Isn't it funny how liberals defend socialism?

So you are too stupid to know the difference. Shocking.

This from the guy who actually can't say any difference... LOL

I can give you many differences between socialism and communism. You have been too busy crying about Obama being a communist. I'm still waiting for anything that resembles proof. His record says he is not.

Please list some differences.

Difference Between Socialism and Communism

Keep in mind Bernie likes the Nordic economic model which is really not communism at all.

That's all horseshit socialist propaganda. There is no meaningful distinction between socialism and communist. Socialists claim that it isn't true socialism unless it's "democratic," but that's a big fat lie. In the first place, a socialist system can't be genuinely democratic. You can't have a vote every time you need to make a decision about how a given product is to be produced. Socialism always ends up turning into a totalitarian system.

The bottom line is that the only difference is a fantasy. It's a delusion that self-describe socialists like to maintain. It has no basis in objective reality.

I personally feel no better when the tyranny comes from the "majority" instead of a Politburo. My freedom is gone either way
Please list some differences.

Difference Between Socialism and Communism

Keep in mind Bernie likes the Nordic economic model which is really not communism at all.

That says what I did, communism is a form of socialism. So you're posting that you agree with me, interesting.

Here's what you're not posting, any examples of how the President you examined for seven years isn't one. Can't come up with any examples, not a single one. Yet you insist he's not and it's clear as the light of day

Yes I have seen no evidence Obama is a communist. So far you haven't offered any.

You mean other than that even you can't name a plank of the Communist manifesto that he opposes? I made it easy for you. I said he supports all of them that are applicable in an industrial society instead of an agricultural one as was when it was written

Prove he does.

So I can list every plank and argue how he is a communist, or you can just show a couple he isn't. You're a useless bitch of a mother fucker. I'm done for the day, see ya. Since you're stupid as shit, I'm responding to a couple more posts first, so don't start crying when I leave in 10 minutes instead of now
This is the socialism even Bernie supports. Now tell me how it is communism.
Nordic model - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It's not communism because it's not pure socialism. It's the welfare state. The means of production is still privately owned in all the Nordic countries.

It is what I have heard Bernie promote. So what is wrong with it?

All socialism is harmful to society. It reduces the material welfare of the population and it reduces their freedom.

Yet it seems to be working fine for many countries. The countries with the happiest people...

It's not working. They have chronic unemployment above 10% and their economic growth is anemic. The only part of their economies that work is the part that remains capitalist.

As for their "happiness," that's pure bullshit. You can't measure happiness. Anyone who claims they can is lying.
Difference Between Socialism and Communism

Keep in mind Bernie likes the Nordic economic model which is really not communism at all.

That says what I did, communism is a form of socialism. So you're posting that you agree with me, interesting.

Here's what you're not posting, any examples of how the President you examined for seven years isn't one. Can't come up with any examples, not a single one. Yet you insist he's not and it's clear as the light of day

Yes I have seen no evidence Obama is a communist. So far you haven't offered any.

You mean other than that even you can't name a plank of the Communist manifesto that he opposes? I made it easy for you. I said he supports all of them that are applicable in an industrial society instead of an agricultural one as was when it was written

Prove he does.

So I can list every plank and argue how he is a communist, or you can just show a couple he isn't. You're a useless bitch of a mother fucker. I'm done for the day, see ya. Since you're stupid as shit, I'm responding to a couple more posts first, so don't start crying when I leave in 10 minutes instead of now

I see, so you can't prove anything. Then you swear and whine and run. Shocking. Have a nice day.
This from the guy who actually can't say any difference... LOL

I can give you many differences between socialism and communism. You have been too busy crying about Obama being a communist. I'm still waiting for anything that resembles proof. His record says he is not.

Please list some differences.

Difference Between Socialism and Communism

Keep in mind Bernie likes the Nordic economic model which is really not communism at all.

That says what I did, communism is a form of socialism. So you're posting that you agree with me, interesting.

Here's what you're not posting, any examples of how the President you examined for seven years isn't one. Can't come up with any examples, not a single one. Yet you insist he's not and it's clear as the light of day

Yes I have seen no evidence Obama is a communist. So far you haven't offered any.

So which of these things is not true?

1) You know Obama's policies
2) You know what a communist is
3) Obama is not a communist

Because if all three of those are true, you could stuff me right now by rattling off a bunch of things. Since you've continued to claim all three are true and you're hiding and evading the question, the conclusion is you're full of shit
This is the socialism even Bernie supports. Now tell me how it is communism.
Nordic model - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It's not communism because it's not pure socialism. It's the welfare state. The means of production is still privately owned in all the Nordic countries.

It is what I have heard Bernie promote. So what is wrong with it?

All socialism is harmful to society. It reduces the material welfare of the population and it reduces their freedom.

Yet it seems to be working fine for many countries. The countries with the happiest people...

It's not working. They have chronic unemployment above 10% and their economic growth is anemic. The only part of their economies that work is the part that remains capitalist.

As for their "happiness," that's pure bullshit. You can't measure happiness. Anyone who claims they can is lying.

United States vs. Denmark, in 17 Charts
I can give you many differences between socialism and communism. You have been too busy crying about Obama being a communist. I'm still waiting for anything that resembles proof. His record says he is not.

Please list some differences.

Difference Between Socialism and Communism

Keep in mind Bernie likes the Nordic economic model which is really not communism at all.

That says what I did, communism is a form of socialism. So you're posting that you agree with me, interesting.

Here's what you're not posting, any examples of how the President you examined for seven years isn't one. Can't come up with any examples, not a single one. Yet you insist he's not and it's clear as the light of day

Yes I have seen no evidence Obama is a communist. So far you haven't offered any.

So which of these things is not true?

1) You know Obama's policies
2) You know what a communist is
3) Obama is not a communist

Because if all three of those are true, you could stuff me right now by rattling off a bunch of things. Since you've continued to claim all three are true and you're hiding and evading the question, the conclusion is you're full of shit

I'd rather wait for you to show me your proof he is. You are the one with the claim. Prove it.
That says what I did, communism is a form of socialism. So you're posting that you agree with me, interesting.

Here's what you're not posting, any examples of how the President you examined for seven years isn't one. Can't come up with any examples, not a single one. Yet you insist he's not and it's clear as the light of day

Yes I have seen no evidence Obama is a communist. So far you haven't offered any.

You mean other than that even you can't name a plank of the Communist manifesto that he opposes? I made it easy for you. I said he supports all of them that are applicable in an industrial society instead of an agricultural one as was when it was written

Prove he does.

So I can list every plank and argue how he is a communist, or you can just show a couple he isn't. You're a useless bitch of a mother fucker. I'm done for the day, see ya. Since you're stupid as shit, I'm responding to a couple more posts first, so don't start crying when I leave in 10 minutes instead of now

I see, so you can't prove anything. Then you swear and whine and run. Shocking. Have a nice day.

I'm done working, I'm going to smoke a cigar and drink some wine, I'll leave the whine to you
Please list some differences.

Difference Between Socialism and Communism

Keep in mind Bernie likes the Nordic economic model which is really not communism at all.

That says what I did, communism is a form of socialism. So you're posting that you agree with me, interesting.

Here's what you're not posting, any examples of how the President you examined for seven years isn't one. Can't come up with any examples, not a single one. Yet you insist he's not and it's clear as the light of day

Yes I have seen no evidence Obama is a communist. So far you haven't offered any.

So which of these things is not true?

1) You know Obama's policies
2) You know what a communist is
3) Obama is not a communist

Because if all three of those are true, you could stuff me right now by rattling off a bunch of things. Since you've continued to claim all three are true and you're hiding and evading the question, the conclusion is you're full of shit

I'd rather wait for you to show me your proof he is. You are the one with the claim. Prove it.

Of course you would prefer that, you can't show he isn't. Which would be simple ... if he wasn't ...

And the proof he is would be the Communist manifesto, I keep telling you that. That learning disability must be a bitch.

Last post of the day, I'm done working and I'm caught up on posts now
Isn't it funny how those who identify themselves as "conservatives" defend fascism.

authoritarianism · totalitarianism · dictatorship ·
despotism · autocracy · Nazism · rightism · nationalism · xenophobia · racism · anti-Semitism · jingoism · isolationism · neofascism · neo-Nazism

  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
  • (in general use) extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practice.
"Isn't it funny how liberals defend socialism?"

This fails as a straw man fallacy - another ridiculous lie from the right.
Another complete moron con that doesn't know the difference between socialism and fascism.
" it's Congress job, to care for the health and welfare of the country."


It is? Where is that in the Constitution?
Right here.

Section. 8.

The Congress shall have Power To...provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States;

That's just sick.
Oh, so you think the Constitution is sick?

Government is supposed to be a referee, not a kindergarten teacher. No wonder you hate employers if you think government is there to take care of you
I didn't say government was to take care of me. As in the case of SSI, I'm just getting my own money back.

It's not communism because it's not pure socialism. It's the welfare state. The means of production is still privately owned in all the Nordic countries.

It is what I have heard Bernie promote. So what is wrong with it?

All socialism is harmful to society. It reduces the material welfare of the population and it reduces their freedom.

Yet it seems to be working fine for many countries. The countries with the happiest people...

It's not working. They have chronic unemployment above 10% and their economic growth is anemic. The only part of their economies that work is the part that remains capitalist.

As for their "happiness," that's pure bullshit. You can't measure happiness. Anyone who claims they can is lying.

United States vs. Denmark, in 17 Charts

There's no source listed for any of the charts, so they are most likely bullshit.

The Heritage Index of Economic Freedom lists Denmark as as #12 and the United States as #11. So Denmark is only slightly more socialist than the U.S.

I note the chart for percentage of GDP going to taxes is 33%. That's much lower than the actual value. I doubt it includes all state and local taxes.
It's not communism because it's not pure socialism. It's the welfare state. The means of production is still privately owned in all the Nordic countries.

It is what I have heard Bernie promote. So what is wrong with it?

All socialism is harmful to society. It reduces the material welfare of the population and it reduces their freedom.

Yet it seems to be working fine for many countries. The countries with the happiest people...

It's not working. They have chronic unemployment above 10% and their economic growth is anemic. The only part of their economies that work is the part that remains capitalist.

As for their "happiness," that's pure bullshit. You can't measure happiness. Anyone who claims they can is lying.

United States vs. Denmark, in 17 Charts
I get it, socialism is great for you.
What makes you so stupidly arrogant that you think it's good for anyone else??
Isn't it funny how those who identify themselves as "conservatives" defend fascism.

authoritarianism · totalitarianism · dictatorship ·
despotism · autocracy · Nazism · rightism · nationalism · xenophobia · racism · anti-Semitism · jingoism · isolationism · neofascism · neo-Nazism

  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
  • (in general use) extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practice.
Nazis were left-wing socialists
Isn't it funny how those who identify themselves as "conservatives" defend fascism.

authoritarianism · totalitarianism · dictatorship ·
despotism · autocracy · Nazism · rightism · nationalism · xenophobia · racism · anti-Semitism · jingoism · isolationism · neofascism · neo-Nazism

  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
  • (in general use) extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practice.
Nazis were left-wing socialists
This country has been dumbed down to the point that these Dims actually NEED a huge, socialist, unaccountable, and bankrupt government to think and do everything for them.
This country has been dumbed down to the point that these Dims actually NEED a huge, socialist, unaccountable, and bankrupt government to think and do everything for them.
Yeah, it's called a banana republic....

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