Israel’s Big Lie of “Self-Defence”

It doesn't matter who's land it is,

Stop it, you're killing me!!!!!

the only thing that matters, is it is not Israel's

Tell me who Israel grabbed it from?

Germany occupied France, French land. Governed by the French.
Germany occupied Poland, Polish land. Governed by the Polish.
The USSR occupied Germany, German land. Governed by the Germans.
The USSR occupied Poland, Polish land. Governed by the Polish.

Israel occupied _______, _______ land. Governed by the ________.

Go ahead, fill in the blanks.
It doesn't matter who owned the land. All that matters is Israel has no sovereign claim to that territory. Thus has been the position of the entire world since 1967.
It doesn't matter who owned the land. All that matters is Israel has no sovereign claim to that territory. Thus has been the position of the entire world since 1967.

It doesn't matter who owned the land.

Thanks for admitting it wasn't owned by the Arabs.

All that matters is Israel has no sovereign claim to that territory.

Why do you feel that way?
Of course it matters! Don't be ridiculous. Who does Israel and Egypt have borders with? Who does Israel and others make trade agreements with? Who does Israel make a peace treaty with?
Was Germany allowed to keep Poland? No. Was Iraq allowed to keep Kuwait? No. Wake up and smell the coffee, twisted sister!

BTW, I do like you! Even though you are a lady, you are one of the good guys!
The occupation of Gaza began in 1948. Egypt had absolutely no claim to sovereignty in Gaza, crossed its international boundary, and occupied territory belonging to another State. (You can't take territory by conquest). In order to make sense of your bizarre idea that Israel "occupies" Gaza, you have to lay claim to WHOSE territory it "occupied". Whose was it in 1966?
Not Israel's.

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