Israel the Monster: Mass-murder of Innocents

yes, you are cuckoo


yea, point the cookoo finger after insisting that the little jewish girls writing love notes to muslims on bombs was FAKED..


Online controversy over graffiti by Israeli kids
Although the photos were first taken by professional photographers from AFP, Associated Press, and Haaretz, they were circulated on-line through the popular photo-hosting Web site That site republished the photos, bringing them to the attention of hundreds who later posted them on their own personal sites.
Online controversy over graffiti by Israeli kids | Israel | Jerusalem Post


read the story from the JERUSALEM POST, you fucking idiot. the photographers didn't put markers in their fucking hand and make them write a goddamn thing.

no, it really doesn't. LEARN 2 READ, beyotch.

Questions over the photos' authenticity have been put to rest by authorities that were present during the incident, which occurred on July 17 near the northern border. The mostly local children had been brought to see the shells by their parents. Although it remains unclear who encouraged them to write the messages, their colorful scribbles, including a Star of David, hearts, and "From Israel, with Love," have appeared in dozens of blogs, or on-line journals, and on-line photo hosting sites.

Although the IDF has failed to issue a response to the incident, a spokesman from the IDF said it "appeared as though the situation occurred unofficially." Although an officer was present during the incident, the soldiers, and the IDF as a whole, did not condone or condemn the incident.

An official close to Israel's public relations campaign said that there was "no way" to spin the incident in a positive light. "Some people are simply irresponsible," said the official.
no, it really doesn't. LEARN 2 READ, beyotch.

Questions over the photos' authenticity have been put to rest by authorities that were present during the incident, which occurred on July 17 near the northern border. The mostly local children had been brought to see the shells by their parents. Although it remains unclear who encouraged them to write the messages, their colorful scribbles, including a Star of David, hearts, and "From Israel, with Love," have appeared in dozens of blogs, or on-line journals, and on-line photo hosting sites.

Although the IDF has failed to issue a response to the incident, a spokesman from the IDF said it "appeared as though the situation occurred unofficially." Although an officer was present during the incident, the soldiers, and the IDF as a whole, did not condone or condemn the incident.

An official close to Israel's public relations campaign said that there was "no way" to spin the incident in a positive light. "Some people are simply irresponsible," said the official.
which completely backs what i said, moron

why dont you go bash the pedophile, we can be in agreement on that ;)
are you fucking RETARDED? How does

The mostly local children had been brought to see the shells by their parents. Although it remains unclear who encouraged them to write the messages, their colorful scribbles, including a Star of David, hearts, and "From Israel, with Love," have appeared in dozens of blogs, or on-line journals, and on-line photo hosting sites.

even REMOTELY suggest that the photographers set that up?

stop looking for excuses to enable tyranny just because you think your personal salvation depends on unflinching blank check support for zionism.
Ya cowardly is a foul word indeed. And yet you can NOT answer a single question I posed. I guess you are either afraid to do so or are unable to do so, which is it?

It's real easy sir.

I do not respond to your attacks except with attacks of my own .. if I chose to respond at all. If you wish to have a civil conversation, I have absolutely no problem with that .. in fact, I welcome it.

I've demonstrated that I don't run from any questions when presented civiliy no matter how much I may disagree. I've also demonstrated that I know how to apologize, which I do willingly, when I see myself at fault.

So that I don't have to scroll through the entire thread, if you ask your questions again I will respond as civily as you do.
Well first I must say, that bolded could indeed be a loaded statement. ;) Seriously I do think you respect me and I you. Differences of opinion/positions should not bar respect-too bad other people and countries don't try it. I used to lose my temper a lot, not so much so anymore, at least not regarding posting. I find it's best to let someone think they've 'won' and come back or not another time, rather than get stupid. I agree with the first, non-emotional part of the paragraph, but disagree with your putting all aggression on Israel. It's not only biased, it's factually wrong. As for international presence, when was the last time the blue helmets were not in the region? The problem is effectiveness. I'll assume you recognize I've done plenty of reading outside of US press. I'll also assume you do not mean to disparage me with those strawmen at the end. It would negate the beginning of our discussion.

None of the questions I asked you towards the end of my post were meant for you directly. I was just thinking out loud and asking myself what is this thing that gives Israel such exceptionalism.
no, it really doesn't. LEARN 2 READ, beyotch.

Questions over the photos' authenticity have been put to rest by authorities that were present during the incident, which occurred on July 17 near the northern border. The mostly local children had been brought to see the shells by their parents. Although it remains unclear who encouraged them to write the messages, their colorful scribbles, including a Star of David, hearts, and "From Israel, with Love," have appeared in dozens of blogs, or on-line journals, and on-line photo hosting sites.

Although the IDF has failed to issue a response to the incident, a spokesman from the IDF said it "appeared as though the situation occurred unofficially." Although an officer was present during the incident, the soldiers, and the IDF as a whole, did not condone or condemn the incident.


It is inexcusable that Jewish children were rude to terrorists who are trying to kill them.
José;965021 said:
From this post I can clearly see you don’t have any personal experience with the Palestinian people, BlackAsCoal.

From the poorest Palestinians living in refugee camps throughout the Middle East to the Palestinian American millionaires living in luxury New York high rises, abandoning the right of return has never been an option.

Even Palestinians who support the two state solution ADAMANTLY oppose any compromise on the right of the refugees to live in Western Palestine.

Your post demonstrates that you don't know me. I have had many conversations with Palestinians from various social and political positions. It was not only my job to do so, it was also my desire to do so.

The right of return, which I also support, does not mean that Israel should not exist. My comment was about the percentage of Palestinians who support a two-state solution .. which by it's very definition, demonstrates my point.
José;965023 said:

Don’t misinterpret my post, please. Its purpose was not to humiliate you in front of the Board.

On the contrary, I appreciate your friendly stance towards the Palestinian people.

God knows how many times I have seen people here parroting Zionist propapaganda without saying a word.

“Palestinian youth engage in armed struggle against Israel because they are an impoverished third world people, not because they have a deep, ingrained emotional connection with the land of their forefathers…”


“Yes, I’m a gullible westerner who has been fed propaganda aimed at delegitimising the Palestinian national aspirations but since I spent all my life in Arkansas beheading chickens for a living and know nothing about Palestinians I can’t do anything to counter these claims…”

“Palestinians would love to be absorbed by Egypt, renounce to their land/national identity and become peaceful, law-abiding Egyptian citizens but Egypt refuses to give them citizenship to use them as proxies against Israel…”


The only propaganda I have a hard time ignoring is the infamous “Palestinians are willing to renounce to their right to live in 50/70% of their historical homeland”.

So don’t take it personal.

Rest assured, absolutely nothing you've said here embarrasses me in the least. It's your opinion, and I accept that as your opinion .. civily stated.

Perhaps you should re-read my posts because I have NEVER stated anything you're trying to assign to me.

I don't speak for the Palestinian people. Like you, I've offered my opinion based on research and converstaions with both Jewish and Palestinian people.

I'm sorry if your comments didn't hit home as you thought they would.
Your post demonstrates that you don't know me. I have had many conversations with Palestinians from various social and political positions. It was not only my job to do so, it was also my desire to do so.

The right of return, which I also support, does not mean that Israel should not exist. My comment was about the percentage of Palestinians who support a two-state solution .. which by it's very definition, demonstrates my point.

Right of return absolutely means Israel will not exist simply by virtue of disparate birth rates.

The only ones asking for a one-state solution are the true extremists.
What "the board" does and doesn't do is not a topic for your commentary in public forums. I hope we're clear on that.

The topic is Israel and Palestine. This forum says "Israel and Palestine" in it's header. How much more clue do you need?

Let me guess, you are one of those people that think if it isn't in the forum that's at the top of the column of identical and equal subforums then it's being "put in the basement." Give yourself a rest.

I certainly hope you don't get arthritis from having to scroll ....:eusa_eh:


Oh sure .. I believe that.
None of the questions I asked you towards the end of my post were meant for you directly. I was just thinking out loud and asking myself what is this thing that gives Israel such exceptionalism.

Ok. Seems you don't feel the need to respond to what I posted, in response to your direct post. Got it.
Your post demonstrates that you don't know me. I have had many conversations with Palestinians from various social and political positions. It was not only my job to do so, it was also my desire to do so.

The right of return, which I also support, does not mean that Israel should not exist. My comment was about the percentage of Palestinians who support a two-state solution .. which by it's very definition, demonstrates my point.


The "right of return" is a slogan, a gimmick, a piece of propaganda that has no real meaning and which never was and never will be relevant to any serious negotiations. A "refugee" is defined by the UN as some one who lived in Israel for a least two years between 1946 and 1948. That means the "right of return", as applied to this situation means the great grand children of an Arab worker who lived in Israel for two years has the right to emigrate to Israel. No nation on Earth would recognize such a "right."

Certainly some of the Arabs who left Israel in 1948 had deeper roots in the land, and in some of these cases there may be injustices that should be redressed, but as a practical matter, this cannot be done because the Arab leaders have used the "refugees" as a propaganda tool for so long, that now advocating a more reasonable basis for deciding this issues, would be political suicide. Furthermore, the only reliable data concerning the real histories of these alleged "refugees" is held by UNWRA, and UNWRA has consistently refused to share this information with anyone else.

Nonetheless, during the Oslo negotiations, Israel did agree that it would accept 100,000 "refugees" and President Clinton proposed an international fund that would either facilitate the "return" of the others to the new Palestinian state or to compensate them if they chose to remain where they were. The PA did not reject these proposals.
The "UN" sanctions would be a good start to shutting down this terrorist state if only the USA government wasn't occupied by the zionists and traitors. You see, what makes the UN impotent is the US veto power. There have been over 40 resolutions against the Israeli terrorists (including the theft of our nuclear secrets and building illegal nuclear weapons) that have been stopped by these traitor Americans.

Israel has broken the law all along. For example the blockade of food, fuel, medical supplies, water and electricity to Gaza . This has happened all summer, fall and now into the New Year. THIS IS GENOCIDE.

Then there are cretins like you who can't see the trees though the woods. When the occupiers commit genocide on the people and the people react with what 'force' they have, small rockets, that killed two jews (compared to hundreds of Palestinians dead) AFTER the jewish air strike, you write crap like this:

Yup, why I wonder was no such declaration ever penned for the Mass murdering Arabs? Why not a peep from the Un or this dumb shit over HUNDREDS of rockets missiles and mortars fired into civilian areas of Israel?

By the way Israel violated no law nor treaty, she struck at MILITARY targets. Hardly any of the dead are civilians at all. usual bullshit from the UN and the rest of the world. Kill a Jew? No problem, kill an Arab terrorist, by god your a MONSTER.

Past time for us to boot the UN out.
The "UN" sanctions would be a good start to shutting down this terrorist state if only the USA government wasn't occupied by the zionists and traitors. You see, what makes the UN impotent is the US veto power. There have been over 40 resolutions against the Israeli terrorists (including the theft of our nuclear secrets and building illegal nuclear weapons) that have been stopped by these traitor Americans.

Israel has broken the law all along. For example the blockade of food, fuel, medical supplies, water and electricity to Gaza . This has happened all summer, fall and now into the New Year. THIS IS GENOCIDE.

Then there are cretins like you who can't see the trees though the woods. When the occupiers commit genocide on the people and the people react with what 'force' they have, small rockets, that killed two jews (compared to hundreds of Palestinians dead) AFTER the jewish air strike, you write crap like this:

With this, I'm joining Jillian in my tolerance for 'stupid' is way limited, on multi-threads it's been exceeded. I'll avoid those from here on out.

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