believes he was helping others. The media's reaction is "We know for a fact he's a Trump supporter and it was racial." The left is simply asserting his alleged motive and ignoring what he actually said.

Think about this, when was the last time you heard a Trump supporter complaining that we were letting too many Asians into the country, let alone Asian women? Do you really believe that tiny Asian women are the boogeyman that have white Trump supporters terrified?

Lastly, here is another trick the media have been using.

Reports of Asian American hate crimes rose nearly 150% in major U.S. cities last year - CBS News

Notice, they didn't say the violent crime rate against Asians rose by 150%. They say "hate crimes" because they can define what constitutes a hate crime and use that to make the numbers say whatever they want them to.
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75 million White Supremacists voted for Trump.

There is only Trump on Asian crime. Everything else is a lie.
Anti-Asian violence can’t be blamed on Trump supporters (

"According to the Justice Department, 27.5% of all violent crimes against Asian Americans in 2018 were committed by black people. That’s over 50,000 incidents in a single year. White criminals and Asian criminals each accounted for 24.1% of all attacks on Asians."

White people comprise 72.4% of the population. African-Americans comprise 12.6%. Proportionately, African-Americans commit violent crimes against Asians at slightly over 6.5 times the rate white Americans do.

This is what our media and the left do. They sensationalize a tiny number of very carefully selected anecdotes and rationalize away the vast number of other instances that go against their narrative. They will craft an entire narrative around that tiny number of cherry-picked examples and scream about them endlessly. One white guy shot up three Asian massage parlors, and suddenly there is a wave of hate crimes against Asian-Americans from Trump supporters. Also, forget the fact that the deranged lunatic drove to three different locations in two different cities in order to specifically target only massage parlors and targeted mostly women. We also have heard no indication from him as to what his political beliefs are. He tells the police he wanted to rid the world of sexual temptation, as he apparently believes illegal sex work must have been going on there. Whether or not anything illegal actually was happening there is not important. He apparently believes it was and somehow in his twisted mind, he believes he was helping others. The media's reaction is "We know for a fact he's a Trump supporter and it was racial." The left is simply asserting motive to him and ignoring what he actually said.

Think about this, when was the last time you heard a Trump supporter complaining that we were letting too many Asians into the country, let alone Asian women? Do you really believe that tiny Asian women are the boogeyman that have white Trump supporters terrified?

Lastly, here is another trick the media have been using.

Reports of Asian American hate crimes rose nearly 150% in major U.S. cities last year - CBS News

Notice, they didn't say the violent crime rate against Asians rose by 150%. They say "hate crimes" because they can define what constitutes a hate crime and use that to make the numbers say whatever they want them to.

No one is surprised by the crime committed by ethnicity X against Asian Americans.

The perps are not stupid, though.

Although they pick on peaceful & mild Asians, they are scared to death of abusing Latinx.
Anti-Asian violence can’t be blamed on Trump supporters (

"According to the Justice Department, 27.5% of all violent crimes against Asian Americans in 2018 were committed by black people. That’s over 50,000 incidents in a single year. White criminals and Asian criminals each accounted for 24.1% of all attacks on Asians."

White people comprise 72.4% of the population. African-Americans comprise 12.6%. Proportionately, African-Americans commit violent crimes against Asians at slightly over 6.5 times the rate white Americans do.

This is what our media and the left do. They sensationalize a tiny number of very carefully selected anecdotes and rationalize away the vast number of other instances that go against their narrative. They will craft an entire narrative around that tiny number of cherry-picked examples and scream about them endlessly. One white guy shot up three Asian massage parlors and suddenly there is a wave of hate crimes against Asian-Americans from Trump supporters. Also, forget the fact that the deranged lunatic drove to three different locations in two different cities in order to specifically target only massage parlors and targeted mostly women. We also have heard no indication from him as to what his political beliefs are. He tells the police he wanted to rid the world of sexual temptation, as he apparently believes illegal sex work must have been going on there. Whether or not anything illegal actually was happening there is not important. He apparently believes it was and somehow in his twisted mind, he believes he was helping others. The media's reaction is "We know for a fact he's a Trump supporter and it was racial." The left is simply asserting his alleged motive and ignoring what he actually said.

Think about this, when was the last time you heard a Trump supporter complaining that we were letting too many Asians into the country, let alone Asian women? Do you really believe that tiny Asian women are the boogeyman that have white Trump supporters terrified?

Lastly, here is another trick the media have been using.

Reports of Asian American hate crimes rose nearly 150% in major U.S. cities last year - CBS News

Notice, they didn't say the violent crime rate against Asians rose by 150%. They say "hate crimes" because they can define what constitutes a hate crime and use that to make the numbers say whatever they want them to.
The problem has little to do with Asians entering our country, the media, or the "left". Trump has stoked the hate card with his constant"China" virus remarks so that China bad, and China costs us jobs, so Chinese people bad since they look like they come from China even though they may be from Korea. But who cares? Looks are everything to those who like violence. Gives 'em an excuse, yes? That belligerent rhetoric only serves to rile up the imbeciles in our society, no matter what their political persuasions are. Actually, the insurrection against our Capitol was a result of Trump's rhetoric, which goosed his fringe followers to act on his words.
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Anti-Asian violence can’t be blamed on Trump supporters (

"According to the Justice Department, 27.5% of all violent crimes against Asian Americans in 2018 were committed by black people. That’s over 50,000 incidents in a single year. White criminals and Asian criminals each accounted for 24.1% of all attacks on Asians."

White people comprise 72.4% of the population. African-Americans comprise 12.6%. Proportionately, African-Americans commit violent crimes against Asians at slightly over 6.5 times the rate white Americans do.

This is what our media and the left do. They sensationalize a tiny number of very carefully selected anecdotes and rationalize away the vast number of other instances that go against their narrative. They will craft an entire narrative around that tiny number of cherry-picked examples and scream about them endlessly. One white guy shot up three Asian massage parlors and suddenly there is a wave of hate crimes against Asian-Americans from Trump supporters. Also, forget the fact that the deranged lunatic drove to three different locations in two different cities in order to specifically target only massage parlors and targeted mostly women. We also have heard no indication from him as to what his political beliefs are. He tells the police he wanted to rid the world of sexual temptation, as he apparently believes illegal sex work must have been going on there. Whether or not anything illegal actually was happening there is not important. He apparently believes it was and somehow in his twisted mind, he believes he was helping others. The media's reaction is "We know for a fact he's a Trump supporter and it was racial." The left is simply asserting his alleged motive and ignoring what he actually said.

Think about this, when was the last time you heard a Trump supporter complaining that we were letting too many Asians into the country, let alone Asian women? Do you really believe that tiny Asian women are the boogeyman that have white Trump supporters terrified?

Lastly, here is another trick the media have been using.

Reports of Asian American hate crimes rose nearly 150% in major U.S. cities last year - CBS News

Notice, they didn't say the violent crime rate against Asians rose by 150%. They say "hate crimes" because they can define what constitutes a hate crime and use that to make the numbers say whatever they want them to.
2018 was BEFORE Trump unleashed his "China Virus" and his "Kung Flu."
Anti-Asian violence can’t be blamed on Trump supporters (

"According to the Justice Department, 27.5% of all violent crimes against Asian Americans in 2018 were committed by black people. That’s over 50,000 incidents in a single year. White criminals and Asian criminals each accounted for 24.1% of all attacks on Asians."

White people comprise 72.4% of the population. African-Americans comprise 12.6%. Proportionately, African-Americans commit violent crimes against Asians at slightly over 6.5 times the rate white Americans do.

This is what our media and the left do. They sensationalize a tiny number of very carefully selected anecdotes and rationalize away the vast number of other instances that go against their narrative. They will craft an entire narrative around that tiny number of cherry-picked examples and scream about them endlessly. One white guy shot up three Asian massage parlors, and suddenly there is a wave of hate crimes against Asian-Americans from Trump supporters. Also, forget the fact that the deranged lunatic drove to three different locations in two different cities in order to specifically target only massage parlors and targeted mostly women. We also have heard no indication from him as to what his political beliefs are. He tells the police he wanted to rid the world of sexual temptation, as he apparently believes illegal sex work must have been going on there. Whether or not anything illegal actually was happening there is not important. He apparently believes it was and somehow in his twisted mind, he believes he was helping others. The media's reaction is "We know for a fact he's a Trump supporter and it was racial." The left is simply asserting motive to him and ignoring what he actually said.

Think about this, when was the last time you heard a Trump supporter complaining that we were letting too many Asians into the country, let alone Asian women? Do you really believe that tiny Asian women are the boogeyman that have white Trump supporters terrified?

Lastly, here is another trick the media have been using.

Reports of Asian American hate crimes rose nearly 150% in major U.S. cities last year - CBS News

Notice, they didn't say the violent crime rate against Asians rose by 150%. They say "hate crimes" because they can define what constitutes a hate crime and use that to make the numbers say whatever they want them to.

No one is surprised by the crime committed by ethnicity X against Asian Americans.

The perps are not stupid, though.

Although they pick on peaceful & mild Asians, they are scared to death of abusing Latinx.
And another one of those fine upstanding black gents shot his 6 year old daughter to death near Houston for running the toilet over. SMH. The shooting itself is bad enough, but I can't get over the thoughts of abandonment and violation of trust that the poor young girl must have had as one of the people she trusted most in the world took her life. Heart breaking. No penalty can be equal to the immense pain this monster inflicted on an innocent youngster.
Anti-Asian violence can’t be blamed on Trump supporters (

"According to the Justice Department, 27.5% of all violent crimes against Asian Americans in 2018 were committed by black people. That’s over 50,000 incidents in a single year. White criminals and Asian criminals each accounted for 24.1% of all attacks on Asians."

White people comprise 72.4% of the population. African-Americans comprise 12.6%. Proportionately, African-Americans commit violent crimes against Asians at slightly over 6.5 times the rate white Americans do.

This is what our media and the left do. They sensationalize a tiny number of very carefully selected anecdotes and rationalize away the vast number of other instances that go against their narrative. They will craft an entire narrative around that tiny number of cherry-picked examples and scream about them endlessly. One white guy shot up three Asian massage parlors and suddenly there is a wave of hate crimes against Asian-Americans from Trump supporters. Also, forget the fact that the deranged lunatic drove to three different locations in two different cities in order to specifically target only massage parlors and targeted mostly women. We also have heard no indication from him as to what his political beliefs are. He tells the police he wanted to rid the world of sexual temptation, as he apparently believes illegal sex work must have been going on there. Whether or not anything illegal actually was happening there is not important. He apparently believes it was and somehow in his twisted mind, he believes he was helping others. The media's reaction is "We know for a fact he's a Trump supporter and it was racial." The left is simply asserting his alleged motive and ignoring what he actually said.

Think about this, when was the last time you heard a Trump supporter complaining that we were letting too many Asians into the country, let alone Asian women? Do you really believe that tiny Asian women are the boogeyman that have white Trump supporters terrified?

Lastly, here is another trick the media have been using.

Reports of Asian American hate crimes rose nearly 150% in major U.S. cities last year - CBS News

Notice, they didn't say the violent crime rate against Asians rose by 150%. They say "hate crimes" because they can define what constitutes a hate crime and use that to make the numbers say whatever they want them to.
The problem has little to do with Asians entering our country, the media, or the "left". Trump has stoked the hate card with his constant"China" virus remarks so that China bad, and China costs us jobs, so Chinese people bad since they look like they come from China even though they may be from Korea. But who cares? Looks are everything to those who like violence. Gives 'em an excuse, yes? That belligerent rhetoric only serves to rile up the imbeciles in our society, no matter what their political persuasions are. Actually, the insurrection against our Capitol was a result of Trump's rhetoric, which goosed his fringe followers to act on his words.

It is the China virus. It came from China.

How about we make assault a crime and prosecute those who committ crimes.

Left pushed crimes against conservatives by claiming every Trump voter is a racist White Supremacist.

Please run the 100 yard dash in a 60yard gym.
Anti-Asian violence can’t be blamed on Trump supporters (

"According to the Justice Department, 27.5% of all violent crimes against Asian Americans in 2018 were committed by black people. That’s over 50,000 incidents in a single year. White criminals and Asian criminals each accounted for 24.1% of all attacks on Asians."

White people comprise 72.4% of the population. African-Americans comprise 12.6%. Proportionately, African-Americans commit violent crimes against Asians at slightly over 6.5 times the rate white Americans do.

This is what our media and the left do. They sensationalize a tiny number of very carefully selected anecdotes and rationalize away the vast number of other instances that go against their narrative. They will craft an entire narrative around that tiny number of cherry-picked examples and scream about them endlessly. One white guy shot up three Asian massage parlors and suddenly there is a wave of hate crimes against Asian-Americans from Trump supporters. Also, forget the fact that the deranged lunatic drove to three different locations in two different cities in order to specifically target only massage parlors and targeted mostly women. We also have heard no indication from him as to what his political beliefs are. He tells the police he wanted to rid the world of sexual temptation, as he apparently believes illegal sex work must have been going on there. Whether or not anything illegal actually was happening there is not important. He apparently believes it was and somehow in his twisted mind, he believes he was helping others. The media's reaction is "We know for a fact he's a Trump supporter and it was racial." The left is simply asserting his alleged motive and ignoring what he actually said.

Think about this, when was the last time you heard a Trump supporter complaining that we were letting too many Asians into the country, let alone Asian women? Do you really believe that tiny Asian women are the boogeyman that have white Trump supporters terrified?

Lastly, here is another trick the media have been using.

Reports of Asian American hate crimes rose nearly 150% in major U.S. cities last year - CBS News

Notice, they didn't say the violent crime rate against Asians rose by 150%. They say "hate crimes" because they can define what constitutes a hate crime and use that to make the numbers say whatever they want them to.
The problem has little to do with Asians entering our country, the media, or the "left". Trump has stoked the hate card with his constant"China" virus remarks so that China bad, and China costs us jobs, so Chinese people bad since they look like they come from China even though they may be from Korea. But who cares? Looks are everything to those who like violence. Gives 'em an excuse, yes? That belligerent rhetoric only serves to rile up the imbeciles in our society, no matter what their political persuasions are. Actually, the insurrection against our Capitol was a result of Trump's rhetoric, which goosed his fringe followers to act on his words.

It is the China virus. It came from China.

How about we make assault a crime and prosecute those who committ crimes.

Left pushed crimes against conservatives by claiming every Trump voter is a racist White Supremacist.

Please run the 100 yard dash in a 60yard gym.
No, nobody claimed that "every Trump voter is a racist White supremacist."
Those who were accused of being racists and supporters of white supremacists
were simply spewing racist remarks and participating in racist behavior.
Anti-Asian violence can’t be blamed on Trump supporters (

"According to the Justice Department, 27.5% of all violent crimes against Asian Americans in 2018 were committed by black people. That’s over 50,000 incidents in a single year. White criminals and Asian criminals each accounted for 24.1% of all attacks on Asians."

White people comprise 72.4% of the population. African-Americans comprise 12.6%. Proportionately, African-Americans commit violent crimes against Asians at slightly over 6.5 times the rate white Americans do.

This is what our media and the left do. They sensationalize a tiny number of very carefully selected anecdotes and rationalize away the vast number of other instances that go against their narrative. They will craft an entire narrative around that tiny number of cherry-picked examples and scream about them endlessly. One white guy shot up three Asian massage parlors and suddenly there is a wave of hate crimes against Asian-Americans from Trump supporters. Also, forget the fact that the deranged lunatic drove to three different locations in two different cities in order to specifically target only massage parlors and targeted mostly women. We also have heard no indication from him as to what his political beliefs are. He tells the police he wanted to rid the world of sexual temptation, as he apparently believes illegal sex work must have been going on there. Whether or not anything illegal actually was happening there is not important. He apparently believes it was and somehow in his twisted mind, he believes he was helping others. The media's reaction is "We know for a fact he's a Trump supporter and it was racial." The left is simply asserting his alleged motive and ignoring what he actually said.

Think about this, when was the last time you heard a Trump supporter complaining that we were letting too many Asians into the country, let alone Asian women? Do you really believe that tiny Asian women are the boogeyman that have white Trump supporters terrified?

Lastly, here is another trick the media have been using.

Reports of Asian American hate crimes rose nearly 150% in major U.S. cities last year - CBS News

Notice, they didn't say the violent crime rate against Asians rose by 150%. They say "hate crimes" because they can define what constitutes a hate crime and use that to make the numbers say whatever they want them to.
The problem has little to do with Asians entering our country, the media, or the "left". Trump has stoked the hate card with his constant"China" virus remarks so that China bad, and China costs us jobs, so Chinese people bad since they look like they come from China even though they may be from Korea. But who cares? Looks are everything to those who like violence. Gives 'em an excuse, yes? That belligerent rhetoric only serves to rile up the imbeciles in our society, no matter what their political persuasions are. Actually, the insurrection against our Capitol was a result of Trump's rhetoric, which goosed his fringe followers to act on his words.

It is the China virus. It came from China.

How about we make assault a crime and prosecute those who committ crimes.

Left pushed crimes against conservatives by claiming every Trump voter is a racist White Supremacist.

Please run the 100 yard dash in a 60yard gym.
No, nobody claimed that "every Trump voter is a racist White supremacist."
Those who were accused of being racists and supporters of white supremacists
were simply spewing racist remarks and participating in racist behavior.


Anti-Asian violence can’t be blamed on Trump supporters (

"According to the Justice Department, 27.5% of all violent crimes against Asian Americans in 2018 were committed by black people. That’s over 50,000 incidents in a single year. White criminals and Asian criminals each accounted for 24.1% of all attacks on Asians."

White people comprise 72.4% of the population. African-Americans comprise 12.6%. Proportionately, African-Americans commit violent crimes against Asians at slightly over 6.5 times the rate white Americans do.

This is what our media and the left do. They sensationalize a tiny number of very carefully selected anecdotes and rationalize away the vast number of other instances that go against their narrative. They will craft an entire narrative around that tiny number of cherry-picked examples and scream about them endlessly. One white guy shot up three Asian massage parlors and suddenly there is a wave of hate crimes against Asian-Americans from Trump supporters. Also, forget the fact that the deranged lunatic drove to three different locations in two different cities in order to specifically target only massage parlors and targeted mostly women. We also have heard no indication from him as to what his political beliefs are. He tells the police he wanted to rid the world of sexual temptation, as he apparently believes illegal sex work must have been going on there. Whether or not anything illegal actually was happening there is not important. He apparently believes it was and somehow in his twisted mind, he believes he was helping others. The media's reaction is "We know for a fact he's a Trump supporter and it was racial." The left is simply asserting his alleged motive and ignoring what he actually said.

Think about this, when was the last time you heard a Trump supporter complaining that we were letting too many Asians into the country, let alone Asian women? Do you really believe that tiny Asian women are the boogeyman that have white Trump supporters terrified?

Lastly, here is another trick the media have been using.

Reports of Asian American hate crimes rose nearly 150% in major U.S. cities last year - CBS News

Notice, they didn't say the violent crime rate against Asians rose by 150%. They say "hate crimes" because they can define what constitutes a hate crime and use that to make the numbers say whatever they want them to.
The problem has little to do with Asians entering our country, the media, or the "left". Trump has stoked the hate card with his constant"China" virus remarks so that China bad, and China costs us jobs, so Chinese people bad since they look like they come from China even though they may be from Korea. But who cares? Looks are everything to those who like violence. Gives 'em an excuse, yes? That belligerent rhetoric only serves to rile up the imbeciles in our society, no matter what their political persuasions are. Actually, the insurrection against our Capitol was a result of Trump's rhetoric, which goosed his fringe followers to act on his words.

It is the China virus. It came from China.

How about we make assault a crime and prosecute those who committ crimes.

Left pushed crimes against conservatives by claiming every Trump voter is a racist White Supremacist.

Please run the 100 yard dash in a 60yard gym.
No, nobody claimed that "every Trump voter is a racist White supremacist."
Those who were accused of being racists and supporters of white supremacists
were simply spewing racist remarks and participating in racist behavior.

Yes, yes they did. Why lie?

Anti-Asian violence can’t be blamed on Trump supporters (

"According to the Justice Department, 27.5% of all violent crimes against Asian Americans in 2018 were committed by black people. That’s over 50,000 incidents in a single year. White criminals and Asian criminals each accounted for 24.1% of all attacks on Asians."

White people comprise 72.4% of the population. African-Americans comprise 12.6%. Proportionately, African-Americans commit violent crimes against Asians at slightly over 6.5 times the rate white Americans do.

This is what our media and the left do. They sensationalize a tiny number of very carefully selected anecdotes and rationalize away the vast number of other instances that go against their narrative. They will craft an entire narrative around that tiny number of cherry-picked examples and scream about them endlessly. One white guy shot up three Asian massage parlors and suddenly there is a wave of hate crimes against Asian-Americans from Trump supporters. Also, forget the fact that the deranged lunatic drove to three different locations in two different cities in order to specifically target only massage parlors and targeted mostly women. We also have heard no indication from him as to what his political beliefs are. He tells the police he wanted to rid the world of sexual temptation, as he apparently believes illegal sex work must have been going on there. Whether or not anything illegal actually was happening there is not important. He apparently believes it was and somehow in his twisted mind, he believes he was helping others. The media's reaction is "We know for a fact he's a Trump supporter and it was racial." The left is simply asserting his alleged motive and ignoring what he actually said.

Think about this, when was the last time you heard a Trump supporter complaining that we were letting too many Asians into the country, let alone Asian women? Do you really believe that tiny Asian women are the boogeyman that have white Trump supporters terrified?

Lastly, here is another trick the media have been using.

Reports of Asian American hate crimes rose nearly 150% in major U.S. cities last year - CBS News

Notice, they didn't say the violent crime rate against Asians rose by 150%. They say "hate crimes" because they can define what constitutes a hate crime and use that to make the numbers say whatever they want them to.
The problem has little to do with Asians entering our country, the media, or the "left". Trump has stoked the hate card with his constant"China" virus remarks so that China bad, and China costs us jobs, so Chinese people bad since they look like they come from China even though they may be from Korea. But who cares? Looks are everything to those who like violence. Gives 'em an excuse, yes? That belligerent rhetoric only serves to rile up the imbeciles in our society, no matter what their political persuasions are. Actually, the insurrection against our Capitol was a result of Trump's rhetoric, which goosed his fringe followers to act on his words.

It is the China virus. It came from China.

How about we make assault a crime and prosecute those who committ crimes.

Left pushed crimes against conservatives by claiming every Trump voter is a racist White Supremacist.

Please run the 100 yard dash in a 60yard gym.
No, nobody claimed that "every Trump voter is a racist White supremacist."
Those who were accused of being racists and supporters of white supremacists
were simply spewing racist remarks and participating in racist behavior.


Correct--nobody accused, but the racist behavior was observed in full flight.
Anti-Asian violence can’t be blamed on Trump supporters (

"According to the Justice Department, 27.5% of all violent crimes against Asian Americans in 2018 were committed by black people. That’s over 50,000 incidents in a single year. White criminals and Asian criminals each accounted for 24.1% of all attacks on Asians."

White people comprise 72.4% of the population. African-Americans comprise 12.6%. Proportionately, African-Americans commit violent crimes against Asians at slightly over 6.5 times the rate white Americans do.

This is what our media and the left do. They sensationalize a tiny number of very carefully selected anecdotes and rationalize away the vast number of other instances that go against their narrative. They will craft an entire narrative around that tiny number of cherry-picked examples and scream about them endlessly. One white guy shot up three Asian massage parlors and suddenly there is a wave of hate crimes against Asian-Americans from Trump supporters. Also, forget the fact that the deranged lunatic drove to three different locations in two different cities in order to specifically target only massage parlors and targeted mostly women. We also have heard no indication from him as to what his political beliefs are. He tells the police he wanted to rid the world of sexual temptation, as he apparently believes illegal sex work must have been going on there. Whether or not anything illegal actually was happening there is not important. He apparently believes it was and somehow in his twisted mind, he believes he was helping others. The media's reaction is "We know for a fact he's a Trump supporter and it was racial." The left is simply asserting his alleged motive and ignoring what he actually said.

Think about this, when was the last time you heard a Trump supporter complaining that we were letting too many Asians into the country, let alone Asian women? Do you really believe that tiny Asian women are the boogeyman that have white Trump supporters terrified?

Lastly, here is another trick the media have been using.

Reports of Asian American hate crimes rose nearly 150% in major U.S. cities last year - CBS News

Notice, they didn't say the violent crime rate against Asians rose by 150%. They say "hate crimes" because they can define what constitutes a hate crime and use that to make the numbers say whatever they want them to.
The problem has little to do with Asians entering our country, the media, or the "left". Trump has stoked the hate card with his constant"China" virus remarks so that China bad, and China costs us jobs, so Chinese people bad since they look like they come from China even though they may be from Korea. But who cares? Looks are everything to those who like violence. Gives 'em an excuse, yes? That belligerent rhetoric only serves to rile up the imbeciles in our society, no matter what their political persuasions are. Actually, the insurrection against our Capitol was a result of Trump's rhetoric, which goosed his fringe followers to act on his words.

It is the China virus. It came from China.

How about we make assault a crime and prosecute those who committ crimes.

Left pushed crimes against conservatives by claiming every Trump voter is a racist White Supremacist.

Please run the 100 yard dash in a 60yard gym.
No, nobody claimed that "every Trump voter is a racist White supremacist."
Those who were accused of being racists and supporters of white supremacists
were simply spewing racist remarks and participating in racist behavior.

Yes, yes they did. Why lie?

It was more of an observation than an accusation and that is no lie.
Anti-Asian violence can’t be blamed on Trump supporters (

"According to the Justice Department, 27.5% of all violent crimes against Asian Americans in 2018 were committed by black people. That’s over 50,000 incidents in a single year. White criminals and Asian criminals each accounted for 24.1% of all attacks on Asians."

White people comprise 72.4% of the population. African-Americans comprise 12.6%. Proportionately, African-Americans commit violent crimes against Asians at slightly over 6.5 times the rate white Americans do.

This is what our media and the left do. They sensationalize a tiny number of very carefully selected anecdotes and rationalize away the vast number of other instances that go against their narrative. They will craft an entire narrative around that tiny number of cherry-picked examples and scream about them endlessly. One white guy shot up three Asian massage parlors and suddenly there is a wave of hate crimes against Asian-Americans from Trump supporters. Also, forget the fact that the deranged lunatic drove to three different locations in two different cities in order to specifically target only massage parlors and targeted mostly women. We also have heard no indication from him as to what his political beliefs are. He tells the police he wanted to rid the world of sexual temptation, as he apparently believes illegal sex work must have been going on there. Whether or not anything illegal actually was happening there is not important. He apparently believes it was and somehow in his twisted mind, he believes he was helping others. The media's reaction is "We know for a fact he's a Trump supporter and it was racial." The left is simply asserting his alleged motive and ignoring what he actually said.

Think about this, when was the last time you heard a Trump supporter complaining that we were letting too many Asians into the country, let alone Asian women? Do you really believe that tiny Asian women are the boogeyman that have white Trump supporters terrified?

Lastly, here is another trick the media have been using.

Reports of Asian American hate crimes rose nearly 150% in major U.S. cities last year - CBS News

Notice, they didn't say the violent crime rate against Asians rose by 150%. They say "hate crimes" because they can define what constitutes a hate crime and use that to make the numbers say whatever they want them to.
that is a 3 year old stat.

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