Italian woman defies animal rights militants after online abuse


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Yahoo News Canada - Latest News & Headlines

ROME (Reuters) - An Italian woman who declared in an internet posting that she owed her life to medicines developed from testing on laboratory mice has gone on national television to answer abuse from animal rights militants.

Caterina Simonsen, 25, received insults and abuse, which politicians rushed to condemn, after posting a defense of animal testing on Facebook.

"Without it, I would have died when I was nine," wrote Simonsen, whose story has dominated Italian newspapers and television reports.

One anti-vivisection activist responded on Facebook."You could die tomorrow. I wouldn't sacrifice my goldfish for you." Another commented: "If you had died as a child, no-one would have given a damn."

Shocked by the tone of the messages, Simonsen, who has a respiratory illness requiring her to be attached to oxygen tubes, made a video that was played repeatedly on national media on Sunday...

This is more evidence of the type of effect abortion on demand and the de-Christianization of our societies has brought us. Human life is so devalued in general that it is hardly rare to read some libtard saying that humanity is a virus or disease on the planet, etc.

This point of view has hardly run its course yet and so it will get much worse before it gets better if people don't wake up to the anti-human agenda masquerading as ecological interest groups.
"... abortion on demand and the de-Christianization ..." is the same as anti-science animal experimentation?

You're quite the poor little professional victim.

You really know how to throw a whole lotta shit at the wall, hoping something will stick.
"... abortion on demand and the de-Christianization ..." is the same as anti-science animal experimentation?

You're quite the poor little professional victim.

You really know how to throw a whole lotta shit at the wall, hoping something will stick.

animal experimentation IS a PURE science.

thankfully, idiots like PETA or you will not have any influence on this.

because even the ignorant leftards when they become powerful leftards know well enough that THEIR life depends on animal experimentation.

If in the future the sufficient cells cloning of the needed tissues and organs can be obtained - the animal experiments can be minimized. But I still do not see them going off altogether.
Any of these animal rights extremists develop diabetes and require insulin... let's see how their views on products that exist because of animals products or testing.

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