Islam in Europe Growing Rapidly

More than 40.000 Muslims live in Lisbon.
That country was under Islamic rule for centuries in the past and it's population wasn't massacred, churches weren't demolished and Christians were exterminated....unlike the Europeans and what they did in the rest of the world. Throughout history.


It is very scary the rapid rate of Islamization of Europe. As of 2010 (7 yrs ago), the numbers are stagering

Germany, France, Netherlands, Belgium and Greece are creeping up to the no turning back point of 10%!

Sweden and the U.K. are just about at 5%.

But keep in mind, this was the 2010 census. These numbers have skyrocketed with the migrants and illegal immigration flood.

By 2020, France, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium and Greece can be north of 15% and Sweden and U.K. could be pushing 10%.

The flood will not slow down. The burden to care for these freeloaders will be on the native population who will have few kids in order to pay for he enormous families Muslims have.

Who knows haw far gone they will be in 2050. Just look to Lebanon as the roadmap. They have a Christian majority and prosperous country. Then slowly but surely Islam took over. They went from a challenged majority to a persecuted minority. They went from as high as 70% to as low as 20% in roughly a century and that percent decreases every year.

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Notice how the Eastern Europeans are NOT as stupid as the Western Europeans.

I'm surprised how few there are in Portugal. I think that's my next place to visit.
More than 40.000 Muslims live in Lisbon.
That country was under Islamic rule for centuries in the past and it's population wasn't massacred, churches weren't demolished and Christians were exterminated....unlike the Europeans and what they did in the rest of the world. Throughout history.

during the time of Islamic rule in Portugal----- the Christian population were subjected
to the vile stink of SHARIAH DHIMMIA ------which is why the Christian population was galvanized
to GET RID OF THE MUSLIMS. In any case----the muslims were INVADERS besides being
oppressors and exploiters "what the Europeans did in the rest of the world"??? lots of exploitation---
but, with some exceptions, not as genocidal as the Muslim program in all the lands they invaded
Lol you have your own version of,history apparently ...european Christians killed millions and converted the indigenous,people of the lands they occupied, and they slaved them. If Islam was as evil most of South Europe would be Muslim and millions would've been exterminated. But instead they were granted freedom of religion.
More than 40.000 Muslims live in Lisbon.
That country was under Islamic rule for centuries in the past and it's population wasn't massacred, churches weren't demolished and Christians were exterminated....unlike the Europeans and what they did in the rest of the world. Throughout history.

during the time of Islamic rule in Portugal----- the Christian population were subjected
to the vile stink of SHARIAH DHIMMIA ------which is why the Christian population was galvanized
to GET RID OF THE MUSLIMS. In any case----the muslims were INVADERS besides being
oppressors and exploiters "what the Europeans did in the rest of the world"??? lots of exploitation---
but, with some exceptions, not as genocidal as the Muslim program in all the lands they invaded
Lol you have your own version of,history apparently ...european Christians killed millions and converted the indigenous,people of the lands they occupied, and they slaved them. If Islam was as evil most of South Europe would be Muslim and millions would've been exterminated. But instead they were granted freedom of religion.

I already know the ISLAMO-NAZI version of history. In fact I learned about it as a child reading
YOUR literature. There is no question that European Christians invaded lands inhabited by non-
Christians and caused deaths of and coerced conversions of millions. ------however muslims murdered in the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS You forget---I have relatives from many different lands that in the past 1200 years had become infected with the filth of islam. Another problem that the islamo Nazi version of history faces is that unlike muslims-----jews have been widely literate for at least the past 3000 years. You have no real history. Even today more of you are illiterate than literate. Freedom of religion does not exist in majority muslim lands------it is a lie that they fart out in mosques. Are you very young? like under 25? Just during my life-time----muslims have murdered for "allah"---MILLIONS and raped for the glory of the rapist pig of mecca 'LEGALLY' under the filth of shariah law----AND COUNTING.
Islam was EXPELLED, FORCIBLY, from south Europe. Genocidal dogs never manage
to murder ALL. You guys could not even kill all the Zoroastrians-----despite all efforts to
accomplish the task-----your saint Adolf could not even manage to kill all the jews-----even with
your help
You need your meds ASAP...and learn how to quote please. It's sad that you are a hating bigot though!!!

It is very scary the rapid rate of Islamization of Europe. As of 2010 (7 yrs ago), the numbers are stagering

Germany, France, Netherlands, Belgium and Greece are creeping up to the no turning back point of 10%!

Sweden and the U.K. are just about at 5%.

But keep in mind, this was the 2010 census. These numbers have skyrocketed with the migrants and illegal immigration flood.

By 2020, France, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium and Greece can be north of 15% and Sweden and U.K. could be pushing 10%.

The flood will not slow down. The burden to care for these freeloaders will be on the native population who will have few kids in order to pay for he enormous families Muslims have.

Who knows haw far gone they will be in 2050. Just look to Lebanon as the roadmap. They have a Christian majority and prosperous country. Then slowly but surely Islam took over. They went from a challenged majority to a persecuted minority. They went from as high as 70% to as low as 20% in roughly a century and that percent decreases every year.

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An all out war against Islam is the only answer. Wage war until only an extremely small number exist, and monitor them.

Likely too late for that. Western Europe's Left Globalists have altered the demographics so dramatically. To be blunt, they allowed too many Muslims into their countries. There's no turning back now. Any wars to be fought, would have to be internal wars. There would have to be several Civil Wars fought in the region. And i just don't see that happening.

Sadly for Western Europeans, Merkel in Germany summed it up accurately...'The People are just gonna have to get used to it.' The Immigration flood gates have been opened. And there's nothing the People can do about it. The awful Left Globalist damage in Western Europe, likely can't be repaired. There is no going back.

Germany's push for globalism and multiculturalism is going to lead to another World War. They are destabilizing Europe yet again, and the progressives are cheering it on.
The EU has threatened Poland by stating that if Poland didn't comply and take in the Muslims, the EU would strip Poland of its sovereignty. The only way I can see the EU doing that, is by military force. If it came to that, the US should side with Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic. Slovakia originally said it wouldn't accept the Muslims, but under threats, they gave in.

It is very scary the rapid rate of Islamization of Europe. As of 2010 (7 yrs ago), the numbers are stagering

Germany, France, Netherlands, Belgium and Greece are creeping up to the no turning back point of 10%!

Sweden and the U.K. are just about at 5%.

But keep in mind, this was the 2010 census. These numbers have skyrocketed with the migrants and illegal immigration flood.

By 2020, France, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium and Greece can be north of 15% and Sweden and U.K. could be pushing 10%.

The flood will not slow down. The burden to care for these freeloaders will be on the native population who will have few kids in order to pay for he enormous families Muslims have.

Who knows haw far gone they will be in 2050. Just look to Lebanon as the roadmap. They have a Christian majority and prosperous country. Then slowly but surely Islam took over. They went from a challenged majority to a persecuted minority. They went from as high as 70% to as low as 20% in roughly a century and that percent decreases every year.

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An all out war against Islam is the only answer. Wage war until only an extremely small number exist, and monitor them.

Likely too late for that. Western Europe's Left Globalists have altered the demographics so dramatically. To be blunt, they allowed too many Muslims into their countries. There's no turning back now. Any wars to be fought, would have to be internal wars. There would have to be several Civil Wars fought in the region. And i just don't see that happening.

Sadly for Western Europeans, Merkel in Germany summed it up accurately...'The People are just gonna have to get used to it.' The Immigration flood gates have been opened. And there's nothing the People can do about it. The awful Left Globalist damage in Western Europe, likely can't be repaired. There is no going back.

Germany's push for globalism and multiculturalism is going to lead to another World War. They are destabilizing Europe yet again, and the progressives are cheering it on.
The EU has threatened Poland by stating that if Poland didn't comply and take in the Muslims, the EU would strip Poland of its sovereignty. The only way I can see the EU doing that, is by military force. If it came to that, the US should side with Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic. Slovakia originally said it wouldn't accept the Muslims, but under threats, they gave in.

You'll accept their New World Order... or else.

That's where we're at with the Globalists. Their Order is being implemented by force.

It is very scary the rapid rate of Islamization of Europe. As of 2010 (7 yrs ago), the numbers are stagering

Germany, France, Netherlands, Belgium and Greece are creeping up to the no turning back point of 10%!

Sweden and the U.K. are just about at 5%.

But keep in mind, this was the 2010 census. These numbers have skyrocketed with the migrants and illegal immigration flood.

By 2020, France, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium and Greece can be north of 15% and Sweden and U.K. could be pushing 10%.

The flood will not slow down. The burden to care for these freeloaders will be on the native population who will have few kids in order to pay for he enormous families Muslims have.

Who knows haw far gone they will be in 2050. Just look to Lebanon as the roadmap. They have a Christian majority and prosperous country. Then slowly but surely Islam took over. They went from a challenged majority to a persecuted minority. They went from as high as 70% to as low as 20% in roughly a century and that percent decreases every year.

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An all out war against Islam is the only answer. Wage war until only an extremely small number exist, and monitor them.

Likely too late for that. Western Europe's Left Globalists have altered the demographics so dramatically. To be blunt, they allowed too many Muslims into their countries. There's no turning back now. Any wars to be fought, would have to be internal wars. There would have to be several Civil Wars fought in the region. And i just don't see that happening.

Sadly for Western Europeans, Merkel in Germany summed it up accurately...'The People are just gonna have to get used to it.' The Immigration flood gates have been opened. And there's nothing the People can do about it. The awful Left Globalist damage in Western Europe, likely can't be repaired. There is no going back.

Germany's push for globalism and multiculturalism is going to lead to another World War. They are destabilizing Europe yet again, and the progressives are cheering it on.
The EU has threatened Poland by stating that if Poland didn't comply and take in the Muslims, the EU would strip Poland of its sovereignty. The only way I can see the EU doing that, is by military force. If it came to that, the US should side with Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic. Slovakia originally said it wouldn't accept the Muslims, but under threats, they gave in.

That is bullshit. The EU has said if Poland removes the independence of the judiciary it will be not allowed to vote in EU decisions.
Sadly, it's too late for Western Europe. They've allowed their White Liberal Cuckolds to dismantle their Immigration Systems. They've been thoroughly Cucked. There is no turning back.
That is the same formula Muslims have used for a thousand years to infiltrate. The individual character of each European country is going to fade along with the quality of life. Tourism will evaporate, and the growing Muslim populations will put ever greater strains on the Social programs of each country. Obviously violence will escalate with more frequent and more bloody Terror attacks. There will also be Nationalist groups striking back. It is not going to be pretty.

This is not irreversible, but Liberal European leaders must be voted out of office now.

Indeed, intolerance requires intolerance, unleash the fundamentalists.

Fenton, honey, I know you are profoundly stupid and so probably can't help it, but this is a case of Islam against secular humanism, not Islam against Christianity.

You've hit upon Europe's fundamental problem.

It is very scary the rapid rate of Islamization of Europe. As of 2010 (7 yrs ago), the numbers are stagering

Germany, France, Netherlands, Belgium and Greece are creeping up to the no turning back point of 10%!

Sweden and the U.K. are just about at 5%.

But keep in mind, this was the 2010 census. These numbers have skyrocketed with the migrants and illegal immigration flood.

By 2020, France, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium and Greece can be north of 15% and Sweden and U.K. could be pushing 10%.

The flood will not slow down. The burden to care for these freeloaders will be on the native population who will have few kids in order to pay for he enormous families Muslims have.

Who knows haw far gone they will be in 2050. Just look to Lebanon as the roadmap. They have a Christian majority and prosperous country. Then slowly but surely Islam took over. They went from a challenged majority to a persecuted minority. They went from as high as 70% to as low as 20% in roughly a century and that percent decreases every year.

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An all out war against Islam is the only answer. Wage war until only an extremely small number exist, and monitor them.

Likely too late for that. Western Europe's Left Globalists have altered the demographics so dramatically. To be blunt, they allowed too many Muslims into their countries. There's no turning back now. Any wars to be fought, would have to be internal wars. There would have to be several Civil Wars fought in the region. And i just don't see that happening.

Sadly for Western Europeans, Merkel in Germany summed it up accurately...'The People are just gonna have to get used to it.' The Immigration flood gates have been opened. And there's nothing the People can do about it. The awful Left Globalist damage in Western Europe, likely can't be repaired. There is no going back.

Germany's push for globalism and multiculturalism is going to lead to another World War. They are destabilizing Europe yet again, and the progressives are cheering it on.

The american corporate state requires more war, empires always feverushly seek to expand as they go into decline. Petro dollar baby, economic colonization of the planet, our constant destabilization of the middle east which includes partering with Islamists. It's just who we are, indigenous populations have always required cleansing from any land mass/resource we covet. The once "new world" shtick has now become THE world. And who we wish to erase must always be cast as "evil" and "savage".

Same as it ever was.

"An all out war against Islam is the only answer. Wage war until only an extremely small number exist, and monitor them."

In other words, they are the new "american indian".
Sadly, it's too late for Western Europe. They've allowed their White Liberal Cuckolds to dismantle their Immigration Systems. They've been thoroughly Cucked. There is no turning back.

Not true, but the hour is late that is forsure. France is the closest to be fucked since their Muslim pop is a little over 10%. However the rest of Western Europe has at least a decade before that hsppens

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Sadly, it's too late for Western Europe. They've allowed their White Liberal Cuckolds to dismantle their Immigration Systems. They've been thoroughly Cucked. There is no turning back.

Not true, but the hour is late that is forsure. France is the closest to be fucked since their Muslim pop is a little over 10%. However the rest of Western Europe has at least a decade before that hsppens

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Muslims have a foothold. They're already establishing independent enclaves within many Western European nations. So i'm sorry, but it is too late. The damage has been done. The white Liberal Cuckolds have wreaked too much destruction. They've changed the demographics permanently. Things are gonna get much more dark & chaotic in Western Europe.