Is Trump going to lose Michigan and Ohio because of NAFTA?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
On state news CBC; Canada is giddy and they talk about the negotiation, "oh well we might not be able to get anything concrete done until after the Mexican election and then we can do things...oh, we are going to have a tough time completing this until after the Mid Terms" etc etc. As I've said 1000 times, Canada wants to make no concessions and their strategy (I'm sure with reassurances by Obama) has been to delay, delay, and give up nothing major ever.

So, I hear today, that Jared was in the negotiations, he is ardently in support of NAFTA and if Trump followed his world view, Hillary would have won 2016 in a landslide. Jared met with Lighthizer who is dealing with two pariah trade nations in Canada and Mexico, and I just make an assumption, without any information outside of following CBC in particular; that he is there to ensure NAFTA doesn't go away. Even though, without question, Trump could make a far better deal with bilateral leverage, and it would help his support at the ballot box..

Now, I am telling you, Trump not having a wall, and still having NAFTA in place by the midterms, is going to hurt him far more than he realizes, and it worries me. Outside of my personal bias as a Whistleblower against Canada abuses, strictly from a political standpoint, he has to grab this. The Democrats haven't said a peep about NAFTA, because they know, the less they say, the better the chance it will remain and the Democrats will use this against him.

I wish Trump would have went with his gut, he has a great feel for these things, I GUARANTEE, that if he would have said in this first week he was in office, that "I'm giving our six month notice of withdrawal of NAFTA", that either NAFTA would have been successfully negotiated before that period ended, or, the U.S would already have bilateral deals in place.

Notice Canadas key negotiator wording, "unclear when a deal will come". I wish I could tell President Trump, Canada does NOT want this to complete, they want to delay, kick the can and make excuses, while the key sectors who voted for Trump will be told at their doors and in flyers, "Trump didn't keep his word, vote Democrats, we will help you"

Canada has, 500,000 jobs in the auto industry, and we don't even have one single auto company. Why would Canada want to allow American businesses to move back to America when Canada gets this massive subsidy?

Freeland: There's movement on NAFTA, unclear when deal will come

Freeland: There's movement on NAFTA, unclear when deal will come
While I support NAFTA, I have to wonder what in the flying fuck Jared Kushner is doing negotiating anything for this country?
While I support NAFTA, I have to wonder what in the flying fuck Jared Kushner is doing negotiating anything for this country?

If you support NAFTA you should be happy he is there, a year ago he called Trudeau and begged him to call Trump as Trump was going to give the 6 month notice. He basically saved it at that point. Though again, my point would be that if he had let Trump go ahead with the withdrawal, Canada would have been far more motivated.

Canada has 52% less foreign investment in Canada since 2016, yes, that's not a typo. Even more and startling, there is a record number of foreign businesses selling Canadian businesses here. After TPP was signed our economy abruptly retracted that month.

Trump has to realize, he has the cards and if he doesn't play them, the moment will be lost, politically and economically. If he drastically deals with NAFTA, I am praying Canada learns to become more capitalist and embrace individual liberty. We have a record brain drain in Canada to the U.S like never before. Truth be told, if I was able to apply for a U.S citizenship from Canada, I'd be doing so and trying to leave myself.

So, yes, NAFTA can be saved, if it is more fair, but the sides are so far apart, since Canada is interested in dragging it out and pushing Trump out to keep it when the next administration takes office, that there is no way it concludes unless the impetus is dire. Trump needs to play hardball, Canada is a near caste system, they won't respond otherwise unless their government class is threatened via loss of U.S subsidies with NAFTA.
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While I support NAFTA, I have to wonder what in the flying fuck Jared Kushner is doing negotiating anything for this country?

If you support NAFTA you should be happy he is there, a year ago he called Trudeau and begged him to call Trump as Trump was going to give the 6 month notice. He basically saved it at that point. Though again, my point would be that if he had let Trump go ahead with the withdrawal, Canada would have been far more motivated.

Canada has 52% less foreign investment in Canada since 2016, and startling, there is a record number of foreign businesses selling Canadian businesses here. After TPP was signed our economy abruptly retracted that month.

Trump has to realize, he has the cards and if he doesn't play them, the moment will be lost, politically and economically. If he drastically deals with NAFTA, I am praying Canada learns to become more capitalist and embrace individual liberty. We have a record brain drain in Canada to the U.S like never before. Truth be told, if I was able to apply for a U.S citizenship from Canada, I'd be doing so and trying to leave myself.

So, yes, NAFTA can be saved, if it is more fair, but the sides are so far apart, since Canada is interested in dragging it out and pushing Trump out to keep it when the next administration takes office, that there is no way it concludes unless the impetus is dire. Trump needs to play hardball, Canada is a near caste system, they won't respond otherwise unless their government class is threatened via loss of U.S subsidies with NAFTA.
Well I’d prefer that Americans pursue higher opportunities than 3rd world busy work, but apparently conservatives want to bring that all back here at the sacrifice of our tech and r&d supremacy. Oh well :dunno:
On state news CBC; Canada is giddy and they talk about the negotiation, "oh well we might not be able to get anything concrete done until after the Mexican election and then we can do things...oh, we are going to have a tough time completing this until after the Mid Terms" etc etc. As I've said 1000 times, Canada wants to make no concessions and their strategy (I'm sure with reassurances by Obama) has been to delay, delay, and give up nothing major ever.

So, I hear today, that Jared was in the negotiations, he is ardently in support of NAFTA and if Trump followed his world view, Hillary would have won 2016 in a landslide. Jared met with Lighthizer who is dealing with two pariah trade nations in Canada and Mexico, and I just make an assumption, without any information outside of following CBC in particular; that he is there to ensure NAFTA doesn't go away. Even though, without question, Trump could make a far better deal with bilateral leverage, and it would help his support at the ballot box..

Now, I am telling you, Trump not having a wall, and still having NAFTA in place by the midterms, is going to hurt him far more than he realizes, and it worries me. Outside of my personal bias as a Whistleblower against Canada abuses, strictly from a political standpoint, he has to grab this. The Democrats haven't said a peep about NAFTA, because they know, the less they say, the better the chance it will remain and the Democrats will use this against him.

I wish Trump would have went with his gut, he has a great feel for these things, I GUARANTEE, that if he would have said in this first week he was in office, that "I'm giving our six month notice of withdrawal of NAFTA", that either NAFTA would have been successfully negotiated before that period ended, or, the U.S would already have bilateral deals in place.

Notice Canadas key negotiator wording, "unclear when a deal will come". I wish I could tell President Trump, Canada does NOT want this to complete, they want to delay, kick the can and make excuses, while the key sectors who voted for Trump will be told at their doors and in flyers, "Trump didn't keep his word, vote Democrats, we will help you"

Canada has, 500,000 jobs in the auto industry, and we don't even have one single auto company. Why would Canada want to allow American businesses to move back to America when Canada gets this massive subsidy?

Freeland: There's movement on NAFTA, unclear when deal will come

Freeland: There's movement on NAFTA, unclear when deal will come

Trump is all talk and no walk on his opposition to NAFTA . He has already back tracked on his anti TPP position. I hate Trump , but loved his anti "free trade" rhetoric. The Dems and GOP mostly just do whatever they can to shit on workers in the US, lower work standards. Trump's weak kneed response on trade could cost him. I hope it does.

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