Is the U.S. Government Amazon’s, Walmart’s, Microsoft’s, Healthcare providers and Big Pharma’ customer? Is such a thing a threat to Democracy?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Via taxpayer welfare dollars? Is that why all the jumbo corps lean Left and vote Democrat?
What about schools and universities? Is Father Government their best customer?
How about Hollyweird movie production companies?
Follow the money they say...right?
Isn’t this a huge threat to Democracy and capitalism?
Aren’t the takers effectively being bribed / bought off by their best customer….isn’t their best customer, the government that will promise the most welfare paid out to the people?
Hmmm….gee, I wonder why we’re importing needy thirdworlders by the millions?
But I thought the Republican Party was paying off and coddling corporate America?

This doesn’t get talked about often enough….The writing is on the wall, with enough needy beggars voting, eventually the Party that promises the most free shit will be the Party that wins elections…That’s the end of democracy and the final transition to socialism…right?
Via taxpayer welfare dollars? Is that why all the jumbo corps lean Left and vote Democrat?
What about schools and universities? Is Father Government their best customer?
How about Hollyweird movie production companies?
Follow the money they say...right?
Isn’t this a huge threat to Democracy and capitalism?
Aren’t the takers effectively being bribed / bought off by their best customer….isn’t their best customer, the government that will promise the most welfare paid out to the people?
Hmmm….gee, I wonder why we’re importing needy thirdworlders by the millions?
But I thought the Republican Party was paying off and coddling corporate America?

This doesn’t get talked about often enough….The writing is on the wall, with enough needy beggars voting, eventually the Party that promises the most free shit will be the Party that wins elections…That’s the end of democracy and the final transition to socialism…right?
you can get blood pressure, diabetes meds, and many others that are proven and 50 yrs old for usually 25 bucks for a 90 day supply.people don't do that, they fill whatever is given to them
Via taxpayer welfare dollars? Is that why all the jumbo corps lean Left and vote Democrat?
What about schools and universities? Is Father Government their best customer?
How about Hollyweird movie production companies?
Follow the money they say...right?
Isn’t this a huge threat to Democracy and capitalism?
Aren’t the takers effectively being bribed / bought off by their best customer….isn’t their best customer, the government that will promise the most welfare paid out to the people?
Hmmm….gee, I wonder why we’re importing needy thirdworlders by the millions?
But I thought the Republican Party was paying off and coddling corporate America?

This doesn’t get talked about often enough….The writing is on the wall, with enough needy beggars voting, eventually the Party that promises the most free shit will be the Party that wins elections…That’s the end of democracy and the final transition to socialism…right?
Why would they only lean left, do you not understand how companies are individuals?
The only way we became the world's wealthiest nation is by govt. subsidizing companies for innovation, and efficiency and to keep manufacturing in the home country.
The only way we became the world's wealthiest nation is by govt. subsidizing companies for innovation, and efficiency and to keep manufacturing in the home country.
That's true, but we all should get a benefit for it, not just the economy advancing and trickle down type stuff, no? And we could be getting a monetary benefit in someway, if we fund the research, or give a tax benefit to the corp, or whatever it may be, I'm just ignorant On most of it....?
That's true, but we all should get a benefit for it, not just the economy advancing and trickle down type stuff, no? And we could be getting a monetary benefit in someway, if we fund the research, or give a tax benefit to the corp, or whatever it may be, I'm just ignorant of it....?
True but the greedy share not.
Via taxpayer welfare dollars? Is that why all the jumbo corps lean Left and vote Democrat?
What about schools and universities? Is Father Government their best customer?
How about Hollyweird movie production companies?
Follow the money they say...right?
Isn’t this a huge threat to Democracy and capitalism?
Aren’t the takers effectively being bribed / bought off by their best customer….isn’t their best customer, the government that will promise the most welfare paid out to the people?
Hmmm….gee, I wonder why we’re importing needy thirdworlders by the millions?
But I thought the Republican Party was paying off and coddling corporate America?

This doesn’t get talked about often enough….The writing is on the wall, with enough needy beggars voting, eventually the Party that promises the most free shit will be the Party that wins elections…That’s the end of democracy and the final transition to socialism…right?
Dude, you had a topic worthy of actual discussion and then you threw it away to score points with yer conservative buddies.

Via taxpayer welfare dollars? Is that why all the jumbo corps lean Left and vote Democrat?
What about schools and universities? Is Father Government their best customer?
How about Hollyweird movie production companies?
Follow the money they say...right?
Isn’t this a huge threat to Democracy and capitalism?
Aren’t the takers effectively being bribed / bought off by their best customer….isn’t their best customer, the government that will promise the most welfare paid out to the people?
Hmmm….gee, I wonder why we’re importing needy thirdworlders by the millions?
But I thought the Republican Party was paying off and coddling corporate America?

This doesn’t get talked about often enough….The writing is on the wall, with enough needy beggars voting, eventually the Party that promises the most free shit will be the Party that wins elections…That’s the end of democracy and the final transition to socialism…right?
The Marx/Engles method, "Americanized' by Saul Alinsky et al, is to gradually infiltrate all influential American institutions and seats of power with those who see Marxism as superior to the free market, free enterprise, individual initiative. Toward that end they need to be able to control everything including the message the people are allowed to hear.

Since the 1960's they have gradually been taking over and crowding out conservatives in government, media, scientific institutions, education, entertainment, religious organizations, and yes, big business toward the goal of breaking the backs of small business, mom and pop operations. Massive programs like Obamacare did little or nothing to improve healthcare in the USA, in fact made many things worse, but the rules and regulations for small business were particularly onerous giving large corporations a huge advantage.

The goal of course is to strip citizens of every scrap of private ownership, right to work for oneself, right to speak one's mind, right to do anything the government does not allow. And once the people are used to that concept, the government can theoretically then dissolve and the people will naturally live harmoniously with society functioning "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs".

The problem is that the end result is impossible due to basic human nature but it has never been tested as no government having achieved totalitarianism has been willing to voluntarily relinquish that power.

In my opinion we are dangerously approaching a total Marxist takeover of America. The only solution is to educate people while there is still time.
That's true, but we all should get a benefit for it, not just the economy advancing and trickle down type stuff, no? And we could be getting a monetary benefit in someway, if we fund the research, or give a tax benefit to the corp, or whatever it may be, I'm just ignorant On most of it....?

You and I do get tax benefits but businesses get benefits based on how they declare themselves, ie, LLC, corp etc, and local, state subsidies by employing thousands of employees which in turn is spent in those communities. Why do you want a handout? I want nothing from the govt. I did vote against the city buying an NBA stadium both times. My logic was that if you have 5 billion, why can't you buy your own 750 million dollar arena.
You and I do get tax benefits but businesses get benefits based on how they declare themselves, ie, LLC, corp etc, and local, state subsidies by employing thousands of employees which in turn is spent in those communities. Why do you want a handout? I want nothing from the govt. I did vote against the city buying an NBA stadium both times. My logic was that if you have 5 billion, why can't you buy your own 750 million dollar arena.

Agreed. Sports organizations are some of the most affluent and the salaries they pay top athletes are ridiculous. Sure they can afford to build and maintain their own stadiums. I have no problem with local governments giving a tax break or some such to attract such businesses which can significantly boost the prosperity and tax revenue in the area they are built. But for dang sure no local, state or federal government should build or maintain those stadiums.

But it isn't always that easy. Consider the case of Elon Musk, richest man in the world, who spent billions to buy a massive social media platform and the left, including the government, went into apoplectic frenzy and have been trying to make his life miserable ever since. They don't want anything as big as Twitter (now X) controlled by anybody but them.

And they too often view all of big business the same way.

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