It's about time it was said

So you're saying he SAID it was a good idea, but he didn't really THINK it was...

Or did he just do something that he THOUGHT would make him seem more presidential during the intern scandal?

I can't choose...they are both SOOOOOO possible

No, I'm saying he agreed in principle, but more likely than not (I wasn't inside his head or there at the time, were you), he wanted more info (his subsequent actions - or lack thereof -appears to support this idea).

That aside, I love how when the invasion is mentioned, and all us well-informed folks, capable of reading through all the bullshit, and also capable of marking almost down to the day, of what would happen next (yes, Bush and the Cheney rabble were THAT transparent to some of us), it's almost laughable (if the consequences of ALL THOSE - not just US soldiers - who have lost their lives wasn't so serious) that your ONLY comeback is, "But 29 Dems supported it", leaving out the 147 who didn't. I'm trying real, real hard here to remember if I have ever heard a more pathetic reply in all my years of being on messageboards. I probably have, but not one I can think of right away.

You and your ilk OWN this war. Now man up, and take it on the chin. For about the fifth time in about as many weeks, I say - you Cons are HUGE on personal responsibility. Now prove it and stop trying to weasel your way out of it...
we borrowed the money to run bush's pretend war of choice...

which led to our economic meltdown...

i think the president was more than nice to his predecessor.

WOW! That's the spin? $700 Billion borrowed over 7 years led to our economic meltdown? Ok, so riddle me this:

How did doubling that amount in one year work out?
we borrowed the money to run bush's pretend war of choice...

which led to our economic meltdown...

i think the president was more than nice to his predecessor.

WOW! That's the spin? $700 Billion borrowed over 7 years led to our economic meltdown? Ok, so riddle me this:

How did doubling that amount in one year work out?

you know very well it was spending like a drunken sailor on an unnecessary war and cutting taxes for rich people at the same time that was a massive part of the problem.

and it is ABSOLUTELY the reason we can't do the things we need to do now.

again, you can play stupid or you can acknowledge those facts. and i know you're not stupid.
and I actually think goats care more for our nation and its people than Obama.

it's that kind of garbage that shows the right for the loons they are.

I think the re-electing the people who you readily admit fucked up displays the left as they loons they are...

like you guys voting for bush twice?

still better than the alternatives?

who should replace chuck schumer? some rightwingnut tea party loon?

no thanks.
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we borrowed the money to run bush's pretend war of choice...

which led to our economic meltdown...

i think the president was more than nice to his predecessor.

WOW! That's the spin? $700 Billion borrowed over 7 years led to our economic meltdown? Ok, so riddle me this:

How did doubling that amount in one year work out?

iRACIST! :lol:
we borrowed the money to run bush's pretend war of choice...

which led to our economic meltdown...

i think the president was more than nice to his predecessor.

You people are so FULL OF SHIT.

the CBO just announced the entire cost of the war for 8 years was 750 Billion dollars. Yet you assholes keep acting like that sent us over the cliff. the Stimulus package alone is more than that. All during the war you lied about how much it was costing, and now you are lying about how much that cost spread over 8 fucking years had to do with the economic melt down.

The Meltdown was the fault of Housing markets and Bad Policy. Not the spending on the War in Iraq. You are the most disingenuous person on this Board Jil.
it's that kind of garbage that shows the right for the loons they are.

I think the re-electing the people who you readily admit fucked up displays the left as they loons they are...

like you guys voting for bush twice?

still better than the alternatives?

who should replace chuck schumer? some rightwingnut tea party loon?
I didn't vote for the Shrub the first time around....Haven't voted for a single republican -federal, state or local- since '94.

Unlike you, I refuse to fall for the stale old game of "my messed-up-in-the-head authoritarian moonbat loon can beat up your messed-up-in-the-head authoritarian moonbat loon" anymore.

But, whatever blows your skirt up, man.
puleeze... the 'right only complained abut bush's 'spending' when they were going to get their butt's kicked.

That's bullshit.

i'm not going to prove once again, that bush drove the economy into a ditch...

Still hanging onto that talking point. Think about when the recession started. What changed that same month?

what i can tell you is he was full of it when he gave a 'refund' to rich people b/c we had a surplus.

Are you talking about the tax credit checks that only went out to those earning less than $150K per year in wages and completely exempted all new small business owners?

Ah, Krugman. An economist so great that after winning his Nobel decided to quit economics and start writing about politics and fiscal policy. You should fact check him a little, he's never advocated in favor of a plan that worked and none of his predictions have come true. He's an ultra Keynesian that never actually has to care if his theories are even viable. Too bad, he was once a great data cruncher. Now he doesn't even care if his data is accurate.

you wanna tell me how spending 200 billion dollars on our credit card helped the economy; all the while the rightwings scream if 10 cents goes to help someone.

I'm not going to justify any of Bush's economic policies. "Not quite as Keynesian as Krugman," isn't exactly a winning strategy in my book.
he was the only leader in recorded history to cut taxes during

And federal revenue went up as a result. That's a fact.

and now the wingnuts whine about the deficit.

Well sure they do. When Republicans run up the deficit it's not a problem for Republicans, but the Democrats bitch about it and make it the primary focus of their campaign to take over Congress. Then Democrats run up the deficit and it's not a problem for Democrats, but then the Republicans bitch about it and make it the primary focus of their campaign to take over Congress.

And you all go out and elect more Republicans or Democrats, so who is really at fault for the debt?

True, but the Democrats who whined about the Republican spending always proposed spending more. When they got put in charge they actually did, much much much more.
you're right... they shouldn't have fallen for the fake intel...

and again, bush was never supposed to just invade iraq and kill saddam hussein....

he was supposed to exhaust all diplomatic efforts first.

and despite the fact that the speeches made at the passage of the bill made that clear, i opposed it then anyway because i knew bush couldn't be trusted and i knew it was a mistake... he didn't care what hans blix said, he didn't care what his state dept said....

I am quite unimpressed with Monday Morning Quarterbacks... They all saw the same intel and as our representatives, decided to go in... We trusted their decision and their intel...

These people are re-elected time and time again, so the people who put them back in their seats seem to be fine with these decisions....

it isn't monday morning quarterbacking when i said the exact same things then.....

i never trusted the intel... i read hans blix's reports... i knew what the state dept told daddy bush.

and i woujldn't have trusted bush/cheney if their tongues were notarized.

So we're clear, you weren't really anti-war you were just anti-Bush.
How come the left no longer wants to reign in spending?

I am not sure what you mean. We favor deep & permanent tax cuts to the US Military machine, the Corporate Regime, and other overfed piggie programs. Hey, we are onboard to assist you chop the fuck out of the rights failed programs. But hey, we had 8 years of American citizen neglect, so it is catch up time on social programs.
Quote: Originally Posted by jillian
puleeze... the 'right only complained abut bush's 'spending' when they were going to get their butt's kicked.

That's bullshit.
yes it was bullshit to wait till about Bush's last year to complain about the spending.
I expect the fact that other republicans were running for office is why the complaints started.
Quote: Originally Posted by jillian
puleeze... the 'right only complained abut bush's 'spending' when they were going to get their butt's kicked.

That's bullshit.
yes it was bullshit to wait till about Bush's last year to complain about the spending.
I expect the fact that other republicans were running for office is why the complaints started.

That's probably true. There is far too much partisanship on both sides in Washington.
Well, it was Clinton...but it was still Bush's fault. Because one Bush in office covers at least 10 years either side of his term.

That's right, Clinton signed it and then he invaded Iraq...oh, that's right HE DIDN"T.....

You guys don't seem to see a difference between supporting - in principle - something, and actually doing it.

Most supported - in principle - the US having nukes as a deterrant during the Cold War. Now, post-1945, how many of those suckers did the US actually use?


So you're saying he SAID it was a good idea, but he didn't really THINK it was...

Or did he just do something that he THOUGHT would make him seem more presidential during the intern scandal?

I can't choose...they are both SOOOOOO possible

Well to be fair, in progressive land the "Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002" really didn't authorize it.
Quote: Originally Posted by jillian
puleeze... the 'right only complained abut bush's 'spending' when they were going to get their butt's kicked.

That's bullshit.
yes it was bullshit to wait till about Bush's last year to complain about the spending.
I expect the fact that other republicans were running for office is why the complaints started.
I complained about all of Shrubbie's stupid spending, NCLB, the idiotic Medicare D handout, DHS, TSA, the USAPATRIOT Act...You name it.

When are schmucks like you going to get all bent out of shape, because your matinee idol of a president can't seem to prove he's any better an alternative?
Quote: Originally Posted by jillian
puleeze... the 'right only complained abut bush's 'spending' when they were going to get their butt's kicked.

That's bullshit.
yes it was bullshit to wait till about Bush's last year to complain about the spending.
I expect the fact that other republicans were running for office is why the complaints started.
I complained about all of Shrubbie's stupid spending, NCLB, the idiotic Medicare D handout, DHS, TSA, the USAPATRIOT Act...You name it.

When are schmucks like you going to get all bent out of shape, because your matinee idol of a president can't seem to prove he's any better an alternative?
You may well have complained.
However most republicans did not nor did hardly any of the right wing pundits.

You and Ron Paul were about the only right wingers complaining.
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