It is vital the U.S. destroy China within the next 20 years.


Gold Member
May 3, 2009
According to National Defense Magazine ( China plans to field a "world class military" by 2049. This cannot be allowed to happen. China fielding a world class military combined with their economic strength and the international political appeal of their "prosperous autocracy" model will be detrimental to both the short and long term interests of the United States.

This cannot be allowed to happen. While I don't support anything approaching genocide of China their military must be effectively destroyed and their economy set back for a minimum of 30 years (50 years would be better).

To this end the U.S. must

1) Prepare its nuclear arsenal to be capable of destroying the bulk of strategic Chinese nuclear weapons on the ground in a first strike.
2) Failing that, deploy conventional weapons of sufficient type and quantity to do the same thing to the bulk of strategic Chinese nuclear weapons in a first strike.
3) Dramatically expand our ballistic missile defenses so they can stop the remains of a Chinese counterstrike.
4) Build up large enough naval forces to enable the U.S. to utterly destroy the Chinese navy and still have sufficient reserves to deal with other naval/air continencies around the world.
5) Strengthen ties with nations near China including South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Australia and above all, Taiwan.
6) Vastly strengthen U.S. offensive and defensive cyber warfare capabilities.
7) Vastly strengthen U.S. offensive and defensive space warfare capabilities.
8) Establish a plan for long term U.S. and allied military occupation of key areas in China in the post war era.
9) Begin steadily building the popular political support for the conflict in the United States.

The war is coming. And only by planning to fight it in 2040 will the U.S. give it and its allies the cushion it needs before 2049.
What we need to do is divorce ourselves from China. To end our dependence on China. They make most of our goods, pharmaceuticals, etc. Decades of selling our country out needs to end, if we are to have a chance in the future. Something Beijing Biden would never allow to happen.
... While I don't support anything approaching genocide of China their military must be effectively destroyed and their economy set back for a minimum of 30 years (50 years would be better). ...

Sit down on your ass, take a book and start to learn something, wannabe. What you say here schows only a deeply wrotten mind.
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According to National Defense Magazine ( China plans to field a "world class military" by 2049. This cannot be allowed to happen. China fielding a world class military combined with their economic strength and the international political appeal of their "prosperous autocracy" model will be detrimental to both the short and long term interests of the United States.

This cannot be allowed to happen. While I don't support anything approaching genocide of China their military must be effectively destroyed and their economy set back for a minimum of 30 years (50 years would be better).

To this end the U.S. must

1) Prepare its nuclear arsenal to be capable of destroying the bulk of strategic Chinese nuclear weapons on the ground in a first strike.
2) Failing that, deploy conventional weapons of sufficient type and quantity to do the same thing to the bulk of strategic Chinese nuclear weapons in a first strike.
3) Dramatically expand our ballistic missile defenses so they can stop the remains of a Chinese counterstrike.
4) Build up large enough naval forces to enable the U.S. to utterly destroy the Chinese navy and still have sufficient reserves to deal with other naval/air continencies around the world.
5) Strengthen ties with nations near China including South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Australia and above all, Taiwan.
6) Vastly strengthen U.S. offensive and defensive cyber warfare capabilities.
7) Vastly strengthen U.S. offensive and defensive space warfare capabilities.
8) Establish a plan for long term U.S. and allied military occupation of key areas in China in the post war era.
9) Begin steadily building the popular political support for the conflict in the United States.

The war is coming. And only by planning to fight it in 2040 will the U.S. give it and its allies the cushion it needs before 2049.
Sit down on your ass, take a book and start to learn something, wannabe. What you say here schows only a deeply wrotten mind.
There is no doubt that China wants to achieve world dominance over America. But I doubt they will do it with military force. Why would they, when they have launched the equivalent of limited nuclear strikes on the world and have totally gotten away with it. And furthermore they deny they did anything wrong and the world leaders are doing nothing. What could be better than innoculating your own people and the global elites and then releasing another virus?
According to National Defense Magazine ( China plans to field a "world class military" by 2049. This cannot be allowed to happen. China fielding a world class military combined with their economic strength and the international political appeal of their "prosperous autocracy" model will be detrimental to both the short and long term interests of the United States.

This cannot be allowed to happen. While I don't support anything approaching genocide of China their military must be effectively destroyed and their economy set back for a minimum of 30 years (50 years would be better).

To this end the U.S. must

1) Prepare its nuclear arsenal to be capable of destroying the bulk of strategic Chinese nuclear weapons on the ground in a first strike.
2) Failing that, deploy conventional weapons of sufficient type and quantity to do the same thing to the bulk of strategic Chinese nuclear weapons in a first strike.
3) Dramatically expand our ballistic missile defenses so they can stop the remains of a Chinese counterstrike.
4) Build up large enough naval forces to enable the U.S. to utterly destroy the Chinese navy and still have sufficient reserves to deal with other naval/air continencies around the world.
5) Strengthen ties with nations near China including South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Australia and above all, Taiwan.
6) Vastly strengthen U.S. offensive and defensive cyber warfare capabilities.
7) Vastly strengthen U.S. offensive and defensive space warfare capabilities.
8) Establish a plan for long term U.S. and allied military occupation of key areas in China in the post war era.
9) Begin steadily building the popular political support for the conflict in the United States.

The war is coming. And only by planning to fight it in 2040 will the U.S. give it and its allies the cushion it needs before 2049.
I don’t give a F what China does
Our nation is being eviscerated from within by leftist gutter rats !!
According to National Defense Magazine ( China plans to field a "world class military" by 2049. This cannot be allowed to happen. China fielding a world class military combined with their economic strength and the international political appeal of their "prosperous autocracy" model will be detrimental to both the short and long term interests of the United States.

This cannot be allowed to happen. While I don't support anything approaching genocide of China their military must be effectively destroyed and their economy set back for a minimum of 30 years (50 years would be better).

To this end the U.S. must

1) Prepare its nuclear arsenal to be capable of destroying the bulk of strategic Chinese nuclear weapons on the ground in a first strike.
2) Failing that, deploy conventional weapons of sufficient type and quantity to do the same thing to the bulk of strategic Chinese nuclear weapons in a first strike.
3) Dramatically expand our ballistic missile defenses so they can stop the remains of a Chinese counterstrike.
4) Build up large enough naval forces to enable the U.S. to utterly destroy the Chinese navy and still have sufficient reserves to deal with other naval/air continencies around the world.
5) Strengthen ties with nations near China including South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Australia and above all, Taiwan.
6) Vastly strengthen U.S. offensive and defensive cyber warfare capabilities.
7) Vastly strengthen U.S. offensive and defensive space warfare capabilities.
8) Establish a plan for long term U.S. and allied military occupation of key areas in China in the post war era.
9) Begin steadily building the popular political support for the conflict in the United States.

The war is coming. And only by planning to fight it in 2040 will the U.S. give it and its allies the cushion it needs before 2049.
Then go to war because the Chinese army is superior
According to National Defense Magazine ( China plans to field a "world class military" by 2049. This cannot be allowed to happen. China fielding a world class military combined with their economic strength and the international political appeal of their "prosperous autocracy" model will be detrimental to both the short and long term interests of the United States.

This cannot be allowed to happen. While I don't support anything approaching genocide of China their military must be effectively destroyed and their economy set back for a minimum of 30 years (50 years would be better).

To this end the U.S. must

1) Prepare its nuclear arsenal to be capable of destroying the bulk of strategic Chinese nuclear weapons on the ground in a first strike.
2) Failing that, deploy conventional weapons of sufficient type and quantity to do the same thing to the bulk of strategic Chinese nuclear weapons in a first strike.
3) Dramatically expand our ballistic missile defenses so they can stop the remains of a Chinese counterstrike.
4) Build up large enough naval forces to enable the U.S. to utterly destroy the Chinese navy and still have sufficient reserves to deal with other naval/air continencies around the world.
5) Strengthen ties with nations near China including South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Australia and above all, Taiwan.
6) Vastly strengthen U.S. offensive and defensive cyber warfare capabilities.
7) Vastly strengthen U.S. offensive and defensive space warfare capabilities.
8) Establish a plan for long term U.S. and allied military occupation of key areas in China in the post war era.
9) Begin steadily building the popular political support for the conflict in the United States.

The war is coming. And only by planning to fight it in 2040 will the U.S. give it and its allies the cushion it needs before 2049.
Or maybe we should have faith that our system of government is superior to their autocratic one and that theirs will eventually implode without an external enemy to focus on. Their economic growth was amazing but is slowing dramatically and will continue to do so. That will put internal pressure on their gov't to reform. There are many countries I don't love but, like family, we all have to share the same Thanksgiving table.
According to National Defense Magazine ( China plans to field a "world class military" by 2049. This cannot be allowed to happen. China fielding a world class military combined with their economic strength and the international political appeal of their "prosperous autocracy" model will be detrimental to both the short and long term interests of the United States.

This cannot be allowed to happen. While I don't support anything approaching genocide of China their military must be effectively destroyed and their economy set back for a minimum of 30 years (50 years would be better).

To this end the U.S. must

1) Prepare its nuclear arsenal to be capable of destroying the bulk of strategic Chinese nuclear weapons on the ground in a first strike.
2) Failing that, deploy conventional weapons of sufficient type and quantity to do the same thing to the bulk of strategic Chinese nuclear weapons in a first strike.
3) Dramatically expand our ballistic missile defenses so they can stop the remains of a Chinese counterstrike.
4) Build up large enough naval forces to enable the U.S. to utterly destroy the Chinese navy and still have sufficient reserves to deal with other naval/air continencies around the world.
5) Strengthen ties with nations near China including South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Australia and above all, Taiwan.
6) Vastly strengthen U.S. offensive and defensive cyber warfare capabilities.
7) Vastly strengthen U.S. offensive and defensive space warfare capabilities.
8) Establish a plan for long term U.S. and allied military occupation of key areas in China in the post war era.
9) Begin steadily building the popular political support for the conflict in the United States.

The war is coming. And only by planning to fight it in 2040 will the U.S. give it and its allies the cushion it needs before 2049.
Or maybe we should have faith that our system of government is superior to their autocratic one and that theirs will eventually implode without an external enemy to focus on. Their economic growth was amazing but is slowing dramatically and will continue to do so. That will put internal pressure on their gov't to reform. There are many countries I don't love but, like family, we all have to share the same Thanksgiving table.

Those "internal pressures" are almost certain to result in China eventually seeking a conflict with an external foe to unit behind. Like I said, war is coming whether we want to admit it or not. Why not make the war at the time and place of OUR choosing rather than theirs?
According to National Defense Magazine ( China plans to field a "world class military" by 2049. This cannot be allowed to happen. China fielding a world class military combined with their economic strength and the international political appeal of their "prosperous autocracy" model will be detrimental to both the short and long term interests of the United States.

This cannot be allowed to happen. While I don't support anything approaching genocide of China their military must be effectively destroyed and their economy set back for a minimum of 30 years (50 years would be better).

To this end the U.S. must

1) Prepare its nuclear arsenal to be capable of destroying the bulk of strategic Chinese nuclear weapons on the ground in a first strike.
2) Failing that, deploy conventional weapons of sufficient type and quantity to do the same thing to the bulk of strategic Chinese nuclear weapons in a first strike.
3) Dramatically expand our ballistic missile defenses so they can stop the remains of a Chinese counterstrike.
4) Build up large enough naval forces to enable the U.S. to utterly destroy the Chinese navy and still have sufficient reserves to deal with other naval/air continencies around the world.
5) Strengthen ties with nations near China including South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Australia and above all, Taiwan.
6) Vastly strengthen U.S. offensive and defensive cyber warfare capabilities.
7) Vastly strengthen U.S. offensive and defensive space warfare capabilities.
8) Establish a plan for long term U.S. and allied military occupation of key areas in China in the post war era.
9) Begin steadily building the popular political support for the conflict in the United States.

The war is coming. And only by planning to fight it in 2040 will the U.S. give it and its allies the cushion it needs before 2049.
We should have even less of a problem with birth tourism from China. US citizens should not be expected to go along with it if it is detrimental to the US.
1 destroy China? impossible--- without nukes--and see #2
2. nukes???!!!......just a few nuke hits in the US will make Covid look like child's play
3. START a war with China????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????
2. nukes???!!!......just a few nuke hits in the US will make Covid look like child's play

Doesn't that depend on where they hit? With apologies to the residents there, I don't think it would be the end of the world for the U.S. if Minot, North Dakota (an absolutely vital target for an enemy hitting the U.S.) and its 12,000 residents were destroyed.
2. nukes???!!!......just a few nuke hits in the US will make Covid look like child's play

Doesn't that depend on where they hit? With apologies to the residents there, I don't think it would be the end of the world for the U.S. if Minot, North Dakota (an absolutely vital target for an enemy hitting the U.S.) and its 12,000 residents were destroyed.
who said they won't hit the big cities?
2. nukes???!!!......just a few nuke hits in the US will make Covid look like child's play

Doesn't that depend on where they hit? With apologies to the residents there, I don't think it would be the end of the world for the U.S. if Minot, North Dakota (an absolutely vital target for an enemy hitting the U.S.) and its 12,000 residents were destroyed.
who said they won't hit the big cities?

Because nuclear weapons are rare enough in this modern age (China only has a few hundred) that you can't waste them targeting cities "just for the hell of it". You have to limit your nuclear targeting to military targets that are most vital. For example Minot is one of the primary storage areas for U.S. nuclear weapons and obviously a target in any kind of conflict.
2. nukes???!!!......just a few nuke hits in the US will make Covid look like child's play

Doesn't that depend on where they hit? With apologies to the residents there, I don't think it would be the end of the world for the U.S. if Minot, North Dakota (an absolutely vital target for an enemy hitting the U.S.) and its 12,000 residents were destroyed.
who said they won't hit the big cities?

Because nuclear weapons are rare enough in this modern age (China only has a few hundred) that you can't waste them targeting cities "just for the hell of it". You have to limit your nuclear targeting to military targets that are most vital. For example Minot is one of the primary storage areas for U.S. nuclear weapons and obviously a target in any kind of conflict.
No. If we have enough of nukes to have a chance to win the war - we are going to attack mostly military targets (counterforce strike). If we have not enough nukes - we are going to attack most populated and important civilian targets (countervalue strike). It is how deterrence works.
2. nukes???!!!......just a few nuke hits in the US will make Covid look like child's play

Doesn't that depend on where they hit? With apologies to the residents there, I don't think it would be the end of the world for the U.S. if Minot, North Dakota (an absolutely vital target for an enemy hitting the U.S.) and its 12,000 residents were destroyed.
who said they won't hit the big cities?

Because nuclear weapons are rare enough in this modern age (China only has a few hundred) that you can't waste them targeting cities "just for the hell of it". You have to limit your nuclear targeting to military targets that are most vital. For example Minot is one of the primary storage areas for U.S. nuclear weapons and obviously a target in any kind of conflict.
a few hundred-----that's ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????? hahahahahhaha
it doesn't matter where they land
they have 290? that's over 5--per STATE!!!!!!!
2. nukes???!!!......just a few nuke hits in the US will make Covid look like child's play

Doesn't that depend on where they hit? With apologies to the residents there, I don't think it would be the end of the world for the U.S. if Minot, North Dakota (an absolutely vital target for an enemy hitting the U.S.) and its 12,000 residents were destroyed.
who said they won't hit the big cities?

Because nuclear weapons are rare enough in this modern age (China only has a few hundred) that you can't waste them targeting cities "just for the hell of it". You have to limit your nuclear targeting to military targets that are most vital. For example Minot is one of the primary storage areas for U.S. nuclear weapons and obviously a target in any kind of conflict.
No. If we have enough of nukes to have a chance to win the war - we are going to attack mostly military targets (counterforce strike). If we have not enough nukes - we are going to attack most populated and important civilian targets (countervalue strike). It is how deterrence works.

If actual war is being fought, "deterrence" is no longer working.
2. nukes???!!!......just a few nuke hits in the US will make Covid look like child's play

Doesn't that depend on where they hit? With apologies to the residents there, I don't think it would be the end of the world for the U.S. if Minot, North Dakota (an absolutely vital target for an enemy hitting the U.S.) and its 12,000 residents were destroyed.
who said they won't hit the big cities?

Because nuclear weapons are rare enough in this modern age (China only has a few hundred) that you can't waste them targeting cities "just for the hell of it". You have to limit your nuclear targeting to military targets that are most vital. For example Minot is one of the primary storage areas for U.S. nuclear weapons and obviously a target in any kind of conflict.
a few hundred-----that's ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????? hahahahahhaha
it doesn't matter where they land
they have 290? that's over 5--per STATE!!!!!!!

You vastly overestimate the damage they can do. And not all of them are going to work right anyway. IIRC the estimated failure rates for Soviet nuclear weapons (which were more sophisticated than anything the Chinese have) was at least 30%.

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