its been two years, where are the fucking jobs obama & dems

1st post
Its been two years, enough with the its the bush's fault bullshit. Its NOW your fault
If the mess Bush left was just an average economic downturn, you might have a point. But banking, Wall Street and the Global economy drove into the ditch on Bush's watch. It may take more than giving rich folks a tax break to solve the problem.

Ditch or no ditch the results don't match the predictions from the group telling us to "Put the car in D."


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The root causes of this depression reach further back than Obama or Bush or even Clinton, folks.

I don't entirely blame Bush II for the depression and I don't enitely blame Obama for not being able to solve the problem, either.

And when the next president is elected and the economy continues to remain in the crapper I won't be blaming them entirely for that, either.

Expecting any POTUS to turn this disaster around anytime soon is childish.
Its been two years, enough with the its the bush's fault bullshit. Its NOW your fault
If the mess Bush left was just an average economic downturn, you might have a point. But banking, Wall Street and the Global economy drove into the ditch on Bush's watch. It may take more than giving rich folks a tax break to solve the problem.

Ditch or no ditch the results don't match the predictions from the group telling us to "Put the car in D."


Wait a minute! Isn't this the same school of economic theory that tells us that in spite of the fact consumer spending makes up to 70% of economic activity, only the wealthiest deserve tax breaks? Isn't this the same school of thought that condemns trade unions so they can drive wages down to Chinese or Indian levels so the stock holders can see a greater profit? Doesn't it then follow that lower wages depresses economic activity? Isn't this the same school of thought that champions loosening regulations on Wall Street so risky schemes like derivatives can reap high returns for a few while endangering the financial system for the many?

Good idea! Let's do the very same things that created this mess in order to alleviate this mess!
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I had a paper route at 12, lied about my age at 14 to get a job in 74 and have been paying taxes for 36 years.
5th post
Yeah, right.

Y'all have had your noses rubbed in the FACT that with a democrap Congress, Senate AND POTUS,

there is No Way the repugs could have done ANY of this,

but evidently that kool-aid isn't wearing off.

Nice try ~

No Banana.

I see. So the jobs just moved overseas in the last 20 months? Really?

When President Obama took office, we were hemorrhaging 700,000 jobs a month. We have had 9 straight months of job gains, many in the private sector.

Any attempts at job creation bills have been obstructed by the most obstructionist Congress in the history of that body. Attempts to STOP jobs from going overseas have been blocked by the GOP...but it's all Obama's fault? I don't even think that is Kool-aid ya'll are drinking. Smells more like turpentine...

Jobs are going overseas? Nice ring to it, but it doesn't hold up. We have a gain of 300 jobs in our area from a Canadian plant. We are "hemorraging 425,000 jobs a month now. We are just losing less, not gaining jobs. You count funny.

No. We are losing them a lot more slowly. And really. Thank you Republicans for blocking legislation to close loop holes in the tax code that permits the private sector to ship jobs to China, India and an assortment of third world countries.

My shop just opened an office in Manila.

Its been two years, enough with the its the bush's fault bullshit. Its NOW your fault
If the mess Bush left was just an average economic downturn, you might have a point. But banking, Wall Street and the Global economy drove into the ditch on Bush's watch. It may take more than giving rich folks a tax break to solve the problem.

Ditch or no ditch the results don't match the predictions from the group telling us to "Put the car in D."



There you go..Krauthammer..that's a name you can trust. The same guy that wrote speeches for George W. Bush..then rushed to FOX news to comment on what a great speech George W. Bush just gave.
I had a paper route at 12, lied about my age at 14 to get a job in 74 and have been paying taxes for 36 years.

Got ya beat. I had my first job at 9 bagging groceries and graduated to becoming a fish monger at 13.

Queue Lonestar_logic to beat you both with a story about how he was giving out hand-jobs for $1.50 at age 8 in order to put food on the table. :lol:
10th post
I had a paper route at 12, lied about my age at 14 to get a job in 74 and have been paying taxes for 36 years.

Got ya beat. I had my first job at 9 bagging groceries and graduated to becoming a fish monger at 13.

Queue Lonestar_logic to beat you both with a story about how he was giving out hand-jobs for $1.50 at age 8 in order to put food on the table. :lol:

i sold lemonade without a licence and wet pebbles when i was 5!
Its been two years, enough with the its the bush's fault bullshit. Its NOW your fault

people keep asking this same question while the answer is obvious.

The jobs are in China, dummy!:tongue:

That's right. Our jobs are being shipped overseas...exactly where the GOP wants them.

Chamber of Commerce Promotes Outsourcing Jobs

Then why doesn't the all powerful Messiah bring them back????? Can't answer that one can you???? Or does it take longer than 2 years to do this? Maybe if Obama wasn't out on the golf course every weekend he might have more time to deal with this problem....

But I know, I know... It's Bush's fault.
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people keep asking this same question while the answer is obvious.

The jobs are in China, dummy!:tongue:

That's right. Our jobs are being shipped overseas...exactly where the GOP wants them.

Chamber of Commerce Promotes Outsourcing Jobs

Then why doesn't the all powerful Messiah bring them back????? Can't answer that one can you???? Or does it take longer than 2 years to do this? Maybe if Obama wasn't out on the golf course every weekend he might have more time to deal with this problem....

But I know, I know... It's Bush's fault.

Hell yeah! He should just proclaim a royal decree or something! :rolleyes:
people keep asking this same question while the answer is obvious.

The jobs are in China, dummy!:tongue:

That's right. Our jobs are being shipped overseas...exactly where the GOP wants them.

Chamber of Commerce Promotes Outsourcing Jobs

Then why doesn't the all powerful Messiah bring them back????? Can't answer that one can you???? Or doesn it take longer than 2 years to do this? Maybe if Obama wasn't out on the golf course every weekend he might have more time to deal with this problem....

But I know, I know... It's Bush's fault.
I don't think anyone can answer your question. It makes too many presumptions.

Presumptions like President Obama is an all powerful Messiah. Another presumption is the president is out on the golf course every weekend. You and I know this is not true.

Actually, you're not asking any questions here, are you? You're pontificating, casting aspirations, arguing from anecdote and acting pompous while your presumptions just lay there like so much Limbaugh inspired propaganda.
the worst part about a paper route in the early 70's was collecting. People would stiff a 12/13 yr old or not answer the door. The kid has to pay for papers regardless of the homeowner paying or not. I waited to long to cut several people off. Today no collecting and it's adults tossing out of cars.
I had a paper route at 12, lied about my age at 14 to get a job in 74 and have been paying taxes for 36 years.

Got ya beat. I had my first job at 9 bagging groceries and graduated to becoming a fish monger at 13.

So that's why you smell funny! :lol:

That smell was nearly impossible to get out. In Junior High School..the Gym teacher use to say, "Why the heck does it smell like fish in here every morning?"
the worst part about a paper route in the early 70's was collecting. People would stiff a 12/13 yr old or not answer the door. The kid has to pay for papers regardless of the homeowner paying or not. I waited to long to cut several people off. Today no collecting and it's adults tossing out of cars.

That's right. Our jobs are being shipped overseas...exactly where the GOP wants them.

Yeah, right.

Y'all have had your noses rubbed in the FACT that with a democrap Congress, Senate AND POTUS,

there is No Way the repugs could have done ANY of this,

but evidently that kool-aid isn't wearing off.

Nice try ~

No Banana.


Neither party can claim the other has sole responsiblity for the loss of US Jobs and our manufactoring sector. However each side has a stake in how many people they can convince it is the other party's fault. Just like the invasion and occupation of Iraq.

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