Israel Violating US Sanctions on Russia?


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
Times are tough and getting tougher for Israeli farmers; at an earlier stage of the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions movement all that was required for Israelis to sell their agricultural products in Europe was proof the goods were not grown on occupied territory.

Not any more.

Since Protective Edge Europe wants no part of any crops produced anywhere in Israel.

What's a good Jew to do?

"And what these farmers do, what these agricultural companies do then is they try to seek, very desperately, other markets, because with agriculture you can't keep the goods forever. They're perishable goods. So their growing market now is Russia. Russia is under international sanctions because of the crisis in Ukraine, and there are Russian companies that are willing to buy these goods from Israel. But they're paying less."

Israeli Agribusiness Demanding Relief From Government as BDS Intensifies
the Arabs don't want it??
Which Arabs are you referring to?
Israel allows no exports from Gaza to anywhere.
When the boycott was first imposed in 2007 one of its most severe critics was the Tel Aviv Chamber of Commerce, a collection of business people who were upset at the loss of commerce from Gaza.
the Arabs don't want it??
Which Arabs are you referring to?
Israel allows no exports from Gaza to anywhere.
When the boycott was first imposed in 2007 one of its most severe critics was the Tel Aviv Chamber of Commerce, a collection of business people who were upset at the loss of commerce from Gaza.

I wonder if Gaza George could tell us why the leaders in Gaza didn't use the concrete and other building materials to erect more housing and to build factories to give people jobs. If everyone was peaceful in Gaza and didn't want to destroy the Jewish state, Israel would have no problem with Gaza exporting whatever was manufactured there. I don't think all that material to build tunnels in order to kill the Jews was a useful way to provide for the future of the Gazans.
the Arabs don't want it??
Which Arabs are you referring to?
Israel allows no exports from Gaza to anywhere.
When the boycott was first imposed in 2007 one of its most severe critics was the Tel Aviv Chamber of Commerce, a collection of business people who were upset at the loss of commerce from Gaza.

I wonder if Gaza George could tell us why the leaders in Gaza didn't use the concrete and other building materials to erect more housing and to build factories to give people jobs. If everyone was peaceful in Gaza and didn't want to destroy the Jewish state, Israel would have no problem with Gaza exporting whatever was manufactured there. I don't think all that material to build tunnels in order to kill the Jews was a useful way to provide for the future of the Gazans.
Why would the leaders of Gaza give greedy Jews more targets for their bombs, shells, and missiles?
the Arabs don't want it??
Which Arabs are you referring to?
Israel allows no exports from Gaza to anywhere.
When the boycott was first imposed in 2007 one of its most severe critics was the Tel Aviv Chamber of Commerce, a collection of business people who were upset at the loss of commerce from Gaza.

I wonder if Gaza George could tell us why the leaders in Gaza didn't use the concrete and other building materials to erect more housing and to build factories to give people jobs. If everyone was peaceful in Gaza and didn't want to destroy the Jewish state, Israel would have no problem with Gaza exporting whatever was manufactured there. I don't think all that material to build tunnels in order to kill the Jews was a useful way to provide for the future of the Gazans.

Why would the leaders of Gaza give greedy Jews more targets for their bombs, shells, and missiles?

Why, Gaza George, those "greedy Jews" are some of the taxpayers who are enabling you to have a roof over your head in a subsidized apartment. Now can you tell us why all the money and material given to the Gazans weren't put to good use to help the Gazan people. By the way, Gaza George, since you are on the Middle East forum, have you anything to say about what is going on to innocent people in the rest of the Middle East? Surely the needle on your record player isn't just stuck on Israel so that you can blabber about your favorite scapegoats, the Jews?
the Arabs don't want it??
Which Arabs are you referring to?
Israel allows no exports from Gaza to anywhere.
When the boycott was first imposed in 2007 one of its most severe critics was the Tel Aviv Chamber of Commerce, a collection of business people who were upset at the loss of commerce from Gaza.

I wonder if Gaza George could tell us why the leaders in Gaza didn't use the concrete and other building materials to erect more housing and to build factories to give people jobs. If everyone was peaceful in Gaza and didn't want to destroy the Jewish state, Israel would have no problem with Gaza exporting whatever was manufactured there. I don't think all that material to build tunnels in order to kill the Jews was a useful way to provide for the future of the Gazans.

Why would the leaders of Gaza give greedy Jews more targets for their bombs, shells, and missiles?

Why, Gaza George, those "greedy Jews" are some of the taxpayers who are enabling you to have a roof over your head in a subsidized apartment. Now can you tell us why all the money and material given to the Gazans weren't put to good use to help the Gazan people. By the way, Gaza George, since you are on the Middle East forum, have you anything to say about what is going on to innocent people in the rest of the Middle East? Surely the needle on your record player isn't just stuck on Israel so that you can blabber about your favorite scapegoats, the Jews?
"Now, what we see now is at the same time the Israeli public is splitting on this (BDS) issue.

"And we have a lot of people, especially from the lower classes of Israel, especially people who are minorities, ethnic minorities who are being repressed inside Israel but still are Jews, who are adopting a very belligerent stance against Gaza, against Hamas, and are actually willing to make more sacrifices in order to increase the violence and increase the assault on Gaza.

"They are completely aware that because of this violence there's going to be an economic price, there's going to be more BDS, more sanctions against Israel, less trade, and that will hurt their standard of living.

"But at the same time, there are the elites in Israel, people who are more engaged in international trade, owning companies that export, and they're changing their tune very fast in light of this growing BDS campaign.

"If we look at how people responded to BDS over the last six years or so, that then most of these factory owners/exporters were trying to keep as much as they could secret.

"They didn't want to talk about BDS, because they felt that if they acknowledged the existence of that movement, they would be actually maybe encouraging it.

"They also didn't want to make public calls on the Israeli government to take into consideration the effect of BDS on the Israeli economy, because that would be perceived inside Israel as unpatriotic, maybe treacherous."

Israeli Agribusiness Demanding Relief From Government as BDS Intensifies

Your country needs you.
Let me know if you need any help packing.
the Arabs don't want it??
Which Arabs are you referring to?
Israel allows no exports from Gaza to anywhere.
When the boycott was first imposed in 2007 one of its most severe critics was the Tel Aviv Chamber of Commerce, a collection of business people who were upset at the loss of commerce from Gaza.

I wonder if Gaza George could tell us why the leaders in Gaza didn't use the concrete and other building materials to erect more housing and to build factories to give people jobs. If everyone was peaceful in Gaza and didn't want to destroy the Jewish state, Israel would have no problem with Gaza exporting whatever was manufactured there. I don't think all that material to build tunnels in order to kill the Jews was a useful way to provide for the future of the Gazans.

Why would the leaders of Gaza give greedy Jews more targets for their bombs, shells, and missiles?

Why, Gaza George, those "greedy Jews" are some of the taxpayers who are enabling you to have a roof over your head in a subsidized apartment. Now can you tell us why all the money and material given to the Gazans weren't put to good use to help the Gazan people. By the way, Gaza George, since you are on the Middle East forum, have you anything to say about what is going on to innocent people in the rest of the Middle East? Surely the needle on your record player isn't just stuck on Israel so that you can blabber about your favorite scapegoats, the Jews?
"Now, what we see now is at the same time the Israeli public is splitting on this (BDS) issue.

"And we have a lot of people, especially from the lower classes of Israel, especially people who are minorities, ethnic minorities who are being repressed inside Israel but still are Jews, who are adopting a very belligerent stance against Gaza, against Hamas, and are actually willing to make more sacrifices in order to increase the violence and increase the assault on Gaza.

"They are completely aware that because of this violence there's going to be an economic price, there's going to be more BDS, more sanctions against Israel, less trade, and that will hurt their standard of living.

"But at the same time, there are the elites in Israel, people who are more engaged in international trade, owning companies that export, and they're changing their tune very fast in light of this growing BDS campaign.

"If we look at how people responded to BDS over the last six years or so, that then most of these factory owners/exporters were trying to keep as much as they could secret.

"They didn't want to talk about BDS, because they felt that if they acknowledged the existence of that movement, they would be actually maybe encouraging it.

"They also didn't want to make public calls on the Israeli government to take into consideration the effect of BDS on the Israeli economy, because that would be perceived inside Israel as unpatriotic, maybe treacherous."

Israeli Agribusiness Demanding Relief From Government as BDS Intensifies

Your country needs you.
Let me know if you need any help packing.

There are so many articles about this BDS, but in a negative vein; however, Gaza George doesn't bother to read them. He is just happy that some Arab started this BDS movement. Meanwhile, Gaza George, speaking of moving, aren't you happy that taxpayers like me contribute to your subsidized apartment so that you don't have to move and live under a bridge?

Does anyone think that Gaza George would ever get off the subject of his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, and actually give the readers some current news about what is happening in the rest of the Middle East? Or is he so obsessed with his scapegoats that he really doesn't care about innocent people being killed, people being starved to death, and young women being sold into slavery?
the Arabs don't want it??
Which Arabs are you referring to?
Israel allows no exports from Gaza to anywhere.
When the boycott was first imposed in 2007 one of its most severe critics was the Tel Aviv Chamber of Commerce, a collection of business people who were upset at the loss of commerce from Gaza.

I wonder if Gaza George could tell us why the leaders in Gaza didn't use the concrete and other building materials to erect more housing and to build factories to give people jobs. If everyone was peaceful in Gaza and didn't want to destroy the Jewish state, Israel would have no problem with Gaza exporting whatever was manufactured there. I don't think all that material to build tunnels in order to kill the Jews was a useful way to provide for the future of the Gazans.

Why would the leaders of Gaza give greedy Jews more targets for their bombs, shells, and missiles?

Why, Gaza George, those "greedy Jews" are some of the taxpayers who are enabling you to have a roof over your head in a subsidized apartment. Now can you tell us why all the money and material given to the Gazans weren't put to good use to help the Gazan people. By the way, Gaza George, since you are on the Middle East forum, have you anything to say about what is going on to innocent people in the rest of the Middle East? Surely the needle on your record player isn't just stuck on Israel so that you can blabber about your favorite scapegoats, the Jews?
"Now, what we see now is at the same time the Israeli public is splitting on this (BDS) issue.

"And we have a lot of people, especially from the lower classes of Israel, especially people who are minorities, ethnic minorities who are being repressed inside Israel but still are Jews, who are adopting a very belligerent stance against Gaza, against Hamas, and are actually willing to make more sacrifices in order to increase the violence and increase the assault on Gaza.

"They are completely aware that because of this violence there's going to be an economic price, there's going to be more BDS, more sanctions against Israel, less trade, and that will hurt their standard of living.

"But at the same time, there are the elites in Israel, people who are more engaged in international trade, owning companies that export, and they're changing their tune very fast in light of this growing BDS campaign.

"If we look at how people responded to BDS over the last six years or so, that then most of these factory owners/exporters were trying to keep as much as they could secret.

"They didn't want to talk about BDS, because they felt that if they acknowledged the existence of that movement, they would be actually maybe encouraging it.

"They also didn't want to make public calls on the Israeli government to take into consideration the effect of BDS on the Israeli economy, because that would be perceived inside Israel as unpatriotic, maybe treacherous."

Israeli Agribusiness Demanding Relief From Government as BDS Intensifies

Your country needs you.
Let me know if you need any help packing.

Naturally Gaza George will never bring up any articles against BDS of which they are loads of them, but he sure does love this movement started by an Arab. Meanwhile, speaking of moving, Gaza George, just be happy that taxpayers like me are helping to pay for your subsidized apartment or you might be moving out of your tiny place to live God only knows where. There is an article on AOL right now telling how much rents are in various cities, and even if you had to pay the going rent per square foot for your tiny apartment, I don't think you would have much left over to feed yourself.

Does anyone think that Gaza George will ever bring up current events on this Middle East forum which have nothing to do with his favorite scapegoats, the Jews? In other parts of the Middle East, people are being killed, people are being starved to death, and young women are being sold into slavery. However, Gaza George is not interested in all of this because he really doesn't care what happens to these people.
the Arabs don't want it??
Which Arabs are you referring to?
Israel allows no exports from Gaza to anywhere.
When the boycott was first imposed in 2007 one of its most severe critics was the Tel Aviv Chamber of Commerce, a collection of business people who were upset at the loss of commerce from Gaza.

I wonder if Gaza George could tell us why the leaders in Gaza didn't use the concrete and other building materials to erect more housing and to build factories to give people jobs. If everyone was peaceful in Gaza and didn't want to destroy the Jewish state, Israel would have no problem with Gaza exporting whatever was manufactured there. I don't think all that material to build tunnels in order to kill the Jews was a useful way to provide for the future of the Gazans.
Why would the leaders of Gaza give greedy Jews more targets for their bombs, shells, and missiles?

Why would Israel give violent Muslims more concrete to build tunnels?
Actually, I'm more than willing to stay on topic.
Anybody here know anything about Shmee-ta?
And why Israel doesn't need to care for the next 13 months.
the Arabs don't want it??
Which Arabs are you referring to?
Israel allows no exports from Gaza to anywhere.
When the boycott was first imposed in 2007 one of its most severe critics was the Tel Aviv Chamber of Commerce, a collection of business people who were upset at the loss of commerce from Gaza.

I wonder if Gaza George could tell us why the leaders in Gaza didn't use the concrete and other building materials to erect more housing and to build factories to give people jobs. If everyone was peaceful in Gaza and didn't want to destroy the Jewish state, Israel would have no problem with Gaza exporting whatever was manufactured there. I don't think all that material to build tunnels in order to kill the Jews was a useful way to provide for the future of the Gazans.
Why would the leaders of Gaza give greedy Jews more targets for their bombs, shells, and missiles?

Why would Israel give violent Muslims more concrete to build tunnels?
Because, under international law, Israel is the occupying power in Gaza, and as such can not inflict collective punishment on the civilians it occupies, not that greedy Jews have ever demonstrated the slightest concern for international law. When are you planning to snap up some prime Gaza beachfront, right after the tent cities open in Sinai?
the Arabs don't want it??
Which Arabs are you referring to?
Israel allows no exports from Gaza to anywhere.
When the boycott was first imposed in 2007 one of its most severe critics was the Tel Aviv Chamber of Commerce, a collection of business people who were upset at the loss of commerce from Gaza.

I wonder if Gaza George could tell us why the leaders in Gaza didn't use the concrete and other building materials to erect more housing and to build factories to give people jobs. If everyone was peaceful in Gaza and didn't want to destroy the Jewish state, Israel would have no problem with Gaza exporting whatever was manufactured there. I don't think all that material to build tunnels in order to kill the Jews was a useful way to provide for the future of the Gazans.
Why would the leaders of Gaza give greedy Jews more targets for their bombs, shells, and missiles?

Why would Israel give violent Muslims more concrete to build tunnels?
Because, under international law, Israel is the occupying power in Gaza, and as such can not inflict collective punishment on the civilians it occupies, not that greedy Jews have ever demonstrated the slightest concern for international law. When are you planning to snap up some prime Gaza beachfront, right after the tent cities open in Sinai?

Not according to the government in gaza that have stated that gaza is not occupied. Who are you to call hamas liars ?
the Arabs don't want it??
Which Arabs are you referring to?
Israel allows no exports from Gaza to anywhere.
When the boycott was first imposed in 2007 one of its most severe critics was the Tel Aviv Chamber of Commerce, a collection of business people who were upset at the loss of commerce from Gaza.

I wonder if Gaza George could tell us why the leaders in Gaza didn't use the concrete and other building materials to erect more housing and to build factories to give people jobs. If everyone was peaceful in Gaza and didn't want to destroy the Jewish state, Israel would have no problem with Gaza exporting whatever was manufactured there. I don't think all that material to build tunnels in order to kill the Jews was a useful way to provide for the future of the Gazans.
Why would the leaders of Gaza give greedy Jews more targets for their bombs, shells, and missiles?

Why would Israel give violent Muslims more concrete to build tunnels?
Because, under international law, Israel is the occupying power in Gaza, and as such can not inflict collective punishment on the civilians it occupies, not that greedy Jews have ever demonstrated the slightest concern for international law. When are you planning to snap up some prime Gaza beachfront, right after the tent cities open in Sinai?

Not according to the government in gaza that have stated that gaza is not occupied. Who are you to call hamas liars ?
Hamas consists of many gangsters who have never been known for their honesty; the UN, major human rights organizations, and the US State Department all regard Israel as exerting effective control over Gaza by virtue of its control of most land borders, airspace and coastal waters, electromagnetic sphere, and population registry. Hence, Israel is the occupying power of Gaza.
the Arabs don't want it??
Which Arabs are you referring to?
Israel allows no exports from Gaza to anywhere.
When the boycott was first imposed in 2007 one of its most severe critics was the Tel Aviv Chamber of Commerce, a collection of business people who were upset at the loss of commerce from Gaza.

I wonder if Gaza George could tell us why the leaders in Gaza didn't use the concrete and other building materials to erect more housing and to build factories to give people jobs. If everyone was peaceful in Gaza and didn't want to destroy the Jewish state, Israel would have no problem with Gaza exporting whatever was manufactured there. I don't think all that material to build tunnels in order to kill the Jews was a useful way to provide for the future of the Gazans.
Why would the leaders of Gaza give greedy Jews more targets for their bombs, shells, and missiles?

Why would Israel give violent Muslims more concrete to build tunnels?
Because, under international law, Israel is the occupying power in Gaza, and as such can not inflict collective punishment on the civilians it occupies, not that greedy Jews have ever demonstrated the slightest concern for international law. When are you planning to snap up some prime Gaza beachfront, right after the tent cities open in Sinai?

Not according to the government in gaza that have stated that gaza is not occupied. Who are you to call hamas liars ?
Hamas consists of many gangsters who have never been known for their honesty; the UN, major human rights organizations, and the US State Department all regard Israel as exerting effective control over Gaza by virtue of its control of most land borders, airspace and coastal waters, electromagnetic sphere, and population registry. Hence, Israel is the occupying power of Gaza.
All the borders were built by Israel and agreed with the PA in 2005.
Airspace used for explosive carry drones, infiltrates Israel's airspace- legitimate blockade.
Naval blockade since Iran, Turkey and few other states abusing the innocence to ship weapon materials, Terrorists also infiltrated Israel territorial water as well - legitimate blockade.
Gaza owe Israel Milliards for electricity provided,raising the electricity tax for entire Israel, not a single Shekel so far although once Israel turned the electricity down the GP ran 'Avatar protest' - Nobody desire to provide them free electricity but they can barely make fire, pathetic.
Population registry - ????
Any use of the word occupation is either pure stupidity or even worse, pure lie.
Revised Zionism...

"Zionism was born of the late 19th century ferment of politics, race, pseudo-science, imperialism, and rejection of 18th rationalism, a 'Blood and Soil' fever that ultimately gave rise to all of the fascist or semi-fascist movements of the 20th Century.

"In Poland between the wars, Zionism took a toxic turn to the right when its original goals were clarified and hardened by what came to be known as Revised Zionism promoted by Ze’ev Jabotinsky and his followers.

"Revised Zionism called for the creation of a Greater Israel that would stretch from Iraq in the east and into Southern Lebanon in the north.

"Unabashed admirers of Mussolini, the Jabotinsky sect took to wearing black shirts and employing the fascist salute.

"Many members of Zionist terror organizations like the Stern Gang – the folks who, incidentally, invented the car bomb – came from the ranks of Jabotinsky’s followers, including Menachem Begin and Yitzak Shamir, the first two Likud Prime Ministers.

"The Likud Party, still one of the dominant political forces in Israel today, is itself the direct heir of Revised Zionism.

Righteous Jews never mention how their own leaders created a Jewish state from acts of terrorism in the 1930s and '40s.

Why is that?

Blood and Soil The Price of Zionism

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