It's A Full-Time Job Trying To Prove Democrats Are Lying

The problem for reasonable people is that the mainstream media has gone crazy. No matter what President Trump accomplishes and no matter how reasonable his proposals are the mainstream media will act as if the President of the United States is the enemy and defend the idiocy of the democrat party which apparently includes a (bloodless) coup.

Yes, Don has been so reasonable and is being picked on, again, poor little mushroom dicked Don, but your horrible corporate state media machine is to blame.

Not americans themselves who sat on their fat entitled asses while Clinton deregulated the FCC which resulted in the corporate state's monopolization of "information" which took 50 some odd companies in this arena in the US in the 1980s down to half a dozen multinational corporations now. Monopolization used to be an undesirable situation in america.

I take it your a tad dissatisfied with it. So easy for these political parties to play the unsubstantial people off of each other. it's clear you probably understand that Clinton was doing things that didn't help protect us from lying media conglomerates.

And everyone sat on their asses and went along with the corporate state left with nothing but moaning and blaming someone else for their lot in life.

It's on us, the american people who did nothing and still won't.
..while he sits on his ass and blames someone else. ;) However we did do something. We elected Trump. Thank God that lying rape enabling skank lost.

And your media? Same, ain't it. Stay on the couch, post, feel the change.
"""It's A Full-Time Job Trying To Prove Democrats Are Lying"""

Funny, it takes only seconds to prove a Republican is lying.

Trump at rally: "Who's going to pay for the wall????"
Crowd: "Mexico!!!"
Trump: "That's right. I promise they will!"

Letter: Trump promised a wall that Mexico pays for – The Mercury News

There, less than a minute.
Next right wing idiot....
So you're saying that before it's done being built Mexico is never going to pay for it.
And that's your proof?
I guess you have some sort of time machine you're using to tell the future?

You can tap dance as hard as you can, but I quoted him and you're responding by blathering.

Where has Trump shown that Mexico will pay for it before it's finished?

Post that link or STFU with your bullshit thread.
It’s actually simple, any word breathed by a leftist is a lie!
The problem for reasonable people is that the mainstream media has gone crazy. No matter what President Trump accomplishes and no matter how reasonable his proposals are the mainstream media will act as if the President of the United States is the enemy and defend the idiocy of the democrat party which apparently includes a (bloodless) coup.

Yes, Don has been so reasonable and is being picked on, again, poor little mushroom dicked Don, but your horrible corporate state media machine is to blame.

Not americans themselves who sat on their fat entitled asses while Clinton deregulated the FCC which resulted in the corporate state's monopolization of "information" which took 50 some odd companies in this arena in the US in the 1980s down to half a dozen multinational corporations now. Monopolization used to be an undesirable situation in america.

I take it your a tad dissatisfied with it. So easy for these political parties to play the unsubstantial people off of each other.

"""It's A Full-Time Job Trying To Prove Democrats Are Lying"""

Funny, it takes only seconds to prove a Republican is lying.

Trump at rally: "Who's going to pay for the wall????"
Crowd: "Mexico!!!"
Trump: "That's right. I promise they will!"

Letter: Trump promised a wall that Mexico pays for – The Mercury News

There, less than a minute.
Next right wing idiot....

They are lying, all the time, just like you.
Hey Tex you have one of those fake green cards they give out on Trumps properties?
The left says the wall won't work.
They're lying of course.
A wall will work.....and has worked.

Democrats lied about the wall. Lies, Lies, Lies. There are just so many of them, you'd spend every waking hour trying to prove that the left and their media is lying. And that's part of the plan.
Fill the airways with so many lies that you're spending all of your time trying to prove that they are what they are, nothing but bold-faced lies.

Yet it seems to work on the weak-minded.
First the left created someone who everyone could hate, then they started throwing lie after lie at him hoping there would be enough idiots to buy into it. They needed plenty of ignorant assholes that were only willing to believe the worst of their target, so that any fabrication would seem plausible.

The left claims that the wall won't work. They also claimed that the caravan didn't exist. Now they minimize the fact that it did exist at the same time they claim that Trump caused two children to die that supposedly didn't exist, if you believe their original lie that the caravan didn't exist. Two children died because Democrats organized the caravan and brought them here. But now they want us to believe that they had nothing to do with it. The fact is leftists had everything to do with it.

Now back to the wall. It doesn't work, according to them. But what did the wall do in this case? It worked. The problem is Democrats keep trafficking these people into the United States anyway, effectively going around the wall. Thanks to bleeding-heart liberals, we're being subjected to diseases that we aren't used to because nobody is properly screening these migrants before they enter American society. What good is a wall if Democrats fly these people into the US without proper authorization. This is the only reason Democrats claim a wall won't work. Because they'll simply ignore it and bring them here anyway.

The wall is pointless if criminals in America keep breaking immigration laws or keep using loopholes in the law that Trump is trying to close. The moment Trump signs a EO closing them some judge, this time Chief Justice Roberts, overrules the order.

December 30, 2018
Democrats say, with no evidence, that walls don't work
By Jack Hellner
Frequently when President Trump says something, the media follow his statements with three words: "with no evidence." For example: He says there are criminals and terrorists in the caravan and they say that he has no evidence, even though there is plenty of evidence from government agencies.

Yet when Democrats frequently say walls don't work, I never see the words "with no evidence" following the statement. It appears to me that journalists never seek examples and when they know that barriers do work.


Tennessee State Prison wall (Photo credit: Alison Groves)

For Example:

  • Prisons have walls to keep criminals in and unwanted people out.
  • Lawmakers make laws to require fences around pools (on penalty of civil liability) to make them safe. Why would they do that if barriers don't work?
  • Forts have walls and gates.
  • Gated communities have barriers to keep unwanted people out. Many of the rich who have barriers protecting their homes pretend they are welcoming to all.
  • The White House has a fence.
  • Movie studios have gates and security to prevent unwanted people from coming in for secrecy and safety yet many Hollywood elite want open borders.
  • Castles had moats and walls.
  • Israel has a barrier that works.
  • The Vatican has a wall.
If walls don't work, why did the Berlin Wall have to come down to give people access and freedom?

Nancy Pelosi says it is immoral to have the wall as if she is an expert on morality. Jerusalem had a wall during Jesus time.


The walls in Jesus’s day were the same walls the Hasmoneans expanded. I drew a cross in the timeline at the location of Jesus’ crucifixion.

The modern Citadel marks the western limit of Jerusalem in the time of Jesus. Pontius Pilate’s Praetorium was in this spot, and from here he likely tried and condemned Jesus.

It is truly a shame that so many politicians, mostly Democrats, have given people from other countries the idea that they were entitled to come across our border illegally and so have endangered their children. That is immoral.

Pelosi seems to care more about allowing illegal aliens to come in than she does about the safety and welfare of U.S citizens. That is immoral.

It is immoral for politicians to take an oath to enforce the laws of the land and then create sanctuary cities and states to ignore the laws. How many people must die at the hands of illegals before Democrats give a damn? Where is the empathy and morality?

Nancy Pelosi is from California and the California Constitution requires state politicians (Pelosi is a federal office holder, but still….) to protect the safety of its people, so where do the Democrats get the idea they should allow illegal aliens to roam freely when many are obviously criminals?

Although it is not generally known -- even to specialists in personal injury litigation -- we all have a constitutional right to safety. This right is not buried in some obscure constitutional amendment; it is found in Article I, Section 1 of the California Constitution. This section of the State Constitution declares:

All people are by nature free and independent and have inalienable rights. Among these are enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining safety, happiness, and privacy.

Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and most of the media are pretending that, somehow, she has all the power here even though she only has the House. While Trump has been attempting to negotiate. Pelosi and other Democrats have been resting. Pelosi has been playing at a luxury resort in Hawaii. How would the media react if Trump was playing in Florida while Democrats were trying to negotiate?

Pelosi will come back and pass a bill with no money for a border barrier. She will dictate to her slaves to pass it and not care what is in it. Then it will go to the Senate where I hope hope that it will die.

When the complaining federal workers and journalists come to their senses, they should openly lobby Pelosi and the Democrats to vote for a barrier, as they have before, so government can reopen. All they have to do is use Senator Obama's words from 2006 as a reason to vote for the money.

The American people are a welcoming and generous people. But those who enter our country illegally, and those who employ them, disrespect the rule of law. And because we live in an age where terrorists are challenging our borders, we simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, and unchecked. Americans are right to demand better border security and better enforcement of the immigration laws.

The media are actually the main reason that 25% of the Federal government is closed today, because they almost universally support Democrats whatever position they take and no matter how often they are hypocritical. How many people must die at the hands of illegal aliens before journalists care? How many families will lose children making a hazardous border crossing because they have been given the idea that the can enter America at will if they bring a child with them?

Says a goose-stepping and easily manipulated supporter of an habitual liar, Donald J Trump. You should look in the mirror Mud-boy.
Oh the irony. Enough said.
This story may be the result of human-trafficking:


December 29, 2018
Conservative journalist Bre Payton's shock H1N1 death shows just how little the local press is reporting
By Monica Showalter
Bre Payton, 26, a talented writer for The Federalist and a Fox News commentator, has shockingly died. It happened yesterday in San Diego, the result of H1N1, commonly known as swine flu. Payton was fine two days ago, and all of a sudden she was in a coma, one she didn't make it out of. I didn't know her, but nobody should die like that, not even someone with a more advanced age or less-rightward politics. Twenty-six, and suddenly gone. I feel such sympathy for those who knew and loved her, because this is awful news.

It made me want to make some kind of sense of how this could happen. I wanted to look up what might be going on here since I live here, very likely in the same district she died in, given that she was apparently visiting her friend Morgan Murtaugh, the Republican candidate I voted for in the midterms since this is my district. Googling "San Diego," "swine flu" and "-Payton" to see what the news was before her death, I found ... no news coverage.

That's dereliction of duty from the press. There are so many unanswered questions the public here would have an interest in knowing, and nope, nobody on the job.

First, how does anyone die of the flu? According to LiveScience, if a flu death is quick, it's the result of one's lungs getting so inflammed a sufferer cannot breathe. The word is not out on Payton, but quite possibly, that is what happened to her since her death was so quick. That's an awful way to go.

Then I headed off to the County Health and Human Services Agency, where, according to the San Diego Union-Tribune, her death is being investigated.

What I found there was shocking - take a look at this Dec. 22 Influenza Watch chart: Flu cases have spiked up significantly in the past two weeks. Swine flu, which is relatively rare, now accounts for 14.3% of all flu cases. We can also see from the various charts shown that there was a bad outbreak last year and this year seems to be on track to echo to a lesser extent that same dangerous pattern.


Image credit: San Diego County Department of Health and Human Services

Which raises the question even more: Where has the press been in all this? I looked hard on Google for news for stories about swine flu's presence, or any flu's presence in San Diego County, checking the local TV stations, the San Diego Union-Tribune and the local alternative presses, and found ... nothing.

It's too soon to blame illegals at this point, though caravaners are crossing the border into the states now, and a recent child migrant's death was determined to have been caused by a separate strain of the flu. It's also too soon to dismiss this as an issue of the homeless. We don't know why she died - was it the flu itself and some very bad luck, was it geographical risk, was it a hospital error, was it an underlying condition? We don't even know which hospital, but it's unlikely that the problem was the hospital, given that all of the hospitals here are very good and many are nationally ranked. It very likely happened in congressional district 53, where Murtaugh (who ran for office in 53 and was the one who discovered her friend unconscious) probably lived, given that Payton was not from San Diego, based on Google searches, she seemed to have family near Los Angeles. District 53 is neither a big illegals place nor a major homeless population area.
More searching shows that swine flu has been in this area in the past. A decade ago, H1N1 shut down my old high school as a public safety measure. I had my flu shot. But what I can't ascertain from news reports is whether that strain of the flu is included in this year's shot. I only found an old report saying that after the 2009 outbreak, H1N1 was included in the following year's serum. Not seeing any news on that, either.

What does this tell us? That a big story has been going on and none of the local presses are spotting it. Seriously, I looked. That's a public health issue that affects everyone, and nobody has been reporting it. Not the local TV stations, not the San Diego Union-Tribune, not the local alternative presses. This is a different sort of media dereliction of duty compared to the typical political bias, and makes me wonder if it's the result of so many layoffs in the news industry that expertise on public health has gone by the wayside.

Either way, the press has fallen down on the job by not warning of the potential for danger in San Diego over this deadly illness.

Bre Payton, R.I.P.

We require American children to have their vaccines to attend our schools.
But, the Democratic Party's lust for power means that we have to have open borders with people bringing new diseases into our country.
Democrats don't care about American Citizens, including our children.
Liberals have no real compassion.
They just have blind greed.
The problem for reasonable people is that the mainstream media has gone crazy. No matter what President Trump accomplishes and no matter how reasonable his proposals are the mainstream media will act as if the President of the United States is the enemy and defend the idiocy of the democrat party which apparently includes a (bloodless) coup.

Yes, Don has been so reasonable and is being picked on, again, poor little mushroom dicked Don, but your horrible corporate state media machine is to blame.

Not americans themselves who sat on their fat entitled asses while Clinton deregulated the FCC which resulted in the corporate state's monopolization of "information" which took 50 some odd companies in this arena in the US in the 1980s down to half a dozen multinational corporations now. Monopolization used to be an undesirable situation in america.

I take it your a tad dissatisfied with it. So easy for these political parties to play the unsubstantial people off of each other. it's clear you probably understand that Clinton was doing things that didn't help protect us from lying media conglomerates.

And everyone sat on their asses and went along with the corporate state left with nothing but moaning and blaming someone else for their lot in life.

It's on us, the american people who did nothing and still won't.
..while he sits on his ass and blames someone else. ;) However we did do something. We elected Trump. Thank God that lying rape enabling skank lost.

Yeah, you preferred the lying, porn-star-fucking, 6-time-bankruptcy, 4-time draft deferring, $35M Trump University fraud lawsuit defendant. Aren't you so smart!
Democrats are the enemy, remember that, they are ignorant to all facts and reasoning, Trump 2020!
"""It's A Full-Time Job Trying To Prove Democrats Are Lying"""

Funny, it takes only seconds to prove a Republican is lying.

Trump at rally: "Who's going to pay for the wall????"
Crowd: "Mexico!!!"
Trump: "That's right. I promise they will!"

There, less than a minute.
Next right wing idiot....
So you're saying that before it's done being built Mexico is never going to pay for it.
And that's your proof?
I guess you have some sort of time machine you're using to tell the future?

Unless you can show a check/payment/agreement, yeah, dumbass. What kind of backwater inbred fuckwit believes any president who said what this twit said: Mexico will pay for what this money launderer wants built with minority support to "fix" fear mongering and white fragility?

Here, got a country song for ya:

Folk strolling outta Honduras
Thanks to an ‘09 coup by US
Snowflakes up here moan and howl and wail
Dirty brown people want all our stuff
Lord know we ain‘t got enough
Cage the kids toss mom-n-dad in jail

I’m gonna make me an anchor baby
No sir don’t mean maybe
Ain’t no child a mine gonna climb no wall
Turns out it was all wack shit
They was never gonna pay for it
Now it’s down to a maybe on slats that’s all

Think I’ll ride down to Mexico
I ain’t never been before
Hear tell you can have the time of your life
Head on down, let down my hair
Scare me up some fun down there
Might just wind up findin’ me wife

I’m gonna make me an anchor baby
No sir don’t mean maybe
Ain’t no child a mine gonna climb no wall
Turns out it was all wack shit
They was never gonna pay for it
Now it’s down to a maybe on slats that’s all

Instrumental bridge

Repeat chorus:

I’m gonna make me an anchor baby
No sir don’t mean maybe
No sweet child a mine gonna climb no wall
Turns out it was all wack shit
They was never gonna pay for it
Now it’s down to a maybe on slats that’s all
The problem for reasonable people is that the mainstream media has gone crazy. No matter what President Trump accomplishes and no matter how reasonable his proposals are the mainstream media will act as if the President of the United States is the enemy and defend the idiocy of the democrat party which apparently includes a (bloodless) coup.

Yes, Don has been so reasonable and is being picked on, again, poor little mushroom dicked Don, but your horrible corporate state media machine is to blame.

Not americans themselves who sat on their fat entitled asses while Clinton deregulated the FCC which resulted in the corporate state's monopolization of "information" which took 50 some odd companies in this arena in the US in the 1980s down to half a dozen multinational corporations now. Monopolization used to be an undesirable situation in america.

I take it your a tad dissatisfied with it. So easy for these political parties to play the unsubstantial people off of each other.

"""It's A Full-Time Job Trying To Prove Democrats Are Lying"""

Funny, it takes only seconds to prove a Republican is lying.

Trump at rally: "Who's going to pay for the wall????"
Crowd: "Mexico!!!"
Trump: "That's right. I promise they will!"

Letter: Trump promised a wall that Mexico pays for – The Mercury News

There, less than a minute.
Next right wing idiot....

They are lying, all the time, just like you.

Oh, the village troll has arrived with his monosyllabic insults.
Trump lied. He lies every single day.
And it's sinking into the troops overseas and here in the States.
My nephew is in the AF and knows Trump lied about his raise.
He's insulted that Trump thinks he's too stupid to know the diff between 2.6% and 10%.
"""It's A Full-Time Job Trying To Prove Democrats Are Lying"""

Funny, it takes only seconds to prove a Republican is lying.

Trump at rally: "Who's going to pay for the wall????"
Crowd: "Mexico!!!"
Trump: "That's right. I promise they will!"

There, less than a minute.
Next right wing idiot....
So you're saying that before it's done being built Mexico is never going to pay for it.
And that's your proof?
I guess you have some sort of time machine you're using to tell the future?

Unless you can show a check/payment/agreement, yeah, dumbass. What kind of backwater inbred fuckwit believes any president who said what this twit said: Mexico will pay for what this money launderer wants built with minority support to "fix" fear mongering and white fragility?

Here, got a country song for ya:

Folk strolling outta Honduras
Thanks to an ‘09 coup by US
Snowflakes up here moan and howl and wail
Dirty brown people want all our stuff
Lord know we ain‘t got enough
Cage the kids toss mom-n-dad in jail

I’m gonna make me an anchor baby
No sir don’t mean maybe
Ain’t no child a mine gonna climb no wall
Turns out it was all wack shit
They was never gonna pay for it
Now it’s down to a maybe on slats that’s all

Think I’ll ride down to Mexico
I ain’t never been before
Hear tell you can have the time of your life
Head on down, let down my hair
Scare me up some fun down there
Might just wind up findin’ me wife

I’m gonna make me an anchor baby
No sir don’t mean maybe
Ain’t no child a mine gonna climb no wall
Turns out it was all wack shit
They was never gonna pay for it
Now it’s down to a maybe on slats that’s all

Instrumental bridge

Repeat chorus:

I’m gonna make me an anchor baby
No sir don’t mean maybe
No sweet child a mine gonna climb no wall
Turns out it was all wack shit
They was never gonna pay for it
Now it’s down to a maybe on slats that’s all
It's like WMDs.
Even when we found out that Saddam had them you leftist assholes refused to admit that he did.
So it doesn't matter what you say or we say.
When Mexico ends up paying for the wall you'll simply refuse to admit that it's happening.
The problem for reasonable people is that the mainstream media has gone crazy. No matter what President Trump accomplishes and no matter how reasonable his proposals are the mainstream media will act as if the President of the United States is the enemy and defend the idiocy of the democrat party which apparently includes a (bloodless) coup.

Yes, Don has been so reasonable and is being picked on, again, poor little mushroom dicked Don, but your horrible corporate state media machine is to blame.

Not americans themselves who sat on their fat entitled asses while Clinton deregulated the FCC which resulted in the corporate state's monopolization of "information" which took 50 some odd companies in this arena in the US in the 1980s down to half a dozen multinational corporations now. Monopolization used to be an undesirable situation in america.

I take it your a tad dissatisfied with it. So easy for these political parties to play the unsubstantial people off of each other. it's clear you probably understand that Clinton was doing things that didn't help protect us from lying media conglomerates.

And everyone sat on their asses and went along with the corporate state left with nothing but moaning and blaming someone else for their lot in life.

It's on us, the american people who did nothing and still won't.
..while he sits on his ass and blames someone else. ;) However we did do something. We elected Trump. Thank God that lying rape enabling skank lost.

Yeah, you preferred the lying, porn-star-fucking, 6-time-bankruptcy, 4-time draft deferring, $35M Trump University fraud lawsuit defendant. Aren't you so smart!

They did get serial gang date rapist Bart O'Kavanaugh onto the US Supreme Kangaroo Court, so there's that.
The problem for reasonable people is that the mainstream media has gone crazy. No matter what President Trump accomplishes and no matter how reasonable his proposals are the mainstream media will act as if the President of the United States is the enemy and defend the idiocy of the democrat party which apparently includes a (bloodless) coup.

Yes, Don has been so reasonable and is being picked on, again, poor little mushroom dicked Don, but your horrible corporate state media machine is to blame.

Not americans themselves who sat on their fat entitled asses while Clinton deregulated the FCC which resulted in the corporate state's monopolization of "information" which took 50 some odd companies in this arena in the US in the 1980s down to half a dozen multinational corporations now. Monopolization used to be an undesirable situation in america.

I take it your a tad dissatisfied with it. So easy for these political parties to play the unsubstantial people off of each other.

"""It's A Full-Time Job Trying To Prove Democrats Are Lying"""

Funny, it takes only seconds to prove a Republican is lying.

Trump at rally: "Who's going to pay for the wall????"
Crowd: "Mexico!!!"
Trump: "That's right. I promise they will!"

Letter: Trump promised a wall that Mexico pays for – The Mercury News

There, less than a minute.
Next right wing idiot....

They are lying, all the time, just like you.

Oh, the village troll has arrived with his monosyllabic insults.
Trump lied. He lies every single day.
And it's sinking into the troops overseas and here in the States.
My nephew is in the AF and knows Trump lied about his raise.
He's insulted that Trump thinks he's too stupid to know the diff between 2.6% and 10%.
LOL.....listen to you.
The only way you fuckers on the left can justify all of the lying you do, you have to make Trump out to be a liar.
However, lying is highly subjective.
But the definition is knowing you're lying when you tell an untruth.
It's not a lie if you feel that you're saying the truth.
Yes, Don has been so reasonable and is being picked on, again, poor little mushroom dicked Don, but your horrible corporate state media machine is to blame.

Not americans themselves who sat on their fat entitled asses while Clinton deregulated the FCC which resulted in the corporate state's monopolization of "information" which took 50 some odd companies in this arena in the US in the 1980s down to half a dozen multinational corporations now. Monopolization used to be an undesirable situation in america.

I take it your a tad dissatisfied with it. So easy for these political parties to play the unsubstantial people off of each other. it's clear you probably understand that Clinton was doing things that didn't help protect us from lying media conglomerates.

And everyone sat on their asses and went along with the corporate state left with nothing but moaning and blaming someone else for their lot in life.

It's on us, the american people who did nothing and still won't.
..while he sits on his ass and blames someone else. ;) However we did do something. We elected Trump. Thank God that lying rape enabling skank lost.

Yeah, you preferred the lying, porn-star-fucking, 6-time-bankruptcy, 4-time draft deferring, $35M Trump University fraud lawsuit defendant. Aren't you so smart!

They did get serial gang date rapist Bart O'Kavanaugh onto the US Supreme Kangaroo Court, so there's that.
Thanks for pointing out yet another intentional media lie.
"""It's A Full-Time Job Trying To Prove Democrats Are Lying"""

Funny, it takes only seconds to prove a Republican is lying.

Trump at rally: "Who's going to pay for the wall????"
Crowd: "Mexico!!!"
Trump: "That's right. I promise they will!"

There, less than a minute.
Next right wing idiot....
So you're saying that before it's done being built Mexico is never going to pay for it.
And that's your proof?
I guess you have some sort of time machine you're using to tell the future?

Unless you can show a check/payment/agreement, yeah, dumbass. What kind of backwater inbred fuckwit believes any president who said what this twit said: Mexico will pay for what this money launderer wants built with minority support to "fix" fear mongering and white fragility?

Here, got a country song for ya:

Folk strolling outta Honduras
Thanks to an ‘09 coup by US
Snowflakes up here moan and howl and wail
Dirty brown people want all our stuff
Lord know we ain‘t got enough
Cage the kids toss mom-n-dad in jail

I’m gonna make me an anchor baby
No sir don’t mean maybe
Ain’t no child a mine gonna climb no wall
Turns out it was all wack shit
They was never gonna pay for it
Now it’s down to a maybe on slats that’s all

Think I’ll ride down to Mexico
I ain’t never been before
Hear tell you can have the time of your life
Head on down, let down my hair
Scare me up some fun down there
Might just wind up findin’ me wife

I’m gonna make me an anchor baby
No sir don’t mean maybe
Ain’t no child a mine gonna climb no wall
Turns out it was all wack shit
They was never gonna pay for it
Now it’s down to a maybe on slats that’s all

Instrumental bridge

Repeat chorus:

I’m gonna make me an anchor baby
No sir don’t mean maybe
No sweet child a mine gonna climb no wall
Turns out it was all wack shit
They was never gonna pay for it
Now it’s down to a maybe on slats that’s all

Great point. Welcome, Lowrie.

Yes, Don has been so reasonable and is being picked on, again, poor little mushroom dicked Don, but your horrible corporate state media machine is to blame.

Not americans themselves who sat on their fat entitled asses while Clinton deregulated the FCC which resulted in the corporate state's monopolization of "information" which took 50 some odd companies in this arena in the US in the 1980s down to half a dozen multinational corporations now. Monopolization used to be an undesirable situation in america.

I take it your a tad dissatisfied with it. So easy for these political parties to play the unsubstantial people off of each other. it's clear you probably understand that Clinton was doing things that didn't help protect us from lying media conglomerates.

And everyone sat on their asses and went along with the corporate state left with nothing but moaning and blaming someone else for their lot in life.

It's on us, the american people who did nothing and still won't.
..while he sits on his ass and blames someone else. ;) However we did do something. We elected Trump. Thank God that lying rape enabling skank lost.

Yeah, you preferred the lying, porn-star-fucking, 6-time-bankruptcy, 4-time draft deferring, $35M Trump University fraud lawsuit defendant. Aren't you so smart!

They did get serial gang date rapist Bart O'Kavanaugh onto the US Supreme Kangaroo Court, so there's that.
Another liar lies. There was no proof he raped anyone. Thanks for admitting troll status.
The problem for reasonable people is that the mainstream media has gone crazy. No matter what President Trump accomplishes and no matter how reasonable his proposals are the mainstream media will act as if the President of the United States is the enemy and defend the idiocy of the democrat party which apparently includes a (bloodless) coup.

Yes, Don has been so reasonable and is being picked on, again, poor little mushroom dicked Don, but your horrible corporate state media machine is to blame.

Not americans themselves who sat on their fat entitled asses while Clinton deregulated the FCC which resulted in the corporate state's monopolization of "information" which took 50 some odd companies in this arena in the US in the 1980s down to half a dozen multinational corporations now. Monopolization used to be an undesirable situation in america.

I take it your a tad dissatisfied with it. So easy for these political parties to play the unsubstantial people off of each other.

"""It's A Full-Time Job Trying To Prove Democrats Are Lying"""

Funny, it takes only seconds to prove a Republican is lying.

Trump at rally: "Who's going to pay for the wall????"
Crowd: "Mexico!!!"
Trump: "That's right. I promise they will!"

Letter: Trump promised a wall that Mexico pays for – The Mercury News

There, less than a minute.
Next right wing idiot....

They are lying, all the time, just like you.

Oh, the village troll has arrived with his monosyllabic insults.
Trump lied. He lies every single day.
And it's sinking into the troops overseas and here in the States.
My nephew is in the AF and knows Trump lied about his raise.
He's insulted that Trump thinks he's too stupid to know the diff between 2.6% and 10%.
I have a marvelous economy with words. Fact remains that you are a liar like all libstains.
The problem for reasonable people is that the mainstream media has gone crazy. No matter what President Trump accomplishes and no matter how reasonable his proposals are the mainstream media will act as if the President of the United States is the enemy and defend the idiocy of the democrat party which apparently includes a (bloodless) coup.

Yes, Don has been so reasonable and is being picked on, again, poor little mushroom dicked Don, but your horrible corporate state media machine is to blame.

Not americans themselves who sat on their fat entitled asses while Clinton deregulated the FCC which resulted in the corporate state's monopolization of "information" which took 50 some odd companies in this arena in the US in the 1980s down to half a dozen multinational corporations now. Monopolization used to be an undesirable situation in america.

I take it your a tad dissatisfied with it. So easy for these political parties to play the unsubstantial people off of each other. it's clear you probably understand that Clinton was doing things that didn't help protect us from lying media conglomerates.

And everyone sat on their asses and went along with the corporate state left with nothing but moaning and blaming someone else for their lot in life.

It's on us, the american people who did nothing and still won't.
..while he sits on his ass and blames someone else. ;) However we did do something. We elected Trump. Thank God that lying rape enabling skank lost.

Yeah, you preferred the lying, porn-star-fucking, 6-time-bankruptcy, 4-time draft deferring, $35M Trump University fraud lawsuit defendant. Aren't you so smart!
cry baby 3.jpg
Democrats are the enemy, remember that, they are ignorant to all facts and reasoning, Trump 2020!

Which facts are ignorant in my posts?
You can shake your little dick and pump your pompoms for Trump 2020 but with 17 investigations threatening his money-laundering empire, he's going to resign before 2020.

The problem for reasonable people is that the mainstream media has gone crazy. No matter what President Trump accomplishes and no matter how reasonable his proposals are the mainstream media will act as if the President of the United States is the enemy and defend the idiocy of the democrat party which apparently includes a (bloodless) coup.

Yes, Don has been so reasonable and is being picked on, again, poor little mushroom dicked Don, but your horrible corporate state media machine is to blame.

Not americans themselves who sat on their fat entitled asses while Clinton deregulated the FCC which resulted in the corporate state's monopolization of "information" which took 50 some odd companies in this arena in the US in the 1980s down to half a dozen multinational corporations now. Monopolization used to be an undesirable situation in america.

I take it your a tad dissatisfied with it. So easy for these political parties to play the unsubstantial people off of each other.

"""It's A Full-Time Job Trying To Prove Democrats Are Lying"""

Funny, it takes only seconds to prove a Republican is lying.

Trump at rally: "Who's going to pay for the wall????"
Crowd: "Mexico!!!"
Trump: "That's right. I promise they will!"

Letter: Trump promised a wall that Mexico pays for – The Mercury News

There, less than a minute.
Next right wing idiot....

They are lying, all the time, just like you.
Hey Tex you have one of those fake green cards they give out on Trumps properties?
I've never been to one of his properties, but when I die and go to heaven I'll see one first hand.

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