Is this the beginning of the end of xotoxi?


Platinum Member
Mar 1, 2009
Is this one of my last posts for a while?

If not forever?

I was awoken about an hour ago by the screams of my 4 year old.

"I'm throwing up!"

I rushed to his aid, only to reach him as vast rivulets of acidic chunder, filled with carrots and noodles erupted from his mouth and nose.

This continued intermittently for the past the cleanup.

Now, my wife is sleeping on the plastic blowup mattress with him (as his mattress is soaked with hurl).

I bid you all a fond farewell, for I envision copious ralphing in my near future.

Is this one of my last posts for a while?

If not forever?

I was awoken about an hour ago by the screams of my 4 year old.

"I'm throwing up!"

I rushed to his aid, only to reach him as vast rivulets of acidic chunder, filled with carrots and noodles erupted from his mouth and nose.

This continued intermittently for the past the cleanup.

Now, my wife is sleeping on the plastic blowup mattress with him (as his mattress is soaked with hurl).

I bid you all a fond farewell, for I envision copious ralphing in my near future.


Ah memories.. enjoy

I recall a night all 4 of my kids were throwing up, my wife was and my mother-in -law was, me I was fine accept for clean-ups, pot changing, sheet changing, diapers.. ah yes fun night...
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take phenagrin or whatever that mal is...shuts you down...of course wife might not appreciate that..i hate to vomit...i would have been a heroin addict except i hate to vomit....

last time i got the "stomach flu" i thought i was gonna throw up my toe nails...good luck
Why is there always a piece of carrot and a pea in it when the last three meals you had were completely devoid of anything approaching a vegetable? Is there a little hidden place in our stomachs that throws out carrots and peas when we vomit?
Is this one of my last posts for a while?

If not forever?

I was awoken about an hour ago by the screams of my 4 year old.

"I'm throwing up!"

I rushed to his aid, only to reach him as vast rivulets of acidic chunder, filled with carrots and noodles erupted from his mouth and nose.

This continued intermittently for the past the cleanup.

Now, my wife is sleeping on the plastic blowup mattress with him (as his mattress is soaked with hurl).

I bid you all a fond farewell, for I envision copious ralphing in my near future.


Poor thing. Hope he's better soon.
When I vomit, I vomit so violently and with such wretching force, that I break blood vessels in and around my eyes. It gives me racoon eyes.

In fact, sometimes I am concerned that if I happened to have an aneurysm or vascular malformation in my brain, that vomiting my result in popping it and I would immediately drop dead.

One can only hope.

take phenagrin or whatever that mal is...shuts you down...of course wife might not appreciate that..i hate to vomit...i would have been a heroin addict except i hate to vomit....

last time i got the "stomach flu" i thought i was gonna throw up my toe nails...good luck

We are going to order up a family round of Zofran today. I'm going to prevent myself from vomiting even if it kills me.
When I vomit, I vomit so violently and with such wretching force, that I break blood vessels in and around my eyes. It gives me racoon eyes.

In fact, sometimes I am concerned that if I happened to have an aneurysm or vascular malformation in my brain, that vomiting my result in popping it and I would immediately drop dead.

One can only hope.

I want you to know that I meant it 100%.
When I vomit, I vomit so violently and with such wretching force, that I break blood vessels in and around my eyes. It gives me racoon eyes.

In fact, sometimes I am concerned that if I happened to have an aneurysm or vascular malformation in my brain, that vomiting my result in popping it and I would immediately drop dead.

One can only hope.

I want you to know that I meant it 100%.

Xeno, sitting on his owner's back...

One Saturday evening my 4 yr old daughter ran into the bathroom and we heard muffled crying sounds. My son who was 7 got there first to see what was goin on and I heard him gag, my wife got there 2nd and she vomitted in the hallway. Good times good times.

Booth, I feel your pain except my kids got me sick most I believe during their elementary school years.

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