It is Time to Acknowledge that Obama is a Muslim, isn't that right?

Obama is a Muslim. The things he says betray an evil heart. His forked tongue is not the tongue of a Christian. He is doing everything possible to attack and undermine Christianity in America including restricting Christian refugees while opening the spigot for a flood of Muslims who demand Sharia Law in conflict with our own constitution. Obama is a hate-monger.

You may a well believe a Muslim if you are going to believe a Democrat! Oh! That is right, Obama is a Muslim!
Every Democrat could be charged with some crime, if the Press was not protecting these corrupt Communist!

Anyone who thinks otherwise is in that stupid liberal denial shtick. Obama is a Muslim and numerous Islamic laws confirm it. Obama admitted his Muslim Faith.

oh dear....

so much little time.

Obama is a Muslim. The things he says betray an evil heart. His forked tongue is not the tongue of a Christian. He is doing everything possible to attack and undermine Christianity in America including restricting Christian refugees while opening the spigot for a flood of Muslims who demand Sharia Law in conflict with our own constitution. Obama is a hate-monger.

Obama is a Muslim. The things he says betray an evil heart. His forked tongue is not the tongue of a Christian. He is doing everything possible to attack and undermine Christianity in America including restricting Christian refugees while opening the spigot for a flood of Muslims who demand Sharia Law in conflict with our own constitution. Obama is a hate-monger.

You may a well believe a Muslim if you are going to believe a Democrat! Oh! That is right, Obama is a Muslim!
Every Democrat could be charged with some crime, if the Press was not protecting these corrupt Communist!

Anyone who thinks otherwise is in that stupid liberal denial shtick. Obama is a Muslim and numerous Islamic laws confirm it. Obama admitted his Muslim Faith.

oh dear....

so much little time.

Obama is a Muslim. The things he says betray an evil heart. His forked tongue is not the tongue of a Christian. He is doing everything possible to attack and undermine Christianity in America including restricting Christian refugees while opening the spigot for a flood of Muslims who demand Sharia Law in conflict with our own constitution. Obama is a hate-monger.


your delusions do not constitute fact.

run along.
If people like the OP achieved power, they would send jackbooted government thugs to the homes of liberals and minorities to drag them off to prison.

People inclined to laugh at the OP for being an uneducated fool (who drinks the "my country has been stolen" kool-aid) are urged to realize that Trump, like Hitler, is building a powerful movement by channeling the rage of the stupid, e.g., people who get 100% of their information from deeply partisan sources on TV, radio and the Internet. These are people who have not seen much education past high school. Wouldn't you love to know the last year of formal education undertaken by the OP, along with the name of the institution that provided said "education"?

He's been fed revanchist fantasies of a stolen nation. He believes that gays, minorities, secularists, communists, socialists, Hollywood, the media and liberals have stolen his great nation, but he lacks the intellectual acumen to make the case. He's just recycling stuff we've heard a million times before. The only thing we know about him is that he is an angry white uneducated male.

The muslim resident dictator was a muslim Christian hater , out to destroy America with his lies and fake news. Won't be long, the muslim bas-turd will be gone. Hopefully American people will ban together and become a nation of Americans, not brainwashed liberals

Liberals created this country, Dumb Shit. You don't like it? Get the fuck out and go live with Dim Dong.

By the way O'bama is already gone ------ not that this country ever had a religious test for POTUS anyway.
By the other way whatever that link is supposed to go to --- doesn't.

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