It’s Mueller Report D-Day

I look forward to the weeping and gnashing of Leftard teeth.
Democrats lost an election they rigged, and now Democrats have lost an investigation they rigged.
Mueller appointed by the Trump Administration colluded with Democrats. Yep. that sounds about as stupid as you can get.

Hey Dave,

When will Pelosi do her job and call for the impeachment of Donnie Boy?

Why do you need all those investigations to waste taxpayer dollars when you have all the evidence, so impeach and commit political suicide...

Just admit it Dave this has all to do with the Birther nonsense and Benghazi investigations along with the criminal investigation against Hillary...

It is revenge and nothing more...

Really? Benghazi was never anything to investigate. There was nothing illegal about the e0mails.

In the Mueller Report, we KNOW the shit Trump did. There is no comparison whatsoever.

Do Democrats push impeachment or just figure on voting him out. Certainly, there are enough Republicans to put country first to do so. Maybe figure on NY nailing the crooked bastard.

Maybe waiting for the Trump recession to kick in. Trump's tax cuts effects are winding down & the debt is picking up.

Get him voted out, keep the House & win the Senate & then indict him. Trump. Barr, ETAL.

Good luck with that and if your side loses what will you do?

In the end your hope is America has some type of economic collapse so Democrats can have a sweeping victory in 2020, and how pathetic is that?
I look forward to the weeping and gnashing of Leftard teeth.
Democrats lost an election they rigged, and now Democrats have lost an investigation they rigged.
Mueller appointed by the Trump Administration colluded with Democrats. Yep. that sounds about as stupid as you can get.

Hey Dave,

When will Pelosi do her job and call for the impeachment of Donnie Boy?

Why do you need all those investigations to waste taxpayer dollars when you have all the evidence, so impeach and commit political suicide...

Just admit it Dave this has all to do with the Birther nonsense and Benghazi investigations along with the criminal investigation against Hillary...

It is revenge and nothing more...

Really? Benghazi was never anything to investigate. There was nothing illegal about the e0mails.

In the Mueller Report, we KNOW the shit Trump did. There is no comparison whatsoever.

Do Democrats push impeachment or just figure on voting him out. Certainly, there are enough Republicans to put country first to do so. Maybe figure on NY nailing the crooked bastard.

Maybe waiting for the Trump recession to kick in. Trump's tax cuts effects are winding down & the debt is picking up.

Get him voted out, keep the House & win the Senate & then indict him. Trump. Barr, ETAL.

Good luck with that and if your side loses what will you do?

In the end your hope is America has some type of economic collapse so Democrats can have a sweeping victory in 2020, and how pathetic is that?

Not a hope, but a likely outcome.
Democrats lost an election they rigged, and now Democrats have lost an investigation they rigged.
Mueller appointed by the Trump Administration colluded with Democrats. Yep. that sounds about as stupid as you can get.

Hey Dave,

When will Pelosi do her job and call for the impeachment of Donnie Boy?

Why do you need all those investigations to waste taxpayer dollars when you have all the evidence, so impeach and commit political suicide...

Just admit it Dave this has all to do with the Birther nonsense and Benghazi investigations along with the criminal investigation against Hillary...

It is revenge and nothing more...

Really? Benghazi was never anything to investigate. There was nothing illegal about the e0mails.

In the Mueller Report, we KNOW the shit Trump did. There is no comparison whatsoever.

Do Democrats push impeachment or just figure on voting him out. Certainly, there are enough Republicans to put country first to do so. Maybe figure on NY nailing the crooked bastard.

Maybe waiting for the Trump recession to kick in. Trump's tax cuts effects are winding down & the debt is picking up.

Get him voted out, keep the House & win the Senate & then indict him. Trump. Barr, ETAL.

Good luck with that and if your side loses what will you do?

In the end your hope is America has some type of economic collapse so Democrats can have a sweeping victory in 2020, and how pathetic is that?

Not a hope, but a likely outcome.

Yeah, you also believed the Mueller report was the evidence that you needed to get Trump impeached.

So your only hope now is the economy collapsing and if not then there is no hope in 2020...

How sad and pathetic is it to hope for the failure of the economy and the misery of people to get your political party elected into office?
Democrats lost an election they rigged, and now Democrats have lost an investigation they rigged.
Mueller appointed by the Trump Administration colluded with Democrats. Yep. that sounds about as stupid as you can get.

Hey Dave,

When will Pelosi do her job and call for the impeachment of Donnie Boy?

Why do you need all those investigations to waste taxpayer dollars when you have all the evidence, so impeach and commit political suicide...

Just admit it Dave this has all to do with the Birther nonsense and Benghazi investigations along with the criminal investigation against Hillary...

It is revenge and nothing more...

Really? Benghazi was never anything to investigate. There was nothing illegal about the e0mails.

In the Mueller Report, we KNOW the shit Trump did. There is no comparison whatsoever.

Do Democrats push impeachment or just figure on voting him out. Certainly, there are enough Republicans to put country first to do so. Maybe figure on NY nailing the crooked bastard.

Maybe waiting for the Trump recession to kick in. Trump's tax cuts effects are winding down & the debt is picking up.

Get him voted out, keep the House & win the Senate & then indict him. Trump. Barr, ETAL.

Good luck with that and if your side loses what will you do?

In the end your hope is America has some type of economic collapse so Democrats can have a sweeping victory in 2020, and how pathetic is that?

Not a hope, but a likely outcome.

Also Dave if the Economy does collapse then people should realize the President is one person and it take more than one person to tank the economy.

California, Texas, Illinois and New York would have to head into full blown recession with a collapse of a market like the Stock, Oil or Housing markets...

I know it sucks when discussing this with me...
Mueller appointed by the Trump Administration colluded with Democrats. Yep. that sounds about as stupid as you can get.

Hey Dave,

When will Pelosi do her job and call for the impeachment of Donnie Boy?

Why do you need all those investigations to waste taxpayer dollars when you have all the evidence, so impeach and commit political suicide...

Just admit it Dave this has all to do with the Birther nonsense and Benghazi investigations along with the criminal investigation against Hillary...

It is revenge and nothing more...

Really? Benghazi was never anything to investigate. There was nothing illegal about the e0mails.

In the Mueller Report, we KNOW the shit Trump did. There is no comparison whatsoever.

Do Democrats push impeachment or just figure on voting him out. Certainly, there are enough Republicans to put country first to do so. Maybe figure on NY nailing the crooked bastard.

Maybe waiting for the Trump recession to kick in. Trump's tax cuts effects are winding down & the debt is picking up.

Get him voted out, keep the House & win the Senate & then indict him. Trump. Barr, ETAL.

Good luck with that and if your side loses what will you do?

In the end your hope is America has some type of economic collapse so Democrats can have a sweeping victory in 2020, and how pathetic is that?

Not a hope, but a likely outcome.

Yeah, you also believed the Mueller report was the evidence that you needed to get Trump impeached.

So your only hope now is the economy collapsing and if not then there is no hope in 2020...

How sad and pathetic is it to hope for the failure of the economy and the misery of people to get your political party elected into office?
UNEXPECTEDLY:BuzzFeed collusion ‘bombshell’ not looking so good following release of Mueller report.
Democrats lost an election they rigged, and now Democrats have lost an investigation they rigged.
Mueller appointed by the Trump Administration colluded with Democrats. Yep. that sounds about as stupid as you can get.

Hey Dave,

When will Pelosi do her job and call for the impeachment of Donnie Boy?

Why do you need all those investigations to waste taxpayer dollars when you have all the evidence, so impeach and commit political suicide...

Just admit it Dave this has all to do with the Birther nonsense and Benghazi investigations along with the criminal investigation against Hillary...

It is revenge and nothing more...

Really? Benghazi was never anything to investigate. There was nothing illegal about the e0mails.

In the Mueller Report, we KNOW the shit Trump did. There is no comparison whatsoever.

Do Democrats push impeachment or just figure on voting him out. Certainly, there are enough Republicans to put country first to do so. Maybe figure on NY nailing the crooked bastard.

Maybe waiting for the Trump recession to kick in. Trump's tax cuts effects are winding down & the debt is picking up.

Get him voted out, keep the House & win the Senate & then indict him. Trump. Barr, ETAL.

Good luck with that and if your side loses what will you do?

In the end your hope is America has some type of economic collapse so Democrats can have a sweeping victory in 2020, and how pathetic is that?

Not a hope, but a likely outcome.
Exactly how likely is it? We have been promised an immediate recession ever since Trump was elected, yet, his GDP growth in his first two years is better than Obama's last two years.

We were promised that with the Trade War and the Government Shutdown that we would finally have a negative quarter in the first quarter, and Obama's first performance record tended to suck, yet, here we are with the Atlanta Fed forecasting 2.8% growth for the First Quarter.

As consistently as Trump has been exceeding your expectations, I see no reason that he won't continue to do so. Clearly you consistently misread his impact on everything and have since he rode down the escalator.

Even after the Mueller report, you still don't question any of your basic assumptions about Trump's essential effectiveness, durability and quality? How does he keep coming out on top with relatively little experience in the Deep Political game when he is surrounded by enemies and has no real allies other than a majority of the Presidential Electorate in 30 states outside the District of Columbia?
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I look forward to the weeping and gnashing of Leftard teeth.
Democrats lost an election they rigged, and now Democrats have lost an investigation they rigged.
Mueller appointed by the Trump Administration colluded with Democrats. Yep. that sounds about as stupid as you can get.
Pushing Sessions to recuse, when he really didn't have to, and clearly did not know what was at stake, followed by getting Rosenstein to appoint a Special Prosecutor and wear a wire to spy on Trump is a highly unusual sequence of events. Especially given that Comey testified that he deliberately leaked classified information with the expectation that Rosenstein would appoint a Special Prosecutor, clearly he is very comfortable and adept at managing the levers of power even after he was fired.

I too struggle with that.

Here's another take that is just a far-fetched, and the above, though far-fetched, we all saw it happen in real time.

Here's the other take, and I don't vouch for it, I'm just sharing it. I find it unbelievable, but I find the above equally unbelievable, even though I watched it happen.

It's all been a dog and pony show about flushing out the folks in the Intelligence Community that weaponized our Federal Government against a domestic political opponent:

In this scenario, Trump worked with the FBI in the 80's, while he was a Casino Owner in New Jersey to clean up the New Jersey Mob, working with both Mueller and Giuliani, they worked together well then and continue to work together today.
I look forward to the weeping and gnashing of Leftard teeth.
Democrats lost an election they rigged, and now Democrats have lost an investigation they rigged.
Mueller appointed by the Trump Administration colluded with Democrats. Yep. that sounds about as stupid as you can get.

Hey Dave,

When will Pelosi do her job and call for the impeachment of Donnie Boy?

Why do you need all those investigations to waste taxpayer dollars when you have all the evidence, so impeach and commit political suicide...

Just admit it Dave this has all to do with the Birther nonsense and Benghazi investigations along with the criminal investigation against Hillary...

It is revenge and nothing more...
...Trump's tax cuts effects are winding down & the debt is picking up...
They are, and it is? The Atlanta Fed is forecasting 2.8% growth in the First Quarter. That would be the best first quarter this nation has seen in 4 years.

As for the Debt: Trump's been President for 820 days, and over that period the National Debt has increased by $2,080,238,117,558.20

Over Obama's final 820 days, the National Debt increased by $2,048,303,390,054.50. So despite several interest rate hikes by the Fed and much higher GDP growth, Trump's debt increase is only 2% higher in nominal terms, but 3% LOWER in inflation adjusted dollars.

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)
I look forward to the weeping and gnashing of Leftard teeth.
Democrats lost an election they rigged, and now Democrats have lost an investigation they rigged.
Mueller appointed by the Trump Administration colluded with Democrats. Yep. that sounds about as stupid as you can get.

Hey Dave,

When will Pelosi do her job and call for the impeachment of Donnie Boy?

Why do you need all those investigations to waste taxpayer dollars when you have all the evidence, so impeach and commit political suicide...

Just admit it Dave this has all to do with the Birther nonsense and Benghazi investigations along with the criminal investigation against Hillary...

It is revenge and nothing more...
That's a great question, why is Pelosi preventing the impeachment of Trump? Have the Russians gotten to her too? Do you suspect Pelosi of being a Kremlin Operative, too?

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