Israel Violating US Sanctions on Russia?


I reiterate:

One Jew talking vs millions of Muslims committing murder.
You really are stupid.

I reiterate:

One Jew talking vs millions of Muslims committing murder.
You really are stupid.
Are you too stupid to guess how much your opinion matters?

"The moral duplicity in the U.S. political class is breathtaking.

"Squeezed in between news stories of the ongoing slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza, U.S. President Barak Obama announced expanded economic sanctions against Russia for its alleged support for what the media calls 'pro-Russian separatist forces' in Eastern Ukraine.

"The U.S. action could not have been a more dramatic illustration of the cognitive dissonance and ethical double standards of the Obama administration and the U.S political class."

Sanctions for Russia and a Green Light for Israel to Continue War Crimes Common Dreams Breaking News Views for the Progressive Community

I reiterate:

One Jew talking vs millions of Muslims committing murder.
You really are stupid.
Are you too stupid to guess how much your opinion matters?

"The moral duplicity in the U.S. political class is breathtaking.

"Squeezed in between news stories of the ongoing slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza, U.S. President Barak Obama announced expanded economic sanctions against Russia for its alleged support for what the media calls 'pro-Russian separatist forces' in Eastern Ukraine.

"The U.S. action could not have been a more dramatic illustration of the cognitive dissonance and ethical double standards of the Obama administration and the U.S political class."

Sanctions for Russia and a Green Light for Israel to Continue War Crimes Common Dreams Breaking News Views for the Progressive Community

Ah, Gaza George calls someone stupid!!! Now that is a joke. Common Dreams is a very anti-Israel site. Meanwhile, people are being killed wholesale in the rest of the Middle East, women are being captured to be used as slaves, millions of refugees, and Gaza George is always on this forum posting about his favorite scapegoat, the Jews and is not concerned what is happening elsewhere to unfortunate people. I think if the planet was hit by a big meteor this morning, Gaza George would still crawl to his computer and blame his scapegoats for the meteor.
Why does the US support Israel?

"Support for Israel interferes with: American relations with the oil-producing nations, with whom we previously had friendly ties; with Muslim consumers, who represent 1.2 billion people world-wide; and removes much-needed money from domestic American requirements — tax revenues that could be addressed to domestic needs are instead sent abroad to prop up a system of discrimination that is antithetical to American principles of equality and democracy.

"In addition, the ‘special relationship’ between the U.S. and Israel is increasingly imperiling American lives.

Why, then, is this done? Close examination of the history and current situation reveals that U.S. policies in the Middle East are rarely driven by U.S. interests. Rather, they are largely driven by two very different factors..."

I'll bet Ha$bara $al knows what they are

US Interests and Israel Palestine
Why does the US support Israel?

"Support for Israel interferes with: American relations with the oil-producing nations, with whom we previously had friendly ties; with Muslim consumers, who represent 1.2 billion people world-wide; and removes much-needed money from domestic American requirements — tax revenues that could be addressed to domestic needs are instead sent abroad to prop up a system of discrimination that is antithetical to American principles of equality and democracy.

"In addition, the ‘special relationship’ between the U.S. and Israel is increasingly imperiling American lives.

Why, then, is this done? Close examination of the history and current situation reveals that U.S. policies in the Middle East are rarely driven by U.S. interests. Rather, they are largely driven by two very different factors..."

I'll bet Ha$bara $al knows what they are

US Interests and Israel Palestine

Are you short on money again by showing us the dollar sign, Gaza George? Get out of your tiny subsidized apartment and leave your neighborhool mainly populated with people from Central America, many who are here illegally and, therefore, can't vote. Go to different neighborhoods in your city and speak to other Americans and see what they say. After all, they are the ones who are electing members of Congress, and if they don't like what Congress is going, their representatives will be voted out. As for tax money, which of course you don't pay any taxes, it has been figured that about $3.00 per American taxpayer goes to Israel. Do you know what a Whopper or Big Mac costs these days, Gaza George? Meanwhile, most of the money that is allocated for Israel is money that must be spent here in our own defense industries, giving jobs to American workers. You know what an American worker is, don't you Gaza George? It is a person who works hard for his weekly paycheck and is not looking to get subsidized housing.
Why does the US support Israel?

"Support for Israel interferes with: American relations with the oil-producing nations, with whom we previously had friendly ties; with Muslim consumers, who represent 1.2 billion people world-wide; and removes much-needed money from domestic American requirements — tax revenues that could be addressed to domestic needs are instead sent abroad to prop up a system of discrimination that is antithetical to American principles of equality and democracy.

"In addition, the ‘special relationship’ between the U.S. and Israel is increasingly imperiling American lives.

Why, then, is this done? Close examination of the history and current situation reveals that U.S. policies in the Middle East are rarely driven by U.S. interests. Rather, they are largely driven by two very different factors..."

I'll bet Ha$bara $al knows what they are

US Interests and Israel Palestine

Are you short on money again by showing us the dollar sign, Gaza George? Get out of your tiny subsidized apartment and leave your neighborhool mainly populated with people from Central America, many who are here illegally and, therefore, can't vote. Go to different neighborhoods in your city and speak to other Americans and see what they say. After all, they are the ones who are electing members of Congress, and if they don't like what Congress is going, their representatives will be voted out. As for tax money, which of course you don't pay any taxes, it has been figured that about $3.00 per American taxpayer goes to Israel. Do you know what a Whopper or Big Mac costs these days, Gaza George? Meanwhile, most of the money that is allocated for Israel is money that must be spent here in our own defense industries, giving jobs to American workers. You know what an American worker is, don't you Gaza George? It is a person who works hard for his weekly paycheck and is not looking to get subsidized housing.
$ally Ha$bara earns her daily bread shilling for one of the richest states on the planet, but $he will never tell how many $hekels $he earns for doing so.

Maybe $he'$ Jew Fir$t?

"Most Americans are not aware how much of their tax revenue our government sends to Israel.

"For the fiscal year ending in September 30, 1997, the U.S. has given Israel $6.72 billion: $6.194 billion falls under Israel's foreign aid allotment and $526 million comes from agencies such as the Department of Commerce, the U.S. Information Agency and the Pentagon.

"The $6.72 billion figure does not include loan guarantees and annual compound interest totalling $3.122 billion the U.S. pays on money borrowed to give to Israel.

"It does not include the cost to U.S. taxpayers of IRS tax exemptions that donors can claim when they donate money to Israeli charities. (Donors claim approximately $1 billion in Federal tax deductions annually. This ultimately costs other U.S. tax payers $280 million to $390 million.)

"When grant, loans, interest and tax deductions are added together for the fiscal year ending in September 30, 1997, our special relationship with Israel cost U.S. taxpayers over $10 billion.

"Since 1949 the U.S. has given Israel a total of $83.205 billion.

"The interest costs borne by U.S. tax payers on behalf of Israel are $49.937 billion, thus making the total amount of aid given to Israel since 1949 $133.132 billion.

"This may mean that U.S. government has given more federal aid to the average Israeli citizen in a given year than it has given to the average American citizen.

U.S. Financial Aid To Israel Figures Facts and Impact Congress U.S. Aid to Israel
Why does the US support Israel?

"Support for Israel interferes with: American relations with the oil-producing nations, with whom we previously had friendly ties; with Muslim consumers, who represent 1.2 billion people world-wide; and removes much-needed money from domestic American requirements — tax revenues that could be addressed to domestic needs are instead sent abroad to prop up a system of discrimination that is antithetical to American principles of equality and democracy.

"In addition, the ‘special relationship’ between the U.S. and Israel is increasingly imperiling American lives.

Why, then, is this done? Close examination of the history and current situation reveals that U.S. policies in the Middle East are rarely driven by U.S. interests. Rather, they are largely driven by two very different factors..."

I'll bet Ha$bara $al knows what they are

US Interests and Israel Palestine

Are you short on money again by showing us the dollar sign, Gaza George? Get out of your tiny subsidized apartment and leave your neighborhool mainly populated with people from Central America, many who are here illegally and, therefore, can't vote. Go to different neighborhoods in your city and speak to other Americans and see what they say. After all, they are the ones who are electing members of Congress, and if they don't like what Congress is going, their representatives will be voted out. As for tax money, which of course you don't pay any taxes, it has been figured that about $3.00 per American taxpayer goes to Israel. Do you know what a Whopper or Big Mac costs these days, Gaza George? Meanwhile, most of the money that is allocated for Israel is money that must be spent here in our own defense industries, giving jobs to American workers. You know what an American worker is, don't you Gaza George? It is a person who works hard for his weekly paycheck and is not looking to get subsidized housing.
$ally Ha$bara earns her daily bread shilling for one of the richest states on the planet, but $he will never tell how many $hekels $he earns for doing so.

Maybe $he'$ Jew Fir$t?

"Most Americans are not aware how much of their tax revenue our government sends to Israel.

"For the fiscal year ending in September 30, 1997, the U.S. has given Israel $6.72 billion: $6.194 billion falls under Israel's foreign aid allotment and $526 million comes from agencies such as the Department of Commerce, the U.S. Information Agency and the Pentagon.

"The $6.72 billion figure does not include loan guarantees and annual compound interest totalling $3.122 billion the U.S. pays on money borrowed to give to Israel.

"It does not include the cost to U.S. taxpayers of IRS tax exemptions that donors can claim when they donate money to Israeli charities. (Donors claim approximately $1 billion in Federal tax deductions annually. This ultimately costs other U.S. tax payers $280 million to $390 million.)

"When grant, loans, interest and tax deductions are added together for the fiscal year ending in September 30, 1997, our special relationship with Israel cost U.S. taxpayers over $10 billion.

"Since 1949 the U.S. has given Israel a total of $83.205 billion.

"The interest costs borne by U.S. tax payers on behalf of Israel are $49.937 billion, thus making the total amount of aid given to Israel since 1949 $133.132 billion.

"This may mean that U.S. government has given more federal aid to the average Israeli citizen in a given year than it has given to the average American citizen.

U.S. Financial Aid To Israel Figures Facts and Impact Congress U.S. Aid to Israel

It really is amusing that Gaza George is so concerned at his lack of money that he always accuses the others here of working for his favorite scapegoats, the Jews. Maybe some Muslim extremist group will catch your posts, Gaza George, realize how you hate the Jews like they do, and throw you a few bucks now and then.

Meanwhile, as one poster, who was a retired Naval Intelligence Officer, said -- if the American people knew just how much Israel helped America, no one would deny that country anything. Notice the Gaza George has no problem with all the money sent to dictators and tyrants which instead of this money being used to help the people in need lands up in their own pocket. Naturally with the tons of money being sent to Pakistan where the soldiers give information to the Taliban in order to kill American soldiers, Gaza George has no problem with this.
Why does the US support Israel?

"Support for Israel interferes with: American relations with the oil-producing nations, with whom we previously had friendly ties; with Muslim consumers, who represent 1.2 billion people world-wide; and removes much-needed money from domestic American requirements — tax revenues that could be addressed to domestic needs are instead sent abroad to prop up a system of discrimination that is antithetical to American principles of equality and democracy.

"In addition, the ‘special relationship’ between the U.S. and Israel is increasingly imperiling American lives.

Why, then, is this done? Close examination of the history and current situation reveals that U.S. policies in the Middle East are rarely driven by U.S. interests. Rather, they are largely driven by two very different factors..."

I'll bet Ha$bara $al knows what they are

US Interests and Israel Palestine

Are you short on money again by showing us the dollar sign, Gaza George? Get out of your tiny subsidized apartment and leave your neighborhool mainly populated with people from Central America, many who are here illegally and, therefore, can't vote. Go to different neighborhoods in your city and speak to other Americans and see what they say. After all, they are the ones who are electing members of Congress, and if they don't like what Congress is going, their representatives will be voted out. As for tax money, which of course you don't pay any taxes, it has been figured that about $3.00 per American taxpayer goes to Israel. Do you know what a Whopper or Big Mac costs these days, Gaza George? Meanwhile, most of the money that is allocated for Israel is money that must be spent here in our own defense industries, giving jobs to American workers. You know what an American worker is, don't you Gaza George? It is a person who works hard for his weekly paycheck and is not looking to get subsidized housing.
$ally Ha$bara earns her daily bread shilling for one of the richest states on the planet, but $he will never tell how many $hekels $he earns for doing so.

Maybe $he'$ Jew Fir$t?

"Most Americans are not aware how much of their tax revenue our government sends to Israel.

"For the fiscal year ending in September 30, 1997, the U.S. has given Israel $6.72 billion: $6.194 billion falls under Israel's foreign aid allotment and $526 million comes from agencies such as the Department of Commerce, the U.S. Information Agency and the Pentagon.

"The $6.72 billion figure does not include loan guarantees and annual compound interest totalling $3.122 billion the U.S. pays on money borrowed to give to Israel.

"It does not include the cost to U.S. taxpayers of IRS tax exemptions that donors can claim when they donate money to Israeli charities. (Donors claim approximately $1 billion in Federal tax deductions annually. This ultimately costs other U.S. tax payers $280 million to $390 million.)

"When grant, loans, interest and tax deductions are added together for the fiscal year ending in September 30, 1997, our special relationship with Israel cost U.S. taxpayers over $10 billion.

"Since 1949 the U.S. has given Israel a total of $83.205 billion.

"The interest costs borne by U.S. tax payers on behalf of Israel are $49.937 billion, thus making the total amount of aid given to Israel since 1949 $133.132 billion.

"This may mean that U.S. government has given more federal aid to the average Israeli citizen in a given year than it has given to the average American citizen.

U.S. Financial Aid To Israel Figures Facts and Impact Congress U.S. Aid to Israel

It really is amusing that Gaza George is so concerned at his lack of money that he always accuses the others here of working for his favorite scapegoats, the Jews. Maybe some Muslim extremist group will catch your posts, Gaza George, realize how you hate the Jews like they do, and throw you a few bucks now and then.

Meanwhile, as one poster, who was a retired Naval Intelligence Officer, said -- if the American people knew just how much Israel helped America, no one would deny that country anything. Notice the Gaza George has no problem with all the money sent to dictators and tyrants which instead of this money being used to help the people in need lands up in their own pocket. Naturally with the tons of money being sent to Pakistan where the soldiers give information to the Taliban in order to kill American soldiers, Gaza George has no problem with this.
"Although Israel is an 'advanced, industrialized, technologically sophisticated country,' it "receives more U.S. aid per capita annually than the total annual [Gross Domestic Product] per capita of several Arab states.

"Approximately a third of the entire U.S. foreign aid budget goes to Israel, 'even though Israel comprises of the world's total population, and already has one of the world's higher per capita incomes.'

"U.S. government officials argue that this money is necessary for 'moral' reasons-some even say that Israel is a 'democracy battling for its very survival.'

"If that were the real reason, however, aid should have been highest during Israel's early years, and would have declined as Israel grew stronger.

"Yet' the pattern...has been just the opposite.' According to Zunes, '99 percent of all U.S. aid to Israel took place after the June 1967 war, when Israel found itself more powerful than any combination of Arab armies....'"

U.S. Financial Aid To Israel Figures Facts and Impact Congress U.S. Aid to Israel
Why does the US support Israel?

"Support for Israel interferes with: American relations with the oil-producing nations, with whom we previously had friendly ties; with Muslim consumers, who represent 1.2 billion people world-wide; and removes much-needed money from domestic American requirements — tax revenues that could be addressed to domestic needs are instead sent abroad to prop up a system of discrimination that is antithetical to American principles of equality and democracy.

"In addition, the ‘special relationship’ between the U.S. and Israel is increasingly imperiling American lives.

Why, then, is this done? Close examination of the history and current situation reveals that U.S. policies in the Middle East are rarely driven by U.S. interests. Rather, they are largely driven by two very different factors..."

I'll bet Ha$bara $al knows what they are

US Interests and Israel Palestine

Are you short on money again by showing us the dollar sign, Gaza George? Get out of your tiny subsidized apartment and leave your neighborhool mainly populated with people from Central America, many who are here illegally and, therefore, can't vote. Go to different neighborhoods in your city and speak to other Americans and see what they say. After all, they are the ones who are electing members of Congress, and if they don't like what Congress is going, their representatives will be voted out. As for tax money, which of course you don't pay any taxes, it has been figured that about $3.00 per American taxpayer goes to Israel. Do you know what a Whopper or Big Mac costs these days, Gaza George? Meanwhile, most of the money that is allocated for Israel is money that must be spent here in our own defense industries, giving jobs to American workers. You know what an American worker is, don't you Gaza George? It is a person who works hard for his weekly paycheck and is not looking to get subsidized housing.
$ally Ha$bara earns her daily bread shilling for one of the richest states on the planet, but $he will never tell how many $hekels $he earns for doing so.

Maybe $he'$ Jew Fir$t?

"Most Americans are not aware how much of their tax revenue our government sends to Israel.

"For the fiscal year ending in September 30, 1997, the U.S. has given Israel $6.72 billion: $6.194 billion falls under Israel's foreign aid allotment and $526 million comes from agencies such as the Department of Commerce, the U.S. Information Agency and the Pentagon.

"The $6.72 billion figure does not include loan guarantees and annual compound interest totalling $3.122 billion the U.S. pays on money borrowed to give to Israel.

"It does not include the cost to U.S. taxpayers of IRS tax exemptions that donors can claim when they donate money to Israeli charities. (Donors claim approximately $1 billion in Federal tax deductions annually. This ultimately costs other U.S. tax payers $280 million to $390 million.)

"When grant, loans, interest and tax deductions are added together for the fiscal year ending in September 30, 1997, our special relationship with Israel cost U.S. taxpayers over $10 billion.

"Since 1949 the U.S. has given Israel a total of $83.205 billion.

"The interest costs borne by U.S. tax payers on behalf of Israel are $49.937 billion, thus making the total amount of aid given to Israel since 1949 $133.132 billion.

"This may mean that U.S. government has given more federal aid to the average Israeli citizen in a given year than it has given to the average American citizen.

U.S. Financial Aid To Israel Figures Facts and Impact Congress U.S. Aid to Israel

It really is amusing that Gaza George is so concerned at his lack of money that he always accuses the others here of working for his favorite scapegoats, the Jews. Maybe some Muslim extremist group will catch your posts, Gaza George, realize how you hate the Jews like they do, and throw you a few bucks now and then.

Meanwhile, as one poster, who was a retired Naval Intelligence Officer, said -- if the American people knew just how much Israel helped America, no one would deny that country anything. Notice the Gaza George has no problem with all the money sent to dictators and tyrants which instead of this money being used to help the people in need lands up in their own pocket. Naturally with the tons of money being sent to Pakistan where the soldiers give information to the Taliban in order to kill American soldiers, Gaza George has no problem with this.
"Although Israel is an 'advanced, industrialized, technologically sophisticated country,' it "receives more U.S. aid per capita annually than the total annual [Gross Domestic Product] per capita of several Arab states.

"Approximately a third of the entire U.S. foreign aid budget goes to Israel, 'even though Israel comprises of the world's total population, and already has one of the world's higher per capita incomes.'

"U.S. government officials argue that this money is necessary for 'moral' reasons-some even say that Israel is a 'democracy battling for its very survival.'

"If that were the real reason, however, aid should have been highest during Israel's early years, and would have declined as Israel grew stronger.

"Yet' the pattern...has been just the opposite.' According to Zunes, '99 percent of all U.S. aid to Israel took place after the June 1967 war, when Israel found itself more powerful than any combination of Arab armies....'"

U.S. Financial Aid To Israel Figures Facts and Impact Congress U.S. Aid to Israel

Really, Gaza George??? Why not tell us about the billions that Saudi Arabia makes from its oil, and we still help her? Why not tell us about all the money that is raked in by the Emirates? I am sure these oil-rich countries have enough money to help their fellow Arabs without the U.S. giving them any money at all. Gaza George can't seem to understand that most of what is allocated to Israel must be spent here in our own defense industries, giving jobs to American workers. We also have to remember (even though Gaza George wants to conveniently forget about it) that whatever is allocated to Israel is just a very small percentage of Israel's defense budget because Gaza George's new bestest friends in the whole wide world are always trying to destroy Israel. and Israel has to be prepared to fend them off. I think most of the viewers have to realize by now that Gaza George would love to see his bestest friends destroy some of his favorite scapegoats, the Jews.
How Israel thrives:

"A curious op-ed "The Tel Aviv Cluster" by the reliably neoconnish David Brooks appeared in the New York Times on January 12th.

"Brooks enthused over the prowess of Israel’s high tech businesses, attributing their success in large part to Jewish exceptionalism and genius, which must have provided the ultimate feel good moment for Brooks, who is himself Jewish.

"That Israel has a booming technology sector is undeniably true, but Brooks failed to mention other contributing factors such as the $101 billion dollars in US economic and military aid over the course of more than four decades, which does not include the additional $30 billion recently approved by President Barack Obama.

"American assistance has financed and fueled Israel’s business growth while the open access and even 'preferential treatment' afforded to Israeli exporters through the Israel Free Trade Implementation Act of 1985 has provided Israelis with the enormous US market to sell their products and services.

"By act of Congress, Israeli businesses can even bid on most American Federal and State government contracts just as if they were US companies."

Stealing Success Tel Aviv Style
How Israel thrives:

"A curious op-ed "The Tel Aviv Cluster" by the reliably neoconnish David Brooks appeared in the New York Times on January 12th.

"Brooks enthused over the prowess of Israel’s high tech businesses, attributing their success in large part to Jewish exceptionalism and genius, which must have provided the ultimate feel good moment for Brooks, who is himself Jewish.

"That Israel has a booming technology sector is undeniably true, but Brooks failed to mention other contributing factors such as the $101 billion dollars in US economic and military aid over the course of more than four decades, which does not include the additional $30 billion recently approved by President Barack Obama.

"American assistance has financed and fueled Israel’s business growth while the open access and even 'preferential treatment' afforded to Israeli exporters through the Israel Free Trade Implementation Act of 1985 has provided Israelis with the enormous US market to sell their products and services.

"By act of Congress, Israeli businesses can even bid on most American Federal and State government contracts just as if they were US companies."

Stealing Success Tel Aviv Style

The New York Times is notorious for printing so many anti-Israel articles so I really am not interested in yours. What I am curious about is that I was told that no threads should be started about Israel, and my previous threads were moved to a different forum. I wonder how Gaza George is allowed to do this. Is there an exemption in his case?

By the way, if Gaza George would have applied himself more in his earlier years, perhaps he himself could have gotten a job in the tech industry, thus ensuring himself a comfortable retirement and not having to depend on subsidized housing.

Since Gaza George appears not to be interested in what is going on in the rest of the Middle East and only obsesses over Israel because his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, are involved perhaps we can get him a girlfriend who certainly didn't fake a bad back after only ten days of her basic training..

How Israel thrives:

"A curious op-ed "The Tel Aviv Cluster" by the reliably neoconnish David Brooks appeared in the New York Times on January 12th.

"Brooks enthused over the prowess of Israel’s high tech businesses, attributing their success in large part to Jewish exceptionalism and genius, which must have provided the ultimate feel good moment for Brooks, who is himself Jewish.

"That Israel has a booming technology sector is undeniably true, but Brooks failed to mention other contributing factors such as the $101 billion dollars in US economic and military aid over the course of more than four decades, which does not include the additional $30 billion recently approved by President Barack Obama.

"American assistance has financed and fueled Israel’s business growth while the open access and even 'preferential treatment' afforded to Israeli exporters through the Israel Free Trade Implementation Act of 1985 has provided Israelis with the enormous US market to sell their products and services.

"By act of Congress, Israeli businesses can even bid on most American Federal and State government contracts just as if they were US companies."

Stealing Success Tel Aviv Style

The New York Times is notorious for printing so many anti-Israel articles so I really am not interested in yours. What I am curious about is that I was told that no threads should be started about Israel, and my previous threads were moved to a different forum. I wonder how Gaza George is allowed to do this. Is there an exemption in his case?

By the way, if Gaza George would have applied himself more in his earlier years, perhaps he himself could have gotten a job in the tech industry, thus ensuring himself a comfortable retirement and not having to depend on subsidized housing.

Since Gaza George appears not to be interested in what is going on in the rest of the Middle East and only obsesses over Israel because his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, are involved perhaps we can get him a girlfriend who certainly didn't fake a bad back after only ten days of her basic training..

"What I am curious about is that I was told that no threads should be started about Israel, and my previous threads were moved to a different forum. I wonder how Gaza George is allowed to do this. Is there an exemption in his case?"

I've been banned from the IP Forum, but I'm pretty sure it had nothing to do with my work ethic or military service.
How Israel thrives:

"A curious op-ed "The Tel Aviv Cluster" by the reliably neoconnish David Brooks appeared in the New York Times on January 12th.

"Brooks enthused over the prowess of Israel’s high tech businesses, attributing their success in large part to Jewish exceptionalism and genius, which must have provided the ultimate feel good moment for Brooks, who is himself Jewish.

"That Israel has a booming technology sector is undeniably true, but Brooks failed to mention other contributing factors such as the $101 billion dollars in US economic and military aid over the course of more than four decades, which does not include the additional $30 billion recently approved by President Barack Obama.

"American assistance has financed and fueled Israel’s business growth while the open access and even 'preferential treatment' afforded to Israeli exporters through the Israel Free Trade Implementation Act of 1985 has provided Israelis with the enormous US market to sell their products and services.

"By act of Congress, Israeli businesses can even bid on most American Federal and State government contracts just as if they were US companies."

Stealing Success Tel Aviv Style

The New York Times is notorious for printing so many anti-Israel articles so I really am not interested in yours. What I am curious about is that I was told that no threads should be started about Israel, and my previous threads were moved to a different forum. I wonder how Gaza George is allowed to do this. Is there an exemption in his case?

By the way, if Gaza George would have applied himself more in his earlier years, perhaps he himself could have gotten a job in the tech industry, thus ensuring himself a comfortable retirement and not having to depend on subsidized housing.

Since Gaza George appears not to be interested in what is going on in the rest of the Middle East and only obsesses over Israel because his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, are involved perhaps we can get him a girlfriend who certainly didn't fake a bad back after only ten days of her basic training..

"What I am curious about is that I was told that no threads should be started about Israel, and my previous threads were moved to a different forum. I wonder how Gaza George is allowed to do this. Is there an exemption in his case?"

I've been banned from the IP Forum, but I'm pretty sure it had nothing to do with my work ethic or military service.

So I guess that means if you are allowed to start threads about Israel, I am allowed to too.

I guess this means that Gaza George doesn't want to hook up with the Arab IDF soldier. Dating an Arab in the IDF would be like dating an alien from Alpha Centura for Gaza George.
How Israel thrives:

"A curious op-ed "The Tel Aviv Cluster" by the reliably neoconnish David Brooks appeared in the New York Times on January 12th.

"Brooks enthused over the prowess of Israel’s high tech businesses, attributing their success in large part to Jewish exceptionalism and genius, which must have provided the ultimate feel good moment for Brooks, who is himself Jewish.

"That Israel has a booming technology sector is undeniably true, but Brooks failed to mention other contributing factors such as the $101 billion dollars in US economic and military aid over the course of more than four decades, which does not include the additional $30 billion recently approved by President Barack Obama.

"American assistance has financed and fueled Israel’s business growth while the open access and even 'preferential treatment' afforded to Israeli exporters through the Israel Free Trade Implementation Act of 1985 has provided Israelis with the enormous US market to sell their products and services.

"By act of Congress, Israeli businesses can even bid on most American Federal and State government contracts just as if they were US companies."

Stealing Success Tel Aviv Style

The New York Times is notorious for printing so many anti-Israel articles so I really am not interested in yours. What I am curious about is that I was told that no threads should be started about Israel, and my previous threads were moved to a different forum. I wonder how Gaza George is allowed to do this. Is there an exemption in his case?

By the way, if Gaza George would have applied himself more in his earlier years, perhaps he himself could have gotten a job in the tech industry, thus ensuring himself a comfortable retirement and not having to depend on subsidized housing.

Since Gaza George appears not to be interested in what is going on in the rest of the Middle East and only obsesses over Israel because his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, are involved perhaps we can get him a girlfriend who certainly didn't fake a bad back after only ten days of her basic training..

"What I am curious about is that I was told that no threads should be started about Israel, and my previous threads were moved to a different forum. I wonder how Gaza George is allowed to do this. Is there an exemption in his case?"

I've been banned from the IP Forum, but I'm pretty sure it had nothing to do with my work ethic or military service.

So I guess that means if you are allowed to start threads about Israel, I am allowed to too.

I guess this means that Gaza George doesn't want to hook up with the Arab IDF soldier. Dating an Arab in the IDF would be like dating an alien from Alpha Centura for Gaza George.

She's too young for me, besides she went to school with Jews so she's never heard of al-Nakba.
How Israel thrives:

"A curious op-ed "The Tel Aviv Cluster" by the reliably neoconnish David Brooks appeared in the New York Times on January 12th.

"Brooks enthused over the prowess of Israel’s high tech businesses, attributing their success in large part to Jewish exceptionalism and genius, which must have provided the ultimate feel good moment for Brooks, who is himself Jewish.

"That Israel has a booming technology sector is undeniably true, but Brooks failed to mention other contributing factors such as the $101 billion dollars in US economic and military aid over the course of more than four decades, which does not include the additional $30 billion recently approved by President Barack Obama.

"American assistance has financed and fueled Israel’s business growth while the open access and even 'preferential treatment' afforded to Israeli exporters through the Israel Free Trade Implementation Act of 1985 has provided Israelis with the enormous US market to sell their products and services.

"By act of Congress, Israeli businesses can even bid on most American Federal and State government contracts just as if they were US companies."

Stealing Success Tel Aviv Style

The New York Times is notorious for printing so many anti-Israel articles so I really am not interested in yours. What I am curious about is that I was told that no threads should be started about Israel, and my previous threads were moved to a different forum. I wonder how Gaza George is allowed to do this. Is there an exemption in his case?

By the way, if Gaza George would have applied himself more in his earlier years, perhaps he himself could have gotten a job in the tech industry, thus ensuring himself a comfortable retirement and not having to depend on subsidized housing.

Since Gaza George appears not to be interested in what is going on in the rest of the Middle East and only obsesses over Israel because his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, are involved perhaps we can get him a girlfriend who certainly didn't fake a bad back after only ten days of her basic training..

"What I am curious about is that I was told that no threads should be started about Israel, and my previous threads were moved to a different forum. I wonder how Gaza George is allowed to do this. Is there an exemption in his case?"

I've been banned from the IP Forum, but I'm pretty sure it had nothing to do with my work ethic or military service.

So I guess that means if you are allowed to start threads about Israel, I am allowed to too.

I guess this means that Gaza George doesn't want to hook up with the Arab IDF soldier. Dating an Arab in the IDF would be like dating an alien from Alpha Centura for Gaza George.

She's too young for me, besides she went to school with Jews so she's never heard of al-Nakba.

She probably went to a school with Arabs so no doubt she heard of the fake
How Israel thrives:

"A curious op-ed "The Tel Aviv Cluster" by the reliably neoconnish David Brooks appeared in the New York Times on January 12th.

"Brooks enthused over the prowess of Israel’s high tech businesses, attributing their success in large part to Jewish exceptionalism and genius, which must have provided the ultimate feel good moment for Brooks, who is himself Jewish.

"That Israel has a booming technology sector is undeniably true, but Brooks failed to mention other contributing factors such as the $101 billion dollars in US economic and military aid over the course of more than four decades, which does not include the additional $30 billion recently approved by President Barack Obama.

"American assistance has financed and fueled Israel’s business growth while the open access and even 'preferential treatment' afforded to Israeli exporters through the Israel Free Trade Implementation Act of 1985 has provided Israelis with the enormous US market to sell their products and services.

"By act of Congress, Israeli businesses can even bid on most American Federal and State government contracts just as if they were US companies."

Stealing Success Tel Aviv Style

The New York Times is notorious for printing so many anti-Israel articles so I really am not interested in yours. What I am curious about is that I was told that no threads should be started about Israel, and my previous threads were moved to a different forum. I wonder how Gaza George is allowed to do this. Is there an exemption in his case?

By the way, if Gaza George would have applied himself more in his earlier years, perhaps he himself could have gotten a job in the tech industry, thus ensuring himself a comfortable retirement and not having to depend on subsidized housing.

Since Gaza George appears not to be interested in what is going on in the rest of the Middle East and only obsesses over Israel because his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, are involved perhaps we can get him a girlfriend who certainly didn't fake a bad back after only ten days of her basic training..

"What I am curious about is that I was told that no threads should be started about Israel, and my previous threads were moved to a different forum. I wonder how Gaza George is allowed to do this. Is there an exemption in his case?"

I've been banned from the IP Forum, but I'm pretty sure it had nothing to do with my work ethic or military service.

So I guess that means if you are allowed to start threads about Israel, I am allowed to too.

I guess this means that Gaza George doesn't want to hook up with the Arab IDF soldier. Dating an Arab in the IDF would be like dating an alien from Alpha Centura for Gaza George.

She's too young for me, besides she went to school with Jews so she's never heard of al-Nakba.

So now you are a fortune teller and know she went to school with Jews. It would never enter your little mind that she is a grown-up who can make up her own mind. Perhaps we can find the mother of an Ethiopian IDF soldier for you. Would that be more apropos?

The Catastrophe Called Nakba Middle East Forum
How Israel thrives:

"A curious op-ed "The Tel Aviv Cluster" by the reliably neoconnish David Brooks appeared in the New York Times on January 12th.

"Brooks enthused over the prowess of Israel’s high tech businesses, attributing their success in large part to Jewish exceptionalism and genius, which must have provided the ultimate feel good moment for Brooks, who is himself Jewish.

"That Israel has a booming technology sector is undeniably true, but Brooks failed to mention other contributing factors such as the $101 billion dollars in US economic and military aid over the course of more than four decades, which does not include the additional $30 billion recently approved by President Barack Obama.

"American assistance has financed and fueled Israel’s business growth while the open access and even 'preferential treatment' afforded to Israeli exporters through the Israel Free Trade Implementation Act of 1985 has provided Israelis with the enormous US market to sell their products and services.

"By act of Congress, Israeli businesses can even bid on most American Federal and State government contracts just as if they were US companies."

Stealing Success Tel Aviv Style

The New York Times is notorious for printing so many anti-Israel articles so I really am not interested in yours. What I am curious about is that I was told that no threads should be started about Israel, and my previous threads were moved to a different forum. I wonder how Gaza George is allowed to do this. Is there an exemption in his case?

By the way, if Gaza George would have applied himself more in his earlier years, perhaps he himself could have gotten a job in the tech industry, thus ensuring himself a comfortable retirement and not having to depend on subsidized housing.

Since Gaza George appears not to be interested in what is going on in the rest of the Middle East and only obsesses over Israel because his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, are involved perhaps we can get him a girlfriend who certainly didn't fake a bad back after only ten days of her basic training..

"What I am curious about is that I was told that no threads should be started about Israel, and my previous threads were moved to a different forum. I wonder how Gaza George is allowed to do this. Is there an exemption in his case?"

I've been banned from the IP Forum, but I'm pretty sure it had nothing to do with my work ethic or military service.

So I guess that means if you are allowed to start threads about Israel, I am allowed to too.

I guess this means that Gaza George doesn't want to hook up with the Arab IDF soldier. Dating an Arab in the IDF would be like dating an alien from Alpha Centura for Gaza George.

She's too young for me, besides she went to school with Jews so she's never heard of al-Nakba.

She probably went to a school with Arabs so no doubt she heard of the fake
How Israel thrives:

"A curious op-ed "The Tel Aviv Cluster" by the reliably neoconnish David Brooks appeared in the New York Times on January 12th.

"Brooks enthused over the prowess of Israel’s high tech businesses, attributing their success in large part to Jewish exceptionalism and genius, which must have provided the ultimate feel good moment for Brooks, who is himself Jewish.

"That Israel has a booming technology sector is undeniably true, but Brooks failed to mention other contributing factors such as the $101 billion dollars in US economic and military aid over the course of more than four decades, which does not include the additional $30 billion recently approved by President Barack Obama.

"American assistance has financed and fueled Israel’s business growth while the open access and even 'preferential treatment' afforded to Israeli exporters through the Israel Free Trade Implementation Act of 1985 has provided Israelis with the enormous US market to sell their products and services.

"By act of Congress, Israeli businesses can even bid on most American Federal and State government contracts just as if they were US companies."

Stealing Success Tel Aviv Style

The New York Times is notorious for printing so many anti-Israel articles so I really am not interested in yours. What I am curious about is that I was told that no threads should be started about Israel, and my previous threads were moved to a different forum. I wonder how Gaza George is allowed to do this. Is there an exemption in his case?

By the way, if Gaza George would have applied himself more in his earlier years, perhaps he himself could have gotten a job in the tech industry, thus ensuring himself a comfortable retirement and not having to depend on subsidized housing.

Since Gaza George appears not to be interested in what is going on in the rest of the Middle East and only obsesses over Israel because his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, are involved perhaps we can get him a girlfriend who certainly didn't fake a bad back after only ten days of her basic training..

"What I am curious about is that I was told that no threads should be started about Israel, and my previous threads were moved to a different forum. I wonder how Gaza George is allowed to do this. Is there an exemption in his case?"

I've been banned from the IP Forum, but I'm pretty sure it had nothing to do with my work ethic or military service.

So I guess that means if you are allowed to start threads about Israel, I am allowed to too.

I guess this means that Gaza George doesn't want to hook up with the Arab IDF soldier. Dating an Arab in the IDF would be like dating an alien from Alpha Centura for Gaza George.

She's too young for me, besides she went to school with Jews so she's never heard of al-Nakba.

So now you are a fortune teller and know she went to school with Jews. It would never enter your little mind that she is a grown-up who can make up her own mind. Perhaps we can find the mother of an Ethiopian IDF soldier for you. Would that be more apropos?

The Catastrophe Called Nakba Middle East Forum

Do you listen to the videos you post?
She told us she preferred going to school with Jews.
Stockholm Syndrome, maybe?

Or, if that's too complex, maybe you could stop deflecting and tell us why your people are defying US sanctions on Russia?
How Israel thrives:

"A curious op-ed "The Tel Aviv Cluster" by the reliably neoconnish David Brooks appeared in the New York Times on January 12th.

"Brooks enthused over the prowess of Israel’s high tech businesses, attributing their success in large part to Jewish exceptionalism and genius, which must have provided the ultimate feel good moment for Brooks, who is himself Jewish.

"That Israel has a booming technology sector is undeniably true, but Brooks failed to mention other contributing factors such as the $101 billion dollars in US economic and military aid over the course of more than four decades, which does not include the additional $30 billion recently approved by President Barack Obama.

"American assistance has financed and fueled Israel’s business growth while the open access and even 'preferential treatment' afforded to Israeli exporters through the Israel Free Trade Implementation Act of 1985 has provided Israelis with the enormous US market to sell their products and services.

"By act of Congress, Israeli businesses can even bid on most American Federal and State government contracts just as if they were US companies."

Stealing Success Tel Aviv Style

The New York Times is notorious for printing so many anti-Israel articles so I really am not interested in yours. What I am curious about is that I was told that no threads should be started about Israel, and my previous threads were moved to a different forum. I wonder how Gaza George is allowed to do this. Is there an exemption in his case?

By the way, if Gaza George would have applied himself more in his earlier years, perhaps he himself could have gotten a job in the tech industry, thus ensuring himself a comfortable retirement and not having to depend on subsidized housing.

Since Gaza George appears not to be interested in what is going on in the rest of the Middle East and only obsesses over Israel because his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, are involved perhaps we can get him a girlfriend who certainly didn't fake a bad back after only ten days of her basic training..

"What I am curious about is that I was told that no threads should be started about Israel, and my previous threads were moved to a different forum. I wonder how Gaza George is allowed to do this. Is there an exemption in his case?"

I've been banned from the IP Forum, but I'm pretty sure it had nothing to do with my work ethic or military service.

So I guess that means if you are allowed to start threads about Israel, I am allowed to too.

I guess this means that Gaza George doesn't want to hook up with the Arab IDF soldier. Dating an Arab in the IDF would be like dating an alien from Alpha Centura for Gaza George.

She's too young for me, besides she went to school with Jews so she's never heard of al-Nakba.

She probably went to a school with Arabs so no doubt she heard of the fake
How Israel thrives:

"A curious op-ed "The Tel Aviv Cluster" by the reliably neoconnish David Brooks appeared in the New York Times on January 12th.

"Brooks enthused over the prowess of Israel’s high tech businesses, attributing their success in large part to Jewish exceptionalism and genius, which must have provided the ultimate feel good moment for Brooks, who is himself Jewish.

"That Israel has a booming technology sector is undeniably true, but Brooks failed to mention other contributing factors such as the $101 billion dollars in US economic and military aid over the course of more than four decades, which does not include the additional $30 billion recently approved by President Barack Obama.

"American assistance has financed and fueled Israel’s business growth while the open access and even 'preferential treatment' afforded to Israeli exporters through the Israel Free Trade Implementation Act of 1985 has provided Israelis with the enormous US market to sell their products and services.

"By act of Congress, Israeli businesses can even bid on most American Federal and State government contracts just as if they were US companies."

Stealing Success Tel Aviv Style

The New York Times is notorious for printing so many anti-Israel articles so I really am not interested in yours. What I am curious about is that I was told that no threads should be started about Israel, and my previous threads were moved to a different forum. I wonder how Gaza George is allowed to do this. Is there an exemption in his case?

By the way, if Gaza George would have applied himself more in his earlier years, perhaps he himself could have gotten a job in the tech industry, thus ensuring himself a comfortable retirement and not having to depend on subsidized housing.

Since Gaza George appears not to be interested in what is going on in the rest of the Middle East and only obsesses over Israel because his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, are involved perhaps we can get him a girlfriend who certainly didn't fake a bad back after only ten days of her basic training..

"What I am curious about is that I was told that no threads should be started about Israel, and my previous threads were moved to a different forum. I wonder how Gaza George is allowed to do this. Is there an exemption in his case?"

I've been banned from the IP Forum, but I'm pretty sure it had nothing to do with my work ethic or military service.

So I guess that means if you are allowed to start threads about Israel, I am allowed to too.

I guess this means that Gaza George doesn't want to hook up with the Arab IDF soldier. Dating an Arab in the IDF would be like dating an alien from Alpha Centura for Gaza George.

She's too young for me, besides she went to school with Jews so she's never heard of al-Nakba.

So now you are a fortune teller and know she went to school with Jews. It would never enter your little mind that she is a grown-up who can make up her own mind. Perhaps we can find the mother of an Ethiopian IDF soldier for you. Would that be more apropos?

The Catastrophe Called Nakba Middle East Forum

Do you listen to the videos you post?
She told us she preferred going to school with Jews.
Stockholm Syndrome, maybe?

Or, if that's too complex, maybe you could stop deflecting and tell us why your people are defying US sanctions on Russia?

Do you and I know just which schools she attended from start to finish? Do you know just which schools the Druze and other Arabs who are in the IDF went to? I certainly don't. Meanwhile, you really do not care about any sanctions on any country in the world. You are only here to diss your favorite scapegoats, the Jews. All the other posters and viewers are smart enough to realize that you have no other interest in the Middle East even though you are on a Middle East forum. Tens of thousands have been killed, and all you want to do is start up threads about Israel. I think people can see right through you and realize that you care nothing about the Arabs except as pawns in your fight against your scapegoats, but even if it kills you, forget about Israel for a while and concentrate on what is going on elsewhere in the Middle East.
Do you and I know just which schools she attended from start to finish? Do you know just which schools the Druze and other Arabs who are in the IDF went to? I certainly don't. Meanwhile, you really do not care about any sanctions on any country in the world. You are only here to diss your favorite scapegoats, the Jews. All the other posters and viewers are smart enough to realize that you have no other interest in the Middle East even though you are on a Middle East forum. Tens of thousands have been killed, and all you want to do is start up threads about Israel. I think people can see right through you and realize that you care nothing about the Arabs except as pawns in your fight against your scapegoats, but even if it kills you, forget about Israel for a while and concentrate on what is going on elsewhere in the Middle East.
Any possibility you could tell me how those down trodden, victimized poor little scapegoats, the Jews, managed to correctly program all those high-tech American weaponry to intentionally impact into ALL THOSE UN SCHOOLS IN GAZA killing thousands and maiming even more?? Thanks.
Do you and I know just which schools she attended from start to finish? Do you know just which schools the Druze and other Arabs who are in the IDF went to? I certainly don't. Meanwhile, you really do not care about any sanctions on any country in the world. You are only here to diss your favorite scapegoats, the Jews. All the other posters and viewers are smart enough to realize that you have no other interest in the Middle East even though you are on a Middle East forum. Tens of thousands have been killed, and all you want to do is start up threads about Israel. I think people can see right through you and realize that you care nothing about the Arabs except as pawns in your fight against your scapegoats, but even if it kills you, forget about Israel for a while and concentrate on what is going on elsewhere in the Middle East.
Any possibility you could tell me how those down trodden, victimized poor little scapegoats, the Jews, managed to correctly program all those high-tech American weaponry to intentionally impact into ALL THOSE UN SCHOOLS IN GAZA killing thousands and maiming even more?? Thanks.

Are you a loser in life like Gaza George that you need a scapegoat too? Why don't you tell your new friends in Hamas that they shouldn't have started up and then nobody would have been killed. Maybe you were over there helping them build the tunnels so that they could kill lots of Jews. By the way, since you have crawled out of the woodwork to this forum, have you anything to say about the 190,000 plus people killed in other Middle East countries, God only knows how many wounded, and over two millioin refugees? Or are you like Gaza George -- closing your eyes to what is happening elsewhere and are only interested in dissing Israel? It appears that there are some who come over to this forum and could care less what is happening elsewhere. They are only obsessed with Israel; and if 10,000 Syrians or Iraqis were killed tomorrow, they wouldn't even blink.
Are you a loser in life like Gaza George that you need a scapegoat too? Why don't you tell your new friends in Hamas that they shouldn't have started up and then nobody would have been killed. Maybe you were over there helping them build the tunnels so that they could kill lots of Jews. By the way, since you have crawled out of the woodwork to this forum, have you anything to say about the 190,000 plus people killed in other Middle East countries, God only knows how many wounded, and over two millioin refugees? Or are you like Gaza George -- closing your eyes to what is happening elsewhere and are only interested in dissing Israel? It appears that there are some who come over to this forum and could care less what is happening elsewhere. They are only obsessed with Israel; and if 10,000 Syrians or Iraqis were killed tomorrow, they wouldn't even blink.

Roger! :eusa_sick:

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