Isis Releases War Feature Film - Intimidate West

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
ISIS is now releasing a feature film called Flames of War in order to intimidate the west. The film has graphic images. Viewer discretion is highly advised. There is the trailer and then the full video version on this link. Recently a former Muslim named Brother Rachid made a video entitled, "Message to President Obama" in which he gave information from his study of Islamic History / also as the son of an Imam and someone who had been raised in Islam - stating that ISIL was a replica of Mohammad's teachings on Islam and that the actions of these groups follows the actions of Mohammads own followers and the teachings of the Koran. Intimidation is a main weapon with the jihadists and the use of beheading videos and threats is one form of intimidation they are known for using. Nevertheless it is important to stay informed on what these groups - ISIS and ISIL are up to.

ISIS Releases Flames of War Feature Film to Intimidate West Clarion Project

The Islamic State video is far above the Al-Qaeda video in terms of production. The 55-minute film, titled Flames of War, is professionally edited and highlights the Islamic State’s seizure of the Syrian Army’s 17th Division base near Raqqah.
Footage is shown from the attack and then the film shows an Islamic State fighter near the base speaking in fluent English with an American accent. Captured Syrian soldiers are shown digging their own graves. One claims that 800 of Assad’s troops were at the base and were defeated by only 20-30 Islamic State members. The captives are then shot point blank and shown gruesomely falling in the ditches.
Flames of War uses the narrator to explain the Islamic state's version of the events, namely, that they are merely trying to establish god's law on earth but are being attacked by Assad, the Americans, the West and various other foes.
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Another clip:

ISIS Releases Flames of War Feature Film to Intimidate West Clarion Project

This up-to-date, sophisticated cinematography combined with the bloodthirsty message the film makes Flames of War reminiscent of Hitler propagandist Leni Riefenstahl's 1935 film, Triumph of the Will.
The film finishes with a written statement from Islamic State “Caliph” Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi referring to the U.S. as the “defender of the cross.” The message appears to indicate that the group believes U.S. combat forces will be sent to Iraq.
“As for the near future, you will be forced into a direct confrontation, with Allah
AllahGlossary Item
Arabic for “God.”

’s permission, despite your reluctance. And the sons of Islam have prepared themselves for this day, so wait and see, for we too are also going to wait and see,” it says.
The new Al-Qaeda video with Adam Gadahn is simple and only features a lecture from him. The contrast between the two videos is a microcosm of how Al-Qaeda has faded into the background as the Islamic State has risen and is winning the next generation of Jihadists.
So that the readers can see first hand why the film Flames of War is being compared to Hitler propagandist Leni Riefenstahl's 1935 film , Triumph of the will here is the film that you can see for yourself what they are attempting to achieve. Very interesting how these Islamists imitate Hitler's methods of propaganda so closely:

Training their young to kill - jihad camps for children -

Teaching to Kill The Islamic State s Jihad Camps for Kids Clarion Project

In a chilling report, a filmmaker from Vice News who embedded himself for a number of weeks with the Islamic State (formerly known as ISIS) in Raqqa, Syria, shows how the extremist jihadi group is indoctrinating children to hatred and violence (see video below).

“For us, we believe that this generation of children is the generation of the [URL='']caliphate
. This generation will fight the infidels and apostates, the Americans and their allies, God willing. The right doctrine has been implanted in these children," says an Islamic State member who is running a “training camp” for children. “All of them love to fight for the building of the Islamic State and for the sake of God,” he says.

“Abdullah the Belgian,” as he is called, travelled to Syria with his young son, who he has brought to the camp. As the camera rolls, Abdullah crouches down next to his son, who appeared to be about the age of six or seven.

“Why do we kill the infidels? What have the infidels done?” he asks his son.

Self-conscious in front of the camera, the child answers, “They kill Muslims.”[/URL]

Notice that Abdullah the Belgian lies to the child - brainwashing him to believe that the reason why the infidels must be killed is because they kill Muslims. This is a lie. That is not the reason they kill infidels. They kill infidels because that is the teaching of Muhammad and the Koran. To confirm this let us now examine what Brother Rachid said these youth are told who are raised in Islam. Brother Rachid is a former Muslim who has converted to Christianity - his father is an Islamic Imam and he was raised as a Muslim to hate Christians and Jews. Listen to this and learn the truth as to the real reason Muslims are killing the "infidels"... :


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