It Is What Conservative Media Was Created To Do


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
To sum up what the Trump campaign appears to be attempting to do, it’s to paint Joe Biden and the Biden family, targeting Hunter Biden in particular, as totally corrupt. This goes all the way back to Trump’s attempts to blackmail Ukraine into smearing Biden through his son. He perceived Biden as his strongest opponent back then and was trying to take him out pre-emptively. He’s returned to that strategy.

These are standard tactics for Republicans. Character assassination is how they delegitimize Democratic candidates - and immunize themselves against comparable counter attacks, especially when justified. (Trump talking about corruption is a case in point.) Trump is also trying to replay his 2016 campaign which built on years of GOP smears against Hillary Clinton, including multiple fake scandals.

And if it isn’t fake scandals, it’s scare talk about what Democrats will do. They’ll destroy jobs. They’ll bankrupt the country. They’ll impose Sharia law. They’ll turn the country into a socialist hell hole, take away guns, let dogs have same sex marriage with cats, shut down churches, open the borders, turn black criminals loose in the burning cities, erase the suburbs - and get rid of all the cows.

Sound crazy? The crazy has no bottom on the right wing. Anything except running on their actual record — Trump’s constant bragging/lying about what he’s never done and will never do is a case in point. That’s why they keep throwing out distractions and changing the subject.

To sum up what the Trump campaign appears to be attempting to do, it’s to paint Joe Biden and the Biden family, targeting Hunter Biden in particular, as totally corrupt. This goes all the way back to Trump’s attempts to blackmail Ukraine into smearing Biden through his son. He perceived Biden as his strongest opponent back then and was trying to take him out pre-emptively. He’s returned to that strategy.

These are standard tactics for Republicans. Character assassination is how they delegitimize Democratic candidates - and immunize themselves against comparable counter attacks, especially when justified. (Trump talking about corruption is a case in point.) Trump is also trying to replay his 2016 campaign which built on years of GOP smears against Hillary Clinton, including multiple fake scandals.

And if it isn’t fake scandals, it’s scare talk about what Democrats will do. They’ll destroy jobs. They’ll bankrupt the country. They’ll impose Sharia law. They’ll turn the country into a socialist hell hole, take away guns, let dogs have same sex marriage with cats, shut down churches, open the borders, turn black criminals loose in the burning cities, erase the suburbs - and get rid of all the cows.

Sound crazy? The crazy has no bottom on the right wing. Anything except running on their actual record — Trump’s constant bragging/lying about what he’s never done and will never do is a case in point. That’s why they keep throwing out distractions and changing the subject.

You might want to remember and/or consider how it's been proven that every crime and/or wrongdoing your party accuses the opposition of committing, they themselves were doing at the same time or earlier. Case in point: the Trump-Russia "scandal". You are just setting yourself up for more failure and disappointment.
To sum up what the Trump campaign appears to be attempting to do, it’s to paint Joe Biden and the Biden family, targeting Hunter Biden in particular, as totally corrupt. This goes all the way back to Trump’s attempts to blackmail Ukraine into smearing Biden through his son. He perceived Biden as his strongest opponent back then and was trying to take him out pre-emptively. He’s returned to that strategy.

These are standard tactics for Republicans. Character assassination is how they delegitimize Democratic candidates - and immunize themselves against comparable counter attacks, especially when justified. (Trump talking about corruption is a case in point.) Trump is also trying to replay his 2016 campaign which built on years of GOP smears against Hillary Clinton, including multiple fake scandals.

And if it isn’t fake scandals, it’s scare talk about what Democrats will do. They’ll destroy jobs. They’ll bankrupt the country. They’ll impose Sharia law. They’ll turn the country into a socialist hell hole, take away guns, let dogs have same sex marriage with cats, shut down churches, open the borders, turn black criminals loose in the burning cities, erase the suburbs - and get rid of all the cows.

Sound crazy? The crazy has no bottom on the right wing. Anything except running on their actual record — Trump’s constant bragging/lying about what he’s never done and will never do is a case in point. That’s why they keep throwing out distractions and changing the subject.

Every single accusation you just made about Conservatives is EXACTLY what Democrats have done for the last 4 years. It is amazing how consistently hardcore Leftists do exactly what you just did.
"Lock Joe up!
Lock Joe up!
Lock Joe up!"

Is there enough room??????


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