Israel release teenager with broken arm from one of its jails

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

The first treatment the child had was from the red crescent.
One wonders what other horrors face these children in the horror camps..

Mr Blinken is in Israel tonight telling these people that the slaughter cant go on. Im not sure if he means it has to stop or just an appeal for a more humane ethnic cleansing.

Netanyahu and his extremist goons intend to clear Gaza of people to increase lebensraum for loony zionists. And the west is sleepwalking into this.

The first treatment the child had was from the red crescent.
One wonders what other horrors face these children in the horror camps..

Mr Blinken is in Israel tonight telling these people that the slaughter cant go on. Im not sure if he means it has to stop or just an appeal for a more humane ethnic cleansing.

Netanyahu and his extremist goons intend to clear Gaza of people to increase lebensraum for loony zionists. And the west is sleepwalking into this.

^^^This guy supports female genital mutilation, forced child marriage, honor killings, and rape gangs. Treat him accordingly.
I am a proud spporter of Israel and a Noahide by choice. The detention of youth without court process has to end. It is a really bad look for Israel and even if warranted in all cases I bet most Jews don't agree with this approach. At the very least, due process is paramount.

The first treatment the child had was from the red crescent.
One wonders what other horrors face these children in the horror camps..

Mr Blinken is in Israel tonight telling these people that the slaughter cant go on. Im not sure if he means it has to stop or just an appeal for a more humane ethnic cleansing.

Netanyahu and his extremist goons intend to clear Gaza of people to increase lebensraum for loony zionists. And the west is sleepwalking into this.
Ohhh, you fell for more propaganda is see, or you are just into spreading propaganda. Are you aware that they have video footage of him using his hands on the railing of the bus that took him to Gaza? Oopsy!!!

Do you see a kid in agony with two broken hands here? Ive seen Casino. When you get your hands smashed by a hammer, it hurts really bad. :laugh:


The first treatment the child had was from the red crescent.
One wonders what other horrors face these children in the horror camps..

Mr Blinken is in Israel tonight telling these people that the slaughter cant go on. Im not sure if he means it has to stop or just an appeal for a more humane ethnic cleansing.

Netanyahu and his extremist goons intend to clear Gaza of people to increase lebensraum for loony zionists. And the west is sleepwalking into this.
is that lie supposed to justify the murder of Shiri, Kfir and Ariel Bibas.
Stick it up yer arse.
The British media has a pathological hatred of Jews.

Please give your whiney Victim Card a rest so you can wake up and smell the real bias:

“Studies continually show strong pro-Israel bias in western media”

EXCERPT “Mainstream western media outlets are, by and large, infused with a pro-Israeli ideological bias that colors nearly all mainstream Western reporting on Israel-Palestine.

Israel is assumed to be good, peaceful, and like ‘us’. The Palestinians, meanwhile, are backwards, violent, and foreign. These are the assumptions that most western news outlets start with," CONTINUED
Let's lay our cards on the table. Are all Brit media sources in line with Hamas and other Palestinian regimes?
No , but we know all Faux Jews follow the Khazarian commandment of never telling the truth to protect their cause .
Khazarian law , punishable by death if broken

The first treatment the child had was from the red crescent.
One wonders what other horrors face these children in the horror camps..

Mr Blinken is in Israel tonight telling these people that the slaughter cant go on. Im not sure if he means it has to stop or just an appeal for a more humane ethnic cleansing.

Netanyahu and his extremist goons intend to clear Gaza of people to increase lebensraum for loony zionists. And the west is sleepwalking into this.
Hamas shouldn’t of invaded, raping and murdering Israelites.
Hamas delivered something like 7 live hostages and three dead ones yesterday.

I saw that some leftist idiots were trying to claim that some muslim beotch developed terrible facial problems because israelis wouldn't treat her. The FACT of the matter is that she did it to herself when she tried to firebomb a policeman and it caught her too. It was of her own making...what? is israel supposed to fix her ugly damn face?
^^^This guy supports female genital mutilation, forced child marriage, honor killings, and rape gangs. Treat him accordingly.

That is a lie.

No Moslems support "female genital mutilation".
The whole point of Mohammed creating Islam was to please his wealthy widow wife.
He allowed women to own property, testify, divorce, inherit, etc., which Judaism did not allow.
Female circumcision is a slight slit in the prepuce, the hood over the clitoris, in order to allow more stimulation.

No Moslem believe in sex before 18.
The only point in child marriages was to provide an adult ward of juveniles, and they did not have sex.

Honor killings are a lot better than dishonorable killings like Shock and Awe over stealing oil.

Moslems do not approve of rape.

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