Islamic Jihad Threatens Suicide Bombings, Escalation


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
Where the wild things are
A clash seems to be looming between Israel and the radical Islamist movement Islamic Jihad, as they abandon pledges made under a fragile ceasefire that ended the last full-scale war in the Hamas-run Gaza Strip.

Israel recently targeted two of the group's terrorists for firing rockets at it, and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu promised to teach Gaza-based terrorists a "lesson" for repeated breaches of the ceasefire.

Islamic Jihad has in turn threatened to take its war to Israel, both through suicide bombings in major Israeli cities and by fomenting violent unrest in Judea and Samaria - against both Israeli and Palestinian Authority security forces.

Islamic Jihad carried out scores of deadly suicide bombings against Israeli civilians during the "Second Intifada" between 2000 and 2005.

Islamic Jihad Threatens Suicide Bombings - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News


Islamic Jihad ---> Paper tiger:eusa_whistle:
We shall have to see those suicide bombings to believe them.

I expect this is all just more Zionist Hasbara!
They do try, they just whine once their asses get blown up by our drones.

Wonder what's that all about.

That seems to be about bluster and melodrama so typical of Islamic terrorist groups that find safe haven in the terrorist enclave of Gaza'istan. They'll issue these goofy threats and swagger about like a teenager who's drunk for the first time. But when they provoke Israel into a shooting war and the incoming starts, they scatter like roaches in a dark room when the lights are turned on.
We shall have to see those suicide bombings to believe them.

I expect this is all just more Zionist Hasbara!

On the contrary, Mahmoud, this is all about what will be another islamo-smack down.

Hollie----do not contradict sherri ""EVERYONE KNOWS"" that muslims do not
engage in suicide bombings---------an arabic speaking entity who lived in
a mynical place called "palestine" told her. That enity was oppressed by
"OCCUPATION"------on the one hand-----but actually never objected-----
it loved the "occupiers"-------which is why DA JOOOOOS managed to force
the occupiers to murder it------but not really------it was all delusion created by
the MOSSAD. Mossad continues to lie and lie and lie You have a lot to learn, hollie------Yesterday was friday----best learning
day for sherri-----
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A clash seems to be looming between Israel and the radical Islamist movement Islamic Jihad, as they abandon pledges made under a fragile ceasefire that ended the last full-scale war in the Hamas-run Gaza Strip.

Israel recently targeted two of the group's terrorists for firing rockets at it, and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu promised to teach Gaza-based terrorists a "lesson" for repeated breaches of the ceasefire.

Islamic Jihad has in turn threatened to take its war to Israel, both through suicide bombings in major Israeli cities and by fomenting violent unrest in Judea and Samaria - against both Israeli and Palestinian Authority security forces.

Islamic Jihad carried out scores of deadly suicide bombings against Israeli civilians during the "Second Intifada" between 2000 and 2005.

Islamic Jihad Threatens Suicide Bombings - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News


Islamic Jihad ---> Paper tiger:eusa_whistle:

Islamic jihad rattling their aluminum foil sabers.
We shall have to see those suicide bombings to believe them.

I expect this is all just more Zionist Hasbara!

On the contrary, Mahmoud, this is all about what will be another islamo-smack down.

Hollie----do not contradict sherri ""EVERYONE KNOWS"" that muslims do not
engage in suicide bombings---------an arabic speaking entity who lived in
a mynical place called "palestine" told her. That enity was oppressed by
"OCCUPATION"------on the one hand-----but actually never objected-----
it loved the "occupiers"-------which is why DA JOOOOOS managed to force
the occupiers to murder it------but not really------it was all delusion created by
the MOSSAD. Mossad continues to lie and lie and lie You have a lot to learn, hollie------Yesterday was friday----best learning
day for sherri-----

Yep. It's those wonderful Friday sermons at the mosque delivered by sheik Muhammd "kill the infidels" Habib and those terms of endearment for the reviled kaffir.
We shall have to see those suicide bombings to believe them.

I expect this is all just more Zionist Hasbara!

sherri-----can you try to be more specific------who is "we"?? -----
your statement suggests that you do not believe any suicide bombings
take place unless YOU personally witness them----or "we" do which I assume
includes YOU--------It certainly does not include me-----I know that suicide bombings
take place. I have seen some of the autopsies of those people your heroes
murder-------but most in video and pictures thereof

what is "zionist hasbara"?? suicide bombings?

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