Israel's Independence Day!

Show us the map, Tinhorn.
Look at the legend for the symbol for international boundaries then find it on the map.


When did Arabs ever recognize those borders?
I think they have always recognized their international borders. They did for sure in 1948.

What international borders have you invented?

Masterful concision.

I’m sure you have cut and pasted that map a dozen or more times, never understanding what it is you’re looking at. Like so much of your cutting and pasting, it’s just repetitious and tedious.
Arabs had no international borders.
Who told you that lie? Israel?
Show us the map, Tinhorn.
Look at the legend for the symbol for international boundaries then find it on the map.


When did Arabs ever recognize those borders?
I think they have always recognized their international borders. They did for sure in 1948.

That wasn't my question.

But what I think is there was a delusion of entitlement to deny anything and receive everything. When kids collide with their own behavior they should eventually learn.
What half a year after the Jews?
The Arabs also ceded the land to Syria.

Inadequacy and delusion is still what's running that camp.
Utterly ridiculous.
What half a year after the Jews?
Irrelevant, the Palestinians only declared territory inside their own international borders.
Arabs had no international borders.
Who told you that lie? Israel?
Show us the map, Tinhorn.
Look at the legend for the symbol for international boundaries then find it on the map.


The map is merely a proposed plan of partition Tinmore. It never flew. Do you know why?
Irrelevant, the Palestinians only declared territory inside their own international borders.
Arabs had no international borders.
Who told you that lie? Israel?
Show us the map, Tinhorn.
Look at the legend for the symbol for international boundaries then find it on the map.


The map is merely a proposed plan of partition Tinmore. It never flew. Do you know why?
So, you don't know how to read a map!
Arabs had no international borders.
Who told you that lie? Israel?
Show us the map, Tinhorn.
Look at the legend for the symbol for international boundaries then find it on the map.


The map is merely a proposed plan of partition Tinmore. It never flew. Do you know why?
So, you don't know how to read a map!
You always read anything according to what you wish to believe.

To this day you have no understanding of what the Mandates were about, how the Mandate for Palestine became such a small piece of land after 1922, etc, etc, etc.

The Jewish Homeland stretched all the way from Gaza to TranJordan.

That was the real map of the Mandate for Palestine (Israel) not to be divided by anyone, or given to any other people but the Jewish People.

History has shown what has happened with how the British chose to give up land, and then attempt to keep the rest for themselves.
Who told you that lie? Israel?
Show us the map, Tinhorn.
Look at the legend for the symbol for international boundaries then find it on the map.


The map is merely a proposed plan of partition Tinmore. It never flew. Do you know why?
So, you don't know how to read a map!
You always read anything according to what you wish to believe.

To this day you have no understanding of what the Mandates were about, how the Mandate for Palestine became such a small piece of land after 1922, etc, etc, etc.

The Jewish Homeland stretched all the way from Gaza to TranJordan.

That was the real map of the Mandate for Palestine (Israel) not to be divided by anyone, or given to any other people but the Jewish People.

History has shown what has happened with how the British chose to give up land, and then attempt to keep the rest for themselves.
Britain had no land to keep or give up.
Show us the map, Tinhorn.
Look at the legend for the symbol for international boundaries then find it on the map.


The map is merely a proposed plan of partition Tinmore. It never flew. Do you know why?
So, you don't know how to read a map!
You always read anything according to what you wish to believe.

To this day you have no understanding of what the Mandates were about, how the Mandate for Palestine became such a small piece of land after 1922, etc, etc, etc.

The Jewish Homeland stretched all the way from Gaza to TranJordan.

That was the real map of the Mandate for Palestine (Israel) not to be divided by anyone, or given to any other people but the Jewish People.

History has shown what has happened with how the British chose to give up land, and then attempt to keep the rest for themselves.
Britain had no land to keep or give up.
The Allies WON WWI against the Germans and Ottomans.

The losers lost all or most of the land they had conquered.

That is how wars go.

Britain and France did whatever any winner has done after the end of any war.

They won the war, they could do with the land what they wished.

If Israel is wrong, so is Iraq, Syria and Lebanon.

NONE of it was British land. It was not Arab land, either.
Never has been.

The Indigenous Jews worked to achieve the right to have sovereignty over their ancient homeland.

Weep, loser, weep.
Show us the map, Tinhorn.
Look at the legend for the symbol for international boundaries then find it on the map.


The map is merely a proposed plan of partition Tinmore. It never flew. Do you know why?
So, you don't know how to read a map!
You always read anything according to what you wish to believe.

To this day you have no understanding of what the Mandates were about, how the Mandate for Palestine became such a small piece of land after 1922, etc, etc, etc.

The Jewish Homeland stretched all the way from Gaza to TranJordan.

That was the real map of the Mandate for Palestine (Israel) not to be divided by anyone, or given to any other people but the Jewish People.

History has shown what has happened with how the British chose to give up land, and then attempt to keep the rest for themselves.
Britain had no land to keep or give up.

Yawn...., Here we go again. Israel doesn’t have the Right to exist. :blahblah:
Look at the legend for the symbol for international boundaries then find it on the map.


The map is merely a proposed plan of partition Tinmore. It never flew. Do you know why?
So, you don't know how to read a map!
You always read anything according to what you wish to believe.

To this day you have no understanding of what the Mandates were about, how the Mandate for Palestine became such a small piece of land after 1922, etc, etc, etc.

The Jewish Homeland stretched all the way from Gaza to TranJordan.

That was the real map of the Mandate for Palestine (Israel) not to be divided by anyone, or given to any other people but the Jewish People.

History has shown what has happened with how the British chose to give up land, and then attempt to keep the rest for themselves.
Britain had no land to keep or give up.

Yawn...., Here we go again. Israel doesn’t have the Right to exist. :blahblah:
I was merely stating fact. You can read into it what you want.
The map is merely a proposed plan of partition Tinmore. It never flew. Do you know why?
So, you don't know how to read a map!
You always read anything according to what you wish to believe.

To this day you have no understanding of what the Mandates were about, how the Mandate for Palestine became such a small piece of land after 1922, etc, etc, etc.

The Jewish Homeland stretched all the way from Gaza to TranJordan.

That was the real map of the Mandate for Palestine (Israel) not to be divided by anyone, or given to any other people but the Jewish People.

History has shown what has happened with how the British chose to give up land, and then attempt to keep the rest for themselves.
Britain had no land to keep or give up.

Yawn...., Here we go again. Israel doesn’t have the Right to exist. :blahblah:
I was merely stating fact. You can read into it what you want.

Your facts tend to run at obtuse angles to a reality based worldview.

Cutting and pasting an image that clearly doesn’t support a position you’re trying to make is rather silly.
The map is merely a proposed plan of partition Tinmore. It never flew. Do you know why?
So, you don't know how to read a map!
You always read anything according to what you wish to believe.

To this day you have no understanding of what the Mandates were about, how the Mandate for Palestine became such a small piece of land after 1922, etc, etc, etc.

The Jewish Homeland stretched all the way from Gaza to TranJordan.

That was the real map of the Mandate for Palestine (Israel) not to be divided by anyone, or given to any other people but the Jewish People.

History has shown what has happened with how the British chose to give up land, and then attempt to keep the rest for themselves.
Britain had no land to keep or give up.

Yawn...., Here we go again. Israel doesn’t have the Right to exist. :blahblah:
I was merely stating fact. You can read into it what you want.


Show us the map, Tinhorn.
Look at the legend for the symbol for international boundaries then find it on the map.


The map is merely a proposed plan of partition Tinmore. It never flew. Do you know why?
So, you don't know how to read a map!
You always read anything according to what you wish to believe.

To this day you have no understanding of what the Mandates were about, how the Mandate for Palestine became such a small piece of land after 1922, etc, etc, etc.

The Jewish Homeland stretched all the way from Gaza to TranJordan.

That was the real map of the Mandate for Palestine (Israel) not to be divided by anyone, or given to any other people but the Jewish People.

History has shown what has happened with how the British chose to give up land, and then attempt to keep the rest for themselves.
Britain had no land to keep or give up.

As Britain never kept or gave up any land, you seem to be propping up meaningless straw men so you can can argue a position the straw men have no interest in arguing.

It seems you’re arguing at the event horizon of the Tinmore Vortex™️
RE: Israel's Independence Day!
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Well, the term "FACT" means something different t you than it does many others.

I was merely stating fact. You can read into it what you want.

What you often present as "FACT" is nothing more than your interpretation of what the Allied Powers considered at the time.

I think you often forget that all these various documents were essentially written by the same group; the Allied Powers. They wrote and did what they saw as best at the time. Essentially, the Allied Powers were the backbone of the Customary and International Humanitarian Laws.

Don't get confused in reading your wishes into the that which was written by the Allied Powers. They (not the Arab Palestinians) wrote Article 16 of the Treaty of Lausanne (1923), of which the Arab Palestinians were not a party. Remember, when the Treaty was written, Turkey renounced all rights and title → and placed "the future of these territories and islands being settled or to be settled by the parties concerned." By the Sykes-Picot Agreement, the concerned parties were France and Britain. And as it happens, that is the way the history (the last 95 years) played-out. Remember. that even before the Treaty of Lausanne went into force (1924), three attempts were "made to establish an institution through which the Arab population of Palestine could be brought into cooperation with the government."

Even today, the Arab Palestinians have an opportunity to "live at peace with their neighbors." They still operated with the first choice being violence.

Most Respectfully,
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The Pope assigned land between Portugal and Spain in the New World thgrough the Treaty of Tordesillas. The Native Americans were not a party to the treaty.
The Pope assigned land between Portugal and Spain in the New World thgrough the Treaty of Tordesillas. The Native Americans were not a party to the treaty.

[ Support is not the same as what the British and the French did after WWI.]

In 1493, after reports of Columbus’s discoveries had reached them, the Spanish rulers Ferdinand and Isabella enlisted papal support for their claims to the New World in order to inhibit the Portuguese and other possible rival claimants. To accommodate them, the Spanish-born pope Alexander VI issued bulls setting up a line of demarcation from pole to pole 100 leagues (about 320 miles) west of the Cape Verde Islands. Spain was given exclusive rights to all newly discovered and undiscovered lands in the region west of the line. Portuguese expeditions were to keep to the east of the line. Neither power was to occupy any territory already in the hands of a Christian ruler.

[And just like the British and French, they could not care less if there were any inhabitants on the land. The same goes to all the Muslim invasions from
the 7th century CE on. Just as it was with Greek, Roman, Egyptian power over lands they conquered, so on and so forth. To the victor goes the spoils. ]
RE: Israel's Independence Day!
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Well, the term "FACT" means something different t you than it does many others.

I was merely stating fact. You can read into it what you want.

What you often present as "FACT" is nothing more than your interpretation of what the Allied Powers considered at the time.

I think you often forget that all these various documents were essentially written by the same group; the Allied Powers. They wrote and did what they saw as best at the time. Essentially, the Allied Powers were the backbone of the Customary and International Humanitarian Laws.

Don't get confused in reading your wishes into the that which was written by the Allied Powers. They (not the Arab Palestinians) wrote Article 16 of the Treaty of Lausanne (1923), of which the Arab Palestinians were not a party. Remember, when the Treaty was written, Turkey renounced all rights and title → and placed "the future of these territories and islands being settled or to be settled by the parties concerned." By the Sykes-Picot Agreement, the concerned parties were France and Britain. And as it happens, that is the way the history (the last 95 years) played-out. Remember. that even before the Treaty of Lausanne went into force (1924), three attempts were "made to establish an institution through which the Arab population of Palestine could be brought into cooperation with the government."

Even today, the Arab Palestinians have an opportunity to "live at peace with their neighbors." They still operated with the first choice being violence.

Most Respectfully,
I was merely stating the fact that Britain did not hold title to any land under its mandate.

it held that "two principles were considered to be of paramount importance" with respect to territories that were placed under the Mandate system: "the principle of non-annexation and the principle that the well-being and development of... peoples not yet able to govern themselves] form[ed] 'a sacred trust of civilization.
Remember. that even before the Treaty of Lausanne went into force (1924), three attempts were "made to establish an institution through which the Arab population of Palestine could be brought into cooperation with the government."
Meaning that they had to sign on to the Zionist's settler colonial project.
RE: Israel's Independence Day!
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

The Ben-Naftali, Gross, Michaeli" paper (Illegal Occupation: Framing the Occupied Palestinian Terrority) was principally concerning the 1967 advance as a result of the pursuit of enemy forces in full retreat.
Published by Berkeley Law Scholarship Repository, 2005

I was merely stating the fact that Britain did not hold title to any land under its mandate.

it held that "two principles were considered to be of paramount importance" with respect to territories that were placed under the Mandate system: "the principle of non-annexation and the principle that the well-being and development of... peoples not yet able to govern themselves] form[ed] 'a sacred trust of civilization.

The particular "principle" comes from the third paragraph of the Wikipedia (the free encyclopedia - Redirected from Mandated territory); not to be confused with The Ben-Naftali, Gross, Michaeli" paper.


Neither the explanation of the "Mandate System" (LoN/1945.VI.A.1 of 30 April 1945) or the "Mandate for Palestine" (League of Nations • 12 August 1922) speak to the topic: "the principle of non-annexation." As a matter of fact, just to be sure, I ran a Word Search and found that the root word "annex" was not even used in either source document.

There is no "sacred trust" to establish either "Palestinian statehood and independence." What the Allied Powers, with Article 16 authority (Treaty of Lausanne), actually said was - that they were in favor of the "establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people." The Allied Powers did not make a similar obligation relative to the Arab Palestinians.

The Article 22 quote concerning the sacred trust is:

"To those colonies and territories which as a consequence of the late war have ceased to be under the sovereignty of the States which formerly governed them and which are inhabited by peoples not yet able to stand by themselves under the strenuous conditions of the modern world, there should be applied the principle that the well-being and development of such peoples form a sacred trust of civilisation and that securities for the performance of this trust should be embodied in this Covenant."

Not quite the same implication. NOW remember, before the Treaty of Lausanne went into force, were made to get the Arab Palestinians involved in the establish self-government.

The Arab invasion in 1948 pretty-much sabotaged the agreements going forward. The territory was reshaped by the Arab regional occupation. Nothing would be the same again and there was no going back then, just as there is no going back now.

Most Respectfully,
"To those colonies and territories which as a consequence of the late war have ceased to be under the sovereignty of the States which formerly governed them and which are inhabited by peoples not yet able to stand by themselves under the strenuous conditions of the modern world, there should be applied the principle that the well-being and development of such peoples form a sacred trust of civilisation and that securities for the performance of this trust should be embodied in this Covenant."
Holy smokescreen, Batman!

It is clear who they were talking about, the procedures required, and the end goal.

We know that the powers that be are attempting to back door a Jewish state on top of the Palestinians. The Palestinians wouldn't have it then and they won't have it now. International law and UN resolutions (all sitting around collecting dust) side with the Palestinians.

The Palestinians hold the legal and moral high ground.