Israel destroys el-Wafa hospital as staff evacuates all patients

Human rights groups blame the people who target the child to kill and the hospitals to unlawfully target and that is Israel.

The claims of rockets there and human shields are just Zionist propaganda, human rights groups always reject it.

The Zionist regime are baby killing war criminals, I pray for their speedy destruction.

Israel destroys e al-Wafa hospital as staff evacuates all patients

Watch "Fear Grips Israel Hit Gaza Hospital" on YouTube
Fear Grips Israel Hit Gaza Hospital: Fear Grips Israel Hit Gaza Hospital - YouTube

Video is from earlier in the offensive, threats and attacks have been ongoing throughout this military offensive in Gaza

"The Israeli military has destroyed el-Wafa rehabilitation*hospital in the Gaza Strip, after first targeting the facility with five missiles on July 11, 2014. The Israeli military*began striking the building around 8:eek:o pm this evening and within two hours all hospital staff and patients had evacuated the only rehabilitation center in the Gaza Strip. As they departed what remained intact from the medical center burned to the ground.

“It’s already destroyed,” said Basman Alashi, director of el-Wafa, continuing, “I don’t know how much is left of it, but we have evacuated all of our patients. We lost power, there was a fire in the building.”

Alashi spoke to me via telephone from his house in Gaza, unable to cross the Israeli shelling to reach*the hospital. “I left the hospital at seven and within two hours they had bombed the hospital.” Shells hit every floor of the building, and a fire spread throughout..."

Doctors evacuate patients after Israel bombs hospital | The Electronic Intifada

Here we see a deliberate egregious violation of The Fourth Geneva Convention, a war crime, the complete destruction of an internationally protected hospital by Israel.

Blame Hamas! If they specifically hide rockets and munitions in hospitals, mosques, schools and apartment buildings. They specific fire rockets from these places. They want them to be targets to increase collateral damage!
This is from interview today of Dr. Basman Alashi

DR.*BASMAN*ALASHI:*Last night, just before 9:00, they sent us a warning over the phone that "We will bomb the hospital, so you need to evacuate." And we’ve been receiving these calls for the last 11 days, so we did not take that call, that issue and matter seriously, because of repeated calls from the Israeli forces that "We will bomb you, we will bomb you," but they haven’t done anything. And we insisted that we cannot leave the hospital. Our patients are, all of them, paralyzed, unable—they’re unconscious. They’re unable to move, so we need to stay in this hospital. And this is the only rehabilitation hospital in Gaza and in the West Bank.

But just few minutes after the call, shells start falling down on the hospital—the fourth floor, third floor, second floor. Smoke, fire, dust all over. We lost electricity. Many of our nurses, they lost control of themselves. They were unable to stand up on their feet. They left the hospital. Patients were left alone, unknown what will happen to them. I was able to call many ambulances around the area, plus the fire department, and we were able to move all of them. Some of them needed an oxygen, so we have to wait until 11:00 until we receive that oxygen. So, the few patients that we have, luckily, nobody got hurt. Only burning building, smoke inside, dust, ceiling falling, wall broke, electricity cutoff, water is leaking everywhere. So, the hospital became [uninhabitable]. At that time, we said evacuation is much more healthier for the patients and for the nurses—

Human rights groups blame the people who target the child to kill and the hospitals to unlawfully target and that is Israel.

The claims of rockets there and human shields are just Zionist propaganda, human rights groups always reject it.

The Zionist regime are baby killing war criminals, I pray for their speedy destruction.

Israel destroys e al-Wafa hospital as staff evacuates all patients

Watch "Fear Grips Israel Hit Gaza Hospital" on YouTube
Fear Grips Israel Hit Gaza Hospital: Fear Grips Israel Hit Gaza Hospital - YouTube

Video is from earlier in the offensive, threats and attacks have been ongoing throughout this military offensive in Gaza

"The Israeli military has destroyed el-Wafa rehabilitation*hospital in the Gaza Strip, after first targeting the facility with five missiles on July 11, 2014. The Israeli military*began striking the building around 8:eek:o pm this evening and within two hours all hospital staff and patients had evacuated the only rehabilitation center in the Gaza Strip. As they departed what remained intact from the medical center burned to the ground.

“It’s already destroyed,” said Basman Alashi, director of el-Wafa, continuing, “I don’t know how much is left of it, but we have evacuated all of our patients. We lost power, there was a fire in the building.”

Alashi spoke to me via telephone from his house in Gaza, unable to cross the Israeli shelling to reach*the hospital. “I left the hospital at seven and within two hours they had bombed the hospital.” Shells hit every floor of the building, and a fire spread throughout..."

Doctors evacuate patients after Israel bombs hospital | The Electronic Intifada

Here we see a deliberate egregious violation of The Fourth Geneva Convention, a war crime, the complete destruction of an internationally protected hospital by Israel.

Blame Hamas! If they specifically hide rockets and munitions in hospitals, mosques, schools and apartment buildings. They specific fire rockets from these places. They want them to be targets to increase collateral damage!


Hamas' Bloodlust On Full Display In Terrorist Attacks On Israel -
That did not happen, making up lies does not absolve Israel for the war crimes she committed when she attacked the hospital and forced it to be evacuated.

"The information B’Tselem has indicates that the hospital was ordered to evacuate as part of the sweeping demand to evacuate the entire neighborhood, in blatant disregard for the fact that evacuating a rehabilitation institution is a complicated task which may put lives at risk. There is no other rehabilitative institute in the area where patients can be transferred...."

Military demand to evacuate rehabilitative hospital in Gaza unlawful | B'Tselem

Israel destroys e al-Wafa hospital as staff evacuates all patients

Watch "Fear Grips Israel Hit Gaza Hospital" on YouTube
Fear Grips Israel Hit Gaza Hospital: Fear Grips Israel Hit Gaza Hospital - YouTube

Video is from earlier in the offensive, threats and attacks have been ongoing throughout this military offensive in Gaza

"The Israeli military has destroyed el-Wafa rehabilitation*hospital in the Gaza Strip, after first targeting the facility with five missiles on July 11, 2014. The Israeli military*began striking the building around 8:eek:o pm this evening and within two hours all hospital staff and patients had evacuated the only rehabilitation center in the Gaza Strip. As they departed what remained intact from the medical center burned to the ground.

“It’s already destroyed,” said Basman Alashi, director of el-Wafa, continuing, “I don’t know how much is left of it, but we have evacuated all of our patients. We lost power, there was a fire in the building.”

Alashi spoke to me via telephone from his house in Gaza, unable to cross the Israeli shelling to reach*the hospital. “I left the hospital at seven and within two hours they had bombed the hospital.” Shells hit every floor of the building, and a fire spread throughout..."

Doctors evacuate patients after Israel bombs hospital | The Electronic Intifada

Here we see a deliberate egregious violation of The Fourth Geneva Convention, a war crime, the complete destruction of an internationally protected hospital by Israel.
The IRC was notified by the IDF to warn the hospital to evacuate. The reason was to level the 4 story building so Hamas militants couldn't use it to direct fire onto IDF positions. Just another example of cowardly Hamas "warriors" figtting from civilian locations. Get your bullshit stories straight, Fatima.

Putting 'spotters' on the roof MAKES IT A LEGIT TARGET. There was no violation of GC protocols
The IRC was notified by the IDF to warn the hospital to evacuate. The reason was to level the 4 story building so Hamas militants couldn't use it to direct fire onto IDF positions. Just another example of cowardly Hamas "warriors" figtting from civilian locations. Get your bullshit stories straight, Fatima.

Evacuate a hosp so it could be shot down, have you ever worked in one, all those beds out in the middle of the streets, you have to be out of your mind.

They were given over a weeks notice and decided to ignore it. so any casualties are down to hamas.

Yep, that is how they operate...they want to be able to play victim. I don't know why, they always do it and it hasn't worked yet.
I've read snippets from part of the article that Slag posted , but hadn't yet read the full article.
It's pretty damn powerfully written..

Hamas' Bloodlust On Full Display In Terrorist Attacks On Israel -

Apologists for Hamas attribute the bloodlust to the Israeli occupation and blockade. Occupation? Does no one remember? Less than 10 years ago worldwide television showed the Israeli army pulling diehard settlers off synagogue roofs in Gaza as Israel uprooted its settlements, expelled its citizens, withdrew its military and turned every inch of Gaza over to the Palestinians. There was not a soldier, not a settler, not a single Israeli left in Gaza.

And there was no blockade. Israel wanted this new Palestinian state to succeed. To help the Gaza economy, Israel gave the Palestinians its 3,000 greenhouses that produced fruit and flowers for export. It opened border crossings and encouraged commerce.
The whole idea was to establish the model for two states living peacefully and productively side by side. No one seems to remember that simultaneous with the Gaza withdrawal, Israel dismantled four smaller settlements in the northern West Bank as a clear signal of Israel's desire to leave the West Bank too and thus achieve an amicable two-state solution.

And how did Gaza Palestinians react to being granted by Israelis what no previous ruler, neither Egyptian, nor British, nor Turkish, had ever given them — an independent territory?

First, they demolished the greenhouses. Then they elected Hamas. Then, instead of building a state with its political and economic institutions, they spent the better part of a decade turning Gaza into a massive military base, brimming with terror weapons, to make ceaseless war on Israel.

Figured that Sherri hadn't read it. Didn't expect she would. It's all lies to her. What rational folks call historical fact. Krauthammer also quotes the Israeli PM.. Who's words SHOULD have been the sound bite on the evening news before the IDF was forced to re-enter the Gaza...

"Here's the difference between us," Israel's prime minister says. "We're using missile defense to protect our civilians and they're using their civilians to protect their missiles."

Why is Israel interested in that particular Rehab facility Sherri?? Did they pick it at random like a good jihadist would? They might be all the names you call them. BUT ---- They are not stupid..
And how did Gaza Palestinians react to being granted by Israelis what no previous ruler, neither Egyptian, nor British, nor Turkish, had ever given them — an independent territory?

First, they demolished the greenhouses. Then they elected Hamas. Then, instead of building a state with its political and economic institutions, they spent the better part of a decade turning Gaza into a massive military base, brimming with terror weapons, to make ceaseless war on Israel.

It's not quite so simple.

Yes, they elected Hamas. But it wasn't quite the choice this article is made out to be. The election was more a statement on the corruption and incompetence that was seen in Fatah than it was a support of Hamas.
And how did Gaza Palestinians react to being granted by Israelis what no previous ruler, neither Egyptian, nor British, nor Turkish, had ever given them — an independent territory?

First, they demolished the greenhouses. Then they elected Hamas. Then, instead of building a state with its political and economic institutions, they spent the better part of a decade turning Gaza into a massive military base, brimming with terror weapons, to make ceaseless war on Israel.

It's not quite so simple.

Yes, they elected Hamas. But it wasn't quite the choice this article is made out to be. The election was more a statement on the corruption and incompetence that was seen in Fatah than it was a support of Hamas.

That is true, Coyote - of course HAMAS assumed it was because Fatah didn't kill enough Israelis.

But the 'reason' for destroying the greenhouses? It was one of the stupidest acts of pure spite I've ever heard of: those were state-of-the-art structures, and there were enough Palestinians who'd worked in them before to keep them running. In fact, I've been told (by someone from that area of Gaza) that the Israelis who ran that project did everything possible to make it a 'turn key' opportunity for the Palestinians.
And how did Gaza Palestinians react to being granted by Israelis what no previous ruler, neither Egyptian, nor British, nor Turkish, had ever given them — an independent territory?

First, they demolished the greenhouses. Then they elected Hamas. Then, instead of building a state with its political and economic institutions, they spent the better part of a decade turning Gaza into a massive military base, brimming with terror weapons, to make ceaseless war on Israel.

It's not quite so simple.

Yes, they elected Hamas. But it wasn't quite the choice this article is made out to be. The election was more a statement on the corruption and incompetence that was seen in Fatah than it was a support of Hamas.

That's correct.. But there also had to be a period of bloody street-fighting between the two to settle it. My opinion is that the Gazans felt that Hamas was entitled to it's entrenchment in the Gaza since the late 80's. But today -- are generally aware of the failure to actually govern.. An election is SUPPOSED to be coming up.. (been delayed several times) Should be monitored closely... I can only hope that they realize the importance of their choices. But I don't think there's respect for the POWER of a ballot box when an election generally means more fighting to folks in that region..
Israel destroys e al-Wafa hospital as staff evacuates all patients

Watch "Fear Grips Israel Hit Gaza Hospital" on YouTube
Fear Grips Israel Hit Gaza Hospital: Fear Grips Israel Hit Gaza Hospital - YouTube

Video is from earlier in the offensive, threats and attacks have been ongoing throughout this military offensive in Gaza

"The Israeli military has destroyed el-Wafa rehabilitation*hospital in the Gaza Strip, after first targeting the facility with five missiles on July 11, 2014. The Israeli military*began striking the building around 8:eek:o pm this evening and within two hours all hospital staff and patients had evacuated the only rehabilitation center in the Gaza Strip. As they departed what remained intact from the medical center burned to the ground.

“It’s already destroyed,” said Basman Alashi, director of el-Wafa, continuing, “I don’t know how much is left of it, but we have evacuated all of our patients. We lost power, there was a fire in the building.”

Alashi spoke to me via telephone from his house in Gaza, unable to cross the Israeli shelling to reach*the hospital. “I left the hospital at seven and within two hours they had bombed the hospital.” Shells hit every floor of the building, and a fire spread throughout..."

Doctors evacuate patients after Israel bombs hospital | The Electronic Intifada

Here we see a deliberate egregious violation of The Fourth Geneva Convention, a war crime, the complete destruction of an internationally protected hospital by Israel.
The IRC was notified by the IDF to warn the hospital to evacuate. The reason was to level the 4 story building so Hamas militants couldn't use it to direct fire onto IDF positions. Just another example of cowardly Hamas "warriors" figtting from civilian locations. Get your bullshit stories straight, Fatima.

The order to evacuate and attacks on the hospital were both unlawful, as human rights groups confirm.

War criminals always find excuses for their atrocities and evil people support them too.

Looking forward to the trials in the ICC against Israel

Israel destroys e al-Wafa hospital as staff evacuates all patients

Watch "Fear Grips Israel Hit Gaza Hospital" on YouTube
Fear Grips Israel Hit Gaza Hospital: Fear Grips Israel Hit Gaza Hospital - YouTube

Video is from earlier in the offensive, threats and attacks have been ongoing throughout this military offensive in Gaza

"The Israeli military has destroyed el-Wafa rehabilitation*hospital in the Gaza Strip, after first targeting the facility with five missiles on July 11, 2014. The Israeli military*began striking the building around 8:eek:o pm this evening and within two hours all hospital staff and patients had evacuated the only rehabilitation center in the Gaza Strip. As they departed what remained intact from the medical center burned to the ground.

“It’s already destroyed,” said Basman Alashi, director of el-Wafa, continuing, “I don’t know how much is left of it, but we have evacuated all of our patients. We lost power, there was a fire in the building.”

Alashi spoke to me via telephone from his house in Gaza, unable to cross the Israeli shelling to reach*the hospital. “I left the hospital at seven and within two hours they had bombed the hospital.” Shells hit every floor of the building, and a fire spread throughout..."

Doctors evacuate patients after Israel bombs hospital | The Electronic Intifada

Here we see a deliberate egregious violation of The Fourth Geneva Convention, a war crime, the complete destruction of an internationally protected hospital by Israel.
The IRC was notified by the IDF to warn the hospital to evacuate. The reason was to level the 4 story building so Hamas militants couldn't use it to direct fire onto IDF positions. Just another example of cowardly Hamas "warriors" figtting from civilian locations. Get your bullshit stories straight, Fatima.

The order to evacuate and attacks on the hospital were both unlawful, as human rights groups confirm.

War criminals always find excuses for their atrocities and evil people support them too.

Looking forward to the trials in the ICC against Israel

Can you tell me why any American would give a shit about the muslims after what happened to us, and by who did it, after 9/11?
The order to evacuate and attacks on the hospital were both unlawful, as human rights groups confirm.

War criminals always find excuses for their atrocities and evil people support them too.

Looking forward to the trials in the ICC against Israel

Can you tell me why any American would give a shit about the muslims after what happened to us, and by who did it, after 9/11?

Because we are not at war with Muslims?? bin Laden declared war on the US and we ignored that warning. 1200 guys living in caves and recruiting zealots. NOT the family running a market stall in Amman and observing Ramadan.. Israelis generally understand that better than Americans. That's why this rehab facility was warned to evacuate.
The order to evacuate and attacks on the hospital were both unlawful, as human rights groups confirm.
(extraneous filth, venom and gloating removed)

I'm sure the HAMAS 'HR' group has indeed said so - but what other groups have claimed to know it was illegal? Where are the links to the quotes from those groups?
The order to evacuate and attacks on the hospital were both unlawful, as human rights groups confirm.

War criminals always find excuses for their atrocities and evil people support them too.

Looking forward to the trials in the ICC against Israel

Can you tell me why any American would give a shit about the muslims after what happened to us, and by who did it, after 9/11?

Because we are not at war with Muslims?? bin Laden declared war on the US and we ignored that warning. 1200 guys living in caves and recruiting zealots. NOT the family running a market stall in Amman and observing Ramadan..

How would you know if we can't PROFILE them?
Ummmm, I think what V. was asking is "why is sherriliarfilthsatanspawn taking HAMAS's side and carrying on like she is"?

Or something along those lines. Me, I think it's 'cause the cucumber finally gave out : ((
Orders to evacuate were not lawful and attacks on the hospital were war crimes.

Israel keeps showing the world she has no regard for the rules of war, which she keeps blatantly violating.

As for orders to evacuate, they are inadequate when there is nowhere safely to evacuate and do not shield any unlawful attacks from claims of illegality.

We see these principles of law discussed by HRW.

Israel/Palestine: Unlawful Israeli Airstrikes Kill Civilians

Gaza) – Israeli air attacks in Gaza investigated by Human Rights Watch have been targeting apparent civilian structures and killing civilians in violation of the laws of war.*Israel*should end unlawful attacks that do not target military objectives and may be intended as collective punishment or broadly to destroy civilian property. Deliberate or reckless attacks violating the laws of war are war crimes, Human Rights Watch said.

Civilian structures such as residential homes become lawful targets only when they are being used for military purposes. While the laws of war encourage the use of effective advance warnings of attacks to minimize civilian casualties, providing warnings does not make an otherwise unlawful attack lawful.

For warnings to be effective, civilians need adequate time to leave and go to a place of safety before an attack. In several cases Human Rights Watch investigated, Israel gave warnings, but carried out the attack within five minutes or less. Given that Gaza has no bomb shelters, civilians realistically often have no place to flee.

The order to evacuate and attacks on the hospital were both unlawful, as human rights groups confirm.

War criminals always find excuses for their atrocities and evil people support them too.

Looking forward to the trials in the ICC against Israel

Can you tell me why any American would give a shit about the muslims after what happened to us, and by who did it, after 9/11?

Because we are not at war with Muslims?? bin Laden declared war on the US and we ignored that warning. 1200 guys living in caves and recruiting zealots. NOT the family running a market stall in Amman and observing Ramadan.. Israelis generally understand that better than Americans. That's why this rehab facility was warned to evacuate.
One of the "ideas" which has so affronted me around this forum is the notion that Jews who are pro-Israel should have our voting rights revoked because we're 'not really loyal to America'.

Once someone has expressed that "idea" I have no tolerance for them and no respect for any other opinion they may hold.

Given that, I am compelled to respond the same way if someone voices the notion that 'Muslims can't be trusted to be good citizens" or something similar.

I seem to recall that there was suspicion about letting African Americans serve in our military, as they were thought to have reason to not be as loyal as 'white folks'?

The filth who perpetrated the crimes and sins of 9/11 upon the rest of the world were technically 'Muslim' - as the likes of Fred Phelps were technically 'Christian', as the religious fanatics on both sides in Rwanda were technically Christian as well....... It is nobody's 'technical' religion which seeks to justify murdering 'unbelievers': it is some whackadoodle extremist *interpretation* of the 'technical' religion. And no religion appears to be completely immune to such insanity.
Orders to evacuate were not lawful and attacks on the hospital were war crimes.

Simply repeating the same things over and over is an indicator of insanity. Simply repeating the same assertions over and over with NO additional sources nor information nor explanation is another - as well as an indicator of stupidity and inability to participate in discussion.

It is not yet possible to prove or disprove the contention that this particular hospital qualified as an exception to the GC: no information has been released yet as to whether there were artillery spotters on the roof, rockets stored in the basement, or exactly what.

What some people refuse to acknowledge is that either of those situations I just mentioned would REMOVE the GC protection from said hospital.

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