Isn't it refreshing to have a President who puts America first?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Or do you still cling to your protests and ideology that America is the source of all evil?
Sure if you define America as rich, white, corporate leaders, then yes, our president puts America first.
Sure if you define America as rich, white, corporate leaders, then yes, our president puts America first.

This warrants a petition to the board administration to give us a "LAME" button. One that can be clicked on minimum 5-times per shot.

Putting America first is the duty of all holding our government offices and I have absolutely no problem if Trump were to do would be his duty.

(It's who he puts SECOND that I have a problem with! Russia, over our EU and Aussie allies)
Lefty calling America Racist when Blacks only make up 13% of the population and America was willing to give Obozo two terms, 8 years, and 10 years with a Super Majority, Majority and or The Presidency to get the things he promised to get done, done.

And he delivered NONE OF HIS PROMISES. NONE.

America has more Minority Millionaires than the entire rest of the world combined.
More Minority CEOS and Executives, Doctors, Scientists, YOU NAME IT.

BUT we are racist....cuz.....2018 MIDTERMS.
Putting America first is the duty of all holding our government offices and I have absolutely no problem if Trump were to do would be his duty.

(It's who he puts SECOND that I have a problem with! Russia, over our EU and Aussie allies)
Care to back up your bullshit claim about Russia?
President Trump signs Russia sanctions bill
And what the fuck is your cock sucking infatuation with a Terrorist Coddling EU?
Lefty calling America Racist when Blacks only make up 13% of the population and America was willing to give Obozo two terms, 8 years, and 10 years with a Super Majority, Majority and or The Presidency to get the things he promised to get done, done.

And he delivered NONE OF HIS PROMISES. NONE.

America has more Minority Millionaires than the entire rest of the world combined.
More Minority CEOS and Executives, Doctors, Scientists, YOU NAME IT.

BUT we are racist....cuz.....2018 MIDTERMS.
Sure if you define America as rich, white, corporate leaders, then yes, our president puts America first.

This warrants a petition to the board administration to give us a "LAME" button. One that can be clicked on minimum 5-times per shot.

I agree, it's lame that our President doesn't have the middle/working class best interests at heart.
Wow. Don't you think it is lame that you want a President that singles out groups of people instead of the best interests of all the people AND America?
Putting America first is the duty of all holding our government offices and I have absolutely no problem if Trump were to do would be his duty.

(It's who he puts SECOND that I have a problem with! Russia, over our EU and Aussie allies)
huh? where, name one thing trump put russia first on.
Sure if you define America as rich, white, corporate leaders, then yes, our president puts America first.

This warrants a petition to the board administration to give us a "LAME" button. One that can be clicked on minimum 5-times per shot.

I agree, it's lame that our President doesn't have the middle/working class best interests at heart.
so why did you vote for obummer twice?
Sure if you define America as rich, white, corporate leaders, then yes, our president puts America first.

This warrants a petition to the board administration to give us a "LAME" button. One that can be clicked on minimum 5-times per shot.

I agree, it's lame that our President doesn't have the middle/working class best interests at heart.
Wow. Don't you think it is lame that you want a President that singles out groups of people instead of the best interests of all the people AND America?
Unfortunately for the liberal loony view, not everyone is equal, and singling out groups that are causing problems is the right thing to do, as opposed letting them continue to cause problems like jughead did.
Or do you still cling to your protests and ideology that America is the source of all evil?
It is so nice to have a prez who isn't constantly telling us how stupid, wrong, paranoid, worthless we are.
And that is why Libs are sad, cuz they love being abused like a Heroin Addicted Street Whore.
Full of guilt and shame and begging to be punished.

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