Is the US going the way of the Roman Empire?

An interesting parallel exists in modern times. Although the US was established less than 250 years ago, it may be going down in an accelerated fashion for many of the same reasons that brought about the collapse of the Roman Empire. Rome itself lasted for over a thousand years but its glory days as an empire began falling apart after about five hundred. Its resources were chronically stretched with a military presence in foreign districts designed to expand power and influence, not for the people of the empire but to ensure the continuation of Rome’s control authority.

Like Rome, America today is under the thumb of tolerated de facto foreign invasions mostly in the form of uncontrolled mass migrations turning its civilized territories into chaotic, lawless idiocracies. The US Deep State, like Rome’s leadership, is densely corrupted with the self-preservation of centrally planned bureaucracies designed to maintain a status quo unable to quickly and adequately respond to threats that can topple law and order, fail to preserve cultural traditions and ensure the peaceful interactions of its citizens.

The sycophantic alliance of America’s liberal press with the Deep State dovetails quite nicely with the laments of Juvenal, a first century Roman satirical poet who complains of “Bread and Circuses”. Roman plebian society was constantly distracted with promises of free food and entertainment for votes to keep established Roman leadership in place. As in the US the people of Rome began to feel they were owed a basic existence that became more extravagant over time.

The fourth Estate in America, Hollywood and much of the entertainment industry have become the right-hand man of the US Deep State. They are the circus aspect of smoke and mirrors in tandem with the Pretorian Guard (FBI, DOJ, NSA, FISA Courts and half of US Congress). When a leader emerged in Rome that resonated with the people this threatened a power shift from the Roman state to rank and file citizens, so assassination was a common regulating agent. Impeachment in the US today is a modern manifestation of assassination to save the state.

People an ocean away in the UK are aware that history repeats itself and they know that Rome died by suicide, not murder; they reject the state to save their country. Americans can save themselves as well because as Yogi Berra said: “It’s déjà vu all over again”. It doesn’t have to be that way.
Fine. Move to England then.
Our country doesn't need people who believe the comic book version of the truth, anyway.
we don't need people who are unwilling to listen to others and categorize their beliefs to "comic book" and telling them to move if they don't like it.

if you and others have the freedom to say how you feel the country should go, others do as well. along the way in all this we've lost the basic sight that we all share the same rights only because we all define and defend them. now we use them against each other in our own righteous indignation (i do this too, not talking only to you) because they don't see things like we do.

we are ALL bad about that and to me, that is the core of why we fight over the strangest of things.
An interesting parallel exists in modern times. Although the US was established less than 250 years ago, it may be going down in an accelerated fashion for many of the same reasons that brought about the collapse of the Roman Empire. Rome itself lasted for over a thousand years but its glory days as an empire began falling apart after about five hundred. Its resources were chronically stretched with a military presence in foreign districts designed to expand power and influence, not for the people of the empire but to ensure the continuation of Rome’s control authority.

Like Rome, America today is under the thumb of tolerated de facto foreign invasions mostly in the form of uncontrolled mass migrations turning its civilized territories into chaotic, lawless idiocracies. The US Deep State, like Rome’s leadership, is densely corrupted with the self-preservation of centrally planned bureaucracies designed to maintain a status quo unable to quickly and adequately respond to threats that can topple law and order, fail to preserve cultural traditions and ensure the peaceful interactions of its citizens.

The sycophantic alliance of America’s liberal press with the Deep State dovetails quite nicely with the laments of Juvenal, a first century Roman satirical poet who complains of “Bread and Circuses”. Roman plebian society was constantly distracted with promises of free food and entertainment for votes to keep established Roman leadership in place. As in the US the people of Rome began to feel they were owed a basic existence that became more extravagant over time.

The fourth Estate in America, Hollywood and much of the entertainment industry have become the right-hand man of the US Deep State. They are the circus aspect of smoke and mirrors in tandem with the Pretorian Guard (FBI, DOJ, NSA, FISA Courts and half of US Congress). When a leader emerged in Rome that resonated with the people this threatened a power shift from the Roman state to rank and file citizens, so assassination was a common regulating agent. Impeachment in the US today is a modern manifestation of assassination to save the state.

People an ocean away in the UK are aware that history repeats itself and they know that Rome died by suicide, not murder; they reject the state to save their country. Americans can save themselves as well because as Yogi Berra said: “It’s déjà vu all over again”. It doesn’t have to be that way.
I've heard some liberal as well as conservative commenters suggest this.
Two things for consideration: 1) The Founders studied History- they determined it was best to put the civilians in charge of the gov't- did Rome have that? Do we? I know we allegedly do, but, do we really?

2) Rome didn't have the Federal Reserve- not that I'm a proponent of it, but is a part (a big part) of the equation-

Add to those, this Country was founded on Liberty as the most important philosophy- was Rome? Did Rome have the readily available history to study we do? Granted very few pay attention to History, ours or ancient, but the ones who do are waking up and finding voice-
Will it help or do any good? History will determine that. Will we live to see it? Probably not. To me, that means its imperative, every person leaves his own views for his descendants to study on- and in the mean time do the best he can to leave his space a little better than he found it- Democrat or Republican is immaterial- neither can determine what is best for something that belongs to another- your space-
The fall of the Roman Empire led to the Dark ages and a catastrophic loss of knowledge for the human race. I don't think Trumpbears' policies will lead to that at all.
An interesting parallel exists in modern times. Although the US was established less than 250 years ago, it may be going down in an accelerated fashion for many of the same reasons that brought about the collapse of the Roman Empire. Rome itself lasted for over a thousand years but its glory days as an empire began falling apart after about five hundred. Its resources were chronically stretched with a military presence in foreign districts designed to expand power and influence, not for the people of the empire but to ensure the continuation of Rome’s control authority.

Like Rome, America today is under the thumb of tolerated de facto foreign invasions mostly in the form of uncontrolled mass migrations turning its civilized territories into chaotic, lawless idiocracies. The US Deep State, like Rome’s leadership, is densely corrupted with the self-preservation of centrally planned bureaucracies designed to maintain a status quo unable to quickly and adequately respond to threats that can topple law and order, fail to preserve cultural traditions and ensure the peaceful interactions of its citizens.

The sycophantic alliance of America’s liberal press with the Deep State dovetails quite nicely with the laments of Juvenal, a first century Roman satirical poet who complains of “Bread and Circuses”. Roman plebian society was constantly distracted with promises of free food and entertainment for votes to keep established Roman leadership in place. As in the US the people of Rome began to feel they were owed a basic existence that became more extravagant over time.

The fourth Estate in America, Hollywood and much of the entertainment industry have become the right-hand man of the US Deep State. They are the circus aspect of smoke and mirrors in tandem with the Pretorian Guard (FBI, DOJ, NSA, FISA Courts and half of US Congress). When a leader emerged in Rome that resonated with the people this threatened a power shift from the Roman state to rank and file citizens, so assassination was a common regulating agent. Impeachment in the US today is a modern manifestation of assassination to save the state.

People an ocean away in the UK are aware that history repeats itself and they know that Rome died by suicide, not murder; they reject the state to save their country. Americans can save themselves as well because as Yogi Berra said: “It’s déjà vu all over again”. It doesn’t have to be that way.
Fine. Move to England then.
Our country doesn't need people who believe the comic book version of the truth, anyway.
Move to The Soviet Union. The American People do not need your divide and conquer strategy, and attempts to destroy us from the inside with your Socialist and Communist Traitors and Seditionists in The DemNazi Party.

i've often wondered this. we're arguing over where people pee and whether or not a statue should be taken down and if a transgender sex offender should be able to read to our kids at school.

these really the important issues we need to be focusing on? of course not. but we're so hellbent on destroying the foundation out from under us in order to "demonize the other side" we're losing it all piece by piece.
They are not important issues. They are how The Soviet Union used to go in to a satellite state, or a target of theirs that they wanted to annex, propagandize the crap out of that state, and make mountains out of molehills, fan flames of division, and then slowly install their people in power, and then swoop in and take over when the time was right. These are the same tactics The Democrat Party has used since the 60s after The Death of JFK who was the LAST Democrat Patriot who ever held office as a Democrat President. This is the same tactics the adopted from The Soviet Union codified in Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals that they are using today in The House of Representatives to attempt for the 4th time since 2016 to impeach and remove The President With.

The Democrat Party are The New Soviets, intentionally dividing America against itself, one petty grievance at a time.
An interesting parallel exists in modern times. Although the US was established less than 250 years ago, it may be going down in an accelerated fashion for many of the same reasons that brought about the collapse of the Roman Empire. Rome itself lasted for over a thousand years but its glory days as an empire began falling apart after about five hundred. Its resources were chronically stretched with a military presence in foreign districts designed to expand power and influence, not for the people of the empire but to ensure the continuation of Rome’s control authority.

Like Rome, America today is under the thumb of tolerated de facto foreign invasions mostly in the form of uncontrolled mass migrations turning its civilized territories into chaotic, lawless idiocracies. The US Deep State, like Rome’s leadership, is densely corrupted with the self-preservation of centrally planned bureaucracies designed to maintain a status quo unable to quickly and adequately respond to threats that can topple law and order, fail to preserve cultural traditions and ensure the peaceful interactions of its citizens.

The sycophantic alliance of America’s liberal press with the Deep State dovetails quite nicely with the laments of Juvenal, a first century Roman satirical poet who complains of “Bread and Circuses”. Roman plebian society was constantly distracted with promises of free food and entertainment for votes to keep established Roman leadership in place. As in the US the people of Rome began to feel they were owed a basic existence that became more extravagant over time.

The fourth Estate in America, Hollywood and much of the entertainment industry have become the right-hand man of the US Deep State. They are the circus aspect of smoke and mirrors in tandem with the Pretorian Guard (FBI, DOJ, NSA, FISA Courts and half of US Congress). When a leader emerged in Rome that resonated with the people this threatened a power shift from the Roman state to rank and file citizens, so assassination was a common regulating agent. Impeachment in the US today is a modern manifestation of assassination to save the state.

People an ocean away in the UK are aware that history repeats itself and they know that Rome died by suicide, not murder; they reject the state to save their country. Americans can save themselves as well because as Yogi Berra said: “It’s déjà vu all over again”. It doesn’t have to be that way.
Fine. Move to England then.
Our country doesn't need people who believe the comic book version of the truth, anyway.
we don't need people who are unwilling to listen to others and categorize their beliefs to "comic book" and telling them to move if they don't like it.

if you and others have the freedom to say how you feel the country should go, others do as well. along the way in all this we've lost the basic sight that we all share the same rights only because we all define and defend them. now we use them against each other in our own righteous indignation (i do this too, not talking only to you) because they don't see things like we do.

we are ALL bad about that and to me, that is the core of why we fight over the strangest of things.
That happy horseshit about the Deep State and the Fourth Estate IS COMIC BOOK! I don't care if Ray thinks it's impolite to say so. He and the rest of the goombas on here need to get their heads out of their asses and smell the coffee.
An interesting parallel exists in modern times. Although the US was established less than 250 years ago, it may be going down in an accelerated fashion for many of the same reasons that brought about the collapse of the Roman Empire. Rome itself lasted for over a thousand years but its glory days as an empire began falling apart after about five hundred. Its resources were chronically stretched with a military presence in foreign districts designed to expand power and influence, not for the people of the empire but to ensure the continuation of Rome’s control authority.

Like Rome, America today is under the thumb of tolerated de facto foreign invasions mostly in the form of uncontrolled mass migrations turning its civilized territories into chaotic, lawless idiocracies. The US Deep State, like Rome’s leadership, is densely corrupted with the self-preservation of centrally planned bureaucracies designed to maintain a status quo unable to quickly and adequately respond to threats that can topple law and order, fail to preserve cultural traditions and ensure the peaceful interactions of its citizens.

The sycophantic alliance of America’s liberal press with the Deep State dovetails quite nicely with the laments of Juvenal, a first century Roman satirical poet who complains of “Bread and Circuses”. Roman plebian society was constantly distracted with promises of free food and entertainment for votes to keep established Roman leadership in place. As in the US the people of Rome began to feel they were owed a basic existence that became more extravagant over time.

The fourth Estate in America, Hollywood and much of the entertainment industry have become the right-hand man of the US Deep State. They are the circus aspect of smoke and mirrors in tandem with the Pretorian Guard (FBI, DOJ, NSA, FISA Courts and half of US Congress). When a leader emerged in Rome that resonated with the people this threatened a power shift from the Roman state to rank and file citizens, so assassination was a common regulating agent. Impeachment in the US today is a modern manifestation of assassination to save the state.

People an ocean away in the UK are aware that history repeats itself and they know that Rome died by suicide, not murder; they reject the state to save their country. Americans can save themselves as well because as Yogi Berra said: “It’s déjà vu all over again”. It doesn’t have to be that way.
Fine. Move to England then.
Our country doesn't need people who believe the comic book version of the truth, anyway.
we don't need people who are unwilling to listen to others and categorize their beliefs to "comic book" and telling them to move if they don't like it.

if you and others have the freedom to say how you feel the country should go, others do as well. along the way in all this we've lost the basic sight that we all share the same rights only because we all define and defend them. now we use them against each other in our own righteous indignation (i do this too, not talking only to you) because they don't see things like we do.

we are ALL bad about that and to me, that is the core of why we fight over the strangest of things.
That happy horseshit about the Deep State and the Fourth Estate IS COMIC BOOK! I don't care if Ray thinks it's impolite to say so. He and the rest of the goombas on here need to get their heads out of their asses and smell the coffee.
funny. they say the same thing about the left.

now what? we just keep screaming NO YOU at each other?
An interesting parallel exists in modern times. Although the US was established less than 250 years ago, it may be going down in an accelerated fashion for many of the same reasons that brought about the collapse of the Roman Empire. Rome itself lasted for over a thousand years but its glory days as an empire began falling apart after about five hundred. Its resources were chronically stretched with a military presence in foreign districts designed to expand power and influence, not for the people of the empire but to ensure the continuation of Rome’s control authority.

Like Rome, America today is under the thumb of tolerated de facto foreign invasions mostly in the form of uncontrolled mass migrations turning its civilized territories into chaotic, lawless idiocracies. The US Deep State, like Rome’s leadership, is densely corrupted with the self-preservation of centrally planned bureaucracies designed to maintain a status quo unable to quickly and adequately respond to threats that can topple law and order, fail to preserve cultural traditions and ensure the peaceful interactions of its citizens.

The sycophantic alliance of America’s liberal press with the Deep State dovetails quite nicely with the laments of Juvenal, a first century Roman satirical poet who complains of “Bread and Circuses”. Roman plebian society was constantly distracted with promises of free food and entertainment for votes to keep established Roman leadership in place. As in the US the people of Rome began to feel they were owed a basic existence that became more extravagant over time.

The fourth Estate in America, Hollywood and much of the entertainment industry have become the right-hand man of the US Deep State. They are the circus aspect of smoke and mirrors in tandem with the Pretorian Guard (FBI, DOJ, NSA, FISA Courts and half of US Congress). When a leader emerged in Rome that resonated with the people this threatened a power shift from the Roman state to rank and file citizens, so assassination was a common regulating agent. Impeachment in the US today is a modern manifestation of assassination to save the state.

People an ocean away in the UK are aware that history repeats itself and they know that Rome died by suicide, not murder; they reject the state to save their country. Americans can save themselves as well because as Yogi Berra said: “It’s déjà vu all over again”. It doesn’t have to be that way.
Fine. Move to England then.
Our country doesn't need people who believe the comic book version of the truth, anyway.
we don't need people who are unwilling to listen to others and categorize their beliefs to "comic book" and telling them to move if they don't like it.

if you and others have the freedom to say how you feel the country should go, others do as well. along the way in all this we've lost the basic sight that we all share the same rights only because we all define and defend them. now we use them against each other in our own righteous indignation (i do this too, not talking only to you) because they don't see things like we do.

we are ALL bad about that and to me, that is the core of why we fight over the strangest of things.
That happy horseshit about the Deep State and the Fourth Estate IS COMIC BOOK! I don't care if Ray thinks it's impolite to say so. He and the rest of the goombas on here need to get their heads out of their asses and smell the coffee.
funny. they say the same thing about the left.

now what? we just keep screaming NO YOU at each other?

Mee 3 is about due
No we're not.

Gloom and Doom plus Fear and Smear.

It's not gloom and doom. It's just what's happening.

I disagree. Americas two party system is under attack, but that will not lead to the fall of Western civilization, imo.

"de facto foreign invasions mostly in the form of uncontrolled mass migrations turning its civilized territories into chaotic, lawless idiocracies."

"so assassination was a common regulating agent. Impeachment in the US today is a modern manifestation of assassination to save the state."
No we're not.

Gloom and Doom plus Fear and Smear.

It's not gloom and doom. It's just what's happening.

It's just the fate of great nation-states, climbing to greatness upon hobnail boots and descending into mediocrity upon silken slippers, thus has it always been since the inception of the nation-state model.

The fact that some people believe that somehow the United States is "different" and thus it won't happen is both hilarious and pathetic.

""All empires fall, eventually.”
“But why? It’s not for lack of power. In fact, it seems to be the opposite. Their power lulls them into comfort. They become undisciplined. Those who had to earn power are replaced by those who have known nothing else. Who have no comprehension of the need to rise above base desires.
” ― Max Barry, Lexicon
An interesting parallel exists in modern times. Although the US was established less than 250 years ago, it may be going down in an accelerated fashion for many of the same reasons that brought about the collapse of the Roman Empire. Rome itself lasted for over a thousand years but its glory days as an empire began falling apart after about five hundred. Its resources were chronically stretched with a military presence in foreign districts designed to expand power and influence, not for the people of the empire but to ensure the continuation of Rome’s control authority.

Like Rome, America today is under the thumb of tolerated de facto foreign invasions mostly in the form of uncontrolled mass migrations turning its civilized territories into chaotic, lawless idiocracies. The US Deep State, like Rome’s leadership, is densely corrupted with the self-preservation of centrally planned bureaucracies designed to maintain a status quo unable to quickly and adequately respond to threats that can topple law and order, fail to preserve cultural traditions and ensure the peaceful interactions of its citizens.

The sycophantic alliance of America’s liberal press with the Deep State dovetails quite nicely with the laments of Juvenal, a first century Roman satirical poet who complains of “Bread and Circuses”. Roman plebian society was constantly distracted with promises of free food and entertainment for votes to keep established Roman leadership in place. As in the US the people of Rome began to feel they were owed a basic existence that became more extravagant over time.

The fourth Estate in America, Hollywood and much of the entertainment industry have become the right-hand man of the US Deep State. They are the circus aspect of smoke and mirrors in tandem with the Pretorian Guard (FBI, DOJ, NSA, FISA Courts and half of US Congress). When a leader emerged in Rome that resonated with the people this threatened a power shift from the Roman state to rank and file citizens, so assassination was a common regulating agent. Impeachment in the US today is a modern manifestation of assassination to save the state.

People an ocean away in the UK are aware that history repeats itself and they know that Rome died by suicide, not murder; they reject the state to save their country. Americans can save themselves as well because as Yogi Berra said: “It’s déjà vu all over again”. It doesn’t have to be that way.
Fine. Move to England then.
Our country doesn't need people who believe the comic book version of the truth, anyway.
we don't need people who are unwilling to listen to others and categorize their beliefs to "comic book" and telling them to move if they don't like it.

if you and others have the freedom to say how you feel the country should go, others do as well. along the way in all this we've lost the basic sight that we all share the same rights only because we all define and defend them. now we use them against each other in our own righteous indignation (i do this too, not talking only to you) because they don't see things like we do.

we are ALL bad about that and to me, that is the core of why we fight over the strangest of things.
That happy horseshit about the Deep State and the Fourth Estate IS COMIC BOOK! I don't care if Ray thinks it's impolite to say so. He and the rest of the goombas on here need to get their heads out of their asses and smell the coffee.
We are more divided then ever. And the media and the entertainment industry are part of the deep state. The fourth estate is now the fifth column. This may not bother you. But I care not for the safety of any blue city. Screw the coffee, smell the embers of vaporization. And I am not a right wing conservative.
No we're not.

Gloom and Doom plus Fear and Smear.

It's not gloom and doom. It's just what's happening.

I disagree. Americas two party system is under attack, but that will not lead to the fall of Western civilization, imo.

LOL, what "two party system" ? We have a "two party delusion" in this country.

Are you perhaps referring to the illusion foisted upon the masses by our ruling plutocrats that the two major political crime families aren't controlled by the same group of well-connected, well-monied interests and are essentially exactly the same except for the marketing slogans they prefer?

If you believe that continuing to vote for the lesser of two evils is going to somehow magically change things for the better then...

"The definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" -- Albert Einstein
An interesting parallel exists in modern times. Although the US was established less than 250 years ago, it may be going down in an accelerated fashion for many of the same reasons that brought about the collapse of the Roman Empire. Rome itself lasted for over a thousand years but its glory days as an empire began falling apart after about five hundred. Its resources were chronically stretched with a military presence in foreign districts designed to expand power and influence, not for the people of the empire but to ensure the continuation of Rome’s control authority.

Like Rome, America today is under the thumb of tolerated de facto foreign invasions mostly in the form of uncontrolled mass migrations turning its civilized territories into chaotic, lawless idiocracies. The US Deep State, like Rome’s leadership, is densely corrupted with the self-preservation of centrally planned bureaucracies designed to maintain a status quo unable to quickly and adequately respond to threats that can topple law and order, fail to preserve cultural traditions and ensure the peaceful interactions of its citizens.

The sycophantic alliance of America’s liberal press with the Deep State dovetails quite nicely with the laments of Juvenal, a first century Roman satirical poet who complains of “Bread and Circuses”. Roman plebian society was constantly distracted with promises of free food and entertainment for votes to keep established Roman leadership in place. As in the US the people of Rome began to feel they were owed a basic existence that became more extravagant over time.

The fourth Estate in America, Hollywood and much of the entertainment industry have become the right-hand man of the US Deep State. They are the circus aspect of smoke and mirrors in tandem with the Pretorian Guard (FBI, DOJ, NSA, FISA Courts and half of US Congress). When a leader emerged in Rome that resonated with the people this threatened a power shift from the Roman state to rank and file citizens, so assassination was a common regulating agent. Impeachment in the US today is a modern manifestation of assassination to save the state.

People an ocean away in the UK are aware that history repeats itself and they know that Rome died by suicide, not murder; they reject the state to save their country. Americans can save themselves as well because as Yogi Berra said: “It’s déjà vu all over again”. It doesn’t have to be that way.
Fine. Move to England then.
Our country doesn't need people who believe the comic book version of the truth, anyway.
we don't need people who are unwilling to listen to others and categorize their beliefs to "comic book" and telling them to move if they don't like it.

if you and others have the freedom to say how you feel the country should go, others do as well. along the way in all this we've lost the basic sight that we all share the same rights only because we all define and defend them. now we use them against each other in our own righteous indignation (i do this too, not talking only to you) because they don't see things like we do.

we are ALL bad about that and to me, that is the core of why we fight over the strangest of things.
That happy horseshit about the Deep State and the Fourth Estate IS COMIC BOOK! I don't care if Ray thinks it's impolite to say so. He and the rest of the goombas on here need to get their heads out of their asses and smell the coffee.

Our shadow govt hates it when they're exposed.
No we're not.

Gloom and Doom plus Fear and Smear.

It's not gloom and doom. It's just what's happening.

I disagree. Americas two party system is under attack, but that will not lead to the fall of Western civilization, imo.

"de facto foreign invasions mostly in the form of uncontrolled mass migrations turning its civilized territories into chaotic, lawless idiocracies."

"so assassination was a common regulating agent. Impeachment in the US today is a modern manifestation of assassination to save the state."

Our two party system is just one of many symptoms that is leading to our collapse and end.
No we're not.

Gloom and Doom plus Fear and Smear.

It's not gloom and doom. It's just what's happening.

I disagree. Americas two party system is under attack, but that will not lead to the fall of Western civilization, imo.

LOL, what "two party system" ? We have a "two party delusion" in this country.

Are you perhaps referring to the illusion foisted upon the masses by our ruling plutocrats that the two major political crime families aren't controlled by the same group of well-connected, well-monied interests and are essentially exactly the same except for the marketing slogans they prefer?

If you believe that continuing to vote for the lesser of two evils is going to somehow magically change things for the better then...

"The definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" -- Albert Einstein

Yes that very same Illuminati controlled two party system that (wink, wink) spontaneously evolved some two hundred + years ago, acting as a circus to pacify the masses.....

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