Israelis Soldiers Throw Grenade On Palestinians Having Coffee!

How many Palestinians should die after such an attack in your opinion? One, 1000, all?

After a stabbing attack? Just the the attacker(s).

How many Palestinians should die after such an attack in your opinion? One, 1000, all?

You are demonizing Israel by attempting (poorly) to imply that Israel commits disproportionate violence (ie 1000) or genocide (ie all).

You are also assuming my opinion that anyone "should" die. No one "should" die. But if you go about attacking people with knives, you have to take responsibility for the fact that one of the consequences of such action is that someone might (will) use lethal force to protect those you wish to kill. Responsibility falls on you and not on those defending the innocent.
This was directed solely to you. Of, course, Israel´s "responses" are inappropriate and don´t solve the problem. I have never said anything of genocide.

The only response to violence is violence, it is the arab muslims fault they dont provide safe areas for their civilians as they dont work as propaganda. If the reports were 20 airborne rockets hit gaza today with no loss of life and minimal damage to the field then it would not be news would it.
Much ado about nothing. Bunch of soldiers playing a harmless prank. They should of course be reprimanded. People forget, most of them are 16 to 18 year old kids just out of high school.
Eat a smoke grenade and tell us if it was funny.

Have done and suffered no ill effects afterwards
Try pot next time.

I prefer morphine, the effects are longer lasting and not as harmful
No, because of their history of terrorism, this would obviously be confused with a terror attack.
more palestinians are killed by israelis than the other way around.

Syria, Jordan have each killed more Palestinians than the Israelis have. Libya, Kuwait, Lebanon and Egypt are not much better.
Yes, they all kill Palestinians but the Israelis only defend themselves. This is also why so many Palestinians live in Syria, enjoying all rights but the right to vote.

Which is another reason the Syrian regime needs to be toppled, I wonder if the fighters are the family of those mass murdered by Jordan ?
The Syrian government should be ousted because it hosts Palestinian refugees?

No because it ignores international law in regard to refugees seeking asylum
semitic kill semitic. they are brother . its not our bussiness

Don't you live in Iran? If it's not your business, why is Iran causing all the troubles in that region?
. i am sorry for you .because you are propaganda victim . dont watch fox news very much . Rupert Murdoch progaganda tv.

Try watching the Iranian arm of pallywood and you will see the truth. How the ayotoilets are telling the government to stir up trouble all iover the M.E.
This was directed solely to you. Of, course, Israel´s "responses" are inappropriate and don´t solve the problem. I have never said anything of genocide.

Sure you did. You said:
How many Palestinians should die after such an attack in your opinion? One, 1000, all?
(emphasis added). What the hell do you think "all" means in this context? How many Palestinians should die? All of them? That's genocide, by definition. The implication clearly being that you think I support genocide and that Israel supports genocide, or at least consider it. If you didn't intend to imply that, please feel free to apologize.

I disagree that Israel's responses are inappropriate. I think Israel does a very good job of measured responses.

I agree that Israel's responses don't solve the problem. They can't solve the problem, since the problem is the existence of Israel. The only way to solve the problem is for Palestinians to change their thinking.
This was directed solely to you. Of, course, Israel´s "responses" are inappropriate and don´t solve the problem. I have never said anything of genocide.

Sure you did. You said:
How many Palestinians should die after such an attack in your opinion? One, 1000, all?
(emphasis added). What the hell do you think "all" means in this context? How many Palestinians should die? All of them? That's genocide, by definition. The implication clearly being that you think I support genocide and that Israel supports genocide, or at least consider it. If you didn't intend to imply that, please feel free to apologize.

I disagree that Israel's responses are inappropriate. I think Israel does a very good job of measured responses.

I agree that Israel's responses don't solve the problem. They can't solve the problem, since the problem is the existence of Israel. The only way to solve the problem is for Palestinians to change their thinking.
Israeli's are in control by force of Arms, The only way to solve the problem is for israeli's to change their thinking and treat Palestinians as equals

What would have been the outcome if Palestinians had thrown a thunder flash at a group of israeli's having coffee?
semitic kill semitic. they are brother . its not our bussiness

Don't you live in Iran? If it's not your business, why is Iran causing all the troubles in that region?
. i am sorry for you .because you are propaganda victim . dont watch fox news very much . Rupert Murdoch progaganda tv.

Try watching the Iranian arm of pallywood and you will see the truth. How the ayotoilets are telling the government to stir up trouble all iover the M.E.
wait and stay at home for isis and al qaede and other wahabi suidi arabia ....??
we are not idiot.
wahabi arabs are our enemy.
best straregy in war : kill your enemy in their land.
im atheist. im not islamic regime fan.but i support them now....
look at to world
usa-germany-france- belgium.
iran have good security better than usa and europe. we havnt even 1 terrorist attack in last 12 years.iranian have security better than american
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....The only way to solve the problem is for israeli's to change their thinking and treat Palestinians as equals

What would have been the outcome if Palestinians had thrown a thunder flash at a group of israeli's having coffee?
Do you think the Palestinians have ever treated the Israelis as equals? Have the Palestinians ever admitted the Israelis right to exist as a nation? Facts please.
This was directed solely to you. Of, course, Israel´s "responses" are inappropriate and don´t solve the problem. I have never said anything of genocide.

Sure you did. You said:
How many Palestinians should die after such an attack in your opinion? One, 1000, all?
(emphasis added). What the hell do you think "all" means in this context? How many Palestinians should die? All of them? That's genocide, by definition. The implication clearly being that you think I support genocide and that Israel supports genocide, or at least consider it. If you didn't intend to imply that, please feel free to apologize.

I disagree that Israel's responses are inappropriate. I think Israel does a very good job of measured responses.

I agree that Israel's responses don't solve the problem. They can't solve the problem, since the problem is the existence of Israel. The only way to solve the problem is for Palestinians to change their thinking.
Israeli's are in control by force of Arms, The only way to solve the problem is for israeli's to change their thinking and treat Palestinians as equals

What would have been the outcome if Palestinians had thrown a thunder flash at a group of israeli's having coffee?

Have you forgotten that in August 2005 Israel tried doing just that and the arab muslims saw it as a weakness so increased the severity and frequency of the attacks. It is not Israel that needs to change its thinking, unless it means not stopping until they have every hamas member behind bars or dead, it is the arab muslims who seriously need to grow up and start looking towards a 21C life and not the 7C one they are living. They need to understand that they are no longer in charge and that the west could obliterate them in an instant.

The same as happened to the soldiers they would have been arrested and tried. Unless they resisted arrest and started firing at the IDF serving the warrant, then they would be shot at and posibly killed. The IDF should try a new ploy and refuse to hand the bodies back and dispose of them in lime pits or funeral pyres. Then dump the mixed up remains from a helicopter on the hamas leaders homes in gaza
Freeman, et al,

This raises more questions than it does in documenting a crime.

The zionazis soldiers attack palestinians having coffee by throwing grenade in street.

WATCH: Israeli soldiers throw stun grenade at Palestinians having coffee

• Is this a real Israeli Military or Police vehicle?

• Was this event staged for a camera? Who took this video?

∆ If this is a stationary security camera, it is unlikely that the Israeli unit (military or police), would pose for the camera while presenting a non-fragmentation, non-lethal "Flash And Bang" stun grenade?

∆ On the other hand, what are the chances that some unconnected Arab Palestinian witness or Media Personality would just happen to have a low light camera already set-up and ready to take a video for this event? And just by coincidence, the action is perfectly set in the center of the frame?

This is (apparently) International Video News Agency (RUPTLY) imagery that was recently published by the Palestinian Shehab News Agency. This imagery does not appear to be from the stationary mounted security camera; but more like a hand-held device based on the camera jitter.

I'm not sure we know much about this event; or the reality behind it. Awful fortuitous for the camera to be right there on the spot, even before the events starts unfolding.

Most Respectfully,

Why you try to justify crimes?
Israel Defense Forces Lob Grenade at Palestinians Having Coffee
Freeman, et al,

This raises more questions than it does in documenting a crime.

The zionazis soldiers attack palestinians having coffee by throwing grenade in street.

WATCH: Israeli soldiers throw stun grenade at Palestinians having coffee

• Is this a real Israeli Military or Police vehicle?

• Was this event staged for a camera? Who took this video?

∆ If this is a stationary security camera, it is unlikely that the Israeli unit (military or police), would pose for the camera while presenting a non-fragmentation, non-lethal "Flash And Bang" stun grenade?

∆ On the other hand, what are the chances that some unconnected Arab Palestinian witness or Media Personality would just happen to have a low light camera already set-up and ready to take a video for this event? And just by coincidence, the action is perfectly set in the center of the frame?

This is (apparently) International Video News Agency (RUPTLY) imagery that was recently published by the Palestinian Shehab News Agency. This imagery does not appear to be from the stationary mounted security camera; but more like a hand-held device based on the camera jitter.

I'm not sure we know much about this event; or the reality behind it. Awful fortuitous for the camera to be right there on the spot, even before the events starts unfolding.

Most Respectfully,

Why you try to justify crimes?
Israel Defense Forces Lob Grenade at Palestinians Having Coffee

Only you muslims do that, as here your link shows the practice grenade went of at least 10 feet away from the men. Like the panty waists they are they ran for the nearest burkha to hide under
sadly things have escalated. A soldier was shot guarding Joseph's tomb

Soldier shot while guarding visit to Joseph’s Tomb
They think Joseph was a Muslim, just like they think Jesus and Moses were.

Not about who they thing Joseph was or was not, it the change in behavior towards Israelis and jews again.

They can live side by side, but something triggers these spurs of violence and escalation.

This was not some random shooting, like there really is such a thing over there, but it involved riots, rocks and molotovs as well. This was planned.

Both sides suffer when these thing happen.

Till I can find out more I don't know if this was to effect elections, stop them or just out right stupidity of a the tit for tat in gaza recently. All or non of the above.

This was not necessary and foolishly palestinians will take the brunt and blame everyone else for what a few of the fellows have done.

I'm still, after so long, looking for ways to stop the cycle.
I know :banghead:
I will probably be the same till the day I die.

I keep looking for hope even in the ashes but I can't will peace into existence, and even less so after so long and from so far away. I guess I will always wish I could have done more and somehow life can return to or become better than it was.

Hamas operatives were arrested in the West Bank. The suspects were taken in for questioning.

Under the 1993 Oslo Accords, Joseph's tomb was to remain under Israeli control. The Israeli army evacuated the premises in October 2000 during the second intifada and it was burnt down by Palestinians.

Jewish worshipers, in coordination with the Israel Defense Forces, make monthly nocturnal pilgrimages to the site, which was renovated and restored. The site was torched and vandalized in October 2015 and has since been restored. <<

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