It’s No Surprise China Employs The Anti-American Propaganda Of Systemic Racism


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
It’s No Surprise China Employs The Anti-American Propaganda Of Systemic Racism
The Chinese side knows that wielding the same self-loathing ideas the ruling class teaches in American universities will hurt Americans most.
It’s No Surprise China Wields Claims Of Anti-American Systemic Racism (
22 Mar 2021 ~~ By Sumantra Maitra

What was supposed to be a mild first meeting between the two predominant global powers turned to a virtue-signaling slugfest. The Chinese diplomats predictably humiliated the unprepared and frankly amateurish American side with critical race theory-infused talking points that one could encounter in any western university sponsored by taxpayer money. The event is bound to be played over and over again in hundreds of thousands of TV channels in Asia and Africa.
The meeting that took place in Anchorage, Alaska, was supposed to be a mild matter of the two sides getting to know each other. President Biden wanted to reset relations after the explosive Trump years. The meeting was also supposed to demonstrate the virility and diversity of the American side, compared to the highly meritocratic Chinese side. The person sitting next to Blinken had purple hair in the moment destined to go down in history books.
Great power competition is the basis of all international relations, in all of history. The actors might change from empires to nation-states, but great powers competing with other great powers is the game that remains the same. It is not a battle between good and evil, but a competition in which you one-up the other side.
Yet today’s entire diplomatic class is brought up believing in post-Cold War end of history unipolarity, so they are more focused on racism and sexism and have forgotten the basic rule of international relations: security starts at home. If the world’s most powerful state cannot restore order in its cities for years and allows tax-funded universities to teach impressionable youths their country is uniquely racist and sexist and that the heteropatriarchy is the source of all evil, they will not win in future international competitions.
The Chinese and the Russians are simply using the same language and propaganda, and understandably so. The Chinese are even scooping up older, competent males while American companies have mandatory diversity policies, focusing on diversity instead of merit. This is a recipe for utter disaster and would be fatal in a new cold war.
Often the architects of their own destruction are more devastating than imperial adversaries. The humiliation of the American side by the Chinese, using divisive ideas taught at American universities, is just a manifestation of this principle.

The humiliation of Biden State Dept and it's sap-happy baffle gab led by Blinkin & Sullivan in Alaska,
using cockeyed ideas taught by divisive American academia, is a resounding manifested failure of this principle.
"Axios reported that in the final days of his presidency, Trump enacted a policy that would compel primary, secondary, and post-secondary institutions to disclose all contracts and transactions with the Confucius Institute.
Under the Trump policy, schools that do not report information would lose certification for the Student and Exchange Visitor Program.
Records from the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs revealed that Biden nixed the policy on January 26. A spokesperson for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement confirmed to Campus Reform that the policy was rescinded". (Excerpt) Read more at
Hah...., The Chinese have a visceral hatred of everyone except Chinese as blacks will discover. Imagine what would happen to a BLM rally/riot in Tianmen Square.
China no longer has to depend on their Pravda media to control their populace. They can save a few bucks just republishing our Pravda Quisling Media fake narratives to bolster the morale of their populace. Move the NY Times and WAPO to Bejing.

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