Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

In the videos filmed in Gaza in recent weeks and published in the Arab media, we can see how Palestinian children are being educated in hatred and violence.

In one of the articles, a director of one of UNRWA's schools in Rafah - Ismail Wehbe is seen teaching in a Palestinian class while wearing a UN vest and on the wall hangs a map of "Palestine", in which the Israeli cities of Jerusalem, Haifa, Jaffa, and Be'er Sheva are marked as part of Palestine.

In the same classroom, a poster taken from an Arabic textbook of the Palestinian Authority is also seen hanging on the wall, encouraging the Palestinian children to "exercise the right of return" by force, on all the territories of Israel.

The same textbook includes Writing exercises with sentences such as "The Jihad fighter won" and in it there are instructions for teachers to practice writing sentences with the children that deal with the "liberation" of Israeli cities from the "occupation".

Wait, there's more, that's not all.In the published videos, a Gazan mother is seen teaching her children from a textbook that contains stories about the heroic terrorists and Hamas members.

Other textbook that seeing in the videos is a math book that is entirely concerned with the conflict and teaches Palestinian children math exercises using the numbers of Palestinian terrorists who are in prison.

Another image in the videos is a Palestinian teacher in a tent teaching children in the first grade using a board of first words with words like "martyr" and "attack".

I don't know who else didn't get it.But UNRWA's education system is the problem, it is largely to blame for the October 7th massacre and is responsible for Palestinian terrorism. Children learn in kindergarten and school how to hate Jews, about their right to "return" and being terrorists.

For them, the October 7 attack was the Hamas terrorists exercising their “right of return”, through a brutal massacre of Israeli civilians. The Hamas terrorists learned it in the UNRWA schools, which receive their funding from Western countries and the UN.

This cannot continue any longer, the UNRWA schools must not continue to educate Palestinian children for terrorism and hatred, and they must not do so with the funding of Western countries

.It’s time to #DefundUNRWA.

Since the 1940s, one million Jews have either been ethnically cleansed or fled from antisemitic persecution in the Middle East and North Africa. Numerous accounts exist of Palestinian refugees entering the homes of Jews in Arab lands, demanding that they leave, claiming ownership of their homes. Yet, today, no Jew protest with keys to those homes, seeking a right of return. Palestinians rightfully deserve a path to full and equal citizenship in the countries they've inhabited for generations. It's incumbent upon the global community to dismantle the policies that perpetuate Palestinian victimhood and Palestinians being exploited as political pawns.
[ Muslims feeling entitled to pray anywhere in public they want, in any country ]


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