Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

This is what Hamas is…

These refugees had taken shelter in what seemed to be an abandoned home in Gaza. Turned out it belonged to a high-ranking Hamas leader so he had his goons beat the civilians.

He caused their misery from the start…
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24)
When Nazis accused Britain of starving Arabs

"Britain Starving Arab Civilians in Palestine."
Berlin press hold up mirror.

Criticism of Germany Resented.

There is a fresh anti-British outburst in ths press as a result of a German report from Beirut that Britain has forbidden transport to convey food to Arabian villages in Palestine...
Allegation About Palestine Food Situation. LONDON, Nov. 29. The German attacks on road transport and the food situation In Palestine are considered to be entirely baseless in London. It is learned from the Colonial Office that the Palestine authorities are now arising army lorries to convey food to Arab villages. Every facility for the Continuance of the transport services has been given. And such difficulties have arisen have been caused by the policy of non-co-operation under which drivers have refused to apply for permits which, otherwise, could have been obtained.
Everything I've read about Israel's army of paid, trained and scripted Hasbara trolls warns that they resort to insults and slander when their Hasbara script doesn't work so I wasn't surprised to read the usual insults, distortions and delusions.

Why can't you answer any of the questions I asked with something other than the same old scripted Hasbara drivel and off topic evasions written by your fellow extremists?

Isn't it about time to wash your inflatable Netanyahu sex doll?


See, I'm an Israeli, and instead of addressing what I say, you try to dismiss me personally.
From my experience, people who lack the capacity to engage in a conversation
with Israelis, also objectify Gazans, as nothing but pawns in a narrative,
for al-Jazeera's entertainment hour.

Does that help the "Arab world", and Gazans specifically?

The END of Qatar’s Regional Influence…


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