It Begins: Americans / 6 Planes Held Hostage, As Terrorists Refuse To Allow Planes To Take Off

Very interesting, it seems that it has some funny business going on here. Two parties want some $ $ from US.

'If one life is lost, the blood is on White House hands': Fury at State Department for 'delaying six flights out of Afghanistan carrying more than 100 US citizens.
  • Up to 1,000 people hoping to flee Afghanistan on six chartered flights have been barred from doing so, it was reported Sunday
  • They traveled to Mazir-i-Sharif, 260 miles north of Kabul, with satellite images showing six airliners sat on its runway
  • There is confusion over what exactly is causing the hold up, with a Republican Representative claiming the passengers were being held hostage by the Taliban
  • But others said the US State Department was to blame, for refusing to confirm that it had cleared the flights for take-off, or banning them from landing
  • Discussions are also said to be ongoing between the US, Taliban chiefs and Qatari officials, who are set to let the planes land in their country


State Department 'blocking Americans from leaving Afghanistan'
Still doesn't contain any information to back him up.
Last couple pages are people sniping at each there anything else on these planes full of Americans?
Well they aren't "full of Americans". There are a few Americans slated for each one along with others who wish to leave the country. Also they aren't full. The planes are at the airport but they aren't loaded.
For the record, reporting this morning indicates that we have absolutely no corroboration on this claim. It's was made strictly to make Biden look bad.
Trump signed a deal in 2020 with the Taliban to pull all US troops out by 1 May 2021. He was President until Jan 2021 and removed 15,000+ troops. How many American citizens did he pull out? How much equipment did he take from the Afghan Army that was supposed to fight the Taliban?

It is said that success has a thousand fathers, but failure is an orphan. Every US President shares the blame for what happened, you can't put it all on Biden.
Cute try.

Sorry, but face facts, this is a humiliation for America and it is all on President Biden.

Actually, I think getting us out of Afghanistan is one thing that Trump got right. Unfortunately for Biden, he was left holding the bag. Trump gets credit for removing US troops and Biden get stuck cleaning up the mess that was left behind. Trump had no exit plan and didn't care after he lost the election.
Biden%20v%20Trump%20plan-S.jpg you are saying that the 13 killed during the withdrawal in August aren't heros. How sad.

Aren't you ashamed of yourself? You have to put words in someone else's mouth so you have something to knockdown. Food for you!
"Several hundred" do you know what the number is?
Well, if we are to trust President one speech he told us we had about 6,000 Americans in Afghanistan. A day or two later he told us that we had gotten out 90% of the Americans.

Do you need help with the arithmetic? That would be 10% of 6,000 = ?
Briefed when? I only heard Trump talk about his 'plan' in July 2021.
  • Trump withdrew the majority of our troops, how many civilians were evacuated prior to that?
  • Were any weapons taken from the Afghan Army? I so, how were they supposed to fight the Taliban?
  • Trump signed an agreement with the Taliban that the Afghan gov't were not a part of.
Well they aren't "full of Americans". There are a few Americans slated for each one along with others who wish to leave the country. Also they aren't full. The planes are at the airport but they aren't loaded.
Your point being? There are only a "few" Americans so screw them? Let them figure their own way out!
Well they aren't "full of Americans". There are a few Americans slated for each one along with others who wish to leave the country. Also they aren't full. The planes are at the airport but they aren't loaded.
yep...sadly, the Taliban is keeping people from getting in the what planes can get out, aren't full....

the fact they aren't "full" of Americans, doesn't change the fact, that's Xiden's friends in the Taliban are now holding Americans hostage.

This cluster F could have all been avoided...but sadly, Xiden and his dembot cult are running the show.

Worse President in American history
State Department continues to declare it will find a way to bring Americans home, discusses giving Taliban 'financial aid'....

Have you noticed how the US seldom attributes of its own well-documented brutality to any of the circumstances it produces?

Afghanistan was deliberately destabilized by US in the late 1970s producing an unwillingness to face the historical fact that America's violent and imperial actions breed their own next generation of "enemies."

Who gets rich from that?

The U.S. Defense Industry in a New Era - War on the Rocks
Have you noticed how the US seldom attributes of its own well-documented brutality to any of the circumstances it produces?

Afghanistan was deliberately destabilized by US in the late 1970s producing an unwillingness to face the historical fact that America's violent and imperial actions breed their own next generation of "enemies."

Who gets rich from that?

The U.S. Defense Industry in a New Era - War on the Rocks
oh yeah how did we do that in the late 70s?
Briefed when? I only heard Trump talk about his 'plan' in July 2021.
  • Trump withdrew the majority of our troops, how many civilians were evacuated prior to that?
  • Were any weapons taken from the Afghan Army? I so, how were they supposed to fight the Taliban?
  • Trump signed an agreement with the Taliban that the Afghan gov't were not a part of.
I am not a trump supporter, but you points are softer than Biden's Wang. No enough Viagra can resurrect it. You can do better than that,

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