Are Americans only allowed one side of the story?


Diamond Member
May 10, 2007
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American's Journey: Are Americans only hearing one side of the story?

Are Americans only hearing one side of the story?
There are two sides to every story. Is it possible that Americans are given access to only one side of the story involving struggles in the middle East? I wonder if we knew the whole story our perspective might change to one reflecting more balance. I wonder if it is our business at all - except that it seems wrong to stand by while people slaughter each other when one has the power to stop it. But are we doing that? Can Americans form a reasoned opinion based on the information presented to the American public through normal media outlets? The American federal government ignores President George Washington's warning stated in his 1796 Farewell Address : to stay out of foreign entanglements - Why? Are they wiser than he?
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American's Journey: Are Americans only hearing one side of the story?

Are Americans only hearing one side of the story?
There are two sides to every story. Is it possible that Americans are given access to only one side of the story involving struggles in the middle East? I wonder if we knew the whole story our perspective might change to one reflecting more balance. I wonder if it is our business at all - except that it seems wrong to stand by while people slaughter each other when one has the power to stop it. But are we doing that? Can Americans form a reasoned opinion based on the information presented to the American public through normal media outlets? The American federal government ignores President George Washington's warning stated in his 1796 Farewell Address : to stay out of foreign entanglements - Why? Are they wiser than he?
Which "foreign entanglements"?
Maybe if you went to the link and read and listened you would know?

Its time to listen to all sides wether you agree with them or not. Just listening to US news only will cause us to fail in anything we do because we will be uninformed as to where the world really stands on things.
Maybe if you went to the link and read and listened you would know?

Its time to listen to all sides wether you agree with them or not. Just listening to US news only will cause us to fail in anything we do because we will be uninformed as to where the world really stands on things.

Maybe you need to wake up. People aren't uninformed because they don't agree with what YOU think is right; which, is ass-backward from the facts.
Maybe if you went to the link and read and listened you would know?

Its time to listen to all sides wether you agree with them or not. Just listening to US news only will cause us to fail in anything we do because we will be uninformed as to where the world really stands on things.
So are you accusing the mainstream American media of being biased? You know sorta like when they syncophantically followed Barack Obama around like a happy puppy and reported nothing about his marxist policies, his long list of secrets, and his radical associations? That kind of "uninformed"?
So are you accusing the mainstream American media of being biased? You know sorta like when they syncophantically followed Barack Obama around like a happy puppy and reported nothing about his marxist policies, his long list of secrets, and his radical associations? That kind of "uninformed"?

Do you realize this link I gave you goes after Obama?
Maybe you need to wake up. People aren't uninformed because they don't agree with what YOU think is right; which, is ass-backward from the facts.

Falling on deaf ears, I'm certain. Good try though. :cool:
Maybe you need to wake up. People aren't uninformed because they don't agree with what YOU think is right; which, is ass-backward from the facts.

I read as much as I can find on everything. I dont have to agree with waht I read but I do find it a very good idea to read the side I dont agree with.

This link is not what I beleive but it is some of what Ive read.

Are you willing to truely try to understand all the sides?

Maybe we can avoid having to ask "why do they hate us" again.
Falling on deaf ears, I'm certain. Good try though. :cool:

Of course it is. The fact is, there are no such things as "Palestinians" and haven't been for centuries. These people are Arabs. They can go anywhere in the Arab world they want.

They are there by choice. THEY chose to be represented by a terrorist organization and they choose to use terrorist tactics against noncombatants and they choose not to just take what they got when they certainly didn't deserve it and shut up about it.

This is all about choice and the consequences thereof. People trying to paint them as some kind of victims need their heads examined. The only thing they are victim to are their own misdeeds.
Do you realize this link I gave you goes after Obama?
I didn't see anything in the text, and it gave me no reason to spend time on the videos. So I'm asking what YOU think, not what the vids say. So let's try it again:

So are you accusing the mainstream American media of being biased? You know sorta like when they syncophantically followed Barack Obama around like a happy puppy and reported nothing about his marxist policies, his long list of secrets, and his radical associations? That kind of "uninformed"?
I didn't see anything in the text, and it gave me no reason to spend time on the videos. So I'm asking what YOU think, not what the vids say. So let's try it again:

So are you accusing the mainstream American media of being biased? You know sorta like when they syncophantically followed Barack Obama around like a happy puppy and reported nothing about his marxist policies, his long list of secrets, and his radical associations? That kind of "uninformed"?

Marxist policies?

Your fucking insane.
So are you accusing the mainstream American media of being biased? You know sorta like when they syncophantically followed Barack Obama around like a happy puppy and reported nothing about his marxist policies, his long list of secrets, and his radical associations? That kind of "uninformed"?

Zing! :clap2:
How does the word Marxist apply to any of that?
Think incrementalism...

Almost everything Obama plans to do undermines capitalism.

But you still haven't answered my question. I'll even make it more pallatable for you:

So are you accusing the mainstream American media of being biased? You know sorta like when they syncophantically followed Barack Obama around like a happy puppy and reported nothing about his socialist policies, his long list of secrets, and his radical associations? That kind of "uninformed"?
American's Journey: Are Americans only hearing one side of the story?

Are Americans only hearing one side of the story?

Obviously not. Or haven't you noticed the wildly different views we seem to have on this board.

There are two sides to every story. Is it possible that Americans are given access to only one side of the story involving struggles in the middle East?


I wonder if we knew the whole story our perspective might change to one reflecting more balance.

I doubt it.

I wonder if it is our business at all - except that it seems wrong to stand by while people slaughter each other when one has the power to stop it.

We, unforetunely made it our business in 1948.

But are we doing that? Can Americans form a reasoned opinion based on the information presented to the American public through normal media outlets?


The American federal government ignores President George Washington's warning stated in his 1796 Farewell Address : to stay out of foreign entanglements - Why? Are they wiser than he?

In 1798, that was sage advise.

Things have changed somewhat since then.

Of course we are involved in FAR TOO MANY areas of the world where this nation might be better off not being, but a lot of that is simply Americanh foreign policy acting on behalf of America's monied class interests, too.
Of course it is. The fact is, there are no such things as "Palestinians" and haven't been for centuries.


These people are Arabs.


They can go anywhere in the Arab world they want.


They are there by choice.


THEY chose to be represented by a terrorist organization


and they choose to use terrorist tactics against noncombatants


and they choose not to just take what they got


when they certainly didn't deserve it and shut up about it.

Too goofy a statement to be wrong or right

This is all about choice and the consequences thereof.


People trying to paint them as some kind of victims need their heads examined.


The only thing they are victim to are their own misdeeds.

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Think incrementalism...

Almost everything Obama plans to do undermines capitalism.

But you still haven't answered my question. I'll even make it more pallatable for you:

So are you accusing the mainstream American media of being biased? You know sorta like when they syncophantically followed Barack Obama around like a happy puppy and reported nothing about his socialist policies, his long list of secrets, and his radical associations? That kind of "uninformed"?

Yes the media is biased, Its a corporate owned industry. They will only tell you what they dont mind you knowing. They are in it for profit. I have been told by many a con that the only mission of any corp is to make a profit. The courts have already determined they dont have to tell us the truth. Why should they report anything that harms their bottom line?

Now as for the RADICAL associations and "long list of secrets" horseshit you are trying to pass off as reality I think you must not be watching the news because they talk about it all day long even though the people investigating and charging the people you are so concerned about have all stated Obama has done nothing wrong.

Funny you want even more histeria to be pumped when its already being pumped.
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