Is US Weak?

Non issue. It's just part of Faux News' 24/7 bash Obama agenda. The US is the undisputed Superpower on Earth and will remain so for the next 25 years at least, if not forever.

Your cheer leading for Barry's administration is commendable (for those who do not know the facts), however, I would absolutely LOVE to see the facts and figures that you would trot out to support your generalized comment that the "US is the undisputed Superpower on Earth and will remain so...". As I have said, all three previous Secretaries of Defense have slammed Barry's administration as a complete and utter nightmare for commanders and for supply chains in general. Chuck Hagel didn't stay very long, did he? He has a book out on his experiences, and you would do well to read it. And Leon Panneta, a member of Clinton's inner circle, made reference to the incredible dysfunction and over reaching cuts that occurred.

The mere fact that Barry killed the F-22, shows his lack of comprehension. And of course, Barry's choir took up the chant "We don't need it!", when nothing was farther from the truth. The Chinese J-20 and the Russian Sukhoi PAK FA T-50 are all very capable.

Remember that one of the greatest falicies with military readiness is that we tend to buy material and equipment to fight the last war. Right now, we are geared for small, theater-based insurgencies. Do we have the capability to stand up to large, organized, armoured incursions? No, we are not and you can rest assured that we are NOT the only ones who realize that. That is why I have always called for a minimum of 12 divisions for the US Army. I believe, as do a very large number of analysts, that we MUST be prepared to fight a war on two fronts. We are not.

You would be well served in reading a little more about the subject instead of blindly cheer leading... it's tiresome.

LOL You're scared of everything, we get it. The rest of us aren't.


It would be more effective if you just stuck out your tongue and said, "Na... Na... Na." More effective and on the same level. It's obvious that your knowledge and grasp of defense matters is rudimentary at best. Do you understand the concept of "Forward Defense", who first proposed it, why, and the results of abandoning that principle? Are you and more specifically, Barry's cadre, advocating the abandonment of that concept? I believe that Barry and his idiot advisors, Valerie Jarrett as a prime example, are doing exactly that without understanding the consequences of their actions. More likely though, they just might understand the consequences and just really don't care.

Scared? You're right, I believe that there is evil in this world. Great, unimaginable, dark evil. ISIS, Boko Harum, just to name two, are prime examples of that evil. Your inability and unwillingness to see evil and its potential gives foot holds to dangerous and sick ideologies such as National Socialism and Radical Islam. Bergen-Belsen and Raqqa are your legacies. It was those who screamed at Reagan to remove the Pershings from Europe who did not understand that the very action they screamed would start a nuclear war, drove Gorbachov to the negotiating table. The result? START Treaty and the Pershings were removed along with the SS-20's. The wall in Berlin fell because we were stronger and more determined. Thank God those who mattered ignored those of you who whined about "Can't we all just get along?"

Choir practice for the Barry Chorale is on Wednesdays...
They're like the morons in 1938 singing praises how civilized and United the world is.
One shall know how US military fights;

Then shall know what they are up against;

Then could conclude from there...

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