Islam getting what it's been asking for


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
BREXIT, Trump, the rise of the right in Europe, Muslims are finally going to get the modern crusades they've been begging for the last 40 years. Give it one or two years max, once Germany's Merkel is removed and Le Penn is elected in France.

Islamic savages are spending their last days.
Whatever part of the religion that is wanting to see it spread aggressively and malignantly has to be a little surprised by this.

My guess is that they planned to continue using the West's freedoms against it -- helped along by some Western enablers -- indefinitely.

This will slow that progress, at least.
BREXIT, Trump, the rise of the right in Europe, Muslims are finally going to get the modern crusades they've been begging for the last 40 years. Give it one or two years max, once Germany's Merkel is removed and Le Penn is elected in France.

Islamic savages are spending their last days.
Exactly what ISIS has wanted all along too. Makes for interesting bedfellows.
BREXIT, Trump, the rise of the right in Europe, Muslims are finally going to get the modern crusades they've been begging for the last 40 years. Give it one or two years max, once Germany's Merkel is removed and Le Penn is elected in France.

Islamic savages are spending their last days.
Exactly what ISIS has wanted all along too. Makes for interesting bedfellows.

What they want is for us to roll over and continue to let them invade our country. Until the day they become the majority, then you wake up under Sharia Law.
BREXIT, Trump, the rise of the right in Europe, Muslims are finally going to get the modern crusades they've been begging for the last 40 years. Give it one or two years max, once Germany's Merkel is removed and Le Penn is elected in France.

Islamic savages are spending their last days.
Exactly what ISIS has wanted all along too. Makes for interesting bedfellows.

What they want is for us to roll over and continue to let them invade our country. Until the day they become the majority, then you wake up under Sharia Law.
No. ISIS's plan:

The Islamic State explained after the January attacks on Charlie Hebdo magazine that such attacks “compel the Crusaders to actively destroy the grayzone themselves. . . . Muslims in the West will quickly find themselves between one of two choices, they either apostatize . . . or they [emigrate] to the Islamic State and thereby escape persecution from the Crusader governments and citizens.”

The Islamic State’s trap for Europe

People in the U.S., mainly social conservatives, are extremely eager to be afraid, and don't even recognize that they have already been defeated by terrorism.
BREXIT, Trump, the rise of the right in Europe, Muslims are finally going to get the modern crusades they've been begging for the last 40 years. Give it one or two years max, once Germany's Merkel is removed and Le Penn is elected in France.

Islamic savages are spending their last days.
Exactly what ISIS has wanted all along too. Makes for interesting bedfellows.

What they want is for us to roll over and continue to let them invade our country. Until the day they become the majority, then you wake up under Sharia Law.

Osama already won, we've become just as maniacal, frenetic, fearful, dysfunctional, fanatically fundamentalist, tribalistic and blood thirsty as the middle east is.
BREXIT, Trump, the rise of the right in Europe, Muslims are finally going to get the modern crusades they've been begging for the last 40 years. Give it one or two years max, once Germany's Merkel is removed and Le Penn is elected in France.

Islamic savages are spending their last days.
Exactly what ISIS has wanted all along too. Makes for interesting bedfellows.

What they want is for us to roll over and continue to let them invade our country. Until the day they become the majority, then you wake up under Sharia Law.
No. ISIS's plan:

The Islamic State explained after the January attacks on Charlie Hebdo magazine that such attacks “compel the Crusaders to actively destroy the grayzone themselves. . . . Muslims in the West will quickly find themselves between one of two choices, they either apostatize . . . or they [emigrate] to the Islamic State and thereby escape persecution from the Crusader governments and citizens.”

The Islamic State’s trap for Europe

People in the U.S., mainly social conservatives, are extremely eager to be afraid, and don't even recognize that they have already been defeated by terrorism.

You have a problem with them leaving to go back to their Muslim utopia?
BREXIT, Trump, the rise of the right in Europe, Muslims are finally going to get the modern crusades they've been begging for the last 40 years. Give it one or two years max, once Germany's Merkel is removed and Le Penn is elected in France.

Islamic savages are spending their last days.
Exactly what ISIS has wanted all along too. Makes for interesting bedfellows.

What they want is for us to roll over and continue to let them invade our country. Until the day they become the majority, then you wake up under Sharia Law.

Osama already won, we've become just as maniacal, frenetic, fearful, dysfunctional, fanatically fundamentalist, tribalistic and blood thirsty as the middle east is.

They only win as long as we allow them to remain in our society. Isolation is the best option. Keep Muslims in the Middle East. There they can kill each other off all they want, just leave the Christians, Jews, atheists, Hindus, Buddhists, and any other non-Muslims out of it.
BREXIT, Trump, the rise of the right in Europe, Muslims are finally going to get the modern crusades they've been begging for the last 40 years. Give it one or two years max, once Germany's Merkel is removed and Le Penn is elected in France.

Islamic savages are spending their last days.
Exactly what ISIS has wanted all along too. Makes for interesting bedfellows.
ISIS is merely a symptom of the cancer of Islamism that has been spreading throughout the world. Muslims have been at war with democracy, human rights, women's rights, and the West in general for the last 40 years. Remember, in 1979 the Islamic Republic declared death to America the Big Satan. And its been like that since then, with one group or another following up their words with actions.

Now the West has risen to preserve its cultural, moral, geographical and religious values.
Granny says, "Dat's right - tell `em if dey don't like it, to move back to where dey come from...

Flynn a Frequent Critic of Muslim Militancy, Culture
Nov 19, 2016 | Flynn has aggressively argued that ISIS militants pose a global threat and has demanded a more aggressive U.S. military campaign.
Michael Flynn, the retired Army lieutenant general and intelligence officer who is Donald Trump's pick to serve as his national security adviser, is a harsh critic of Muslim extremism and the religion itself, calling "radical Islam" an existential threat to the United States. In strident speeches and public comments, including a fiery address at the Republican National Convention, Flynn has aggressively argued that Islamic State militants pose a threat on a global scale and demanded a far more aggressive U.S. military campaign against the group. In a June interview with CNN, Flynn complained the U.S. needs to "discredit" radical Islam, but that "we're not allowed to do that right now." But his comments about Islam, a religion practiced by more than 1.5 billion people worldwide, have at times gone beyond condemning radicals inside the faith.

In Flynn's book, "The Field of Fight: How We Can Win the Global War Against Radical Islam and its Allies," he condemned U.S. leaders who have called Islam a religion of peace. "This insistence on denying the existence of jihad led President Obama to the absurd claim that the Islamic State has nothing to do with Islam," Flynn wrote. In August, he spoke at an event in Dallas hosted by the anti-Islamist group Act for America, calling Islam a "cancer" and a "political ideology" that "definitely hides behind being a religion." Muslim Advocates, a civil rights group based in California, said in a statement that Flynn's appointment "signals support for anti-Muslim policies and sentiment that will undermine our nation's security and exacerbate an already unsafe climate for Muslims and all Americans."


U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn testifies as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency at a Feb. 4, 2014 congressional hearing in Washington​

The role of national security adviser has varied by administration, but usually centers on coordinating the policy positions of the secretaries of state, defense, justice and other members of a president's national security team. It is an especially powerful position because of the national security adviser's access to the president in the West Wing of the White House. The adviser acts as a gatekeeper on a wide range of issues, including matters of war and peace as well as diplomacy and intelligence.

Flynn, who turns 58 in December, served for more than three decades in the Army following his commissioning in 1981 as a second lieutenant in military intelligence. His career included a stint as director of intelligence for the Joint Chiefs of Staff and intelligence chief for the U.S.-led International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan. It ended, however, when he was forced to resign from his post as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2014 after two turbulent years leading the Pentagon's top spy agency.


See also:

CAIR Unhappy With Trump’s Reported Pick for National Security Adviser
November 18, 2016 – President-elect Donald Trump has offered the key post of national security adviser former Defense Intelligence Agency chief Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn (ret.), the Associated Press reported Thursday, citing an unnamed senior Trump official.
Flynn, who served as head of the DIA from 2012 to 2014, has been advising the Trump campaign on national security issues. He is also an outspoken critic of radical Islam and shari’a (Islamic law), and has attracted the ire of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). Earlier Thursday, CAIR issued a statement urging Trump not to appoint him “because of his history of anti-Muslim comments and associations.”

It quoted him as comparing Islam to “a cancer” during an event in Texas earlier this year hosted by ACT for America, an organization which CAIR described as an “anti-Islam hate group.” “A person who believes the faith of one fourth of the world's population is a ‘cancer’ should not be advising the president on anything, let alone on our nation’s security,” said CAIR national Executive Director Nihad Awad. “We urge President-elect Trump not to appoint General Flynn to any administration post, and if he already has made that decision, to find another candidate who does not hold such bigoted views.”

Flynn this year published a book entitled The Field of Fight: How We Can Win the Global War Against Radical Islam and Its Allies. He was promoting the book at the event in Texas last August referred to by CAIR’s Awad. “Islam is a political ideology,” Flynn told the audience in Dallas, in the context of talking about the spate of Islamic terror attacks over the summer that included those in Orlando, Fla., in the French city of Nice, in Baghdad, in Bangladesh, at the Istanbul airport in Turkey, on a train in Germany, and elsewhere. “It is a political ideology,” he continued. “It definitely hides behind this – this notion of it being a religion.”


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