Israel army publishes fake image of huge “Gaza shopping mall”


Feb 6, 2010

In one of its periodic efforts to deny the devastating effects of its siege of Gaza, the Israeli occupation army published a blog post on 12 August claiming that Palestinians in Gaza are “out in force, enjoying themselves in sparkling new malls, beautiful beaches and hotels, and doing their shopping in pristine grocery stores and markets heaving with fresh produce.”

The “IDF blog” includes the impressive photo above of a shopping mall where Palestinians in Gaza are supposedly shopping for the latest imported fashions.
For example, the same Kuala Lumpur mall photo, purportedly in Gaza, appeared on a virulently Islamophobic blog called “Barenaked Islam” in April 2012, and was disseminated on Facebook by “Geert Wilders supporters,” a page dedicated to the Islamophobic Dutch politician.

It also appeared on “Religion of Peace,” another anti-Muslim hate site.

It would appear that the Israeli army gets its information about Gaza from Islamophobic hate sites.
Israel army publishes fake image of huge ?Gaza shopping mall? | The Electronic Intifada
It seems they lie?
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I don't know about that, but here is another mall.

[ame=]Al-Arabiya TV Reports on a New Shopping Mall in Gaza - YouTube[/ame]
And what a beautiful hotel

[ame=]Gaza Restaurant Roots The Club - YouTube[/ame]

In one of its periodic efforts to deny the devastating effects of its siege of Gaza, the Israeli occupation army published a blog post on 12 August claiming that Palestinians in Gaza are “out in force, enjoying themselves in sparkling new malls, beautiful beaches and hotels, and doing their shopping in pristine grocery stores and markets heaving with fresh produce.”

The “IDF blog” includes the impressive photo above of a shopping mall where Palestinians in Gaza are supposedly shopping for the latest imported fashions.
For example, the same Kuala Lumpur mall photo, purportedly in Gaza, appeared on a virulently Islamophobic blog called “Barenaked Islam” in April 2012, and was disseminated on Facebook by “Geert Wilders supporters,” a page dedicated to the Islamophobic Dutch politician.

It also appeared on “Religion of Peace,” another anti-Muslim hate site.

It would appear that the Israeli army gets its information about Gaza from Islamophobic hate sites.
Israel army publishes fake image of huge ?Gaza shopping mall? | The Electronic Intifada
It seems they lie?

And you get your propaganda from where? Electronic Intifada? pot-kettle...BTW ..they removed it from the blog, Yusef.
Jossy, didn't you learn your lesson from your proud thread on the 'BDS Success' ???

Oh, wait - *that* blob o' feces came from l'il Ali's blogstain, too.........
I've been to that shopping mall.
There are VIP toilets as well as standard ones and a very nice cinema complex on the fourth or fifth floor.

Hang on, I'll look to see if I have a photo....

The view from the skybridge was in 2005 but the inside shot was from 2006.

kl tower 9 by peb1962, on Flickr

PIC_0054 by peb1962, on Flickr
I've been to that shopping mall.
There are VIP toilets as well as standard ones and a very nice cinema complex on the fourth or fifth floor.

Hang on, I'll look to see if I have a photo....

The view from the skybridge was in 2005 but the inside shot was from 2006

Looks very nice Indofred-----I seem to have seen such pictures before---

and read the comments of happy and very proud palestinians. It is their

very own accomplishment. Perhaps you can explain why our

of Gaza ---to wit Rami Almeghari and Ali Abunimah
want to declare the pictures ----to be a **** ZIONIST PLOT*****

What could possibly motivate them to want to lay a cover over
the very nice mall palestinians have built and fart out
"DA JOOOOOS LIE"----all over cyberspace?

just habit?-------interestingly enough I have noticed
a similar habit amongst some prvominent indonesians for years--
-- many -----like Rami Almeghari and Ali Abunimah
------spokes persons for the glorious UMMAH and for
the pleasure of the deity. That ONE --the one that the
noble PANCASILA ideology promotes and serves
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I don't know about "da joos lie" but this Israeli propaganda tool (in English slang, a tool is a penis), lied.
I realised in a flash where that place really was as I've visited the twin towers many times.
The level of propaganda on both sides of the illegal Gaza fence makes an absolute very hard to prove but, as Israeli propaganda outlets push clear lies, one suspects they're trying to hide something.
I don't know about "da joos lie" but this Israeli propaganda tool (in English slang, a tool is a penis), lied.
I realised in a flash where that place really was as I've visited the twin towers many times.
The level of propaganda on both sides of the illegal Gaza fence makes an absolute very hard to prove but, as Israeli propaganda outlets push clear lies, one suspects they're trying to hide something.

MhunterB gave me a red brick for this post.
In a rather cowardly fashion, he expresses displeasure but is totally unable to say why and is unwilling to rebut my post in any way.
I suspect he's unable to do so because I speak the truth.

There goes pro Israeli propaganda.
They try to discredit the truth, not do something about their faults.
I don't know about "da joos lie" but this Israeli propaganda tool (in English slang, a tool is a penis), lied.
I realised in a flash where that place really was as I've visited the twin towers many times.
The level of propaganda on both sides of the illegal Gaza fence makes an absolute very hard to prove but, as Israeli propaganda outlets push clear lies, one suspects they're trying to hide something.

Indofred----are you intoxicated? What "israeli propaganda tool"? This thread
was opened by JOS ---he cited an article promulgated by some esteemed
"palestinian" reporters which asserted that there are no nice new lovely shopping
malls in gaza. and it turns out that the esteemed palestinian reporters LIED
GROSSLY "ZIB" is a slang word in arabic for penis----"zib abouk" ---is considered
an insult amongst arabs

What is "illegal" about the fence between Gaza and Israel ----is the fence between
texas and mexico illegal too? There are lots of fences in the world ----just to get into
canada----passport carrying USA citizens pass thru fences and lots of check points

What "lies" do Israeli sources promulgate about Gaza?
I don't know about "da joos lie" but this Israeli propaganda tool (in English slang, a tool is a penis), lied.
I realised in a flash where that place really was as I've visited the twin towers many times.
The level of propaganda on both sides of the illegal Gaza fence makes an absolute very hard to prove but, as Israeli propaganda outlets push clear lies, one suspects they're trying to hide something.

MhunterB gave me a red brick for this post.
In a rather cowardly fashion, he expresses displeasure but is totally unable to say why and is unwilling to rebut my post in any way.
I suspect he's unable to do so because I speak the truth.

There goes pro Israeli propaganda.
They try to discredit the truth, not do something about their faults.

Indofred----you are still delerious?---just what issue in a post that you wrote did
Mhunder try and fail to rebut? what "truth" do you imagine you
"spoke" What "truth" do you imagine israel tries to discredit? and to just
what "faults" do you refer. You have posted comments so vague, general
and meaningless that you seem to be emulating a nasty snotty kid whose sole
verbal output is "YOU STINK"
I don't know about "da joos lie" but this Israeli propaganda tool (in English slang, a tool is a penis), lied.
I realised in a flash where that place really was as I've visited the twin towers many times.
The level of propaganda on both sides of the illegal Gaza fence makes an absolute very hard to prove but, as Israeli propaganda outlets push clear lies, one suspects they're trying to hide something.

Indofred----are you intoxicated? What "israeli propaganda tool"? This thread
was opened by JOS ---he cited an article promulgated by some esteemed
"palestinian" reporters which asserted that there are no nice new lovely shopping
malls in gaza. and it turns out that the esteemed palestinian reporters LIED

You seem to be having a little trouble with either your internet, your stupidity or your total inability to accept Israel may be wrong in any way.
The link in the OP is a Palestinian blog reporting on an IDF blog.
If you bother to actually read the link you'll find a link to the actual propaganda page.

What Happened to the Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza? ? IDF Blog | The Official Blog of the Israel Defense Forces

Of course, they've been busted so they removed the offending photo and issued an explanation about it being an honest mistake.
That is pretty likely to be bullshit.

Have some more pictures of Gaza.

GAZA - Images | Olivier Laban-Mattei

Back to the IDF link.

The "New grocery store" (Article Published on: August 12, 2013) is a picture from 2011.
That's clearly printed on the photo.
Given they lied about the date, what else have they lied about?
I've spent more than a little of my spare time (Not as much as I'd like because I gave so much work to do), researching what the actual conditions are in Gaza.
There's a lot of propaganda so you have to take real care to see who is fibbing about what.
There is absolutely no question, the Palestinian side is trying to hide the better side of life in Gaza where there are at least a couple of high quality hotels but those hotels seem to have a very poor occupancy rate.
Again, there is clearly shopping to be had but how many decent shops are operating is hard work to find out for sure.
The Israeli propaganda machine of going full blast on this one.
They publish old images of Gaza as new photos. (The beach shot was 24 June 2011) to prove what life is like in Gaza today.
I have yet to research the photographer as time is limited.
I'll try when I get a moment but I have work to to now so must log off.
a two year old photo of a beach -----is SO OLD that it cannot be
used to characterize a PLACE? What could have happened
to that beach in the past two years? Have US nuclear subs bombed

Please let us know when you find some evidence of starvation
in Gaza
a two year old photo of a beach -----is SO OLD that it cannot be
used to characterize a PLACE? What could have happened
to that beach in the past two years? Have US nuclear subs bombed

Please let us know when you find some evidence of starvation
in Gaza

The point being, the photos are been passed of as up to date.
That goes for the shops and the beach.
Both scenes could easily have changed a lot in that sort of time.

Add the obvious attempt at a fake with the shopping centre and you have to question the validity of all.
Regardless of your political ideals, that sort of inaccuracy suggests there may well be more.
a two year old photo of a beach -----is SO OLD that it cannot be
used to characterize a PLACE? What could have happened
to that beach in the past two years? Have US nuclear subs bombed

Please let us know when you find some evidence of starvation
in Gaza

The point being, the photos are been passed of as up to date.
That goes for the shops and the beach.
Both scenes could easily have changed a lot in that sort of time.

Add the obvious attempt at a fake with the shopping centre and you have to question the validity of all.
Regardless of your political ideals, that sort of inaccuracy suggests there may well be more.

You failed again Indo. can you cite the picture of a beach that is
labeled as "PHOTO 2 hour ago"----that in REALITY is two years old ----
PLUS a current photo revealing devastation and dead bodies strewn on the

As to the Shopping mall--------you SIMPLY asserted without any evidence at
all that it is a fake
Your vague allusion to lower Manhattan ---is BS ----are you suggesting that the
shopping mall is actually in lower Manhattan-----YOU LIED AGAIN in support of
your ideology. But that's ok you have any idea where there is a shopping
mall in lower Manhattan that looks anything like that one?

there is no question about your lies-----they are INCESSANT ------keep
up the good work for the glory of the filth you support

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