Is This LGBTQ Month Making You More Understanding?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

The whole world apparently has turned LGBTQ.....but are they popular?

I don't think so.

I keep seeing kids on the side of the road waving rainbow flags at these parades with a blank look on their faces while they watch men walking down the street with ass-less leather chaps on.

But is this forced LGBTQ month really making everyone more understanding towards Gays?


I don't understand it at all. If guys want to play dress-up, or shove gerbils up each other buts, or whatever else, who really cares? But why do they want to recruit children into their lifestyle? Why do they insist that society praise them?

Recruitment is why Almighty God destroyed the gay communities of Sodom as well as Gomorrrah. He didn't unleash fire and brimstone until the LGBTQ folks decided to try and recruit His holy angels on the scene to investigate the situation.

Nothing less hospitable than trying to F someone in the A against their will.
I don't care either way. What 2 consenting adults do in their bedroom is nobody else's business. It doesn't affect anyone else.
It does when virtue signaling white candle holders want to force feed their agenda down everyone's throat and try and recruit early grade school children to think like they do.
That has an ENORMOUS affect on every single American.
But is this forced LGBTQ month really making everyone more understanding towards Gays?

As a "live and let live" sort of person I do not need to be more understanding towards gays. They are just people like the rest of us. Most of them just want the same things in life that we all want.

Your hatred of them has no true cause
No. It makes less tolerant of what I don't like.

Under normal circumstances I don't give a shit what you like. There are 7.5 billion people in this world and I only care about maybe 10 of them. Whatever you like sexually is between you and the person you're rubbing genetials with, it doesn't involve the general public. So do what you want, just don't shove it in my face because that's a sure fire way to piss me off.

If you want to be gay or a tranny then do it and shut up. Fags and trannies or whatever else all say they want equal treatment but then want to run around acting special and wanting special attention.

If you want to be equal then act like it. No one likes being around that person that's always talking about how great they are.
No. It makes less tolerant of what I don't like.

Under normal circumstances I don't give a shit what you like. There are 7.5 billion people in this world and I only care about maybe 10 of them. Whatever you like sexually is between you and the person you're rubbing genetials with, it doesn't involve the general public. So do what you want, just don't shove it in my face because that's a sure fire way to piss me off.

If you want to be gay or a tranny then do it and shut up. Fags and trannies or whatever else all say they want equal treatment but then want to run around acting special and wanting special attention.

If you want to be equal then act like it. No one likes being around that person that's always talking about how great they are.
I just keep remembering way back when they did the push for same-sex marriage. They swore up and down that they wouldn't eventually lead us into celebrating the trans community.

So basically....they lied.
I just keep remembering way back when they did the push for same-sex marriage. They swore up and down that they wouldn't eventually lead us into celebrating the trans community.

So basically....they lied.

Is there really a connection between the two? I know a number of same sex couples and none of the are trans

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