It's a win for the GOP.


Set the spin cycle on HIGH.


It sure is..on BOTH sides.
why did the right cheer reagans ballooning the debt anf Bush spending the Clinton surpluses immediately?
The american people and especially the lefties think obama won. Well, Boehner and Co. did totally cave in to hussein's wishes but let's look closely at it.

The plan they agreed to adds 4 trillion to the deficit over 10 years, that's additional over the 1 trillion that we already add to the defecit yearly.

There are no spending cuts, and likely won't be. If the economy doesn't totally crash this year or next, eventually the young people of this country will have to deal with the crushing debt. I'm no economist but one doesn't have to be to know that something bad is going to happen economically because of it.

The reason the GOP has actually won? Obama totally owns this mess now. All barry and the left cares about is winning. To hell with the consequences, just win.

I pity the young.

How does putting off the hard decisions work out well for the GOP? They've just delayed the inevitable, giving them more time to be portrayed as obstructionists. I don't see the upside, but it's their funeral! :dunno:

Your party got EVERYTHING they've crowed about which will add 4 TRILLION to the 16.5 trillion dollar deficit.. YOU ASKED FOR IT, YOU GOT IT. Now lie in it.. LIBERALS own it lock, stock, and barrel.. No weaseling out of this one.
Americans lost big time on this deal, in March, we do this same shit all over again, I can't see how anyone won.

This is all bullshit, and again, the American people lose and dumbshit partisan hack jobs will claim victory by screwing the American people over and over.
The american people and especially the lefties think obama won. Well, Boehner and Co. did totally cave in to hussein's wishes but let's look closely at it.

The plan they agreed to adds 4 trillion to the deficit over 10 years, that's additional over the 1 trillion that we already add to the defecit yearly.

There are no spending cuts, and likely won't be. If the economy doesn't totally crash this year or next, eventually the young people of this country will have to deal with the crushing debt. I'm no economist but one doesn't have to be to know that something bad is going to happen economically because of it.

The reason the GOP has actually won? Obama totally owns this mess now. All barry and the left cares about is winning. To hell with the consequences, just win.

I pity the young.

No jobs, no future, likely no SS, lots of hope... The oBUMa legacy to them.

It's the Henny Penny dance. Hey, did you notice the sky didn't fall in Oct. 2008 'cause government acted? Bush first and Obama later? Of course the pillars of government cannot hold the sky aloft while people like Eric Cantor and Rand Paul continue to hack away at those columns.

The radical RINO in the H. of Rep. along with the Randian RINO in the Senate need to put their ideology in their pocket and begin to govern. Every sane person knows on some level we can't fix three decades of spend, spend, and spend in one Congress or in a decade. Two things which seem pragmatic cures for the infection of partisanship in The District should be considered:

1. A Constitutional Amendment providing the POTUS with the Line-Item Veto;

2. A Constitutional Amendment to modify Sec. I of the 22nd Amendment to "No person shall be elected to the office of POTUS more than once", and the term of office in Sec. 1 of Article II to make said term for six years.
The american people and especially the lefties think obama won. Well, Boehner and Co. did totally cave in to hussein's wishes but let's look closely at it.

The plan they agreed to adds 4 trillion to the deficit over 10 years, that's additional over the 1 trillion that we already add to the defecit yearly.

There are no spending cuts, and likely won't be. If the economy doesn't totally crash this year or next, eventually the young people of this country will have to deal with the crushing debt. I'm no economist but one doesn't have to be to know that something bad is going to happen economically because of it.

The reason the GOP has actually won? Obama totally owns this mess now. All barry and the left cares about is winning. To hell with the consequences, just win.

I pity the young.

No jobs, no future, likely no SS, lots of hope... The oBUMa legacy to them.

It's the Henny Penny dance. Hey, did you notice the sky didn't fall in Oct. 2008 'cause government acted? Bush first and Obama later? Of course the pillars of government cannot hold the sky aloft while people like Eric Cantor and Rand Paul continue to hack away at those columns.

The radical RINO in the H. of Rep. along with the Randian RINO in the Senate need to put their ideology in their pocket and begin to govern. Every sane person knows on some level we can't fix three decades of spend, spend, and spend in one Congress or in a decade. Two things which seem pragmatic cures for the infection of partisanship in The District should be considered:

1. A Constitutional Amendment providing the POTUS with the Line-Item Veto;

2. A Constitutional Amendment to modify Sec. I of the 22nd Amendment to "No person shall be elected to the office of POTUS more than once", and the term of office in Sec. 1 of Article II to make said term for six years.

Those amendments might get your vote and mine but ...likely it will never see the light of day.
Man….. if I were a republican I would find a place to hide…. I couldn’t take another butt kicking like that….. :lol::lol::lol:

The american people and especially the lefties think obama won. Well, Boehner and Co. did totally cave in to hussein's wishes but let's look closely at it.

The plan they agreed to adds 4 trillion to the deficit over 10 years, that's additional over the 1 trillion that we already add to the defecit yearly.

There are no spending cuts, and likely won't be. If the economy doesn't totally crash this year or next, eventually the young people of this country will have to deal with the crushing debt. I'm no economist but one doesn't have to be to know that something bad is going to happen economically because of it.

The reason the GOP has actually won? Obama totally owns this mess now. All barry and the left cares about is winning. To hell with the consequences, just win.

I pity the young.

The economy must fail is still the best you got?

Boehner has been neutered. He has zero political influence and is left sputtering about Obama's leadership. Obama has forced a political split in the Republican Party. Time to let them consume themselves and see what emerges

Typical. You dan't care what happens to the country as long as your side gets a win. You are a good Democrat.
How does putting off the hard decisions work out well for the GOP? They've just delayed the inevitable, giving them more time to be portrayed as obstructionists. I don't see the upside, but it's their funeral! :dunno:

Wow! Didn't take you long. How do you figure the GOP and not Obama and the Dems, put off making decisions?

The House is responsible for generating fiscal bills. It's on their head. The president can make suggestions, but if Boehner & Co. don't find a way to compromise, nothing's going to happen. I don't consider a temporary deal to be doing anything.

Do you realize that there are democrats in the House? Do you also realize that the Democrat controlled Senate must agree? Do you also know that Joe Biden was called in to hammer out a deal with the Senate minority GOP?

So tell me again how the GOP gets the blame?
Of course spending savings are coming, just not on the backs of the nonrich, nor in answer to Pub blackmail that hurts the country.

Nondupes also know O-care will save tons of money in health care, a huge drag on the economy for years- doubled just under Booosh and his buddies in Big Health and Pharma. Just have to stop the ridiculous Pub shennanigans over paying bills we already have, just to play to the dupes and their a-hole demagogues. The economy is ready to roll, despite their gloom and doom, chicken little PUBCRAPPE. All they care about is getting power back, to steal again. Pub dupes! LOL

Dude, you are dumber than a bag of hammers.
Americans lost big time on this deal, in March, we do this same shit all over again, I can't see how anyone won.

This is all bullshit, and again, the American people lose and dumbshit partisan hack jobs will claim victory by screwing the American people over and over.

American lost for sure, especially the young. There's no denying that.
Market is going up, there are trillions in private capital that may enter the market this year on assurance of no nasty surprises. Could see a very good year this year. And you poor 'Conservatives' will totally hate the idea of more Americans with good jobs and a good economy.

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