Israelis Soldiers Throw Grenade On Palestinians Having Coffee!

Much ado about nothing. Bunch of soldiers playing a harmless prank. They should of course be reprimanded. People forget, most of them are 16 to 18 year old kids just out of high school.
do you think if it was palestinians pulling the same "harmless prank" on IDF soldiers that they'd still be alive?
No, because of their history of terrorism, this would obviously be confused with a terror attack.
more palestinians are killed by israelis than the other way around.

Syria, Jordan have each killed more Palestinians than the Israelis have. Libya, Kuwait, Lebanon and Egypt are not much better.
Yes, they all kill Palestinians but the Israelis only defend themselves. This is also why so many Palestinians live in Syria, enjoying all rights but the right to vote.

Which is another reason the Syrian regime needs to be toppled, I wonder if the fighters are the family of those mass murdered by Jordan ?
No, because of their history of terrorism, this would obviously be confused with a terror attack.
more palestinians are killed by israelis than the other way around.
More Nazis were killed than Americans.
i wouldn't be sure of that.
You wouldn't because you are ignorant of facts and history. Look it up. Approximately 15,000,000 Germans vs 365,000 Americans died in WWII.
oh my. you understand that america did not kill every german that died in wwii, right?

besides, your point is moot. israel is not at war with the palestinians. israel has won and has the palestinians under their thumb.

The same as Israel did not kill every palestinian, yet you try and claim they did. They dont have the palestinians under their thumb, if they did they would not be starting wars with Israel every day.

By the way it is the arab muslims who are at war with Israel, as Israel has never declared war.
Much ado about nothing. Bunch of soldiers playing a harmless prank. They should of course be reprimanded. People forget, most of them are 16 to 18 year old kids just out of high school.
Eat a smoke grenade and tell us if it was funny.
Better you stick it "where the sun don't shine" and yell "allahuakbar".

Like I said, much ado about nothings. Even in the US kids play fireworks pranks around 4th of July.
Everyone opposing the rule of the globalist is an islamist, right?

The zionazis soldiers attack palestinians having coffee by throwing grenade in street.

WATCH: Israeli soldiers throw stun grenade at Palestinians having coffee

I don't know what a stun grenade is but know what a concussion grenade is. Are they the same thing?

NO these are non lethal training devices that emit smoke and some noise. A concussion grenade generates a sound wave that renders those close by stunned

Thanks. We used concussion grenades in Vietnam and tossed them in the water. Any scuba diver within 100 yards was killed due to the effect of water making a concussion grenade lethal in water.
more palestinians are killed by israelis than the other way around.

Your point being what?

That Israel should stop defending herself and her citizens from attacks to, you know, even up the score?

So when a Palestinian jabs a knife into a soldier's neck, the soldier is somehow required to just let it go in? Because, you know, its not really fair to the Palestinians not to let at least SOME of their attacks, you know, actually kill people.
How many Palestinians should die after such an attack in your opinion? One, 1000, all?

Just those that are directly involved in the attack, this includes those that use it as a reason to go on a rampage . If they use the attack as a reason for firing an illegal weapon and it escalates into all out war then yes 1,000 could be killed as a consequence. All because the arab muslims cant live in peace.
more palestinians are killed by israelis than the other way around.

Your point being what?

That Israel should stop defending herself and her citizens from attacks to, you know, even up the score?

So when a Palestinian jabs a knife into a soldier's neck, the soldier is somehow required to just let it go in? Because, you know, its not really fair to the Palestinians not to let at least SOME of their attacks, you know, actually kill people.
How many Palestinians should die after such an attack in your opinion? One, 1000, all?

Just those that are directly involved in the attack, this includes those that use it as a reason to go on a rampage . If they use the attack as a reason for firing an illegal weapon and it escalates into all out war then yes 1,000 could be killed as a consequence. All because the arab muslims cant live in peace.

I will tell you exactly why Muslim's can't live in Peace. Sunni and Shiite which are polar opposites by their thinking. The schism occurred when Mohammad died and who is the heir to Islam? Mohammad's Daughter or Mohammad's Uncle?
more palestinians are killed by israelis than the other way around.

Your point being what?

That Israel should stop defending herself and her citizens from attacks to, you know, even up the score?

So when a Palestinian jabs a knife into a soldier's neck, the soldier is somehow required to just let it go in? Because, you know, its not really fair to the Palestinians not to let at least SOME of their attacks, you know, actually kill people.
the point is your average palestinian has more to fear from the idf than the other way around.

No they dont as they confronted by them every day and no harm comes to them. They have the power to stop the occupation once and for all and refuse to put it into action because they think it would make them look weak. The majority of violent attacks come from the arab muslims who see it as a religious obligation to KILL THE JEWS. So you cant complain when the Jews respond in kind to the violent attacks by the arab muslims who have no legal. moral of human rights to be there.
The zionazis soldiers attack palestinians having coffee by throwing grenade in street.

WATCH: Israeli soldiers throw stun grenade at Palestinians having coffee

Why is there no context associated with this video? A date? Going only by the video itself, yes, it appears those in the vehicle wrongfully harassed those sitting in the street with a stun grenade.

FWIW, your use of the term "zionazis" and a misleading signature indicate not only a huge bias on your part, but a deceitful nature.

1933-1939 AD/CE
'Christian' Nationalism
14: In Germany – Jews who settled in the country after August 1914 are stripped of their German citizenship.
In Berlin – HITLER's government approves a new charter for the Protestant church. With massive intervention by the NSDAP, the church elections later result in a resounding victory for the "German Christians." HITLER himself appeals to all Protestant Christians in a radio speech on the eve of the church election to vote for the "German Christians", with its slogan "church must remain church".

Roman Catholic priests give the Hitler salute at a youth rally in the Berlin-Neukolln stadium August 1933.
25: In Germany – An agreement is signed between Nazi Germany and Zionist German Jews, after three months of talks by the Zionist Federation of Germany, the Anglo-Palestine Bank (under the directive of the Jewish Agency) and the economic authorities of Nazi Germany to help facilitate the emigration of German Jews to Palestine. Hanotea(Hebrew: הנוטע), a Zionist citrus planting company, had applied in May 1933 for the ability to transfer capital from Germany to Palestine.Hanotea served to assist German Jews' emigration to Palestine as part of the Zionist endeavor. In a deal worked out with the German government, Hanotea would receive money from prospective immigrants and use this money to buy German goods. These goods, along with the immigrants, would then be shipped to Palestine.
In Germany –
Circular 54/1933 of the Reich Ministry of Finance announces that an agreement has been reached with 'the appropriateJewish [Zionist] authorities' for emigration to Palestine and the export of German manufactured goods to that territory to allow Jewishcapital transfer.
"The Palästina-Treuhandstelle zur Beratung deutscher Juden GmbH [Paltreu, Palestine Trust Office for Advice to GermanJews] has been founded in Berlin, Friedrichstraß 218, to advise German Jews in matters concerning this form of capital transfer to Palestine."
(Source: Werner Feilchenfeld, Dolf Michaelis, Ludwig Pinner, Haavara-Transfer nach Palästina und die Einwanderung deutscher Juden 1933-1939, Tübingen 1972, p.26 f.).

31: In Czechoslovakia – THEODOR LESSING (Jewish writer, philosopher) is murdered by Nazis in Marienbad.

22: In Germany –
Jews are excluded from the Reich Chamber of Culture.
29: In Germany – Jews are banned from ownership of any agricultural land.

Haavara Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Haavara Agreement (Hebrew: הסכם העברה Translit.: heskem haavaraTranslated: "transfer agreement") was an agreement between Nazi Germany and Zionist German Jews signed on 25 August 1933. The agreement was finalized after three months of talks by the Zionist Federation of Germany, the Anglo-Palestine Bank (under the directive of the Jewish Agency) and the economic authorities of Nazi Germany. It was a major factor in making possible the immigration of approximately 60,000 German Jews to Palestine in the years 1933–1939.[1]

The agreement was designed to enable Jews fleeing anti-Semitic persecution under the new Hitler regime to transfer some portion of their assets to their refuge in British Mandatory Palestine.
Three Israeli soldiers who threw a stun grenade at a group of Palestinians from an army jeep Monday night were disciplined and sentenced Wednesday by their battalion commander. The grenade, which is designed to produce a blinding flash of light and an intensely loud noise but which can cause injuries, exploded but apparently no one was hurt.
From the army’s investigation it emerged that it was the platoon sergeant who had told his two subordinates to thrown the grenade. The noncommissioned officer was sentenced to 10 days in a military prison. The two combat soldiers were confined to their base for seven days.
read more: Israeli soldiers sentenced for throwing stun grenade at Palestinians from jeep - Israel News
How many Palestinians should die after such an attack in your opinion? One, 1000, all?

After a stabbing attack? Just the the attacker(s).

How many Palestinians should die after such an attack in your opinion? One, 1000, all?

You are demonizing Israel by attempting (poorly) to imply that Israel commits disproportionate violence (ie 1000) or genocide (ie all).

You are also assuming my opinion that anyone "should" die. No one "should" die. But if you go about attacking people with knives, you have to take responsibility for the fact that one of the consequences of such action is that someone might (will) use lethal force to protect those you wish to kill. Responsibility falls on you and not on those defending the innocent.
This was directed solely to you. Of, course, Israel´s "responses" are inappropriate and don´t solve the problem. I have never said anything of genocide.
do you think if it was palestinians pulling the same "harmless prank" on IDF soldiers that they'd still be alive?
No, because of their history of terrorism, this would obviously be confused with a terror attack.
more palestinians are killed by israelis than the other way around.

Syria, Jordan have each killed more Palestinians than the Israelis have. Libya, Kuwait, Lebanon and Egypt are not much better.
Yes, they all kill Palestinians but the Israelis only defend themselves. This is also why so many Palestinians live in Syria, enjoying all rights but the right to vote.

Which is another reason the Syrian regime needs to be toppled, I wonder if the fighters are the family of those mass murdered by Jordan ?
The Syrian government should be ousted because it hosts Palestinian refugees?
Bleipriester, et al,

I'm not sure that, before the implosion of the Arab Spring, Syria was not following the Arab League handling of Palestinian Refugees at the pan-Arab Level. (Maybe, or maybe not.)

Today it can do absolutely known if we are watching the creation of another Failed State in the Arab League; or if the after effects of Arab self-determination.

The Syrian government should be ousted because it hosts Palestinian refugees?

At one time, there were a sort-of standard to the Arab Legal Refugee System:

• The first of these elements is statelessness.
• The second element of the Arab refugee system has to do with the politicization of UNRWA.
• The third element of the Arab refugee system concerns the refugees’ social and economic rights.
From the pan-Arab perspective, discrimination can be seen in both positive and negative terms. The Pan-Arab
generally justified the discriminatory political and socioeconomic measures they have imposed on the Palestinian refugees in the name of the "right of return" (RoR).

In recent years, refugees have started to question this position. However, in more contemporary times, the Palestinian Refugee have been discussing revision of this discriminatory regime, at least in the socioeconomic field, because of the lack of settlement claim progress by the Arab Palestinian Leadership and the lack of accomplishment on the matter of RoR. The contemporary Arab-Palestinian Refugee has never lived in Israel. And being near totally dependent on income derived through criminal enterprise and UNRWA presentations, more and more contemporary Arab Palestinian Refugees are adopting the position that the improvement of their living conditions should be separated from the political settlement of the refugee issue.

No matter what the evaluation is on the capacity to benevolently improve the conditions of the contemporary Arab Palestinian Refugee, Syria is out of the picture in terms a of a solution to the problem, (Syria cannot support itself, let along the unproductive Arab-Palestinian Refugees) but rather to the new source of unsupported refugees, an increase to the base problem improving living conditions.

Most Respectfully,
Three Israeli soldiers who threw a stun grenade at a group of Palestinians from an army jeep Monday night were disciplined and sentenced Wednesday by their battalion commander. The grenade, which is designed to produce a blinding flash of light and an intensely loud noise but which can cause injuries, exploded but apparently no one was hurt.
From the army’s investigation it emerged that it was the platoon sergeant who had told his two subordinates to thrown the grenade. The noncommissioned officer was sentenced to 10 days in a military prison. The two combat soldiers were confined to their base for seven days.
read more: Israeli soldiers sentenced for throwing stun grenade at Palestinians from jeep - Israel News
There, like I said, Israel is a country of law and order.
Three Israeli soldiers who threw a stun grenade at a group of Palestinians from an army jeep Monday night were disciplined and sentenced Wednesday by their battalion commander. The grenade, which is designed to produce a blinding flash of light and an intensely loud noise but which can cause injuries, exploded but apparently no one was hurt.
From the army’s investigation it emerged that it was the platoon sergeant who had told his two subordinates to thrown the grenade. The noncommissioned officer was sentenced to 10 days in a military prison. The two combat soldiers were confined to their base for seven days.
read more: Israeli soldiers sentenced for throwing stun grenade at Palestinians from jeep - Israel News

Once again you show that the Israeli's take these matters seriously and will dish out punishments to the Jews caught committing crimes. What punishment do the arab muslims dish out to the islamonazi's caught doing the same things, apart from naming streets after them and giving them a "pension" and making them hero's. See the difference yet, and would you prefer the Israeli government acted in the same manner as the P.A. do ?

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