It does not matter how popular Donald Trump is among fake republican voters. The GOP is still a minority party

There were no 3-5 million illegal votes.

No more deliberately false alt facts is what the indictment means.

No one, including a former President, can deliberately lie, act deceitfully, or falsify the facts in attempt to pervert government.

No more of "your own facts", trumpworld.

This is over.
It does not matter how popular Donald Trump is among fake republican voters. The GOP is still a minority party thus no republican candidate can win without the electoral college and voter suppression performing voter fraud.

Neither GW Bush nor Trump won the popular vote ....... without the fraudulent Electoral College neither would have been president and both have been the two worst presidents in the history of the USA.

Believe it or not DeSantis would be even worse.

I say voters need to come out in large numbers to save USA democracy from Fascism Oligarchy & Autocracy in 2024 .... make no mistake about it...... Women are the largest voting bloc in the USA.

Women Could Own The USA Government Simply By Registering To Vote followed up by voting in every election and I mean in every election. Could own local government and state government as well.

Barbara Bush said that in today’s terms she could no longer be a republican.

CONSERVATIVE Fake Republicans will never give up squashing democracy and OUR right to vote. And steal OUR government services through their privatization scam.
democrats stuff those mail in ballots in there.....some majority....dead people will always vote for democrats
It does not matter how popular Donald Trump is among fake republican voters. The GOP is still a minority party thus no republican candidate can win without the electoral college and voter suppression performing voter fraud.

Neither GW Bush nor Trump won the popular vote ....... without the fraudulent Electoral College neither would have been president and both have been the two worst presidents in the history of the USA.

Believe it or not DeSantis would be even worse.

I say voters need to come out in large numbers to save USA democracy from Fascism Oligarchy & Autocracy in 2024 .... make no mistake about it...... Women are the largest voting bloc in the USA.

Women Could Own The USA Government Simply By Registering To Vote followed up by voting in every election and I mean in every election. Could own local government and state government as well.

Barbara Bush said that in today’s terms she could no longer be a republican.

CONSERVATIVE Fake Republicans will never give up squashing democracy and OUR right to vote. And steal OUR government services through their privatization scam.
Damn right the moderates and democrats are the majority thus we should have control .......
So your theory is that if a party gets 49.9% of the vote and its candidate sets a new record for the most votes by a sitting president ever, they are still a "minority" party in a country where the national popular vote does not even exist nor matter other than in the heated backroom annals of leftwing seditionists?
When did that happen?

the electoral college is corrupt........
Sure. Loser will give it to the winner's choice of charity.

Since I am trustworthy and you are not, you can send your 5K to me to hold until election.
good luck on that, how about this, loser leaves USMB for a year, I would gladly take your money but I really doubt that any lib loser would ever honor a bet----------or anything else.
Most voters are Democrats. It has been this way for a long time. When there are "Get out the vote" campaigns, they always. benefit Democrats because the people at the margins - the poor, ignorant, don't-give-a-fuck people are too stupid to vote any way other than straight Democrat ticket. This is why Democrats are always pushing to increase voter turnout.

Republicans have to depend on a well-informed, literate voter base which, in this country, is a minority. This is why we promote Voter ID, oppose mail-in balloting, oppose remote ballot boxes, oppose motor-voter, and same-day registration. The more informed and involved the voters are, the more likely they will vote Republicans.

Democrats have two "aces in the hole." Most women, being irrational, vote Democrat, and almost all African Americans vote Democrat because they have bought into fifty years of phony propaganda. No Democrat has won a majority of the white male vote since before most of you were born. So much for who is running the country.

If I were Emperor, I would mandate that all voters must pass the SAME basic Civics test that immigrants must pass in order to be naturalized. The Democrats would never win another national election.

And everyone reading this knows it.
It does not matter how popular Donald Trump is among fake republican voters. The GOP is still a minority party thus no republican candidate can win without the electoral college and voter suppression performing voter fraud.

Neither GW Bush nor Trump won the popular vote ....... without the fraudulent Electoral College neither would have been president and both have been the two worst presidents in the history of the USA.

Believe it or not DeSantis would be even worse.

I say voters need to come out in large numbers to save USA democracy from Fascism Oligarchy & Autocracy in 2024 .... make no mistake about it...... Women are the largest voting bloc in the USA.

Women Could Own The USA Government Simply By Registering To Vote followed up by voting in every election and I mean in every election. Could own local government and state government as well.

Barbara Bush said that in today’s terms she could no longer be a republican.

CONSERVATIVE Fake Republicans will never give up squashing democracy and OUR right to vote. And steal OUR government services through their privatization scam.


As of January 18, 2023, there are 26 states with Republican governors and 24 states with Democratic governors.
good luck on that, how about this, loser leaves USMB for a year, I would gladly take your money but I really doubt that any lib loser would ever honor a bet----------or anything else.
I have never welshed on any bet or promise, ever. I doubt any Trumper would honor a bet to leave the Board. But I will make it with you.
It does not matter how popular Donald Trump is among fake republican voters. The GOP is still a minority party thus no republican candidate can win without the electoral college and voter suppression performing voter fraud.

Neither GW Bush nor Trump won the popular vote ....... without the fraudulent Electoral College neither would have been president and both have been the two worst presidents in the history of the USA.

Believe it or not DeSantis would be even worse.

I say voters need to come out in large numbers to save USA democracy from Fascism Oligarchy & Autocracy in 2024 .... make no mistake about it...... Women are the largest voting bloc in the USA.

Women Could Own The USA Government Simply By Registering To Vote followed up by voting in every election and I mean in every election. Could own local government and state government as well.

Barbara Bush said that in today’s terms she could no longer be a republican.

CONSERVATIVE Fake Republicans will never give up squashing democracy and OUR right to vote. And steal OUR government services through their privatization scam.

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