Israel rejects "Hope and Change"

. In the summer of 2000 US President Bill Clinton hosted intense peace talks at Camp David between Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat and Israeli leader Ehud Barak, culminating in a comprehensive peace plan known as the Clinton Parameters, which was similar to the later Olmert Plan, though not quite as extensive.
Despite the vast concessions the plan required of Israel, Prime Minister Barak accepted President Clinton's proposal, while Arafat refused, returned home, and launched a new terror campaign against Israeli civilians (the Second Intifada).

Despite the violence, Prime Minister Barak continued to negotiate to the end of his term, culminating in an Israeli proposal at Taba which extended the Clinton proposal. Barak offered the Palestinians all of Gaza and most of the West Bank, no Israeli control over the border with Jordan or the adjacent Jordan Valley, a small Israeli annexation around three settlement blocs balanced by an equivalent area of Israeli territory that would have been ceded to the Palestinians. As chief US negotiator Ambassador Dennis Ross put it in a FoxNews interview:

... the Palestinians would have in the West Bank an area that was contiguous. Those who say there were cantons, completely untrue. It was contiguous... And to connect Gaza with the West Bank, there would have been an elevated highway, an elevated railroad, to ensure that there would be not just safe passage for the Palestinians, but free passage. (Fox News, April 21, 2002)

The Avalon Project UN General Assembly Resolution 181

In the late 1990s, more than 50 years after Resolution 181 was rejected by the Arab world, Arab leaders suddenly recommended to the General Assembly that UN Resolution 181 be resurrected as the basis for a peace agreement. There is no foundation for such a notion. Resolution 181 was the last of a series of recommendations that had been drawn up over the years by the Mandator and by international commissions, plans designed to reach an historic compromise between Arabs and Jews in western Palestine. The first was in 1922 when Great Britain unilaterally partitioned Palestine, which did not satisfy the Arabs who wanted the entire country to be Arab. Resolution 181 followed such proposals as the Peel Commission (1937); the Woodhead Commission (1938); two 1946 proposals that championed a binational state; one proposed by the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry in April 1946 based on a single state with equal powers for Jews and Arabs; and the Morrison-Grady Plan raised in July 1946 which recommended a federal state with two provinces – one Jewish, one Arab. Every scheme since 1922 was rejected by the Arab side, including decidedly pro-Arab ones merely because these plans recognized Jews as a nation and gave Jewish citizens of Mandate Palestine political representation. Arabs Rejected the “Unbalanced” Partition Plan The UN International Court of Justice (ICJ) uses the term “unbalanced” in describing the reason for Arab rejectionism of Resolution 181, 4 which does not exactly fit reality. Seventy-seven percent of the landmass of the original Mandate for the Jews was excised in 1922 to create a fourth Arab state – Trans-Jordan (today Jordan)
The Avalon Project UN General Assembly Resolution 181

In the late 1990s, more than 50 years after Resolution 181 was rejected by the Arab world, Arab leaders suddenly recommended to the General Assembly that UN Resolution 181 be resurrected as the basis for a peace agreement. There is no foundation for such a notion. Resolution 181 was the last of a series of recommendations that had been drawn up over the years by the Mandator and by international commissions, plans designed to reach an historic compromise between Arabs and Jews in western Palestine. The first was in 1922 when Great Britain unilaterally partitioned Palestine, which did not satisfy the Arabs who wanted the entire country to be Arab. Resolution 181 followed such proposals as the Peel Commission (1937); the Woodhead Commission (1938); two 1946 proposals that championed a binational state; one proposed by the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry in April 1946 based on a single state with equal powers for Jews and Arabs; and the Morrison-Grady Plan raised in July 1946 which recommended a federal state with two provinces – one Jewish, one Arab. Every scheme since 1922 was rejected by the Arab side, including decidedly pro-Arab ones merely because these plans recognized Jews as a nation and gave Jewish citizens of Mandate Palestine political representation. Arabs Rejected the “Unbalanced” Partition Plan The UN International Court of Justice (ICJ) uses the term “unbalanced” in describing the reason for Arab rejectionism of Resolution 181, 4 which does not exactly fit reality. Seventy-seven percent of the landmass of the original Mandate for the Jews was excised in 1922 to create a fourth Arab state – Trans-Jordan (today Jordan)
181 was a bullshit resolution that tried to give 70% of the land, to 30% of the population.
The Avalon Project UN General Assembly Resolution 181

In the late 1990s, more than 50 years after Resolution 181 was rejected by the Arab world, Arab leaders suddenly recommended to the General Assembly that UN Resolution 181 be resurrected as the basis for a peace agreement. There is no foundation for such a notion. Resolution 181 was the last of a series of recommendations that had been drawn up over the years by the Mandator and by international commissions, plans designed to reach an historic compromise between Arabs and Jews in western Palestine. The first was in 1922 when Great Britain unilaterally partitioned Palestine, which did not satisfy the Arabs who wanted the entire country to be Arab. Resolution 181 followed such proposals as the Peel Commission (1937); the Woodhead Commission (1938); two 1946 proposals that championed a binational state; one proposed by the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry in April 1946 based on a single state with equal powers for Jews and Arabs; and the Morrison-Grady Plan raised in July 1946 which recommended a federal state with two provinces – one Jewish, one Arab. Every scheme since 1922 was rejected by the Arab side, including decidedly pro-Arab ones merely because these plans recognized Jews as a nation and gave Jewish citizens of Mandate Palestine political representation. Arabs Rejected the “Unbalanced” Partition Plan The UN International Court of Justice (ICJ) uses the term “unbalanced” in describing the reason for Arab rejectionism of Resolution 181, 4 which does not exactly fit reality. Seventy-seven percent of the landmass of the original Mandate for the Jews was excised in 1922 to create a fourth Arab state – Trans-Jordan (today Jordan)
181 was a bullshit resolution that tried to give 70% of the land, to 30% of the population.
That's BS because you ignore Jordan..............Which was the Lion's share of the Palestinian Mandate. 80% of the land was taken by Jordan.

Redo the math.
In accord with this, at least three times the Palestinians have refused statehood when it was offered to them, most recently just a few years ago. Here are the details:

So let me get this straight. I steal your shit, and then I give you some of it back, you are supposed to be grateful? Really? Really?

Hey you know what, the Palestinians want the ZionShits the fuck off their land, and I don't blame them.
That's BS because you ignore Jordan..............Which was the Lion's share of the Palestinian Mandate. 80% of the land was taken by Jordan.

Redo the math.
I'm not talking about Jordan. At the time Zionists stood up and declared the State of Israel, they were only 10% of the population.

Now, get this through your fucking head, you cannot move into an area and automatically have more rights than the people already living there.
That's BS because you ignore Jordan..............Which was the Lion's share of the Palestinian Mandate. 80% of the land was taken by Jordan.

Redo the math.
I'm not talking about Jordan. At the time Zionists stood up and declared the State of Israel, they were only 10% of the population.

Now, get this through your fucking head, you cannot move into an area and automatically have more rights than the people already living there.
Now get this through your head...............The Palestinian Mandate included Trans Jordan.............and the Arabs got all of TRANS JORDAN....................

Which you still convieniently forget to add into the equation..............Palestine would have been here today had they accepted the deal and chose to live in Peace...........but they chose WAR against Israel instead............and again you forget about 800,000 Jews were forced from their homes fleeing from the invading arabian armies.

A large portion of them from Jerusalem................

HOW about TURNING THE TABLES........for these 800,000 Jews forced to leave.....................The ARABS STOLE THEIR LAND..............AND FORCED THEM OFF..............

So............the Muslims STOLE JEWISH LAND............GIVE IT BACK starting with the areas of HEBRON where they killed the Jews for being Jews....................

Wait a minute................The Turks owned all of the land there............the Jews, Syrians, Jordanian, Egyptians.......etc...........STOLE THEIR LAND..............

Give that back.

Holy shit...........We took the Western side of the United States from the indians and Mexico............We STOLE THEIR LAND..........we must give it back.................

Damn Rome took everyone's land too...............Do they own it now.............or the Vikings........

That's BS because you ignore Jordan..............Which was the Lion's share of the Palestinian Mandate. 80% of the land was taken by Jordan.

Redo the math.
I'm not talking about Jordan. At the time Zionists stood up and declared the State of Israel, they were only 10% of the population.

That's BS because you ignore Jordan..............Which was the Lion's share of the Palestinian Mandate. 80% of the land was taken by Jordan.

Redo the math.
I'm not talking about Jordan. At the time Zionists stood up and declared the State of Israel, they were only 10% of the population.

Now, get this through your fucking head, you cannot move into an area and automatically have more rights than the people already living there.
Now get this through your head...............The Palestinian Mandate included Trans Jordan.............and the Arabs got all of TRANS JORDAN....................

Which you still convieniently forget to add into the equation..............Palestine would have been here today had they accepted the deal and chose to live in Peace...........but they chose WAR against Israel instead............and again you forget about 800,000 Jews were forced from their homes fleeing from the invading arabian armies.

A large portion of them from Jerusalem................

HOW about TURNING THE TABLES........for these 800,000 Jews forced to leave.....................The ARABS STOLE THEIR LAND..............AND FORCED THEM OFF..............

So............the Muslims STOLE JEWISH LAND............GIVE IT BACK starting with the areas of HEBRON where they killed the Jews for being Jews....................

Wait a minute................The Turks owned all of the land there............the Jews, Syrians, Jordanian, Egyptians.......etc...........STOLE THEIR LAND..............

Give that back.

Holy shit...........We took the Western side of the United States from the indians and Mexico............We STOLE THEIR LAND..........we must give it back.................

Damn Rome took everyone's land too...............Do they own it now.............or the Vikings........


Now, get this through your fucking head, you cannot move into an area and automatically have more rights than the people already living there.
Now get this through your head...............The Palestinian Mandate included Trans Jordan.............and the Arabs got all of TRANS JORDAN....................

Which you still convieniently forget to add into the equation..............Palestine would have been here today had they accepted the deal and chose to live in Peace...........but they chose WAR against Israel instead............and again you forget about 800,000 Jews were forced from their homes fleeing from the invading arabian armies.

A large portion of them from Jerusalem................

HOW about TURNING THE TABLES........for these 800,000 Jews forced to leave.....................The ARABS STOLE THEIR LAND..............AND FORCED THEM OFF..............

So............the Muslims STOLE JEWISH LAND............GIVE IT BACK starting with the areas of HEBRON where they killed the Jews for being Jews....................

Wait a minute................The Turks owned all of the land there............the Jews, Syrians, Jordanian, Egyptians.......etc...........STOLE THEIR LAND..............

Give that back.

Holy shit...........We took the Western side of the United States from the indians and Mexico............We STOLE THEIR LAND..........we must give it back.................

Damn Rome took everyone's land too...............Do they own it now.............or the Vikings........

That's BS because you ignore Jordan..............Which was the Lion's share of the Palestinian Mandate. 80% of the land was taken by Jordan.

Redo the math.
I'm not talking about Jordan. At the time Zionists stood up and declared the State of Israel, they were only 10% of the population.

Now, get this through your fucking head, you cannot move into an area and automatically have more rights than the people already living there.
Now get this through your head...............The Palestinian Mandate included Trans Jordan.............and the Arabs got all of TRANS JORDAN....................

Which you still convieniently forget to add into the equation..............Palestine would have been here today had they accepted the deal and chose to live in Peace...........but they chose WAR against Israel instead............and again you forget about 800,000 Jews were forced from their homes fleeing from the invading arabian armies.

A large portion of them from Jerusalem................

HOW about TURNING THE TABLES........for these 800,000 Jews forced to leave.....................The ARABS STOLE THEIR LAND..............AND FORCED THEM OFF..............

So............the Muslims STOLE JEWISH LAND............GIVE IT BACK starting with the areas of HEBRON where they killed the Jews for being Jews....................

Wait a minute................The Turks owned all of the land there............the Jews, Syrians, Jordanian, Egyptians.......etc...........STOLE THEIR LAND..............

Give that back.

Holy shit...........We took the Western side of the United States from the indians and Mexico............We STOLE THEIR LAND..........we must give it back.................

Damn Rome took everyone's land too...............Do they own it now.............or the Vikings........

Soi ts ok circa 2015 to eye your neighbors house and get a hard on thinking about driving him and his family out ?
Now get this through your head...............The Palestinian Mandate included Trans Jordan.............and the Arabs got all of TRANS JORDAN....................

Which you still convieniently forget to add into the equation..............Palestine would have been here today had they accepted the deal and chose to live in Peace...........but they chose WAR against Israel instead............and again you forget about 800,000 Jews were forced from their homes fleeing from the invading arabian armies.

A large portion of them from Jerusalem................

HOW about TURNING THE TABLES........for these 800,000 Jews forced to leave.....................The ARABS STOLE THEIR LAND..............AND FORCED THEM OFF..............

So............the Muslims STOLE JEWISH LAND............GIVE IT BACK starting with the areas of HEBRON where they killed the Jews for being Jews....................

Wait a minute................The Turks owned all of the land there............the Jews, Syrians, Jordanian, Egyptians.......etc...........STOLE THEIR LAND..............

Give that back.

Holy shit...........We took the Western side of the United States from the indians and Mexico............We STOLE THEIR LAND..........we must give it back.................

Damn Rome took everyone's land too...............Do they own it now.............or the Vikings........

The only thing the Vikings want is a good quarterback.

Did the Jews also have knowledge of the 1993 WTC bombing that killed 6 citizens?.... I can wait for your answer, since it was fucking muslim scum that did both attacks!

Don't feed the trolls in the effort to derail a thread

yes opposing view points...are trolls...pathetic

You still didn't answer my question about the muslin attack in 1993 of the WTC that killed 6 citizens...or don't you have an answer, the JEWS knew about that also?

Did the Jews also have knowledge of the 1993 WTC bombing that killed 6 citizens?.... I can wait for your answer, since it was fucking muslim scum that did both attacks!

Don't feed the trolls in the effort to derail a thread

yes opposing view points...are trolls...pathetic

You still didn't answer my question about the muslin attack in 1993 of the WTC that killed 6 citizens...or don't you have an answer, the JEWS knew about that also?

It is not ..the Jews..the average Jewish person is just an average more in the know than the average joe anywhere and there are Jewish people presenting much of this information...

but as to the first trade center bombing useful idiots..dupes are used to manufacture terror it happens all the time..the history books are full of such incidents
the FBI was highly involved in the first trade center bombing

Bigfoots working for the FBI did it, on orders from the Greys.
You're a smart man.:thup:

You apparently don't have very high expectations.

My expectations are still high. But unlike say you I do not suffer from a low IQ.
One simply cannot expect 21st century HUMAN BEINGS to accept or live like 7th century SAVAGES.

THOSE two groups do NOT and can NOT co-exist.

Your expectations read like a comic book.

Yours reads like used toilet paper.
What's your point?

You're just what this forum needs, another scholar who specializes at reducing complex issues to their lowest common denominators.

Where's the problem with that?

We have a President Hell bent on reducing the nation to the lowest common denominator.
That's BS because you ignore Jordan..............Which was the Lion's share of the Palestinian Mandate. 80% of the land was taken by Jordan.

Redo the math.
I'm not talking about Jordan. At the time Zionists stood up and declared the State of Israel, they were only 10% of the population.

Now, get this through your fucking head, you cannot move into an area and automatically have more rights than the people already living there.
Why not?

The Romans got away with it.
Roger that...........It's ok for you to say look the Israeli's stole their land during the same time frame but ignore the million Jews driven from their land..........

there's no hypocrisy at all. Most of those Jews left voluntarily.

Secondly, most of those Jews lived in North Africa because they had been DRIVEN out of Spain by Christians. The Arab/Islamic world accepted them and treated them a lot better than the Christians treated European Jews.

Until the Zionist Entity was created.

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