It Took A HS track Runner To Pass Out At The Finish Line To Affect Change In Policy That Did Not 'Follow The Science'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
My own personal physician echoed the findings of nearly all legitimate doctors across the country months ago when he warned me that wearing a mask for long periods of time or while engaging in very strenuous activity causes OXYGEN DEPRAVATION that can result in exhaustion, loss of mental acquity, loss of muscle control, and even in loss of consciousness.

Where TF has the Biden Administration been?

The CDC and science declared that people who have been vaccinated don't have to wear masks, that wearing masks for prolonged periods of time is actually BAD for people's health, and even that people who are outside / engaging in sports activity like running track outside where people are not bunched together - like long distance running, where there is a great deal of physical exertion and an increased need for oxygen do not / should not need to wear masks....

...yet Biden, who has been fully vaccinated, hs been running around wearing 2 (TWO) masks and wearing a mask while walking alone outside.

This week has so far been another week of Biden-Harris “mask musical chairs.” Every time the music stops, noted virologist Joe Biden or Kamala “Cackles” Harris offers up another new, generally contradictory, set of “dos and don’ts” rules or guidelines.

On Tuesday, Biden — wearing his trusty mask — trotted outside to a waiting gaggle of reporters to instruct us that people who have been vaccinated no longer have to wear masks outside — with the exception of “large groups” (as if we pay attention to the old coot in the first place) — and was promptly asked why he came out in a mask, a completely reasonable question. Biden being Biden, his answer was confusing, if not irrational.

Biden tries explaining why he worse a mask outside despite new CDC guidance saying he doesn’t have to

— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) April 27, 2021
The whole mask thing has been a public relations mess from nearly the beginning, made even more so by the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control, and the Democrat Party’s pandemic organ grinder monkey, Anthony Fauci. Toss in overzealous Democrat mayors and governors and their various draconian powerplays — “follow the science,” you know — and you have the makings of a disaster.

So why the newest, sudden reversal in CDC guidance and Biden EDICT that has been proven NOT to be based on science at all?

"Maggie Williams of Summit High School in Bend, Oregon, collapsed at the finish line during an 800-meter race last week, outrage erupted over the state’s mask mandate for athletes — even for runners like Williams who “compete with the sun shining on their backs and the wind blowing past their faces.”

Maggie said in an interview she remembers being about 3 meters from the finish line, worrying about making her required time, being exhausted, finding it hard to breathe, losing control of her muscles - which carried her forward out of muscle memory, then ... NOTHING. She did not know if she made it to the finish line or not. She did, collapsing across it.

There was no scientific or medicl-based reason for Maggie to be wearing a mask while running her race. NONE.

EVERYTHING doctors warned could happen as a result of wearing a mask for a prolonged time, especially during physical exertion like participating in sport, happened to Maggie. The mask proved to be a bigger threat to Maggie - and to others - than a help.

An Oregon high school runner collapsed at the finish line of her 800 meter race. Why? Her coach says she was deprived of oxygen because Oregon is requiring masks on OUTDOOR HIGH SCHOOL SPRINTERS. Insanity. Oregon HS Track Coach Calls For Mask Lunatics To Drop Rule After Runner Suffers 'Complete Oxygen Debt' – OutKick
— Clay Travis (@ClayTravis) April 23, 2021

"But — but — but, science, Clay! Maggie’s coach Dave Turnbull told The Oregonian that Williams, wearing her mask, suffered “complete oxygen debt” before losing consciousness and falling face-first just three meters from the finish line."

"The good news was, apart from the fact that Williams broke her school record after her momentum carried her across the finish line, she came to, and at the time of the report was being monitored for a concussion she sustained in the fall"

The BETTER news is the state's athletic association has changed its policy to allow 'all' non-contact sports (except reportedly Basketball, which is technically not a 'contact sport') athletes to NOT wear a mask while competing.

When I played football the mask on the helmet didn't interfere with breathing but the shoulder pads did and so did the mouthpiece for teeth protection....
Are you on some sort of drugs?
No, I am thinking clearly because i am not suffering from 'complete oxygen depravation' like you snowflake sheep blindly following Biden who is NOT following the science. You should take your 2 masks off, like Joe wears, and take a couple of deep breaths so you can supply your pea-sized brain with some oxygen.
Wear a mask and run?

As a former athlete, I will speak specifically about my wrestling years in high school; wearing a mask would drain me to the point of collapse I imagine.

I think it was two rounds of two or three minutes each. By the end both of us were dead tired (if we were true fighters), I can't imagine wearing a mask for even 20 seconds.

These people are running outside. This indeed, is the height of stupidity.
No, I am thinking clearly because i am not suffering from 'complete oxygen depravation' like you snowflake sheep blindly following Biden who is NOT following the science. You should take your 2 masks off, like Joe wears, and take a couple of deep breaths so you can supply your pea-sized brain with some oxygen.

I'm sorry, I wasn't addressing you. Work on that comprehension problem!
When I played football the mask on the helmet didn't interfere with breathing but the shoulder pads did and so did the mouthpiece for teeth protection....
you got a photo of that helmet?
No, I am thinking clearly because i am not suffering from 'complete oxygen depravation' like you snowflake sheep blindly following Biden who is NOT following the science. You should take your 2 masks off, like Joe wears, and take a couple of deep breaths so you can supply your pea-sized brain with some oxygen.

I'm sorry, I wasn't addressing you. Work on that comprehension problem!
you're in a forum, your response is open for all. you want personal messages use personal messenger.
I ran Track in HS and College.
I don’t think I could have run with a mask. By the end of the race, I was gasping for air.
A mask would have blocked too much.
My own personal physician echoed the findings of nearly all legitimate doctors across the country months ago when he warned me that wearing a mask for long periods of time or while engaging in very strenuous activity causes OXYGEN DEPRAVATION that can result in exhaustion, loss of mental acquity, loss of muscle control, and even in loss of consciousness.

Where TF has the Biden Administration been?

The CDC and science declared that people who have been vaccinated don't have to wear masks, that wearing masks for prolonged periods of time is actually BAD for people's health, and even that people who are outside / engaging in sports activity like running track outside where people are not bunched together - like long distance running, where there is a great deal of physical exertion and an increased need for oxygen do not / should not need to wear masks....

...yet Biden, who has been fully vaccinated, hs been running around wearing 2 (TWO) masks and wearing a mask while walking alone outside.

This week has so far been another week of Biden-Harris “mask musical chairs.” Every time the music stops, noted virologist Joe Biden or Kamala “Cackles” Harris offers up another new, generally contradictory, set of “dos and don’ts” rules or guidelines.

On Tuesday, Biden — wearing his trusty mask — trotted outside to a waiting gaggle of reporters to instruct us that people who have been vaccinated no longer have to wear masks outside — with the exception of “large groups” (as if we pay attention to the old coot in the first place) — and was promptly asked why he came out in a mask, a completely reasonable question. Biden being Biden, his answer was confusing, if not irrational.

Biden tries explaining why he worse a mask outside despite new CDC guidance saying he doesn’t have to

— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) April 27, 2021
The whole mask thing has been a public relations mess from nearly the beginning, made even more so by the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control, and the Democrat Party’s pandemic organ grinder monkey, Anthony Fauci. Toss in overzealous Democrat mayors and governors and their various draconian powerplays — “follow the science,” you know — and you have the makings of a disaster.

So why the newest, sudden reversal in CDC guidance and Biden EDICT that has been proven NOT to be based on science at all?

"Maggie Williams of Summit High School in Bend, Oregon, collapsed at the finish line during an 800-meter race last week, outrage erupted over the state’s mask mandate for athletes — even for runners like Williams who “compete with the sun shining on their backs and the wind blowing past their faces.”

Maggie said in an interview she remembers being about 3 meters from the finish line, worrying about making her required time, being exhausted, finding it hard to breathe, losing control of her muscles - which carried her forward out of muscle memory, then ... NOTHING. She did not know if she made it to the finish line or not. She did, collapsing across it.

There was no scientific or medicl-based reason for Maggie to be wearing a mask while running her race. NONE.

EVERYTHING doctors warned could happen as a result of wearing a mask for a prolonged time, especially during physical exertion like participating in sport, happened to Maggie. The mask proved to be a bigger threat to Maggie - and to others - than a help.

An Oregon high school runner collapsed at the finish line of her 800 meter race. Why? Her coach says she was deprived of oxygen because Oregon is requiring masks on OUTDOOR HIGH SCHOOL SPRINTERS. Insanity. Oregon HS Track Coach Calls For Mask Lunatics To Drop Rule After Runner Suffers 'Complete Oxygen Debt' – OutKick
— Clay Travis (@ClayTravis) April 23, 2021

"But — but — but, science, Clay! Maggie’s coach Dave Turnbull told The Oregonian that Williams, wearing her mask, suffered “complete oxygen debt” before losing consciousness and falling face-first just three meters from the finish line."

"The good news was, apart from the fact that Williams broke her school record after her momentum carried her across the finish line, she came to, and at the time of the report was being monitored for a concussion she sustained in the fall"

The BETTER news is the state's athletic association has changed its policy to allow 'all' non-contact sports (except reportedly Basketball, which is technically not a 'contact sport') athletes to NOT wear a mask while competing.

That was a really fun story Sleazy but I don’t believe it for a second. First off its red, not a real website.

Masks do not cause oxygen deprivation even when worn during sports and four hours. If they did Surgeon’s would be passing out all of the time during surgery.

But your post begs the question: Why do you lie Skeazy? Like Donald Trump, you make a point of saying things that are proveably false. You don’t have to lie but you choose to.

It’s a loser strategy, but then Trump has always been a loser and so are all of his followers.

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