Is US Weak?

Lately, Russia have been testing the waters with the US world dominance, in multiple different occasions.

Would Russian attempts to show weakness in US policies pay of?

Could it cause US to lose some key influence around the globe, to Russia?

What would appropriate answer be to such attempts?

Can US maintain her position in the world with the way she is currently handling the situation?

Is US weak?

No. The US is stupid because it is lead by neocons and warmongering fools.

If we continue this policy of confrontation with Russia, we just might get WWIII...if Hillary gets elected, it will be much more likely.

What is a policy that puts US in a confrontation with Russia?

What is annoying Russia so they are trying to retaliate and balance power?

Those questions clearly indicate you are not informed. this column from Pat Buchanan. Hopefully it will enlighten you.

Is Russia Right To Resent the US? - LewRockwell

I read the article.

And my question to you is; why Georgia and Ukraine?

Out of all those countries in soviets old backyard sliding to the western democracy, rather than Putin dictatorship, why Putin is so troubled with these 2 out of all, he is playing his escalation card.

What these 2 countries mean to Russia, that none of the others meant before?

Lately, Russia have been testing the waters with the US world dominance, in multiple different occasions.

Would Russian attempts to show weakness in US policies pay of?

Could it cause US to lose some key influence around the globe, to Russia?

What would appropriate answer be to such attempts?

Can US maintain her position in the world with the way she is currently handling the situation?

Is US weak?

No. The US is stupid because it is lead by neocons and warmongering fools.

If we continue this policy of confrontation with Russia, we just might get WWIII...if Hillary gets elected, it will be much more likely.

What is a policy that puts US in a confrontation with Russia?

What is annoying Russia so they are trying to retaliate and balance power?

Those questions clearly indicate you are not informed. this column from Pat Buchanan. Hopefully it will enlighten you.

Is Russia Right To Resent the US? - LewRockwell

I read the article.

And my question to you is; why Georgia and Ukraine?

Out of all those countries in soviets old backyard sliding to the western democracy, rather than Putin dictatorship, why Putin is so troubled with these 2 out of all, he is playing his escalation card.

What these 2 countries mean to Russia, that none of the others meant before?

I do not accept your analysis.

NATO and the US military are the one's escalating. Russia has not surrounded the USA. Nato and the US have surrounded Russia and this is after the US gov promised not to expand NATO to Russia's borders.

NATO and the US military are performing war games on Russia's borders. They have sent more and more troops into the former USSR republics. They instigated a coup in Ukraine thus overthrowing the elected government, which caused Crimea to return to Russia. The shooting down of a civilian jetliner was blamed on Russia, but as yet no proof is provided. Obama imposed economic sanctions on Russia. The USA and Saudis have conspired to lower oil prices to harm Russia's economy.....and there is much more. All these things are provocations and when Russia responds to these provocations, they are condemned by our government and media. Sadly many Americans are entirely uninformed or propagandized.
US military leadership - which starts in the White House is pathetic. They can't even take out the 9th world ISIS military.
Our Military are phucking bad asses... led by the White House. Remember when we got Bin Laden and decimated the Taliban?
US military leadership - which starts in the White House is pathetic. They can't even take out the 9th world ISIS military.
Our Military are phucking bad asses... led by the White House. Remember when we got Bin Laden and decimated the Taliban?
Yeah, Islamic terrorism is a thing of the past.
Praise be Imam Obama.
US military leadership - which starts in the White House is pathetic. They can't even take out the 9th world ISIS military.
Our Military are phucking bad asses... led by the White House. Remember when we got Bin Laden and decimated the Taliban?
Yeah, Islamic terrorism is a thing of the past.
Praise be Imam Obama.
Islamic terrorism isn't somebody you can just shoot and kill. It will always be a threat... Do you somehow think we can magically make all violent jihadists sing Kumbaya?
US military leadership - which starts in the White House is pathetic. They can't even take out the 9th world ISIS military.
Our Military are phucking bad asses... led by the White House. Remember when we got Bin Laden and decimated the Taliban?
Yeah, Islamic terrorism is a thing of the past.
Praise be Imam Obama.
Islamic terrorism isn't somebody you can just shoot and kill. It will always be a threat... Do you somehow think we can magically make all violent jihadists sing Kumbaya?
File that under ISIS has functioning oil fields, sea ports, electricity and even internet service that Obama refuses to touch.
US military leadership - which starts in the White House is pathetic. They can't even take out the 9th world ISIS military.
Our Military are phucking bad asses... led by the White House. Remember when we got Bin Laden and decimated the Taliban?
Yeah, Islamic terrorism is a thing of the past.
Praise be Imam Obama.
Islamic terrorism isn't somebody you can just shoot and kill. It will always be a threat... Do you somehow think we can magically make all violent jihadists sing Kumbaya?
File that under ISIS has functioning oil fields, sea ports, electricity and even internet service that Obama refuses to touch.
Recheck your facts. We have brave solders over there as we speak sacrificing their lives:
U.S. Navy SEAL Is Killed In ISIS Attack In Northern Iraq

It's easy to be an asshole neigh sayer from your couch... but its a different story when your decisions mean life or death. How about a little damn respect ya dick.
US military leadership - which starts in the White House is pathetic. They can't even take out the 9th world ISIS military.
Our Military are phucking bad asses... led by the White House. Remember when we got Bin Laden and decimated the Taliban?
Yeah, Islamic terrorism is a thing of the past.
Praise be Imam Obama.
Islamic terrorism isn't somebody you can just shoot and kill. It will always be a threat... Do you somehow think we can magically make all violent jihadists sing Kumbaya?
File that under ISIS has functioning oil fields, sea ports, electricity and even internet service that Obama refuses to touch.
Recheck your facts. We have brave solders over there as we speak sacrificing their lives:
U.S. Navy SEAL Is Killed In ISIS Attack In Northern Iraq

It's easy to be an asshole neigh sayer from your couch... but its a different story when your decisions mean life or death. How about a little damn respect ya dick.
What does Obama sending troops back to Iraq have to with ISIS having functioning oil fields, electricity, sea ports even Internet service?
Rule 1 in a war is remove command and control first, then infrastructure.

Obama has no intention of defeating what he created.
Our Military are phucking bad asses... led by the White House. Remember when we got Bin Laden and decimated the Taliban?
Yeah, Islamic terrorism is a thing of the past.
Praise be Imam Obama.
Islamic terrorism isn't somebody you can just shoot and kill. It will always be a threat... Do you somehow think we can magically make all violent jihadists sing Kumbaya?
File that under ISIS has functioning oil fields, sea ports, electricity and even internet service that Obama refuses to touch.
Recheck your facts. We have brave solders over there as we speak sacrificing their lives:
U.S. Navy SEAL Is Killed In ISIS Attack In Northern Iraq

It's easy to be an asshole neigh sayer from your couch... but its a different story when your decisions mean life or death. How about a little damn respect ya dick.
What does Obama sending troops back to Iraq have to with ISIS having functioning oil fields, electricity, sea ports even Internet service?
Rule 1 in a war is remove command and control first, then infrastructure.

Obama has no intention of defeating what he created.
Have a little humility... my link is showing you that people are dying trying to fight for your freedom... You want one for your ignorant oil fields comment? Here you go... do a little research before you rant and also know that most of our military operations are classified and not easily accessible via Google. There is a lot of blood sweat and tears out there fighting for your freedom while you bitch and moan in front of your computer...

The U.S. had been conducting limited airstrikes against the terrorist group’s oil infrastructure for more than a year, but significantly stepped up the intensity of its attacks when it launched “Operation Tidal Wave II” on Oct. 21.

Trump on Bombing ISIS Oil Fields
Yeah, Islamic terrorism is a thing of the past.
Praise be Imam Obama.
Islamic terrorism isn't somebody you can just shoot and kill. It will always be a threat... Do you somehow think we can magically make all violent jihadists sing Kumbaya?
File that under ISIS has functioning oil fields, sea ports, electricity and even internet service that Obama refuses to touch.
Recheck your facts. We have brave solders over there as we speak sacrificing their lives:
U.S. Navy SEAL Is Killed In ISIS Attack In Northern Iraq

It's easy to be an asshole neigh sayer from your couch... but its a different story when your decisions mean life or death. How about a little damn respect ya dick.
What does Obama sending troops back to Iraq have to with ISIS having functioning oil fields, electricity, sea ports even Internet service?
Rule 1 in a war is remove command and control first, then infrastructure.

Obama has no intention of defeating what he created.
Have a little humility... my link is showing you that people are dying trying to fight for your freedom... You want one for your ignorant oil fields comment? Here you go... do a little research before you rant and also know that most of our military operations are classified and not easily accessible via Google. There is a lot of blood sweat and tears out there fighting for your freedom while you bitch and moan in front of your computer...

The U.S. had been conducting limited airstrikes against the terrorist group’s oil infrastructure for more than a year, but significantly stepped up the intensity of its attacks when it launched “Operation Tidal Wave II” on Oct. 21.

Trump on Bombing ISIS Oil Fields
Sending a few soldiers to die is more like murder if you have no intention of winning.

Tell me, where is ISIS obtaining it's income and ammo from and why have those sources not been eliminated?
Answer: Obama has no intention of winning.
Islamic terrorism isn't somebody you can just shoot and kill. It will always be a threat... Do you somehow think we can magically make all violent jihadists sing Kumbaya?
File that under ISIS has functioning oil fields, sea ports, electricity and even internet service that Obama refuses to touch.
Recheck your facts. We have brave solders over there as we speak sacrificing their lives:
U.S. Navy SEAL Is Killed In ISIS Attack In Northern Iraq

It's easy to be an asshole neigh sayer from your couch... but its a different story when your decisions mean life or death. How about a little damn respect ya dick.
What does Obama sending troops back to Iraq have to with ISIS having functioning oil fields, electricity, sea ports even Internet service?
Rule 1 in a war is remove command and control first, then infrastructure.

Obama has no intention of defeating what he created.
Have a little humility... my link is showing you that people are dying trying to fight for your freedom... You want one for your ignorant oil fields comment? Here you go... do a little research before you rant and also know that most of our military operations are classified and not easily accessible via Google. There is a lot of blood sweat and tears out there fighting for your freedom while you bitch and moan in front of your computer...

The U.S. had been conducting limited airstrikes against the terrorist group’s oil infrastructure for more than a year, but significantly stepped up the intensity of its attacks when it launched “Operation Tidal Wave II” on Oct. 21.

Trump on Bombing ISIS Oil Fields
Sending a few soldiers to die is more like murder if you have no intention of winning.

Tell me, where is ISIS obtaining it's income and ammo from and why have those sources not been eliminated?
Answer: Obama has no intention of winning.
You're an idiot... no point in arguing with somebody who doesn't know what he's talking about.
File that under ISIS has functioning oil fields, sea ports, electricity and even internet service that Obama refuses to touch.
Recheck your facts. We have brave solders over there as we speak sacrificing their lives:
U.S. Navy SEAL Is Killed In ISIS Attack In Northern Iraq

It's easy to be an asshole neigh sayer from your couch... but its a different story when your decisions mean life or death. How about a little damn respect ya dick.
What does Obama sending troops back to Iraq have to with ISIS having functioning oil fields, electricity, sea ports even Internet service?
Rule 1 in a war is remove command and control first, then infrastructure.

Obama has no intention of defeating what he created.
Have a little humility... my link is showing you that people are dying trying to fight for your freedom... You want one for your ignorant oil fields comment? Here you go... do a little research before you rant and also know that most of our military operations are classified and not easily accessible via Google. There is a lot of blood sweat and tears out there fighting for your freedom while you bitch and moan in front of your computer...

The U.S. had been conducting limited airstrikes against the terrorist group’s oil infrastructure for more than a year, but significantly stepped up the intensity of its attacks when it launched “Operation Tidal Wave II” on Oct. 21.

Trump on Bombing ISIS Oil Fields
Sending a few soldiers to die is more like murder if you have no intention of winning.

Tell me, where is ISIS obtaining it's income and ammo from and why have those sources not been eliminated?
Answer: Obama has no intention of winning.
You're an idiot... no point in arguing with somebody who doesn't know what he's talking about.
Hilarious. ISIS has been around for over 6 years and still has operating oil fields and has a constant weapons supply and dufus thinks Obama is serious in going after ISIS.
The U.S. had been conducting limited airstrikes against the terrorist group’s oil infrastructure for more than a year,
More than a year what can be accomplished in 12 hours.
Right, he should just hit the "Destroy all the Isis oil fields" button that he has in the oval office and blow them all up... What's wrong with him?
Yeah, oil rigs are always hiding.

Recheck your facts. We have brave solders over there as we speak sacrificing their lives:
U.S. Navy SEAL Is Killed In ISIS Attack In Northern Iraq

It's easy to be an asshole neigh sayer from your couch... but its a different story when your decisions mean life or death. How about a little damn respect ya dick.
What does Obama sending troops back to Iraq have to with ISIS having functioning oil fields, electricity, sea ports even Internet service?
Rule 1 in a war is remove command and control first, then infrastructure.

Obama has no intention of defeating what he created.
Have a little humility... my link is showing you that people are dying trying to fight for your freedom... You want one for your ignorant oil fields comment? Here you go... do a little research before you rant and also know that most of our military operations are classified and not easily accessible via Google. There is a lot of blood sweat and tears out there fighting for your freedom while you bitch and moan in front of your computer...

The U.S. had been conducting limited airstrikes against the terrorist group’s oil infrastructure for more than a year, but significantly stepped up the intensity of its attacks when it launched “Operation Tidal Wave II” on Oct. 21.

Trump on Bombing ISIS Oil Fields
Sending a few soldiers to die is more like murder if you have no intention of winning.

Tell me, where is ISIS obtaining it's income and ammo from and why have those sources not been eliminated?
Answer: Obama has no intention of winning.
You're an idiot... no point in arguing with somebody who doesn't know what he's talking about.
Hilarious. ISIS has been around for over 6 years and still has operating oil fields and has a constant weapons supply and dufus thinks Obama is serious in going after ISIS.
And UberDufus thinks he is in the know... You don't know shit about whats going on and neither do I... I have respect for our leaders and the tremendously tough job they do. I don't pretend like I have all the answers. Perhaps things aren't as easy as you think they are.... You are just an intern in the mail room complaining about how the CEO is running the company... not sure why I even care about what you say...

Lately, Russia have been testing the waters with the US world dominance, in multiple different occasions.

Would Russian attempts to show weakness in US policies pay of?

Could it cause US to lose some key influence around the globe, to Russia?

What would appropriate answer be to such attempts?

Can US maintain her position in the world with the way she is currently handling the situation?

Is US weak?

No. The US is stupid because it is lead by neocons and warmongering fools.

If we continue this policy of confrontation with Russia, we just might get WWIII...if Hillary gets elected, it will be much more likely.

What is a policy that puts US in a confrontation with Russia?

What is annoying Russia so they are trying to retaliate and balance power?

Those questions clearly indicate you are not informed. this column from Pat Buchanan. Hopefully it will enlighten you.

Is Russia Right To Resent the US? - LewRockwell

I read the article.

And my question to you is; why Georgia and Ukraine?

Out of all those countries in soviets old backyard sliding to the western democracy, rather than Putin dictatorship, why Putin is so troubled with these 2 out of all, he is playing his escalation card.

What these 2 countries mean to Russia, that none of the others meant before?

I do not accept your analysis.

NATO and the US military are the one's escalating. Russia has not surrounded the USA. Nato and the US have surrounded Russia and this is after the US gov promised not to expand NATO to Russia's borders.

NATO and the US military are performing war games on Russia's borders. They have sent more and more troops into the former USSR republics. They instigated a coup in Ukraine thus overthrowing the elected government, which caused Crimea to return to Russia. The shooting down of a civilian jetliner was blamed on Russia, but as yet no proof is provided. Obama imposed economic sanctions on Russia. The USA and Saudis have conspired to lower oil prices to harm Russia's economy.....and there is much more. All these things are provocations and when Russia responds to these provocations, they are condemned by our government and media. Sadly many Americans are entirely uninformed or propagandized.

So; why Russia annexed only Crimea? Why not Donetsk? Donetsk is less Russian compared to Crimea?

Of course not;

Russia is a run by oligarchs
I really doubt they had any concerns with the US expanding influence
Up until of course; they have seen this map


This is the map Russian oligarchs and Putin are terrified of.
A pipeline delivering Turkman gas to europe, bypassing Russia completely.

This means; Russia is no more as we know it...
This is why Russia is retaliating now
This is why Russia just said nothing up until the US influence hit Ukraine and Georgia
This is why they have annexed Crimea and didnt really care for the rest
This is why they are playing war games in Georgia
And this is why they are in Syria now...
The United States military is demonstratively weaker at this point than it has been for some time, thanks to Barry. Course, the Republicans in Congress are as much to blame for failing to put a stop to it. For example, a wing of F-16's to be rotated into the Persian Gulf from Georgia, had to be held back for an extra month. Out of 60 aircraft, at the time of their notification for rotation, only four of the aircraft were flyable. Spare parts did not exist in the supply chain to fix the others. At the time of their notification, pilots were down to only 4 hours of flying time, per month. How did they fix it? They cannibalized two wings of their needed parts, one from New Mexico and the other from California.

The previous three Secretaries of Defense; Hagel, Panneta and Gates have all gone on record saying that the number one reason for their departure was the incredible over reach of the Obama administration into the military and the dismantling of the American military. Gates remarked that it was incredible how lowly White House aides would call theater commanders and demand that they provide them information and then gave them orders out of the chain of command. Shades of gross mismanagement. Panneta told his theater commanders that if they got a call from a White House aide that they were to tell them to "kiss their ass" and then call Panneta directly. All three advised that it continuously happened and never ceased. Ash Carter, when asked if it was still happening, joked that "I'll take the 5th." What a way to run a military.

As for the United States Army, out of 16 combat brigades, the Pentagon has reported that 11 of them are 100% unable to fulfill any deployment requirements. Two of the others are at 50% and the remaining three receive the lion share of the available supplies and as a result are rotated in and out of theater more than should be. The United States Navy is down to around 275 active duty ships, and the United States Marine Corps may have one expeditionary force available at a time. Two is absolute fantasy. The United States Air Force's nuclear forces are in a state of chaos and we just sent 70 year old bombers to the middle east to help fight ISIS.

To tell me that Russia is merely reacting to American and European aggression is absolute fantasy. It wasn't the United States or Europe that provoked Russia's encroachment into Crimea, Georgia and the eastern Ukraine, even though Russia denied it. At the time of the US's stationing of a division's worth of equipment in Norway, Russia had already recommissioned two Naval bases above the arctic circle and had moved ten divisions from the Ural's into their northern territories to sit on the border of Latvia and Estonia. Needless to say, Mother Russia did not react well to Latvia and Estonia's request to join NATO. To say that Russia is merely 'reacting' to US and European aggression is stupidity and gross ignorance. Really, you need to read something besides Dr. Seus' guide to Russian aggression, 'Red eggs and borst.'

The American serviceman will do his duty. He will do more, with less and do it so well that people will think that he has what he needs. But he does not. And that means that if he is called upon to fight, he will die. But he will do so proudly. Less than 1% of the people in this country will serve. They are the heros because they have to fight with the crap that BARRY and YOU give them. Course, you wouldn't.
The United States military is demonstratively weaker at this point than it has been for some time, thanks to Barry. Course, the Republicans in Congress are as much to blame for failing to put a stop to it. For example, a wing of F-16's to be rotated into the Persian Gulf from Georgia, had to be held back for an extra month. Out of 60 aircraft, at the time of their notification for rotation, only four of the aircraft were flyable. Spare parts did not exist in the supply chain to fix the others. At the time of their notification, pilots were down to only 4 hours of flying time, per month. How did they fix it? They cannibalized two wings of their needed parts, one from New Mexico and the other from California.

The previous three Secretaries of Defense; Hagel, Panneta and Gates have all gone on record saying that the number one reason for their departure was the incredible over reach of the Obama administration into the military and the dismantling of the American military. Gates remarked that it was incredible how lowly White House aides would call theater commanders and demand that they provide them information and then gave them orders out of the chain of command. Shades of gross mismanagement. Panneta told his theater commanders that if they got a call from a White House aide that they were to tell them to "kiss their ass" and then call Panneta directly. All three advised that it continuously happened and never ceased. Ash Carter, when asked if it was still happening, joked that "I'll take the 5th." What a way to run a military.

As for the United States Army, out of 16 combat brigades, the Pentagon has reported that 11 of them are 100% unable to fulfill any deployment requirements. Two of the others are at 50% and the remaining three receive the lion share of the available supplies and as a result are rotated in and out of theater more than should be. The United States Navy is down to around 275 active duty ships, and the United States Marine Corps may have one expeditionary force available at a time. Two is absolute fantasy. The United States Air Force's nuclear forces are in a state of chaos and we just sent 70 year old bombers to the middle east to help fight ISIS.

To tell me that Russia is merely reacting to American and European aggression is absolute fantasy. It wasn't the United States or Europe that provoked Russia's encroachment into Crimea, Georgia and the eastern Ukraine, even though Russia denied it. At the time of the US's stationing of a division's worth of equipment in Norway, Russia had already recommissioned two Naval bases above the arctic circle and had moved ten divisions from the Ural's into their northern territories to sit on the border of Latvia and Estonia. Needless to say, Mother Russia did not react well to Latvia and Estonia's request to join NATO. To say that Russia is merely 'reacting' to US and European aggression is stupidity and gross ignorance. Really, you need to read something besides Dr. Seus' guide to Russian aggression, 'Red eggs and borst.'

The American serviceman will do his duty. He will do more, with less and do it so well that people will think that he has what he needs. But he does not. And that means that if he is called upon to fight, he will die. But he will do so proudly. Less than 1% of the people in this country will serve. They are the heros because they have to fight with the crap that BARRY and YOU give them. Course, you wouldn't.
Imagine if you can Russia surrounding the USA with a strong military presence...air power, sea power, and land armies. Imagine if you can Canada and Mexico are Russian allies and they both allow major Russian military personnel and bases on their lands. Even though they had promised not to. They then practice war games along our border. Then they instigate coups throughout central America and the Caribbean. Then Russia imposes economic sanctions on the US and gets many world nations to abide by the sanctions. Then they actively try to harm our economy by colluding with other nations to hurt our ability to export products effectively. Can you imagine how we might respond to all these provocations?

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